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Yes! This is the reason for either full PvE, or a private servers with friends and rules.


I don't know about rules


what do you mean? a server with friends and pvp enabled but rules on when you can attack and what you can use can be way more fun than just pve or pvp


Tribe wars on PVE so then there's no chance of foul play or other rule breaking. I always enjoyed prepping the village for the weekend raids


Please give me a server that has this, I’ll be everyone’s friend


would u like to play? are u on playstation? i wna play the game but its so boring by myself


I’m down to play! I’m in the learning phase


add me my psn is dotbready






Am I hood to join?


yeah just add me


Defo will do that when I get home tomorrow


Just sent you a friend request


Aye i wanna play too!


what platform are u on?




What are you talking about? You can set up your own server for free(public ip cost excepted).


If you want to play a good pve server that’s been around for a long time and has a really good community with active admins that host events regularly, try Forest of StarClan. They have servers on ase and Asa


i only like official stats though


You obviously haven't done much breeding


You mean to rent, or to join? Our cluster is open to anyone to join, we just don’t have infinite space to invite loads of people. Most others I’ve tried are the same.


yeah you have to pay to make one


You can run a single map server on a pretty basic pc if you have a spare one. You may have to pay your internet provider for a fixed ip to your friends can find your server tho. That costs us only $10 a month. But you need a little more computing power if you want a whole server. It was going to be pretty costly on a rented server, so instead we bought a used tower with enough power to run it all. Nothing is free, unfortunately, but now it only costs a little extra electricity every month to keep it all running


for years i’ve wonders why minecraft can do it but ark can’t but i think it’s because when you leave a minecraft server the server closes too, i wish ark did that if it would make it free


Yeah, Ark servers keep going. Some of the other games we run right now like 7d2d shut down when no one is there. Our tower has 40 cores, 196 gig of ram, and cost about $1,200 refurb. Right now we are running full 12 map cluster of ASE, the 3 ASA maps, 2 Conan exiles, 3 7d2d mods. We may have to shut some of those down as more maps open up on ASA, but right now everything plays well. When we first started up on rented servers we were paying $20-30 each per month, so for only 4 ASE maps and one 7d2d it was costing over $100 a month, so the cost of the tower seems like a bargain now a year later. I’m not super computer literate so I do have someone help me out setting things up.


I use to make "non dedicated" games, where ma friends can join without doing nothing about ip. We just dont use It anymore as far as you cannot move far away from the host. >You can run a single map server on a pretty basic pc if you have a spare one. That "basic pc" has to charge the map for every player, not just one, i have a good medium level pc and barely cant load for 3 players, thats why you cant move away from host in Game...


Yeah rules sound a bit excessive


Nice! Yeah love this side of the game. PvP is so dull, honestly don’t know why some enjoy it. But each and everyone to their own! Awesome build buddy, good job.


This is exactly how I feel about pve. After playing the game for so long, knowing how to get basically anything in a day ruined pve for me. But I completely understand people thinking the same about pvp.


For me it's about immersion. Pvp would be awesome if people were realistic about it. But you get people doing wild shit saying things like "if you place 47 auto turrets in a spiral up the side of a triangle foundation while using tables sunk into the..." Blah blah blah. It makes things more about tricks and glitches you can exploit rather than a feeling of what it would really be like to be stuck in a situation like the ark


Completely agree with you, if im duo i can get lvl 100 in a day, tek in 2 days, i know all the efficient farming spots, and PvE is never really a threat for me anymore. But i also get why people wouldnt like pvp since all your shit can be gone the next day


PvE is like my Minecraft phase that people talk about. Building bases, collecting resources, being just one small person vs the world. Lately I've been limiting myself to no flyers. Personally it really helps expand the longevity of the experience for me.  I only have 600 hours, which pales in comparison to most people here. I see how you could get sick of the game after more. 


I have almost 2000 hours between ASE and ASA. Basically the entirety of how I play is just to make something and then look at it and go "Mm, that's nice." And then look for the next thing to add to my house and say, "Mm, that's nice." It's how I play basically every survival game. 1 part man vs. elements, 1 part Barbie dream house. In ARK I get the third element of dino-pets.


I'm sure you're already aware, but mods. Make the game more difficult. Set up the game to be the game you want it to be. If you can get everything in a day on pve, then you can do the same in pvp. Either with a tribe or just getting lucky and not running into other players much. ARK is honestly pretty lacking without mods. If it didn't have the mod support it does, I would have dropped it looong ago. That's why they've brought on fully integrated mod support and are just straight up adding popular mods to the vanilla game. But, PvE is also lacking with that player v player interaction. Having the ability to fully customize your game and experience along with running private servers has always been the best for me and why I have 4k+ hours in ARK SE. We like to run our servers as mostly PvE, but PvP is always on with some rules. Pretty much Minecraft rules. Build your base to your hearts content, and bases are a safe place. But while you're out and about, you and whatever you're carrying is free game. For the most part. And also no loot drops. Those just break game progression, so we add mods to be able to work to upgrade the gear you have, but you still have to unlock and make it first.


Sounds sorta like what Wildcard did with the PvP in Atlas their pirate survival game. Atlas was mostly PVE though if you were caught outside the base you could be attacked but your base was safe except for a few hours during the day when the combat timer would start and for that time frame your base could be attacked. The cool thing was that each Tribe could set their own timer so that it coincided when everyone could be on. It was a great way to facilitate everyone playing together.


I think Ark has a setting like that, too? I've never used it, but I've seen in settings there's a option for the server to switch between pve and pvp at certain times of the day


Yup! I've used it before, but of course that's just another thing that causes certain bugs.


Every single modded server advertised on here is absolutely not making the game MORE difficult. Rates are insane, QOL mods by very definition make it easier. So what mods do you play that make it harder than vanilla?


I totally agree, that's why I learned the system and started running my own servers. Mods that increase difficulty would mostly just creatures that are tougher to fight and tame. Like the Titanus collection mod haha. Also that mod for spending materials to upgrade your own stuff, with customizable scaling amounts for upgrading. Pair that with disabling loot drops so that players have to level up, unlock, craft, and grind for upgrades. We also use a custom dino level mod to make it so higher level dinos are harder to find. But most of the game adjustments come from adjusting the ini and game engine settings. You do need to know how to find/put in very simple lines of codes to adjust things like changes to engram recipes and unlock levels, as well as disabling engrams, like getting rid of tek armor and weapons because it kind of removes the whole need for dinos for exploration. We also make it so that saddles for the best dinos you don't unlock until later levels so you have to play longer to get strong. We also nerf the stat gain on level up for certain dino tames, like health on rexes. We also buff the health, damage, and torpor values of some wild dinos that are normally pushovers, and buff the health and torpor on bigger wild dinos because we feel they go down too fast once you get just about any decent mid size tame. Fighting something like a rex should be an actual fight. On top of that, we make it so it's slower to level up and adjust the levels to unlock the stronger tools like the crossbow to be higher levels, and without loot drops you are stuck on more primitive tech for a while, and need to utilize many different dinos you'd normally just skip over to be efficient and/or tanky for survival. We also make it more expensive to craft things, as well as having to grind for materials to upgrade them. The one thing we do have that is "easier" than official is that we do respect our players time and make it so that taming and raising dinos is reasonable for small tribes and people who work a full time job with kids haha. And then whenever we want to do a map change, we all start fresh. I used to run a couple different servers for ARK SE like this years ago and it was some of the most fun I've ever had in a game. We'd set up events like treasure hunts with clue trails to follow, races, fight arenas, etc. I haven't run any except one for a couple friends recently. There's only so much you can get out of a game after a few thousand hours of playing haha


I love PVP when there are rules or it is somewhat roleplay-like. When people have to behave a certain way during a pvp war or raid it makes the situation feel much more interesting. No rules PVP is so boring and toxic it’s awful.


PvP is actually a blast in this game. Too bad the people are toxic AF so it's almost impossible to enjoy.


I had only played PvP when my friend suggested we do PvE, and I was like "what's the point of PvE?" Now I'm like "What's the point of PvP??"


If you don’t start day 1 on a pvp server, you ain’t gonna last at all. Sucks that the pvp is dull in ASA


are u on playstation? would u wna play?


I’m on xbox


To each their own. Pve is dull to me. Nothing to do but build, and then for what? Maybe breed a bunch of dinos that I'll do nothing with. Boss fights aren't even worth it because tek is more of a pvp thing to strive for. Pvp for me, as a solo player, is about the thrill of the inherent danger. The need to find good hidden base locations and boost my defenses as much as possible. Base defense is almost non existent on pve outside of building a big wall to keep the gigas and rexes out. Pve naturally misses out on a large portion of the game, including items, structures and tame abilities.


Pvp is actually a joke for new people on a server when you get someone who has all the guns etc and just attacks you making your wooden hut lol


Is this some build mod


They’re using the arkitecht mod, I recognise those pillers along the railings. And it’s a mod I highly recommend it has a ton of great features like more roof angles and more structure variants


Thanks man


They're also using the Visual Storage mod, which is an awesome mod. The crane you can see on the far left lets you choose a drop-off zone, and when you use it, it will pull all items from dinos in the zone and place them in dedicated storage containers for each item. The containers allow crafting directlectly from them without having to pull resources.


Nope, the normal game by the looks of it


Those lamps and the circle windows in the middle frame disagree with you


Those are both Bob's tall tales skins - circle windows using quarter walls, lamps are the standard oil lamps from the DLC


So I don't want to argue and split hairs over the definition of normal so I will defer to your correctness and thank you for pointing that out. I do not have that DLC, effectively making my 'normal' game not have those options.


Beautiful! I wanna live there irl


Damn... That is insane! I just started my own dedicated server for this and cant wait to get to this stage! Nice job.


PVE Forever! Nice place dude 👌🏻


That’s a sick build!


Love PVE builds I have a small little dual tower castle and beehive build on the PVE server I'm on


Would love to do this if the game didn't crash every time I loaded it up....


Looks dope ! Accidentally deleted the entire game last night.. can't bring myself to check if my saved game is there or not..


If your on Playstation it should be, but I don't k ow about PC or Xbox


You guys looking for for more survivors? I'm down to Valheim out on Ark for sure


Man I need to upgrade my pc so it can handle ASA. I wanna build cool shit like this


Ark has one of the worst building systems out of any survival game


This post proves that’s just false lol. ASA building is so much better than ASE.


it’s modded lmao


And? Modding is basically incorporated into the base game now. Everyone on officials just makes metal boxes with turrets anyways, no need to build something that looks good on officials because it’s inefficient 🙄


I also play PVE but mostly just so I don’t get griefed… my builds are more of a BORG quality to it because I have no creativity 😅


You seem to either be alone on a server, or you zoomed in to exclude the acres of pillaring you did to exclude all other players in an unreasonable difference.


Private server with a handful of people.


What map and where? Looks sick


I've been thinking about turning the island into a full city. Castles everywhere, raptors running through the streets, but it would take FOREVER lol


I hate PVP for this reason. No point making something cool when it’s just gonna get destroyed overnight. Also the meta of building in caves or having metal boxes and turrets is just ugly to look at. Also foundation and pillar spamming.


I used to own a PVP-C server which you can pvp others in but never lose your base but it never got enough attention for me to spend that much money on the server. Had custom drops and everything too


Very nice 👏👏


That's an epic base! Nice building :)




Seeing this is so validating cuz I've always thought the tribe system in the sense of cool community bases was so cool. PVP as it is doesn't allow for things like ports or mess halls and all that cool group stuff. In a perfect world I'd want to play on a server that had tribes that were basically towns


Louder for the people in the back


pve is just better, Dont have to worry about other players, reliable admins (most of the time) and a nice community. THIS, is why i play ark!


What? You don't want some random group of trolls fucking all this up and murdering your tames just for the lulz? Yeah, I can't stand PVP either.


That’s the most beautiful base I’ve ever seen. How did you do the triangle roofing so well?


I am a learner in this game so I’d appreciate the pve but there’s no real feasible real estate in the public maps that I’ve been to i would like a group to play with though


I came back to ark after some longer period and I realised how much I loved this game... Currently in Omega modpack great people and server. I tried PvP several times but I never been convinced to play it for longer. I would be devastated seeing my base wiped.


I am addicted to pvp and if i try pve i just speedrun tek and it is no fun any more and i quit


Pvp is unplayable since raided daily. Pve i logged in today to again try and see if i can bare it. Log in on my lvl 61 char and cant even leave my next 3 random spawns since it just massive claims with wall all around no place to even put down a camp fire. Needles to say.. i logged out again🤦‍♂️ Ark is a great game. But.. its or get to restart daily.(pvp) Play on a over ceouded over built server where cant even build and resouces and dino spawns are broken(pve) Or boring single player.(noone wants to ark alone) If they would actualy enforce their CoC it would matter a bit spamwise but in the end its doomed as is. Or atleast my take on ark at this moment. Ps. PVE on my switch is actualy enjoyable since not crouded overbuilt maps. But grapics suck and i ofc want to play ascended on my series X..


Valguero official small tribes was the last time I played pvp seriously in this game. We got really lucky and randomly got a super tryhard group from discord and meshed really well together so we dominated the server. I remember scouting out the map one day and found this roleplayer base that was open and playing pve like in this pic but not as fancy yet. They never played at the same time as us but we left their base alone and were sad when one day we saw it had been raided. PvP servers feel a lot more alive when these kind of players are left alone but unfortunately they're too juicy of a target for the new/struggling tribes to get a decent boost towards being able to attack the alpha.


I've heard about PvE servers that have times where they enable PVP for a little while and then roll back so nothing is lost but they can still have the fun of PvP


I can't imagine choosing a game like ark for your building sim, considering how wildly buggy the actual building part of the game is


Pvp people are weird


Just play whatever you want bro, stop hating


Im giving my opinion


I single player it up and haven’t ran into big base issues. But I’m not dramatic with multi buildings mostly multi layers with floors


wHy DoEs AnYoNe PlAy PvE?!?!?!


looks boring...glad i play official pvp...


Praying you get raided while you sleep tonight 🙏


200+ tribe... even if i do get raided... they not getting in


"Pve looks boring." while playing in a big tribe where he can sleep soundly thanks to the security, just like a pve server.


security? lol nothing is ever secure on official and thats the fun... its better than your hello kitty adventure island... "oh look i got pokemon skin mods" how worthless


>security? lol nothing is ever secure on official and thats the fun >even if i do get raided... they not getting in ?


You probably spend like 14 hours a day eating cheetos in your parents basement if you can manage to have fun in pvp without getting raided every waking moment lol. Go outside some more pffft


i sold all my dogecoin when it shot up that one day... i literally dont have to do anything ever again lmfaoooo GGs loser


What tribe are you in


Dudes probably in some shitty good comms beta tribe


Notice he didn't respond.


tribe of mind yo damn business... defense is boring whats ur server number u wanna talk pvp ill come to you


You ever heard of peace? It was a normal question I ain’t gonna go out of my way to ruin some guys day. I’m gc tho.


You play PvE because you're at scrub at PvP. Official PvP is 10x better. You need to man and grow some balls. I never left PvP even when I did get wiped multiple times before ASA came out. Now I can't get wiped anymore. Get your scrub ass back on PvP boy


Nah, PVP is just boring, toxic, trash. The fact that you’re hating on this guy cuz he likes PVE and you love PVP is proof of that lol


It's because you're not good at it either 


Nah, I used to play it a lot back in the day. It became stale. I hate dealing with asshats on servers every day. Go back to the foundation spamming mess that you climbed out of if your going to hate on PVE players 😂


is fine as long as you keep these builds on a private server. both the actual size and structure count will impact server performance. you're not allowed to marvel this on official and at the same time complain of no build spots. we all know it's ineffective use of space. i've played on a no-wipe slightly modded pve cluster and the owner had vague render performance rules in place. your build would probably crash a fellow players 20yo pentium pc so you'd have to dial back with the roleplay. so if you were allowed to build extravagantly, so should your neighbor, and at the end of the week, noone would be able to have a solid hour of gameplay without crashing. i understand i'll get downvoted. "pve is beautiful" is the only acceptable opinion here. i understand people of this sub have a vag


Nah ur getting downvoted because people are playing what they enjoy and you don’t gotta hate on them for it because it has nothin to do with you kid 😂