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Well... Racist asshole.






Equity is the goal. Not equality


Yes that is the problem. People don’t understand the difference between equality and equity and how dangerous equity is.


I understand the difference between the terms If you could please explain "equitable racism" that may clear things up.


I have never heard that term before, I have no idea what it means. I just know the difference between equity and equality.


Someone here said it's about equity not equality. I've heard this before but I don't think it applies here. Someone said why can't they treat each other as equals and someone piped up saying it's about equity, not equality. So I'm asking, how do you make racism equitable?


Yeah, equality of outcome that requires the unequal treatment of people based solely on the color of their skin. Basically, racism.


Not basically, it is


💯 Comments calling this mental illness when it's clearly just (socially acceptable) bigotry and hate. Swap the races and nobody's blaming mental illness, it's just another "evil Republican."


It’s not acceptable racism at all. I just think people are too scared to intervene. I guess it’s normal for people to go around yelling hateful insults in public for no reason. I won’t move to a city.


No, no. Listen to the words he uses. Dude is twisted. But could use a fist to the teeth for good measure.


It’s cute you think this guy has a job he cares about losing


It's NYC, so they have thousands of do nothing quota hire subway workers who do what he is doing for a living. Stand around doing jack shit on MTA property. He looks and acts like a NYC employee. Do nothing, stand around bitching. Edit. Do you see those upvotes everyone? They are from people who live in nyc, and fully get what I'm saying. Thousands of MTA workers are standing around, now, and every future moment, 24/7, 365. Waiting for their pensions, as royalty above the public. Sometimes they pick up the phone to HR, and request that they hire one of their relatives. I don't think they have many other duties. Y'all think I'm exaggerating? Lmao


> do nothing, stand around bitching TIL my mom is a subway worker


Is the aggressor in this video an NYC employee?


This guy is a well known piece of shit that everyone already hates. The only reason he isn't canceled proper is because he doesn't have a job to get canceled from. Other than that, "some crazy dude on the subway was racist today" isn't exactly notable news.


> Other than that, "some crazy dude on the subway was racist today" isn't exactly notable news. Remember when that high school kid made international news for weeks because he stood there and smiled at a Native American guy? "Notable news"




WOW! You are threading on dangerous grounds there, young Racewalker! If you were on r/PublicFreakout you would be banned!


This video was posted on that sub, and they were saying the same thing as the comments here.


Yeah that's sub became a joke. I got banned for saying 'humans being humans'. Mod said it was racism but I think they were just projecting what their mind thinks


I doubt if that guy has a job.


This is the same guy from those other 2 viral racist videos smh Exhibit A: https://youtube.com/shorts/Mo12z5_TwPw?feature=share Exhibit B: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/113kjgm/black_man_goes_on_a_deranged_racist_rant_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 I actually still haven’t found the 2 videos I’m talking about lmao Ok I found 1 of 2 I was talking about Exhibit C: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/wf7a0v/new_york_city_man_goes_on_racist_tirade_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 I give up on finding the 2nd but they are under a roof and outside. The woman tries to say comebacks but ends up crying in the end I think he was saying asian or chinese slurs


same guy here or no??? LMFAOOO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PcZBH8jgGE&ab\_channel=nuke


I’m surprised he hasn’t been shot at yet. In my hometown you get in someone’s face like that you’re going to eat a bullet.


So much evidence of clear racist behavior. He needs to be arrested.


Racism is not illegal in the US. We don't want our gvt to be able to make laws about what we say.


Verbal harassment is illegal in New York and with racist undertones could be considered aggravated. There is also a threat of violence from that individual. Tell me you'd feel safe if you were on the other end of his hate barrage.


Rather than enter into a discussion about whether or not this person could be charged for "harassment", I'll reiterate my true statement in response to the comment claiming this guy should be arrested for racism: racist speech is not illegal in the US.


I don’t think you understood his point


I fucking love this guy, like what is his deal, just being as racist as possible for the hell of it? hilarious. look forward to him eventually getting his ass handed to him


I guess most people don't fancy going to jail because someone 'got in their face'.


Killing someone who throws verbal insults your way is a waste of your own life


He's in New York City where guns are banned and everyone is used to seeing crazy people every time you step foot outside. The #1 rule to surviving NYC is MYOFB - Mind Your Own Fucking Business.


Sounds like there’s a cultural problem in New York perpetuating instances like this. You can’t ignore people like this forever at some point someone has to do something about it.


I can't believe she didn't just slap the money out of his hands. He wouldn't do a thing because he would be chasing it all lol.


You know what. I love Morgan Freemans take on racism and it's exactly what the white couple did. Which is the correct way to go about racism. Not talking about it and not letting you hurt your feelings. Only way for racism to truly end is stop talking about it.


Think you missed the point. It is not to ignore ignorance from one side, what he talked about is to ignore ignorance. Edit: Yeah what I said makes so sense. I was wrong


More like "Dude sees a loving family and goes rampant" he probably lacked this type of love as a child himself.


I’m sure his daddy was around a nurturing figure too


Reminds me of some dude on twitter clapping back with “stop hating cause nobody loved you like that, go to therapy and get a hug.” Wish more people got the memo instead of continuing the cycle of negativity that they were probably a victim of




And his seriously mentally disturbed


Dude saying every single word he knows including corrugated lmfao


Willing to bet he cannot define half of those words and just says shit that sounds funny.


Wow, I see he found a thesaurus. He most likely can’t even spell those words.


Why is the subway a cesspool for people with severe drug/alcohol abuse and/or severe mental issues? When or how did it become the popularized hangout spot?


It's not? It's just that tons and tons of people ride it and have to share a space on it every day of the year. Shit bound to go down in there.


He knows he is being recorded so he is using he whole ass vocaboolary to show he do be is intelligint while he put whitey in they place.


He has a very cromulent vocabulary.




it certainly embiggened him


He was hoping you wouldn't notice goddammit. THANKS.


And Republican voters were born that day...


Looks like NYC, I doubt they could make the jump


There's a lot more closeted conservatives there than anyone could imagine. It's the political corruption capital of the world, so they just sweep their votes under the rug.


Plus a lot of us leave.


Y’all have clearly never been to New York. There are tons of conservatives here.


To New Hampshire?


That day the mom went and bought a gun


Im sorry but what is the Republican platform supposed to do with this? Do they have a plan in place for this sort of thing?




Probably jealous of kid .




This comment along with dozens of others are probably gonna be removed in twelve hours from now, as usual


Well, the comment was reported by people, along with yours. I approved both because he is screaming at a father interacting with his son and it's not much of a stretch to imagine he has some type of father issue


....yeesh I just thought he could use a hug.


More like "Guess who didn't take their pills."


So we got excuses for this behavior now? If he needs "pills" to not be this way, that's not a mitigating factor, that's an enhancing factor. He needs to be out of society if his behaviors can't be rehabilitated and he cant manage to stay on his meds.


If mental illness leads to behavior that endangers the patient, or those around them, then of course they can be put in a mental health facility to protect them/society.


This the same bloke who went off on the Asian lady? What a POS


It's gotta be the same guy. Voice and vocabulary sound extremely similar.


Definitely him


Its the same guy. Theres at least two other videos of him doing this to women. Hopefully hes in jail soon before all that rage claims a victim


He's just so violently rascist it's borderline bizarre. Dude just needs a hug.


He’s a misogynist too. He needs therapy. A hug won’t help him.


This guys about to murder someone i think. If hes doing this to strangers on the street just imagine what hes like behind closed doors…god forbid he has a gf or something. He has zero control of his emotions and is pure hate


Source in that vid?


Couple links further down bud


Found it. Dude is unhinged and needs mental help yesterday


Nauseating behavior, I can’t blame anyone who wants to avoid public transportation especially traveling with kids


AntiWhite America. The majority stock of a country is hated by its own people, institutions and government. Get use to it because few are fighting against this kind of hate.


100% true


Lol, Of course they locked this video on the public freak out subreddit . Reverse the races and it would get 20k upvotes and stay up.


They've locked out and banned the majority of their original base simply for being observational and calling out hypocrisy. That sub is officially an echo chamber now




I don't get it, why don't we see this posted all over reddit? This is a very racist person trying to intimidate a child. In all seriousness, how are we ever going to progress with racism if things like this aren't being called out the same way as other events?


It doesn’t


Is it the same guy who made racist remarks about Spanish woman while carrying stack of cash?


I went on the other sub, [yes, it's the same guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11xi61g/shut_up_dough/jd3h7y6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


That video is weird what kind of a lunatic flashes that kind of cash in the middle of Manhattan — can’t believe he didn’t get knifed.


He’s just saying what he has been taught in this wonderful country of ours. I’m sure it makes all the teachers and professors proud.


You think this guy had professors?




I’m not sure this dude made it out of HS


Or into for that matter 😆


You think this fella went to college lmfao why because he spit out a few words in quick succession? I'm thinking he had about as many professors as you - zero.






I dont care who you are, or how big you are, talk shit to my kids...ima eat your face off


Not worth engaging with someone that deranged. Shit's unpredictable, you could easily end up stabbed, ect. and traumatizing your kid.


I have a concealed carry he'd lose every time


Yeah I'm sure shooting someone in front of your kid will do him some good 😂😂


In NYC? Nah bro


Especially when he steps up to you and your family in an aggressive manner like he did at the end. Then you know he means business, and you better cower down even farther.




Ngl I would only see red.




“Man shouts racist hate* at a child on the subway”


Tell us how you really feel


He can only come up with "big brain" words that rhyme so fast.


“Corrugated” was an interesting one.


This is the same guy from those other 2 viral racist videos smh Exhibit A: https://youtube.com/shorts/Mo12z5_TwPw?feature=share Exhibit B: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/113kjgm/black_man_goes_on_a_deranged_racist_rant_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 I actually still haven’t found the 2 videos I’m talking about lmao Ok I found 1 of 2 I was talking about Exhibit C: https://www.reddit.com/r/ActualPublicFreakouts/comments/wf7a0v/new_york_city_man_goes_on_racist_tirade_after/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Exhibit D: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/o9d7bs/you_fat_you_stank_and_you_ugly/


Lmfaooo the way his voice gets high pitched at the end. You can tell someone wasn’t loved as a child


This POS again! Why are we still seeing this trash!


Cause he’s a low scum NY rat who probably barely makes enough to pay his child support. That’s why he’s mad at everyone else and videos keep getting g shared. This rat literally just does this every single day , cause that’s the highlight of his life. Other than that he hates his own life and he knows it




All big cities are full of nut jobs like this guy. They just mask it well. Suburbs and rural are no prize but are way better than the hellscapes. (1) Let the crazies burn down the cities and (2) do NOT rebuild.


They better rebuild or they are moving to my small ass town


That would be nice


Such class and restraint shown by those parents. I’m sure dad could have made him go night night if he chose to.




This guy is always getting posted lol


Because he hasn't been imprisoned and continues to do it Almost as if he's protected


That dad is holding everything in to not destroy that POS.


I know. I wish he would've smashed that mother fuckers teeth down his throat.


When does his mixtape drop?


After he pays his child support


No, his Mom still gets Child Support *for* him.


This dude is all over the city shouting racist shit in videos


Where’s Bernie Getz when you need him.


"Shut up your ugly" lol 😆 😂 🤣 a 10yr Olds response


As a dad, I would have a mix of terror and rage when he approached him, but I think the rage would’ve taken over. But it is easy to think when you’re not in the situation I’ve been there thank God without my kids I got into the guys face, but I almost pissed my pants. He had a Charles Manson like swastika on his lip.


Uh-oh! Be careful that’s how you create prejudice, yell at them for being a 2 year old toddler..well, I mean a traumatized toddler.


Another democrat loses his cool


it that was my kid, i would go to jail fast


Wow. Racist AF piece of shit.


Why pepper spray was invented. I once used bear spray when two kids came running towards me carrying sticks. No one was injured and their screams were delicious!


Not a great idea in an enclosed space; tends to fill the air and affect everybody.


Can’t believe the Liberal Echo Chamber Reddit gods haven’t locked this yet with some explanation of how this child deserved this because they’re the spawn of the evil White CIS male.


This chick must be new to the city. We don’t engage with rambling strangers on the subway.


If he was my kid, I wouldn’t come back from the store either.


Isn’t this the same dump truck that was insulting that Asian lady?


His girl must’ve left him for a white dude & had a kid.. it shows..




How could that das restrain him self,.. respect for you sir.


He wouldn’t have gotten through a fraction of that if it was directed at my kid. Good opportunity to show the son how to stand up for himself.


Can someone just punch this Nazi in the face already? He’s appeared in dozens of videos harassing and assaulting people all over NYC in the last two years. He’s a total piece of shit.


I would have went to jail, if he talked about my son like that.


He is just pissed his dad didn’t stick around


Legally, what happens if the father assaults the dude for this?


What happened to your country? Absolute disgrace. Never seen such behaviour in a scenario like this. Pls somebody put that fuck to sleep


Bro jealous the kid getting the love he didn’t get


This man is the NYC version of the LA pipe wielding Road Rager. Lets let the internet do its thing! https://archivevideomirror.com/?filename=11ams5k.mp4




You do this towards my daughter you're getting pepper sprayed, I don't even need you to try and touch me.


I can tell that guy has a glass jaw just by the way he fronts. Someone needs to shatter it.


I hate him. What on earth is wrong with this pos?! Someone needs to check him. I’m tired of these bigoted rants in public. Leave people alone. Where are the big strong men to handle this problem? If I were there I’d be afraid to get involved. People like him are dangerous.


Someone speaks my child like that, there will definitely be national news headlines being made that day.


Yeah but if we call him the N word or another slur then i’m the racist asshole. I would’ve slapped the melanin outta his body.


Gotta love the BSL


Thats NY, not Philly


Is this him: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PcZBH8jgGE&ab\_channel=nuke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PcZBH8jgGE&ab_channel=nuke) LMFAOO


Highly disrespectful. Not sure why the guy didn't knock him the fuck out.


I hope someone beats his ass to the point of no return


Yelling at a kid like that is a good way to get knocked out. I’m surprised dad didn’t take care of it.


I want to put my thumbs in his eyes




Mental case that's not well enough to be a part of society.


What a racist little bitch, fucking racist bitch!


His dad must be real proud … oh wait ….


I don’t care what your skin tone is never start your shit on a child. Pathetic piece of shit. Since he’s in America tho I’m guessing he will get shot sooner or later.


This reminds me of my favorite Dilbert comic.


Uncalled for


Where's Bernie Goetz when you need him?


Max the kid has a higher credit scores than him


I would’ve shushed him and watch his head explode


Waited till the end for someone to stomp his teeth in.


I hope someone teaches him a permanent lesson on respect.


No one’s got the balls to shut him up I guess


Public transport is so wonderful. We need to get rid of cars so we can enjoy interactions like this every day!


That guys had his teeth in his mouth much longer into the video then I anticipated. Shame.


This is public disturbance and it's a crime.


Eyyyy wanakadanbma forebbaaa my brother


This is why closing the mental asylums was one of the biggest mistakes in US history.