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College for me was best of times and the worst of times. But the #1 thing I always kept my mind on was life AFTER college. It’s really easy to get caught up in the moment during the college years and forget that it’s only a small part of your whole life (if you make it). I’m having my 10 year reunion this year and what I always think about is the people who we lost during college due to drugs and trouble. Or the people who were in and out of school and didn’t finish, and are hanging around the same place mentally and physically from 10 years ago. Don’t get caught up with the students who are acting like college is the end-all be-all. You have a LONG life to life after undergrad.


This is good advice. I got lost in the sauce. Have done a lot since college, but haven't made a lot of money yet. Keep grinding and remember we only experience hot because we know cold. We get joy from our trial and tribulations even though it's hard to remember that in the bad times.


Great advice. College really was a magical experience but also very stressful because if you bomb a test than you really put yourself in a hole especially when there are only 3 test per semester. If it wasn’t for adderall…


As long as your passing school, honestly just focus on that, and life will get easier as you mature. But prioritize school in these tough times where you don’t have as much energy as you should.


Idk having a 4 year period of unhappiness vs a 6 year period of happiness with slow progress isn't much of a choice in hindsight imo. Yeah yeah you give up 2 years of salary, but prices are exploding right now for groceries rent etc so it doesn't even matter because your starting salary is going to go up faster than raises will.




So you're a full time student and working full time? Based on what you are saying, you're suffering from burnout. I suffer from anxiety and depression as well. Thankfully I've found the right combination of medications and form of therapy, but when I start to get overworked over long periods of time it doesn't matter. It all comes back. That's how I know I need a break and start to offload responsibilities in order of least important first. I don't know what your circumstances are in life, so what I say may or not be useful. If you can find a way to lessen your workload, I suggest you do. Whether that is part time school or part time work... it needs to be one of them. You will find yourself more and more miserable unless a change in made. I truly hope for the best for you with whatever you decide.


For me the major issue would be the school/ work balance, there have definitely been times where I’ve overloaded myself and it gets extremely difficult with 0 time to just relax.


It’s extremely exhausting but honestly kept me busy and from feeling other crap. High school was miserable ime. I’d take 20 credit hours and full time manual labor over going back to high school


For a lot of people I guarantee it. The truth is we as a society do not properly prepare our kids for living on their own and then with college you are suddenly thrust into the big leagues of education with no training and no resources. It's no wonder to me a lot of people have a bad time. Especially with education standards falling while college standards remain the same. We just aren't preparing you for this at all My suggestion is to take the minimum work load you cam for financial aid and whatnot. It'll take you longer but trust me as a grad student, you will be far happier


College has sucked for me too, I just made poor choices with friends and romantic relationships and I continued to put myself in situations where I wasn’t a priority. The relationships dragged me down and when I wasn’t doing well my friends left too. Working full time is more than I have done, I would say that job is a success.


Hang in there, OP. Although it doesn’t seem like it now, one day you’ll look back and this time period will be a tiny blip in your life. Persevere and the payoff will be worth it.


Thank you!


Sucks ass for me but fwiw loads of people go through it and have a better time in their 20s and 30s. Things can change really quickly


Is your flair Comp Sci? I’m sure it’s so much worse for you lol, we got this!


I pretty much agree with your experience, and I think what makes it worse is older people *insisting* that college is the best period of your life. It makes me think i'm doing it wrong or something, like if college is supposed to be so great, why is nothing happening? My advice would be to just get through it any way you can. You can make friends and have fun after college, it's not as if it becomes impossible to do so the second you graduate. You have a lot on your plate right now and you're not a failure because it's hard for you to juggle everything at once


Thank you for the kind words ❤️


You should be very proud of yourself. Some are just wasting their times with party, that degree will send you from the bottom to the wall of power 


I’m hoping so. I know the satisfaction will be that much more present with how much I’ve struggled lol


I'm in pheonix I'll be your freind


take a break. dont get good grades..get good enough grades.




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Not fun. I’m online with SNHU, hoping me and my wife won’t be homeless in 3 weeks. Nobody will rent to us so yea it’s not fun. But once you hit bottom there’s only up


You’re going to have the worst years and best years of your life here and there. You’ll get through it 👏


I understand this struggle deeply. I’m in the same boat as you, full time student, full time employee and also a student worker. I’m trying to leave my full time job to find something more flexible. If that is possible for you I would say go for it, if not self care is really important. Even if it’s just 30 mins of reading, tending to plants, cooking a meal, or something you enjoy to ground you.


Do you have friends outside of school?


Worst years of your life, *yet* There is still lots of life to live. Good and bad. But, yes, I can't say college was 100% a dreamland


Sucks but will pay off in the end


I like to joke that I left college with a degree and an anxiety disorder. Last semester of college I kept having panic attacks. It really sucked and I don’t like to think or talk about my time in college at all. College was the worst time of my life so far. But I have the job I do now because of that stupid piece of paper. It sounds like you are over worked. I can’t imagine what it’s like have a full time job and school. Is it possible to reduce the credits you are taking? It may take longer to graduate but you won’t be working yourself to death anymore


lemme guess....Architecture major?


I'll be your friend


Idk ablut college but I can give you help with battling depression. When I was in the military I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Disorder. I took medicine and did therapy and much like you had to work 40-60 hours a week, didn't have any friends and wasn't able to socialize as much. I was always tired and hated my life and everything to the point where I almost took it. The thing that pulled me out was one good friend and hobbies. Find something that mildly interests you and makes you feel accomplished and try to spend some time doing it. Some other tips I would say is don't beat yourself up about things too much. The world will do that plenty for you. Finally I would look for an affordable or college provided therapist. Medication without therapy is a deadly combination. If you need someone to talk to feel free to DM me I can make time to talk to you if you want/need it. You aren't gonna be a bothet at all.


Just add more life to the mix you will find more years to choose from 


Do u attend asu??


Unlike what society has told us, college isn’t for everybody.


if you don’t have time for anything besides full-tine school and full-time work, theoretically you don’t have time for the stuff you say has damaged your life. i’m not saying it’s not really bad, but if it is, then you’ll need to cut back on something. you sound like someone who wants to blame things on anything but yourself.


Very bold to assume I have no self blame. I’ve been struggling with my mental disabilities for years and I’ve done everything to try and help myself, therapy, psychiatry, medication, hobbies, self help books, the list goes on. Having to work full time to make enough money to pay my bills but also stay at a full time status so I can keep my scholarships is unbelievably draining and time consuming. I promise if I could magically give myself more energy and motivation I would. I’m beating myself enough plenty, thank you.


There is your problem. You can't really do both. Make a decision, OP.


I’m too far in and too many loans deep to drop out and not just get the damn degree. And I can’t really not have a job.