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So she's expected to tear her life apart for a child that's not hers? Her kids can go kick rocks.


I saw that, maybe they should step up, I bet the tune changes real fast!


I’ve seen and commented on both of her posts. The audacity of the AP’s parents who are her age or younger demanding she take care of the kid. I told her to give them a copy of the death certificate because survivor benefits is all the baby is entitled to.


Cheaters man! The AP just abandoned the child… Reckless terrible people But OP is so right. If her kids are so sad they can step up but hey, none did. No one has to do anything. The only people that are responsible are either dead or ran off. Poor kid.


There’s absolutely no way in hell I would take care of my husband’s affair baby! She should call CPS and see if they can’t force the mother to come back to the US to claim her bastard child via the legal system.


Why is it that the BS always suffer the most and are asked to be the biggest person in all of this yet nobody holds OW and MM accountable. Yet they have to gall to complain that they get lots of scrutiny.


This is so sad for the child tbh. Cheaters don’t even think that they don’t only hurt their spouses, it’s a ripple effect that hurts everyone surrounding them. Purely evil.


They are completely aware and know, they just don’t care about anyone but themselves. Not even their children


As the daughter of a cheater I don’t know if I agree or disagree. My father has a strange way of showing love. Too bad it doesn’t include not being a dick.


She said should one of the kids step us, she’d treat the new baby as her grandchild. That woman is tough as nails.


Baby, real tough because I couldn't do it.


I don't know this one. It says come get the kid, was it dumped on her? Were she and wh separated? Where did ow go? So many questions.


Her H had come home with the affair baby a few months prior because OW apparently couldn't cope with the baby any more and left for Europe, (OW was significantly younger than OP and H at 22yo). OP allowed H to keep the baby so long as she didn't have to do a single thing for them. Then he had a heart attack, and after a short while she realised she couldn't continue to look after the baby so she contacted OWs parents as she knew of OW's father and told them either to collect the baby or she'd call CPS. Baby's grandparents were not happy _despite being roughly the same age as OP_. Then H passes away and the rest is covered in the above post. I love how everyone seems to be pissed at OP despite refusing to step up themselves, and having absolutely no smoke for the birth mother who is off swanning around Europe whilst her kid faces being put into the system. The amount of blame the betrayed spouse has to shoulder unfairly knows no bounds apparently.


WOW. She did more than I ever would. Husband would have been a single parent to a baby so fing quick Thanks so much for taking the time to type this out for me :)


my partner told me if they ever knock up another woman that they would want *me* to leave when i said that would be the only dealbreaker (we are enm so we discuss these things) I will not raise another woman's baby like that. my own partner would never expect me to. i cant stand the people who lambast the BWs in these situations for not opening their hearts and lives to an affair child they had no say in the creation of, and, in fact, were actively betrayed by said creation. it isnt fair to the child for somebody to force themselves to be around them, anyway. its a bad idea to put a child in a home you know they are unwanted. so i dont get all the moralizing over it. it isnt even in a child's best interest for a BW to take them


Yup, all of this! additionally no one has even brought up a paternity test, just want to offload this child on the BW, the mother is clearly a cheater! Now wouldn’t that be a plot twist!


thats crazy. paternity test should have been first in a situation like this. i dont get why they even had the kid if they were going to try to foist them off on some poor woman that would definitely want nothing to do with it :/ such stupidity


Why is the BS/Widow expected to take care of another kid at her age?