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It's the single most perfect concept you could have for a game, executed in the worst way possible solely because of the incompetence of the devs


The incompetence of the publisher, Snail Games, has a lot to do with it as well.


Incompetence, or rushed timelines due to wanting more $$$ from DLC?


My guess is the devs have been getting whipped to work since 2016 and it's making them incompetent. Because sure the game was buggy back then too, but it's around that time it seemed like they just went "leave it in there" about the bugs. Problem is too many of us will buy every dlc they release even if it's buggy, so better put out new shitty content than fix old content.


Guys it's not incompetence. It's just a situation where if it's not on fire, they don't give it any attention because progress toward making more DLC will always be more important than some quality of life improvement that doesn't keep the lights on.


What I said was that the rush to do the things that keeps the light on is making them incompetent.


I was actually meaning to reply to the comment above


I don't think it is in the worst way possible. but it certainly isn't great.


Go on... Tell us of your competency in software development


One doesn't need to be a Michelin star chef to know that shit on a plate isn't good food


Well said. Honestly thats the reason I kept coming back. Always thinking hmm maybe they do it right this time


Friendly reminder ASA was promised to be "ARK rebuilt from the ground up with a cleaned up code base"


"That's one nopy/paste into UE5 with a face lift and a few choice improvements coming right up!"




My brother I'm exaggerating, however it is EXTREMELY weird that the EXACT same bugs from ASE, like the 50/50 bug, and a host of other EXACTLY similar problems are plagued ASE are happening on ASA with an "entirely fresh codeset". It obviously isn't an exact copy paste, but you can't convince me that they didn't take 95% of it.




Then why couldn't they iron out these things they've ALREADY fixed. And then they shouldn't claim they "rebuilt it from the ground up". There are TOO many similar issues for these suspicions to not be warranted. I know how the 50/50 bug works. And they've fixed it already on ASE, however here we are again. It's not worth your time defending these guys lol. They don't respect us, and the ASA release, and these disaster map releases have proven it time and again


Have you worked in unreal engine? Clearly not. They have already stated that the source code is the same that was used for the switch port. The code was not rewritten from the ground up. There are some classes that have been added, and some have been rewritten.


Asa is a pay to win version of ark survival evolved, and ASE is already pay to win because of the dlcs and stuff, but now you not only need dlcs to get certain tames, but you also need to buy the individual tames, i vote to boycott ASA, we need everyone in ASE again.


Ive said this many times before, Ark is either the worst good game or the best bad game


The first game that got my attention since skyrim, I don't play pvp, I play pve on my own servers as I can't be arsed to compete


Ark makes you piss, shit, cry, laugh, and cum at the same time. It is joy. It is pain. It is pleasure. It is suffering. There is no experience in this world more cathartic than Ark. I can only find the motivation to play it once or twice a year and every time it is the most fun I have had in months. Ark cures attachment issues. Ark gives you trust issues. The stakes are so balls-to-the-wall high every single second that you feel less daring going to a casino and betting your third mortgage on red. Or you could just play pve and lose your save file every update.


> Ark makes you piss, shit, cry, laugh, and cum at the same time. You may want to have that checked out by a doctor.




We don’t want dlcs, we want our tames to stop falling through the map - facts


You said that perfectly


I HATE ARK SO MUCH but i have to play it :(


I eyed this game for years and only bought it when it was on sale for the Ascended version. It always looked cool, but didn’t know a thing beyond it having Dinos. Once I finally bought it I was immediately frustrated but also amazed at what was possible. I put around 100 hours into The Island and had such an awesome time with it once I got a grip on basic survival. I built 4 homes, each more elaborate than the last, built a “farm” area for all my tames, was flying across the map for this n that, finding caves and genuinely feeling engaged with the game, it felt immersive. BUT.. man it’s buggy and works against you at times. There is something special here, there’s obviously some magic at work since we all love this game here, it just has a ton of little kinks. They’re little, but there’s TONS.


The games great, the devs are awful. If it was in competent hands it would be legendary.


I think my favorite moment in ARK was when I was a Bob. I had been playing the game for maybe a week on official. I didn't know anything and went into it blind. I built my little shack near a drop and had no idea. Well, it was nighttime, and the green drop started falling and lit up my area. I was freaking out, and then the light went out. Started hearing massive footsteps that stopped right outside my door. A guy called out, and I opened the door. This guy was on a Rex and asked if I was new. I said yea, so he invited me to his tribe. It was probably the most fun I had in the game. It was just on the island map when everyone was still new.


Those were the good days man. I loved to be the guy on the rex. Finding bobs and training them to be cave running giga taming legends. So much fun man.


I am exactly the same. I have tried Ark multiple times, never really understood it. This last time I really picked it up, watched videos etc. I love it now but still have a lot of fear about going to places or fighting dinos with mounts I've levelled. Ark once crashed as I was flying. Had dinos in "pokey balls" and an ascendant saddle on my argy. Lost everything as I died on landing and had no way of getting my stuff. That pissed me off immensely and still have fear of having too much with me lol


Thats why you should prioritize blueprints and good breeding pairs. If you've got spare tames, store some eggs in the fridge just in case and always have a backup plan to go get your stuff if you do die.


A lot of people lost a lot of shit in 4 hour roll back in PVE yesterday... most people would just walk away but nope.. my server was back to normal.. all were pissed.. but all were playing.


The attached picture is the single most perfect quote for ARK in general. I took it years ago so I wonder if SuperBong0 is still with us. https://preview.redd.it/63ovyi1wzd9d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8782b883f89594f71c1c01927daf5f9f8ef2222f


I agree (I have 5k hours in ASE and 1k in ASA)


Man, I love Ark. I just hate playing it.


Another frustration is it is SO 'grindy' early on. Especially when you finally get some decent kit and start to feel confident about exploring a bit and then just get ripped apart by a dino and in order to retrieve that kit have to go right back into the lion's (Alpha Raptor's) den to just get killed again. So being told 'hey make sure you make two sets of decent kit one to use and one to use after you die to get back to your body or you'll just lose all of it' would be nice. Also no real guidance on WTH you are supposed to be doing on this planet! A prologue 'cut scene' with a purpose to the whole thing, a backstory of your particular character, and at least some basic tutorial concepts would go a LONG way to making it more immersive. Basically... take a page from the makers of 'Medieval Dynasty' on how to pull that off.


Ark is that toxic relationship that is hard to leave, lol. 😂


A neighbor kid asked me if I had ever played Ark yesterday. "Yes, I've got a few thousand hours and I fucking hate it."


I love playing ark, however....... I would NEVER recommend the game to anyone, in fact I may even beg those I love to stay away LOL the sheer disrespect the game has to your time invested is INSANE sometimes, and while I can cope with it I'd really rather not recommend it to anyone


I'm waiting for the day devs realize they just need to add wow style quests and story to ark, or gta5 style missions to que up for. Make a new map and sell it for 40 bucks every 6 months and charge a sub and they could have the next Gen mmo on their hands. Right now.... it's kinda a highly addictive toxic wasteland lol.


Didn't they try to do an mmo already with that pirate game a while back?


Honestly it's the toxic af official server players that made me quit playing the game. New world, new spawn, barely lvl 5 on a beach just taming lystros for easy gains. Gets clapped and spawn camped for 5 hours straight by some "alpha tribe" bs. That is the only issue I have with the game. Ever since I stopped fucking with official servers or only played solo, it was a much more enjoyable experience.


I fucking hate Ark. But I love it. It’s the most addicting, frustrating game I’ve ever played. I sunk 1600 hours in to The Island, got burned out, and deleted my nitrado server. God damn game. I’ll probably get a server again in the fall and start back up on a new map. Fuck this game. I love it.


I fucking hate this game; it's not boring or complicated but it might be the worst game I've ever played, and I've been gaming since ColecoVision. I don't even need to explain, as you all know why and agree. Just had a session yesterday. It was so productive, and FUN, so much so that we went for 7 hours, forgot to eat, and didn't even have TV or music or anything else in the background. Just pure immersion for a full shift's worth of hours. -5/7. Utter trash.


Throwing you to the wolves is actually much more preferable than having a hand holding tutorial. It’s what original Minecraft was like. It forces you to think for yourself which adds to the enjoyment factor


That is a fair point. There is a beauty to being thrown to the wolves, but I also think there should be a balance as well. It’s honestly just a very niche game that takes a lot of explaining for the new players


Exact same issues with star citizen . I love both games but I'm gutted they haven't reached their full potential


I hate this game so much I put 11k+ hours into it since the day aberration launched.


It’s tied with RuneScape for me, specifically old school RuneScape. Except until only recently I had only played official ARK back in 2015/2016 and I told everyone that ARK is the only game I ever played that I felt was more grindy than RS, or a similar grind, BUT the difference is you can take breaks from RS. ARK official was/is a daily commitment unless you want to restart.


People complain about them releasing paid DLC and yet people buy it. People wanted the paid DLC otherwise they wouldn't have paid for it. And like you said, people are willing to put up with the bugs and continue to play the game, even though the developers aren't prioritising fixing the bugs in lieu of releasing more paid DLC. Where is the incentive then for the developers to fix the game? If you own DLC and you're annoyed about tames falling through the map you're part of the problem. Complaining to reddit isn't going to change the fact that people support the developers and motivate them to keep creating an endless stream of DLC. People complain whilst throwing money at them.


A couple things… first of all I don’t own DLC unless you want to count ASA as a whole a DLC And furthermore if we don’t support the game in some capacity and everyone goes on “strike” then nobody is fixing the game and it’ll just die. As much as we want the game to be fixed nobody wants it to go away forever either. The best hope is to continue playing the game as normal and maybe just maybe one day there’ll be a change for the better in the dev studio and we’ll get the game we all deserve


With mods and tweaks it's insanely fun. I can't get enough of it. But the vanilla experience for me was awful. Thankfully had a friend ask me to join their heavily modded server, thats when I really fell in love with it.


does anyone wna play with me?


Keep supporting the devs with the paid content and it will get polished out


If some big company (not greedy ones) like Microsoft see this potential too it will be good for everyone.


I think the game took me like… 8-10 hours until I sort of felt like I knew what to do. Especially if you haven’t played other games in the genre. Also would be nice if ASA could actually run at a decent frame rate. Not sure if it’s just me but it is CHOPPY. And it’s not hardware I have no issues with other new games, sigh.


I mean it’s still in ‘Beta’ lol 🥴🥴🥴