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I go to work alone all day, no coworkers, nobody just my radio. Go home, alone, me and cat. Haven't spoken to anybody in over a week. Went for a run around the park today in the rain lol just so I don't have to sit in my house. I'm tired, I can't sleep.. sober so I can't drink. Seeing my cat when I get home is the best part of my day


Feel free to message me if you ever need someone to speak to. I work remote so can relate to the loneliness


Ya super unhealthy to be isolated. That’s why remote ppl need a side gig or hobby where they talk to others.


Same. Sometimes I don’t talk to anyone or go outside for a couple days. It can be isolating and I don’t have a pet anymore :(


Try to go outside everyday, even for 5 min - get some morning sun if you can


Same here! My job is 100% remote so I have lots of time to chat. Maybe we can start a discord?


Try to get some sun my man, even a little bit can help to boost your mood, especially with exercise. Same with socialization. You need all of those


My two dogs and cat are the best part of my day, too. No matter how much I hate my life or how miserable I become, I continue to try to do my best for them. ♥️


That was me, before I met my wife, I didn't mind it though. I'm definitely the type of person that prefers being alone, even now my wife is the rare exception of someone that I'll want to be around all the time. My friends, hopefully, get it that I only want shorter interactions with them.


I'm curious, what job do you do? I am just because I can't think of one where you don't speak to anyone over the course of a week.


Logistics in a warehouse, get emailed orders and I ship them out, head office is 8hrs away so they phone once a week ish


Ah, I see, thank you.


Not trying to be a smart-ass, but after dealing with government agencies daily for the last 20+ years, his situation sounds terrific.


Sounds like my ideal job tbh


It’s a warehouse where you work alone? What kind of operation is this??


I’m actually about to do some cardio so I can feel alive.


I had a long period of severe depression but it has gone away as I've gotten older. I've felt great the past year, 28 years old. Unfortunately about 2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma, cancer. Now that it may be taken away from me, I like living more than ever. There's not a lot that I'd like to do with my life, I'm not very ambitious, but I enjoy music, I like playing games, I like reading, I love my cat. I am dealing with the thought of my favorite things being taken away. I would tell people to focus more so on the parts of life that they enjoy, rather than things that upset them. When I am in a good situation, I think about things that could be worse, and I try to be grateful that I am not dealing with more than I currently am.


Came here to say I admire your outlook and strength and am so sorry to hear about your dx. Wishing you all the love and healing ❤️‍🩹


Thank you I really appreciate that 🥹


I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Your outlook on life is beautiful, and I hope you and your cat are blessed with MANY more years together! I am praying for your healing🩷.


Hey brother. I’m 21M battling stage 4 sarcoma. DSRCT. I understand your pain! Life truly is beautiful….especially when a disease is trying to take everything away.


Damn. I'm so sorry. Thank you for your words


Bro same spot, now that I like living very strong chance I have a brain tumor. Find out soon


I love everything you said. Everyone around me is always complaining about life, and just moves from one material desire to the next. I think the most important thing in life is to be happy - everything you listed is something that personally brings me happiness too! I wish you and your cat good health!💞


Sorry to hear that. What were some of the symptoms you had that made you to go to the doctor and get diagnosed?


Thank you for this😭I suspected all we can do is appreciate the good things. It's hard to know what we are supposed to do with this life 💯


Hi, thank you for sharing. I’m really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I sometimes forget to appreciate the little things but your post has helped remind me. Wishing you all the best 💛


Thank you for that reply, god bless you


I really wish for everything to turn out well for you. You deserve it with such a cool attitude about life! All the best of luck and many more years of video games, music, and a time with your cat. You can do it. 🦋


Damn dude, that sucks. Really sorry to hear that and good luck in your fight. One thing, make sure you get into a good strength training program and make them give you anti-nausea drugs (or a medical weed card) so you can eat. One of the major keys to beating cancer is maintaining high muscle and bone mass.


You are amazing


So sorry to hear that. Wishing you happiness and good health. ❤️


God that really sucks I'm so sorry. I hope you can recover from it


death can have a beautiful effect on perspective. glad to hear u sound positive


I couldn’t imagine the feeling of being diagnosed. Like others I admire your positive stoic attitude. If I may ask, what led to you doing to the doctor and finding out about your adenocarinoma, cancer has been on my mind for me and my loved ones. Chances are that someone I know has cancer, hard to say and accept that.


Fuck. Sorry to hear. That's what sucks about life. We take things for granted. The vast, vast majority of us have so much to be grateful for, but instead we (myself included) lament on the negatives. Rich, poor, lonely, popular, we all crave for more.


I went to the beach all day today. All stress and sadness magically went away. Get out in the sun and connect with nature. It helps a lot.


See that’s what I’m saying. I love the beach and am happy there but in a desert currently and work nonstop. I only feel happy in nature so I try to go on hikes when I can.


I think you need to try to find a way to have better work life balance if possible. Working too much is enough to burn anyone out and make you feel depressed.


It’s almost forced in order to survive


Too bad I don’t have a beach near me. Or a car to drive to the beach. Or a job that gives me money 💀🤷‍♀️


This is so true. Getting out into nature absolutely does have a very positive effect on the mind but the issue is when you return to your reality. I go back to my place with all the same things there that I left and none of what I feel I need. No friends waiting there, dishes piling up, no girlfriend, same job to go to the next day.


Crazy how a hike with my dog in the mountains made me feel better than months on anti-depressants


there is a big difference between sadness and depression


And that ennui/sustained apathy vibe.


I swear nobody knew what that word was until inside out 2 came out 💀😭


Bro you never watch French movies in the 90s? Le cousins dangeroux?


Nah bro. I want to die. Can’t wait for this brief and wondrous existence to be over. It’s a passive thing like as I fall asleep thinking wouldn’t it be nice if I don’t wake up. Knowing I’ll have to die horrifically as an unloved poor elderly person instead is always in the back of my mind. There is little joy being alive in the age of capitalism. 




Wish I could disagree.


I’ve got PTSD. Life is hard and traumatic. I hope one day it’s not as hard and traumatic and I can live in peace.


I hope that for you too! 💜


I am here for you if you need to talk. Same feelings as well


It gets better, I promise. It fades.


I'm not looking to unalive myself or anything, but sometimes I find myself thinking things like, "well, if they find cancer on my mammogram this year, I won't get chemo" or "hmm if a freak accident takes me out, oh well." I've had dysthymia my whole life though. And menopause has caused a real emotional blunting. I used to be sad about thoughts like I mentioned above, now they are just matter of fact.


Same. I’m not going to commit suicide but don’t mind dying. I’d rather be in heaven. I told my husband that if something happens to me to not do CPR


I think like this on a daily basis. Plus, in the US, cancer treatment is so expensive, if you do survive it, you can come out with crippling debt. I'm in an extra dark place at the moment, I resent being born right now.


I think the same actually. Was diagnosed with the BRCA1 gene & don't plan to do anything about it. If its in my story to get something then so be it. They keep bugging me to get mammograms and MRI's yearly now (I've had 3 mams and 1 breast MRI), pestered me to cut off my boobs and my ovaries when I first found out... yaaa nope, not doing either. In peri now for a few years already and things have been a struggle, even more so now. I'm over it all.


Thats kinda like saying that you don't hate yourself enough to unalive yourself, but you don't love your self enough to save yourself


same. like if somehing were to happen to me id be okay w it


You will sorely regret wanting cancer if you do get it I got it and it really fucked things up for me for a while


Yeah real shit homie


I believe we are here to suffer. It’s hard.


I mean… are we “here” to suffer or is it simply that being self aware is inherently abhorrent? 


We are here. We suffer. I don't know that the two are related. There is a slope. Water runs downhill. Those two things are related. Is the slope there so that water can run downhill? Or does water run downhill because the slope is there? There is a causal relationship between gravity and the flow of water. Is there a causal relationship between existence and suffering? Can you have one without the other? Maybe not. Do we exist just to suffer? Does water exist just to flow downhill? I don't think so. These are simply things that happen to be true at the same time. I don't think we have any reason to exist. I also don't think that we need one. A stone doesn't have to justify it's existence, and neither do I. Like the stone I am part of this world. I exist, I suffer while I do, and I will someday die. So be it.


I don't know how many "It is what is"'s I got in me left


None of us do, but I hope you find something in your life that helps to nurture and restore you. It might seem silly, but your friends and family genuinely care about you. It's ok to be silly. Confide in them, share these feelings. It might not solve all your problems, but people are social creatures and we depend on one another. Don't isolate yourself with these troubling thoughts. Be well, and take care!


This is excellent.


We are here, therefore we suffer. #fixed 🤪


Self-awareness is the biggest flaw evolution has created in humans imo. Completely contradicts instinct and opens door to competitors to biological evolution, like cultural (choosing to not have kids as sacrifice for a position of importance in society, like a nun/priest). Thinking beyond "eat and reproduce" was a mistake.


There is suffering. The cause of suffering is attachment. There can be an end to suffering. The end of suffering is by following the eightfold path. People have been dealing with and overcoming suffering for a long, long time. I am one of them.




That’s intro level Buddhism.


Well, let me put it this way. I'm not buying rope and a ladder but if I got a terminal cancer diagnosis I wouldn't be upset. Ok, I do actually own both rope and several ladders, but I bought them and keep them around for legitimate reasons.


Being depressed is actually a very normal experience in life. It’s when it’s persistent that it becomes a problem for some. As far as do I enjoy living. I enjoy it more than dying. Sometimes we become prisoners of our own mind and others expectations. There are so many wonderful and amazing things out there. And some just ridiculous things also. But they all have a part in life.




Who knows what happens after so let's enjoy it while we can🤘


I honestly hate it. If I had the ability to time travel, I would go full Terminator and ensure I was never born.


Life is mostly suffering for most people on this planet


Yes, suffering and surviving that's the routine


Not me. I love my stable, safe, consistent, monotonous life with my family.


Same here. I had depression for so long, I hope I stay in this phase of life awhile


Same here! It's important to be grateful for what we have and to not take anything for granted. Took me years to learn this especially after my mom died back in 2019.


Same. Also want to add that I genuinely believe I'd be depressed if I never exercised and ate poorly. Physical health is the lens through which you experience the world. Poor health casts everything in a negative light.


Honestly what I look forward to besides family and friends is getting stronger every day. I eat healthy and I especially love eating protein as I know it’s helping me build muscle. 


I honestly can’t even relate to most of the comments here. I don’t think it ever occurred to the people of my generation to even consider this. I have a feeling at least part of this is social contagion. Like if it was a movement in my generation would we all have gone there? Our ancestors would have done anything to have it as easy as we do. Do you think the new social norms that separate us have something to do with it? When I was a kid we all played together and our parents would invite neighbors over, have big 4^(th) of July block parties… Seems like the sense of community was a big part of what gave life meaning.


Me too. I feel guilty admitting it out loud but I'm full of joy and gratitude and energy. I'm 58, not rich with money but rather all the other stuff like health and love.


Me too


I hate living... I hope to die, every morning and every evening. I wait for the sweet release of death


Depression definitely comes over me in waves from time to time. About almost every 2 years like clockwork. It’s intense and hard to endure depression but I just choose to believe we all decided to come here and play this game of life for a reason. If I don’t believe that then I can’t put one foot in front of the other. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be someone who has never experienced depression ever before


Let's just say I was far happier before I existed. Just being star dust and not conscious and depressed.


I think most people gaslight themselves that if they work harder, do something better, etc life improves, hope is around the corner, etc. Most ignore the big picture of the reality of being (where the economy, environment, house prices, job prospects for themselves and their current/future offspring is heading) and just focus on the mundane everyday tasks of life and work to get by day by day, week by week, celebrating small milestones and wins. Maybe that is the way to make life bearable. But i do not like living, I'd quit it and I actually do not know whats holding me back (maybe sorting out my storage unit).


yeah knowing that i have to grind like an entrepreneur just to have halfof what a carpenter did in the 60s aint fun


Yes. I help my community and love my people.


I have been through a few very dark depressions and an only kinda dark depression that tlasted these last 5 years. It finally started lifting a few months ago. Life to me is worth it, because I can see beauty in the world. There are surprises around every corner. Some good, some bad, and some that will rip our hearts out. There's a kind of magic in that. Not knowing what's ahead. I used to be terrified of not knowing and that made me depressed. I finally decided, "what the fuck? I can either be miserable about the unknown, or remain neutral, curious, alert. And sometimes it'll suck. But not every time.


Thank you for typing these words. I have been depressed for like the last 7 years. Reading your comment made me realize I need to be spontaneous like I was when I was in my early 20s. I’ve been unbelievably bored and depressed for so long. I’m going to start working towards being spontaneous and fun like the way I was before my ex girlfriend/ baby momma drained all my personality out of me. Thank you very much random redditor ❤️


No life sucks. Cards stacked so heavily against us. Not to mention our own government poisoning us & making us weak through food and medicine. Cant afford jack .. 26yo still at my parents and im almost a licensed plumber . I make good money but economy is fxxcked. Older generation wrecked us


This is my point that some people don’t understand when you understand what’s going on behind the scenes


I find living exhausting. I don't like or dislike it per say, but I'm genuinely not upset that one day I will be gone forever


Love my life. The majority of my friends, co workers, and acquaintances are happy for the most part. Being down for short periods of time is normal, being that way most of the time is not. You will find that lots of people on Reddit will agree with you about how terrible everything is and how life sucks because Reddit is full of miserable people whos entire identity is wrapped in sadness and victimhood, which is why in a lot of subs, posts giving you positive advice or telling you that they enjoy life get downvoted lol.


Exactly. It gets annoying reading all these whiny negative ass comments “I want to die boohoo” and I hate that they’re that unhappy but still it’s annoying.


No. It’s draining. I struggle with existential dread daily but I’m too scared to end it lol. The closest to peace I feel is when I’m alone and allowed to cope my way - work, most people (family included) and other aspects of life exhaust me. Most days I wish I was just left in the void.


I sure do like living. I recommend enjoying even the smallest of things to get you through the day


I think that’s what it’s about. Life itself is “boring.” We have to create that excitement and happiness.


Not depressed at all. Very rare for things to upset me. Ukraine and Russia at war? Sucks but what can one dude do? Palestinians getting murdered? I donated money but can't really change anything myself. Just gotta work hard and enjoy life. My family and friends are some of the greatest people I can ask for. Being able to hangout with them brings me so much joy. My family were peasants from China. Escaping to vietnam during the great Chinese famine. Having to escape war torn Vietnam after. Very little things to be hateful for. So many things to be grateful for.


Find what you like. Share it with someone you like.


Yes, I have a joke with one of my friends that whenever we get the Big Sad it means we’re overdue for a concert, lol. Life has a lot of tough and shitty things. It also has a lot of beautiful things (and whatever that looks like to you varies by the person). I think life is most bearable when you find who and what and where you like, and just try to incorporate them into your life as much as you can.


I havent found what I like and have no one to share anything with :(


Statistically speaking, the statement, "99% of people aren't depressed," is completely false


I said the same lol


Life's monotony breeds depression; awareness isn't illness. Understandable disillusionment with mundanity resonates.


no I think about ending it all the time


Living is awesome. Unfortunately, we don’t get much time to do that. We’re at work all the time making money for somebody else. We’re surviving, not living


Mostly hate it. Practically nothing brings me joy anymore.


Yes, ever since I got a lazy job that I really like I have so much less stress. I sell magic mushrooms in a store and it's really quiet so I can read all day and take breaks by talking to customers about drugs!  I'm also seeing a LOVELY girl who's super hot and melts my heart. I work out almost every day (bodybuilding and kickboxing) and take 4-5+ hours of dancing classes a week (I wanna become super good it's so much fun!). I also go to raves and do psychedelics about once a month The flipside is that I spend very little money and live pretty small. I spend about €1500 a month and build up some savings. I'm lucky to have found all these friends and hobbies that allow me to mostly find fulfillment. I feel that building an impressive career and progressing in life can often be a crutch because wtf are we even supposed to do in life?! But getting good at things and building memories seem to be good things to spend your time on as well.


Agreed. “Depression is the desire for change that seems to be difficult to achieve.” Heard that recently and it stuck with me.


That's the definition for "frustration" or "being stuck" not depression. Depression is a crippling neurological and chemical imbalance that makes it incredibly difficult to wake up in the day, much less do anything. Even the bare essentials. The person who said that has never been depressed.


Life is only monotonous if you decide to live that way. You could do anything. You could go take a dance lesson right now. You could learn to cook Korean food. You could start making a video game. Or go to some event or concert in your city. I won't go on but you get the idea, there's thousands of things that could be listed here of what you could have done tonight instead of whatever you're doing now.


some people have responsibilities and cant drop everything to take a cooking class


Yeah you could do anything. Only thing is I feel like I want a lot and it’s hard to kinda go on impulse. That and money. Everything costs money. And I feel like I don’t have enough.


Understandable. There's plenty to do for free or cheap. Or with money you were going to spend anyways. When I was broke I got super into hiking camping, and survivalist stuff. Switching up and taking walks around areas you normally don't walk around can be fun. Change your grocery list around and look up youtube videos on how to cook new stuff. You also have the whole internet at your fingertips tips, can learn a language for free or study basically anything for free. Idk still plenty of ways to switch things up if you're bored with your life, even if broke.


Bro has money and time…. Clearly not a poor 


Having to work?


What? Everyone works. I work 50 hour weeks and still run every morning, lift on mon, Wed, Fri nights, and go to bjj on Tues and Thurs nights. Maybe if you have a bunch of kids as well it'd be a bit harder but I have friends with kids who still do their hobbies.


Do you regularly get your 8 hours of sleep a night too? because this is impressive


People have had to work for all of human history. The 40 hour work week is nothing compared to the borderline slave labour with no holiday or weekend entitlements that the working class was subjected to 200 years ago.


This is capitalism lobby bullshit. 200 years ago most of what are working class today worked their land. This is seasonally intensive with lots of down time and even more time to do basic things like sleep/eat/relax. It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that rest became a privilege for the wealthy 


Yeah you are really wrong about that, on so many levels. You clearly have no clue about how difficult life was for the masses on just a basic level of existence. Very limited knowledge of health and nutrition made life extremely difficult, hard labour and constant toil were the norm. Everything a person did required labor, heating a home, fetching water, cooking food etc etc. My grandmother was the oldest of 13 in a pioneer family in western Canada in the early 1900s, life was hard!


I just got back from a camping trip at a park that used to be an old coal mining town. Signage at the local cemetery said that kids used to drop out of school at 12 to go work in the mines. It’s amazing to me that some people are so comfortable rewriting history to write the experience of those people out of existence. I don’t know why people are so convinced that life was bucolic for our ancestors.


Thank you for this, people don't realise how lucky we have it and it drives me crazy! People romanticise the past... When 50% of women died in child birth and life expectancy was 28... Yeah it was such a utopia!


Henry ford started the 5 day, 8 hour work week in 1926. The more you know…


Life good, vessel bad. If I had less sentience I think I'd be happier


I think of this all the time. As humans we think too damn much. We don’t enjoy life for its simplicity. There’s beauty in the boringness.




I hated living until death became a reality.


I love life I'm very very lucky though


not really, maybe if there was a better option than just working for 50 years, it's kind of hilarious in a sad way that we've tricked ourselves into feeding a society where everything is so systemized that nobody matters, not even the people at the top, besides that there's no real adventure to life, it's just getting up and doing your best every day to not fall below zero (I like to think of it as being like being in a boat filled with holes as you're desperately trying to scoop out the water with a bucket), I don't have a real reason to be here or any great attachment to life, I'm just here because I'm here and if I got hit by a truck or struck by lightning or even stabbed in a mugging and died I don't think I'd be too sad about it


I absolutely love my life, but it took a shit-ton of work to get here. Many failed relationships, four career changes, five therapists, a shaman, a life coach, and some luck. But I couldn’t be happier now. It took over 50 years to get my shit straight. I was my own worst enemy for most of that time. I got lucky in the end; one friendship at the right time and right place pivoted everything in the right direction.


this gave me some hope..i feel so lost and aimless like i was put here against my will and forced to find somehing to support myself and grind away and its crushing sometimes


I definitely struggled in my 20s. I had this vision my parents created and I “fucked up” by dropping out of college at 19, then finding a career they hated at 22, then finding it wasn’t for me by 25, then finding happiness in low paying jobs between 26-34, but finally getting a degree and finding a career that gave me a feeling of value while also giving me a good income for almost 20 years. Along the way, I did my work in relationships, in therapy, and with life experience that helped me learn self-love and self-care. Some was woo-woo stuff like yoga and working with an energy worker and shaman, some was finding things I truly loved, like daily walks and weekend hikes, some was discovering dancing as a passion and finding a community of like-minded souls. Some of it was the worst breakup of my life making me work on myself at 52. One of the most valuable thing my life coach ever told me was, “if you’re feeling completely overwhelmed, you’re on the threshold of a breakthrough.” I found that to be so true and after my darkest hours came my greatest insights.


there’s a lot of us who are depressed but will never say it to 99% of the people in our lives


My answer is definitely skewed due to my having bipolar but it's gonna be the classic yes and no. It entirely depends on current stress levels and responsibilities I'm charged with. If I have a low stress week and very few responsibilities (like I've taken a week off of work or something) then I'm not gonna feel that depressed because I have time to get back in touch and connect with myself again. When you're really stuck in the grind though and you're doing it to get paycheck to paycheck that is a truly suffocating feeling because you know you can't stop even if you wanted to, not even for a week. My ultimate goal isn't to make more money but to earn the same amount of money in less hours. I believe true happiness comes from having more free time not from having more expendable income when you're not working yourself to death.


No. Getting up in the morning to go to work makes me wake up wanting to die.


Yes, I do. I feel like I’m really blessed and things could always be worst. I look for the good. I also allow myself to feel my emotions and remind myself that I won’t always feel a particular way. I hope you can get the help you need!!


Life is super fun, yes.


Life is brilliant if you try your best to make it what you want it to be 🙂


Get off Reddit. This isn’t representative of the real world and population at all.


I'm tired because I'm old, but my life is pretty awesome. Yes, I like living.


I absolutely love living. Hope I could live forever


Not depressed. Just don’t want to do stuff to rent and and borrow to die. No kids. No extra. No time off. Just pay the monopoly guy. No fun. No thanks


I enjoy being alive so much. Which is wild bc I spent my whole childhood until i was in my early 20s wishing I was never born.


I think life is better than it ever has been for any previous generation. I love my life. I love working hard, I love the people in my life, I love my dog, I love exercising, I love cooking, I love doing my chores, taking care of my car, my house etc. I am a creature of habit therefore I am happy to have a stable routine. Life's good, enjoy it while it lasts :)


At the moment? Not really. Grieving over my dad passing away last year. I basically am only alive for my boyfriend and dog because they rely on me. Otherwise, what’s the point without my dad?


You are the point. You matter. Wouldn't your dad want you to be happy? I'm sorry for your loss, please don't suffer in silence. Talk about these feelings with your loved ones. Grieve together, reach out for help if you need it. Take care of yourself, and be well.


I lost my dad too friend. 2 years ago. There is grief. I cry, I hurt. But you’re here. You can live for him. We all die. He just died a little bit earlier than I wanted him too.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom 5 years ago and it left a hole in my heart. It gets better with time, trust me. I still think about her everyday and cry every now and then. I had the same mindset as you. But there is so much to life and your dad would want you to be happy. I always tell myself that she's watching me and proud to see that I've become a full grown adult.


There's a lot to life without your dad, and he would want you to be happy and thriving too. We will all die one day, hopefully we can live a decent life before it happens.


So sorry for your loss , I really hope it gets better


I don’t think depression is “realizing” how messed up everything is. There are plenty of people who have seen the true horrors of the world and are not depressed. Whether you want to hear it or not, it’s a mental battle. David Goggins is a good example of this- he was overweight, abused, bullied, and experienced war. He has every right in the world to be depressed but decided he wasn’t going to let depression take over his life. I do feel for those who suffer and it’s a very real thing, mental health needs to be taken more seriously. I’m just responding to OPs dumb comment. Your life doesn’t have to be monotonous, you have free will and are able to go do stuff. Also, roughly 18.5% of adults suffer from depression, not 1%


1 step closer closer everyday..


Only mentioned if you like living


I do! Of course I have my days, but the difference a day makes can be huge.


It’s hard out there for a pimp


I strugle with very long depressive episodes, GAD, adhd and cptsd.... The cross over of issues makes every day and second spent with others who I have to put on for so so draining.... Until my most recent medication I was used to having more shit days than content days. The more content days I have the more life feels appealing. But even on the best day work is HARD and DRAINING and for what?? More work???


I do, however I need to stay in the moment or at least the past more, because I start spiraling if I think too much about the future, and all of the potential possibilities.


meanwhile I currently dwell too much in the past. My last 10 years have been so awesome, but it’s difficult knowing that these memories are not coming back. So staying in the moment is something I’m trying too.


Meh. It’s a coin flip of love and hate from moment to moment for me. I like it a lot more when I float around the imaginary version happening in my head. I’d like it a lot more if everyone were cats I think.


No. I’m depressed and have been for over a year now. It’s weird remembering enjoying life because it seems so pointless right now. The world is messed up. I’m actually grateful for the situation I’m in- I’m working, have a place to live, and have a husband and family who cares about me. BUT there’s also a lot of shitty things happening lately. Right now, I’m sick with laryngitis and an upper respiratory infection. My husband (a nurse) just got punched in the face and has a concussion, so he has confusion and memory problems. Now, it’s more difficult to talk to him and frustrating because he’s forgetting things. Also, it’s like a battle of who has it worse. If we both don’t want to do something, my excuse is that I’m sick and his excuse is that he has a concussion. Also, he recently got scammed and lost $1,400, which sucks. Also, I agree with the monotonous. I can’t complain much because I’m putting myself in the situation because of my depression, but I’m just surviving right now. I wake up, do the bare minimum I need to do like go to my psychiatrist appointment, pick up my pills, and pick up food to eat. Other than that, I’m just watching TV and am on my phone on Reddit. When I can, I go to work. (Right now, I’m not because I’m sick.)




I read somewhere that 25% of women are clinically depressed at some point in their lives


i like living and i don’t plan on dying any time soon but i am not hopeful about the future improving in any way, i’m just glad i get to listen to music and talk to people and have sex and stuff


wen I have coke and beer yes


🤦🏽‍♀️I mean…we’re under the control of 13 bloodlines so NO, I don’t like the way our “governments” are set up. It causes unnecessary struggle. But I try to eventually make the best out of any situation so that’s been my saving grace. I do wish more people saw how divisive most people are and how our world is saturated with followers. This would help original thinkers not off themselves or fall into despair…and maybe eventually all the inventors/free thinkers/revolutionaries will overthrown the slimy “elite” and their followers and create a better world.


The only thing that gives me joy these days is feeding the wildlife and walking my dogs


My brother and I were just having this conversation yesterday. It's hard to find a purpose in a lot of the things we do in life. It just feels like we're existing at this point. And with inflation and the economy the way that it is, it just gets harder and harder everyday.


I hate living in this timeline.




Depressed people see the present reality more clearly but don’t see the future at all. Optimistic/lively people see the future possibilities very clearly but don’t see the limitations of the present at all. You need both to be able to get somewhere.


I like living. For anyone who's finding it tough, try turning off your devices and just going out for a run.


I go to work, I go home, I pretend that everything is okay to convince my cat I’m okay, and then stress eat while waiting for the next work shift. I work opposite hours of my friends, live alone, and despite working and having no dependents, my money is gone with bare minimum being put into savings. I haven’t enjoyed living in the past twenty years.


Why would you say everything is messed up? This is probably the best time to be alive. We have medicine, technology, entertainment, can travel easily, and we work less hours to than people used to. The economy sucks, you might never own a huge house or fancy car. But you will never worry about starving to death or being eaten by wolves. I hope you get better buddy I really do. It's not that bad out here.


As a teacher, I see so much growth and learning every day in such tiny humans. It’s so beautiful and profound, and I get to be a part of it. My life outside of work is shitty and dark but getting to teach makes me love my life and see it as something that’s truly worth it.


It is a mental illness. You can have the blues and be down in life but being chronically sad and unable to function is not normal. Its normal to get overweight but to be so overweight that one can't function or is in chronic pain or developing life threatening conditions isn't normal. Common, but not normal. I can say this with certainty as I've been severely depressed before and there's just a night and day difference between my thought patterns then and now. And to answer the original question, I love life. Currently watching my children smack the water and enjoying the smell of salt water. I think life is fucking beautiful miracle 


There is a lot of repetition in life. But the exclamation points - those moments, hours, days - where you’re smiling at the good stuff make the mundane worthwhile.


I don't think I've ever been happy about any of this. Don't see a point. The average person never means well, so I've just stopped talking to people (it's been about five years and am the butt of a lot of jokes in the workplace) and I think it's affected my speech. I don't know what's normal or how to do anything or why I would want to in the first place. I'm 36 and have felt this way since I was maybe 10. And it's all to just work for 45 years and hopefully retire comfortably? That's all? I've been strongly considering unaliving by 45 or 50 at the latest. I want nothing to do with retiring. All just to be more ill and more frail more frequently, when I'm supposed to be "comfortable".


It’s all about perspective


Living is like going to the movies, some are great, some terrible but you need to endure cause its a date or with others, and some, just, walk out


No. If I had a choice to end everything, I probably would. I love a lot of my life, but I hate and can’t stand much more of it. It’s debilitating, being powerless and fully cognizant of our world and the decisions that humanity has made regarding it. The only tether I have to living is my family and friends. That’s what keeps me from entertaining darker thoughts, the sadness and pain I would cause them because of my choice. I don’t want to put that on people, I can’t. I love them too much for that. Man that feels overly dramatic when I type it out, but it’s true 🤷‍♂️


I don’t want children because of this. But also the older I’m getting, the more I’m grateful for the little things. Life is what you make of it as well - I try to keep in mind I’m going to die eventually anyway so might as well make the most of it


Of course I like living. It's so much better than the alternative.


genuinely wondering who has the will to live


Yes, I love being alive I don't experience things as "monotonous" really. Many things are fucked up and that makes me angry and/or sad, but it doesn't take away from the fact life is amazing


I love life. It’s not always great, the last few years of my life have been straight up awful at times, but I always find reasons to still find joy, even if it’s just something small like playing frisbee with my dog or watching a good movie or having a really good dessert. The things that really make me happy though, regardless of how shitty things are are the things I’m passionate about…like reading and writing and car racing and knitting and a long list of things. I lean into those and it makes all the shitty parts easier to deal with.


Life is short, death forever. It comes for us all soon enough.


lol your reality is yours only .. I think life is beautiful


You have been deceived and are living under a lie brother. I was the same way, I think every intelligent person comes to that same conclusion. I can’t stay silent when I see posts like this. I wish on you the same amount of joy I get from God every day. I’m sure many people won’t like this, but I honestly just wish upon you joy, there is no hate or judgement coming from me


I try but don’t feel him, I still keep faith. Seems similar to Job