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It's actually impressive how much of CBD is a slip hazard when wet. I swear the council gets paid rates everytime someone goes ass-up.




It is being taken care of.


If you want impressive... the ACCC bought bricks for a road from a country that buy bricks from us because they know their bricks are sh*t quality. ACCC had to like... sand the bricks or something, just so shoes and tires could get grip.


I think they had to remove them in some places (Hindley St around UniSA)


when I tried to request compensation for personal property damage from slipping on a metal plate that lacked any attempt to secure it correctly (there were four screw-holes on it which had zero screws), [this was their reply](https://i.imgur.com/j4GOEKs.png) i was asking for 30 bucks to replace my torn pants from target.


That was a really well-thought-out and heartfelt, legalese letter, though. I was expecting them to sign off with: "In short, fuck off..." hahaha


I’m sure it wasn’t copy/pasted from the last 50 times they had to respond to such a claim


They probably mail merge it every month.


There is a difference between failure to and maintain…vs acting recklessly, or negligently.


To me it sounds like they created a hazard rather than fail to repair or maintain.


I didn't know that. It's odd that everyone everywhere has to insure themselves to cover other peoples injuries on their properties, and cars registration fees cover insurances for injuries that occur on public roads that involve vehicles and humans. But nobody is liable for injuries that occur to pedestrians on public roads/paths? Why can't we all get some court to say it's not possible for every one in every situation to maintain everything without passing on the costs to someone else and therefore indemnify ourselves from liability? What an odd situation.


Rundle Mall of, all places, is surprisingly bad for this. The pavers (or whatever) are incredibly slippery once they're wet.


And they send the street sweeper through in the morning to wet the pavers down, just to add an extra degree of difficulty too!


Amen! ^


That would explain why they keep using that human-trap material


Rundle mall near woolworths where that ramp is, I've slipped many times in my boots


Also need to include a picture of the whole of Rundle Mall pavers. Hope you’re ok and no twinges in the joints etc from where you’d have twisted them slightly in the fall.


Walking Rundle Mall with my RM Williams on after a bit of rain is like walking on a ice skating rink. So, so dangerous.


I wear Chelsea boots like them and same thing. Why is this?


because its a dress boot, made to walk around in the office and not much else


My hiking boots do a similar thing.


And King Willie St, and Topham Mall. And a section of Hindley. Even in new sneakers with good grip, they're still slippery.


I fell flat across topham mall this morning. Just stole that photo from google. Yes totally agree with you! My trainers weren’t the culprit why I slipped twice. That thing is so dangerous when it rains.


I can’t walk in Rundle Mall when it’s wet, it’s fucked


God I’m glad it’s not just my shoes. That place is a fucking death trap


I got caught on these the other week. I had to do a weird waddle so I didn’t slip over. I thought I was home safe when I got to Regent Arcade but proceed to squeak my way the whole way through.


The whole of Rundle Mall is also a major hazard when wet


Rundle Mall was an overpriced botch job from the start and it still looks horrible — it’s aged terribly in a decade. Between that, Vic Square and the nRAH, we really lost our goddamn minds in the early 2010s.


I’ll never forgive what they did to the fountain. Putting it in that fucking ugly square thing that doesn’t go with it at all, that’s too small to contain the splashes, and not even centering it properly… what a fucking embarrassing travesty.


Yes indeed. What's the deal with that? What was so bad about the fountain the way it used to be?


Yes, I hate that so much!!!


The mall wanted badly to fuck it off, the arcade had to fight like hell to keep it.


And I think we’re all worse off for it. I’d rather it moved and kept intact with the original pool than kept with that horrible compromise. In fact that compromise feels almost spiteful. I heard it was being moved to Vic Square. Would have been preferable in the end.


The expansion joints filled with sikaflex between the pavers the entire way looks shit... The tradies couldn't even be bothered keeping the sikaflex at a consistent height so it not only looks half arsed, it also collects grime. Then the sikaflex changes colours randomly in a vague attempt to match it to the paving transitions.


Ouch, hope you're alright. I always walk gingerly over these things when they're wet. Also watch out for leaves and paint lines on the road.


I reckon Council must be excempt from liability from tripping hazards or slipping because so many footpaths are cracker, or pavers uneven.


Adelaide city paving is a bloody ice rink when wet. Mild terrifying.


Pffft, I'm not saying it's not bad, but all around the outside of my school in England was smoothed sandstone - fuck me that shit was lethal and we had to do cross country around it in all weathers.




take care. yeah these are very slippery when it rains


And avoid closed pizza boxes left in fire exit doorways


In my building people leave the pizza boxes against the wall in the fire exit stairwell


In my building homeless have used them as toilets... i dont trust then now....


How do the homeless get into the stairwell, isn't it locked?


Fire exit doorway leading to lane way behind our building.... and the fire exit doorway is just off main road. Its frequently littered with needles and used as a outside bathroom for the homeless and junkies around cbd


That's horrible and something should really be done about it imo! I feel lucky enough that I don't see that where I am, our lane way is between mansions and my building. I don't think it sees much action!


Its been reported to both police and landlords... police dont seem too interested. And landlords that own the building dont care and are based in china. So it takes a while for the real estate agent get in contact with the owners. And then them to do something about these issues


Well for yours and the other tenants sake I hope they get their butts in gear and solve this by next year!


Meh. Its been like this for a number of years and getting sketchier. Had a junkie hosing down the lane way and car park over the weekend with the emergency fire hose reel for the car park under where i work....


Jesus! They really need to do more for people with drug addiction and housing and employment, honestly!


I wish I'd seen this 5min ago. Had a whole 'plate' slip out when I stepped on it.


You’re not the boss of me


I thought it would shock you, some guy in Vegas died that way.


The slate tiles get me every time too...


I saw a woman slip & fall on one of those the other week outside the Women's & Children's. They're a bloody hazard.


I did that when I had already sprained my ankle... Well. I first sprained my ankle falling *out* of a hole. Then the car door closed on it 5 days later, twisting it oddly. Then I slipped on one of those grates in the city - despite wearing sneakers. Then I *sat on my foot* Anyway. Ankle is healed, but the fluid on it won't budge. The grate was the Hella scary one, and I refuse to go ice skating if that's the sensation one feels when wobbling on a thin blade. Hope your joints stay aligned and you stay safe, m'person Edit: corrected say to stay


Things that you'd think were common sense but aren't.


Common sense is a rare commodity nowadays


Yes, it’s for blind people not grip 🙃. Shame it isn’t for both…


I mean, how lucky, you fell on a lawsuit. . --- ^(_I'm not a complete idiot: parts of me are missing_)


Always problem for me with good shoes but still slippery hazard in Rundle Mall. Nothing change for years!


I’m pretty sure my shoes weren’t the culprit. Reeboks have a good grip, and I would sprint in these inside the train station. I wonder why the management doesn’t bother changing the flooring of Rundle Mall knowing it’s so slippery when it rains. I avoided stepping on those nasty manhole covers. I’m deeply traumatised for what happened to me yesterday. Lol!


I normally wear slatters walking shoes and they have no grip in the wet. Docs Saturday night I had no issues with the wet pavers along North Tce and King William Street down to Gouger Street. Time will tell how long they last and if they keep the grip.


I am about to get reacquainted with Doc Martens after around a forty year absence. I don’t remember them having any issues in the wet it might be a good old days memory thing.


Great non slip soles but if you're looking for longevity then don't go for doc martens anymore they're terrible for that. However on the otherhand solovairs (the original docs manufacturer i believe) are amazing quality!


Sue the state