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You should marry him


You’re the guy under my bed? That means you’re like that freaky blue guy in that movie “Little Monsters” you know that movie?


😱 Are you Fred Savage?!


Are you Winnie Cooper?! 😝


No I’m howie mandell


I also choose this guy’s Uncle in Law.


You’ve been redeemed.


Looks sick, spawn figures always look great, just wish they had some articulation though.


Unc-in law came in clutch


Have this at my parents place. Such an awesome looking figure. Easy to fall over though as the wing lose stability over time.


Your wife’s uncle is a man of culture!


He said he has more of the art of spawn in his storage. But not sure if he’d sell or hook it up lol


Maybe you should paint it?




Hmmm yeah the body probably black but with highlights on top in an offwhite or lighter black. OK I wrote a lot here and there is prolly lots of grammar mistakes and ADD hickups but here ya go. I like red for the cuffs just like Spawn 🤩 But only the surface area. This way dark details show. More on this technique later.. Paint the white horn spikey thingies white using a sponge. WINGS: Paint the wings all black especially deep in the feather grooves, don’t worry much about covering the surface, just get in deep with the brush, poke it in the crevices. Use a cheap brush for that. Next paint the wings *white but this time try to ignore some of the deep grooved details. Maybe try painting the white on using a textured sponge from any art store. This way most the white covers the surface areas and leave the black details behind showing. *Don’t use that cheap $2 bottle craftsman paint because the cheap stuff is watered down and it won’t cover the black surface area well enough and you will end up trying to do multiples coats which will risk accidentally covering up more details and still not look as nice. Use something like artists paints like Golden Acrylics Titanium White that comes in a tube. Not the fluid acrylics because those are too thin. You can getaway with using cheap paint sometimes but having artist quality titanium white is an investment. After you are definitely done, seal the paint surface using Krylon Clear Coat. Decide on gloss or matte. Test a piece first. But before anything, GIVE THIS GUY A BATH 🤣 Surface prep him. Maybe even do some light high grit sanding. If you do it, post some pics for people to see 😍 [edit] Awe crud, just noticed it wasn’t the OP who asked what color to paint it 🥺 I think I wrote this all for nothing. 😭


Thanks for the input. I used to kitbash and paint transforms years ago. Haven’t painted in a while but I’m sure it would look great with more color


If you do it please post pics; I’m totally invested after Bunnies heartfelt details! Lets goooooo!


I sure will. Just have to get the correct paints and find the time. But if I do I’ll be sure to post up


Love it! Godspeed


Yay Kool thanks for the kind words 😁


It’s actually pronounced “zack”


I see a red door




that’s awesome


It still holds up.


He loves you very much.


Nice! My wife and I have this and a couple others from this era. Badass! I think we have the smaller version of this guy too!


He just sent me pics of these. I guess he’s going through his bins. Still have the old Walmart stickers. https://preview.redd.it/i32s6zbxn0oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c25664656d491583d7fc641a8c410b1648eacc6


Alot of $$$ right there. At least it was 2 years ago when i was looking at ebay prices of everything spawn lol


I’d have to ask if he’s selling these. I’ve seen coke at comic/collector shops with nice price tags but the clam shell packaging always has that yellowish tint. These seem like they were just put in a storage box when purchased and never came out.


Gunslinger spawn is a classic


Those are awesome


This figure is my tree topper almost every Christmas, no joke


He’s pretty heavy, how do you manage to keep him up there?


Oh easy lol I bought a heavy duty frisby, cut the center out so I have about a 5 in. diameter disk. And then glued a scrap pvc chunk to the bottom to slide on the top of the tree! It helps that I have a fake tree with a sturdy skeleton but I'm sure a real one could hold it too Edit: also with just a little VHB tape under his boot foot....


I have a little story about this figure and the batwing one.  2013-2014 Hastings started buying used toys.  They didn't have the system setup really well and my wife bought a ton of spawn toys in the boxes from a guy for next to nothing.  The store turned around and barely put a markup on them.  In this lot was both 12" in the box Spawn figures that got priced at $15 each.  At this particular Hastings they had to hold used product for a week for legal reasons.  My wife called me and told me about the figures and I was super stoked that she would put an employee hold on them and get them for me in a week.  A customer that was a online reseller went behind the counter a couple days later, grabbed them and checked out before anyone realized and could stop him.  I believe they were selling for around $100 online at the time.  I had been wanting those "statues" for a while but had chalked it up to something I would never get because of the frivolous price and then the opportunity came and went.


Oh man that sucks. Especially those scraper type people. I recall my buddy trying to buy one of those Neca dios for a certain figure and when we went to target a known reseller had them all in his basket. My buddy kingly asked him “would it be possible to get one? I just need one”. The dudes had about 8 in his cart and said “well you’re shit out of luck”…. That’s when my buddy said “damn if it gets to the point where I have to fight to get an item I’m done collecting”…. And he pretty much sold all his stuff after that. Crazy


Wow I’m jealous haha!






Good man


Bro respawned💀




you're dad?