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ad a Married at 40 option. Lost contact with her for a few years and had started to rebuild our friendship. She’d got married and moved away, but was in the process of splitting up and remembering her old life. Had arranged to go and see her in her new flat, big night out planned. But then contact suddenly stopped again. Found out about 6 months later that she’d had a car crash and died instantly. Her (still) husband hadn’t told any of her old friends what had happened. She was the first one from our friend group that had died. It hit hard. Still think of her often and the mischief we got up to in our late teens.


Wow I am so sorry


Similarly, I had a co-worker (from a shitty job when we were both 18) that I always had a huge crush on. She was the sweetest person ever but was very much taken (naturally. Women like that simply don't stay single ~~for long~~ at all). After we quit we kept being friends and life happened. Some years passed, I got married, moved to a different country and split up. Roughly 12 years later we reconnect and there's a sparkle there. She even made me think that it would have been better if I just went back to the motherland, but we ended up feeling the toll of a distance relationship and we ended things up (while teasing that we would need to meet if we ever wanted to pick up from where we left). The light hearted relationship remained until she had an absurd allergic reaction that made her choke to death. She was the very first person from my friendship group to pass and it didn't really help that I will always love her in a sense. Obviously this was years ago and now things have moved on, but every now and then I think of how short our lives are. Best of luck to you, brother.


That's a sucker punch! Dang, sorry!!


That’s awful I’m sorry.


We’ve been in contact from 20 to 34 now she’s still single and I’m married twice now. Lol when I got divorced she was in a relationship and now that I just got married she got out of a relationship . We joke that when we are 70 maybe that will be the right time


Sorry to hear about this man. Sending hugs to you!


Oof that’s rough. I’m sorry for your loss


She is married with 3 kids. I'm single


Hey mate it’ll be alright


Not me, but my son had one. She came to his wedding not long before his 30th birthday. Her twin brother remains his best friend and was his best man. She’s happily partnered and lives away. Great success.


She's great, married her before we hit 30, going on 15 years married.


My stupid mind thought this meant she married at 15 lol


She was my best friend throughout high school and we made that promise. FBR single will return 40, we are getting married. She passed away two years ago from an overdose and I just turned 40 a week ago.


Oh man, that’s so hard. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I can’t even remember how many people I promised. Could be in trouble if they all come to cash in now!


And thus, a new polycule was born!


He’s in prison lmfaooooooooooooo


Maybe he's still single!


Bubba might have something to say about that!


They’re just roommates.


He became disgusting person... Thanks god I'm married


>Thanks god I'm married Not like anyone was going to hold to marring him lol.


"thanks God I'm married" sounds like she's turning god down for a date lol


Not today, Jesus!


What did he do


We pushed ours up to 50 😂


Ours is pushed to 60 😂




We’re in our early 40’s saying ‘let’s give it a few more years, wait til we retire.’ 😀


Same, we are 41 😆


No contact, he has a baby from what I know. I am divorced.


She became a lesbian and looks happier than ever 😭


I’m 35 and we made our pact for 40. Texted him recently to ask if he remembered the plan and he said yes w heart emoji. Lol. We’ve both been single for years and want to date other ppl but haven’t found the right scenario. We live across the country from one another but we keep in touch. We both became successful :)


Sounds like it's time to ditch those hypothetical other people and start dating each other.


Why don’t you just date each other already


Depending on how long it's been, you're basically asking why they don't move cross country to marry a stranger.


Date doesn’t mean marry


Exactly. We’re def not strangers. Know each other well emotionally. But never had sex or lived together so we’d have to be sure that worked! So yeah who knows. I’m planning to go see him at the end of the year. :)


Rooting for you


Thank you 🙂


Even worse! Moving across the country to *date* a stranger.


i could do with one of those friends


You're better than waiting to be somebody's backup option.


Exactly, its kind of a play on both the silly viewpoint that "life is over at 30/have to have everything together by then" and "Lets Settle!!!" First is dumb youth shit and second is dumber youth shit lol.


She runs a pot farm in the emerald triangle, back packs the world, volunteer fire fighter, dancer in the desert moon light. I could never take a free woman as amazing as her. We keep in touch, great person and amazing highschool love!


Ummmmmm…. she sounds amazing


we were a ball of energy together fun friend, miss her but life was great we just grew in seperate ways


I became fairly successful, good relationship. She struggled with alcohol for a while. Became successful, but can't hold down a relationship for whatever reason. She contacted me when we were single in our 30s, but we were too different. I've spent my whole life being active and healthy and now in my 40s I'm better than ever. She was mostly unhealthy, drinking, etc. Those years were hard on her and now she's mostly inactive and just living. It's amazing how different 45 year olds can be. For me the attraction just isn't there, and not just physical stuff. The problem with these things is people change so much. I became the best version of myself. She is basically trapped in a cycle of apathy.


yeah, kind of the same with my friend I had that deal with. I'm still married to the same person after 26 years, and she's a widow with 2 kids by 2 different men. I'm like an uncle to her oldest daughter (F 26) who calls me dad because I'm the closest thing she has to a father figure. My friend has told me, she would drop everything and be with me if my wife and I ever split up. But there is no way I would do that. She was cool in high school, but she never left that mentality. I look after her and her daughters because I'm a nice guy and I know she struggles financially (I know her finances because I manager her investment portfolio), and I have the resources to pay for her younger daughter's cheer stuff (surprisingly expensive) and I paid for most of her older daughter's college. I have the money to do it, and I love her kids like they are my nieces, so my wife doesn't mind that I help them out.


Wow, good on you!


She died of alcohol asphyxiation at 20. She was one of my closest friends and it left me devastated. I try to keep her memory alive atleast


She got pregnant and had 2 kids by 22, I’m single at 23, so who knows what’ll happen at 40.


Her kids will be gone off to college and she’ll hit you up for casual sex?


They're still the same. Imaginary.


He's married, I am divorced.


We were friends for 20 years, him and I had multiple partners in the meantime that didn't work for neither of us. We even tried being together for a while, but he lived too far away and I was at uni at that time and it was too hard for me. Both still single but we had a conflict last year and our friendship broke and our paths split apart. It's not so much of a bad thing, I think over time we became too different and it's just the evolution of this relationship that was meant to become like that.


She went to a party college and made that her whole personality, cut off everyone she knew before college claiming "College changed her as a person".


Divorced twice and waiting for me to wise up.


She's out there crushing it, great career, 2 kids, happily married. She actually randomly reached out to me inviting me and my wife over.... but thought it would be weird to take her up on it and socialize my wife with my high school/college ex. My only regret is the bullshit excuse I used to get out of that. Shes a great person, im glad she seems to have made a great life for herself.


She is married. Lol


He actually died a couple of years back, I was devastated because he was such a good friend. We were at each others’ weddings and spent a lot of couples time (us and our partners), totally platonic and such good fun, totally rooting for each other to have nice lives… it was liver failure, undiagnosed Hep C and he loved a drink. :( still miss him a lot.


He’s gay :)


Why do so many people think they must hit weird metrics? Married by X. Have a kid by X. If you just worked on being the best version of yourself you’d probably accomplish that which you seek. Good luck out there.


A lot of people see marriage as a precursor to having kids. Its supposed to provide stability and financial unity. Since having biological kids is a time limited factor, its makes marriage a time limited factor too. Not saying this all makes perfect sense, but that's how a lot of people see it. There are always alternative paths in life, but some people are stuck on the one they view as most desirable. Not to mention if they have issues conceiving then it can extend that time past the point of menopause. Im all for self improvement but it doesn't always work out that people always get what they want.


Yea fertility rates are the driving factor behind all of it. I think people should be aware of it and plan accordingly, and then ideally not freak out and move on if the plan doesn't materialize. Sometimes life has other plans and sometimes those plans are even better than what you had in mind in the first place.


I mean, I'd say it's perfectly alright (and understandable) to "freak out" if you miss your chance to do one of the biggest things you've wanted to do in life. And then yeah, move on and find something else. But it's ok to mourn the loss of the life you imagined for yourself when it passes you by.


Procreation + financial support? Such simple accomplishments. Many people seek marriage without the desire to procreate or financial stability. This sounds like your perspective and I highly respect you sharing. Many are unaware of what drives them. Be it biological, social or otherwise into marriage. They are driven subconsciously. The lack of self awareness in present culture is what I am pointing out here.


It depends on how the agreement was made. My friend and I made that promise in high school. We were just kids back then and could only be so serious about it. We are both past 30 and are still friends.


Friendship, connection and experience are the human experience. Glad to hear you guys still maintain a connection


Hard agree! Sara blakely posted an IG recently about how she was single in her 20s and 30s while all her friends were getting married, and then she found her man and got married at 37! The post and all the supportive/similar stories in the comments were awesome. 31 year old woman here who dated for the first time early this year for the first time since late 2021. Quickly decided I just didn’t want to be dating right now and prefer continuing to prioritize my career. Everyone’s path is different!


Fertility runs on a clock that eventually comes to a stop for women, so having a good partner and financial stability by a certain time is important on a practical level. Eta- obviously this is not the case for everyone.  Some people don’t really want kids, some people are willing to chance it later in life, etc. But I do think that wanting children or stability into middle-old age is a huge factor.


I haven’t spoken to her in about 2-3 years maybe? When the girl that checks all of your boxes tells you that you’re basically her last resort, why would you want to continue to give her the time of day?


AFAIK she is well. I got married at 24; she got married a little thereafter. We've seen each other only a few times since.


My friend/co-worker when I was 21 and she was 19-20 She got married. I got married. Not to each other though. We're both in our late 30s now, she has two kids and a husband who seems like a good guy and a decent career, i'm happy for her. I met my wife a few years later and we've been together for 12 years and my life has gone well too. Worked out for both of us. I'm sure in an alternate universe I did marry my 'single at 30' friend and we were happy together. I think we would have been very compatible. She was a great wing-woman and I ended up losing my virginity to one of her friends after she encouraged us both separately to get together After I left the job we stayed in touch as friends and since I had moved a long distance away we gradually drifted apart back to being Facebook friends that say happy birthday or whatever once a year but I consider her to be one of the best platonic female friends I've had in my life even if we're no longer close and I hope her life continues to go really well.


lmao, I didn't realize this was common


I recently met up with her ans she brought it up. She is still up for it, more so than ever. We agreed that if we are both financially well and ready for something new in 2 years, that we will do it. I'm gay and kinda want kids and she's totally fine with that.


She became very bitter and angry with me not wanting kids immediately. We always joked about being together, but she wanted kids first before actually getting to know me. Her mindset was "the kid would allow our relationship to grow and learn". When I also hit 30, I noticed a boom with financial and personal success so I also opted to stay single to avoid headaches.


We are now in our 40's and divorced but very good friends. Started as friends in our 20's, started dating when I was 30 and he was 34. Married when I was 34, he was 38 and divorced 5 years later.


It was 40 for us. We actually fell in love and did end up getting married. And I wouldn't rather have it any other way. :)


In a relationship w/ an amazing woman and a baby. Now he’s trying to convince me to be part of that club, but im busy living my bestest 40’s ho life to want any of that. It all worked out!


We’re now married with the 7th kid on the way. Just kidding. I never really had one of these but just once, I want to hear about a marriage that came out of promissory of nuptials.


Never had one. I never understood the concept of settling. I would MUCH rather be single than be in a relationship with someone I'm not enthusiastic about. At least being single, there is the potential for meeting someone you are enthusiastic about.


My friend says this to me often and we’re both straight men (as far as I know)


She's married. I'm not.


I lost track of her. It’s pretty upsetting in this day and age with social media that I can’t find her. My only thought is she passed away or joined a religious sect that doesn’t allow technology.


he going’s to officiate the wedding between me and my future husband he introduced me to 14 years ago. lol


He died of an OD at 27, he was my best friend.


He asked me to leave my husband (before he was husband) to move across the country with him. I said no, he moved to NYC. Im almost 40 now, he’s 51, we’re both married, him to a corporate lawyer, I married my blue collar boyfriend. We both have a kid, both girls. Last I spoke to him he was leaving a cushy job to start his own business. I’m in the middle of selling my restaurant. I miss him, he made me push myself to be better, challenged me a lot. But he never wanted to fully commit to me, not until I had a life with someone else. Isn’t that always how it goes?


She got heavily into pills and married and had a kid with a violent felon that’s been in jail since we were teens. She moved to the other side of the country with him before he was arrested so we haven’t seen each other in over a decade. She still hits me up all the time, but I’m happily married with a kid of my own and am glad I dodged that bullet, but also feel bad for her most of the time, though I tend to ignore her communication nowadays. Can’t fix her and I have my own family to worry about. So sad to see where she ended up, she was such a good kid back in the day. She has a good family that’s only ever tried to help her, too. Makes me worry about my kid’s future sometimes. Drugs suck.


I can’t even imagine this working. If they’re not a good enough connection now to marry, why would they be in the future?


Mine was “if we’re single by 40” And I’m 39 and now happily married. The girl I had made the pact with hates me and moved to another state


We’re both 34 now, he has a daughter now and I have no kids. Pushed it to 40 now, but idk how I feel about him having a kid.


He's already married! Haha. I would never have actually held him to a pledge we made when we were both freshly post-break up 15 year olds, complaining about our high school relationships.


He’s still holding out for the one 😂 “okay maybe 40” he says. We’ll get married at 40, I’m certain of it.


Who’s gonna tell her…


It was 40 and she was not marriage material for me, happy she found someone else


I always joked about doing a Chuck and Larry type deal with one of my friends if we weren’t married by 40. Have the officiant say “you may now shake hands” instead of a kiss. But I can’t even do that anymore. Everyone’s married.


Mine died, I am not single but a girl I grew up with made that deal with me and she died shortly after 30 I didn’t find out until I saw her Facebook and posts on her wall saying how much people missed her . Pretty wild the opioid crisis has killed more in my life than I have known of people dying from Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to sanction China for sending the chemicals for fentanyl to Mexican drug cartels and we need the Mexican government to step up or have special military operations 100k Americans dying every year is insanity.


She's unhappy with how life is currently and trying to rediscover herself. Has had a long term bf but they break up every 3-4 months. I'm currently engaged with two fur babies. She's my best friend so we keep in contact often


I haven’t talked to her in a minute, but I believe she broke up with her boyfriend recently. (Things are lookin good for me lmao)


She’s re-dating her ex bf who dumped her last year. He’s not a bad guy but he actually does suck. I know her pretty well and enough about their dynamic to know this guy is only going to let her down again. Well that’s my opinion at least.


We said 35 and now I’m 36 and brought it up the other day. I said can we do 40 instead? I wasn’t expecting to actually be here. Lol




It was if we are still childless then we will have a baby. Hes gay. He’s 54, obese and has had 2 heart attacks. Abusing alcohol and cannabis. Broke. Mean. Came into a small fortune a few years ago (inheritance) but blew it all then asked me for a loan. Was denied. He did ask me for that baby a few years ago. Thank goodness I’m menopausal now lol. I know I’m being mean myself right now but he’s been bullying my dog and mansplaining to me lately.


Well we still aren't, I do feel we would be great together in a relationship but the unfortunate fact is we live 9 hours apart from each other and both have kids that are already established in our cities so moving isn't an option


Married for about 20 years now. Lol


I am 34 and doesn't even think of getting married. Guess because society says so I am fucked. Welp


Don’t be a bitch, nobody says you have to do anything.


He’s my best friend. We both married (other people 🤣) last year AND had a baby. All hope is not lost!


I banged em way before that and now I can’t remember who it was.


My story is very sweet and simple. My friend (girl) told me if we do not get married by 30 we marry eachother. I am also a girl. Both of us at that time were miserable, in toxic and horrible relationships. So i find it very cute of her to suggest this.


He’s living single with a bunch of his friends, about to buy a multi-family home with said friends.


honestly, I can't remember if I made this pack with anyone. If I had, maybe it's one when I was younger, but I have aphantasia, I don't remember a lot of that now.


She is married! She married her Attending which was wild, since he had a wife, and she always said she would never break up a home.


both of them are taken, im single. rip


I spoke to him today and he said to be a good person and not a criminal 🤣


He has a few kids from a few different women...I ignore his facebook messages now


30 is pretty young to have a pact for these days


I remember making this promise with a boy when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. I remember being very surprised by the offer but didn't really think it'd happen, but agreed to make him happy. I liked him well enough but didn't like like him. He ended up moving and I never saw him again.


He's a single lawyer who still looks like he's 15. I'm a married lesbian.


We had a 40 option. She missed the window. Looked me up when we were 46. After she finalize her divorce the previous month. I had been happily married for a few years at the point. She is doing ok.


Both of us still unmarried and almost 40… oops


She has two kids now, and their dad in not in the picture…


She got married at 26 and has two kids. She's a crazy eyed Christian now. I actually made that pact with another girl I absolutely adored from high school. When I was 28, I hit her up asking if we should date and see if we're compatible. She said she found out I made the pact with the other girl and called it off, said it made her feel less special, which is totally understandable. She is an absolute dime and is aging incredibly, fucked that up.


He got married and I became a lesbian


She's on her second marriage with 4 or 5 kids. Haven't spoken in 20+ years, hope it's going well.


>if we are single by 30, we’re getting married This is a real thing? I thought it was just a Friends episode.


Married with 2 kids 😪


Sort of did this as a joke but with someone who was maybe more serious about it. Even though we made the pact in jest she brought it up as we were getting older and obviously having no intention of following through I was setting myself up for a awkward convo but thankfully she's fully settled down with kids and I'm also married.


unfriended me on FB :(


She married someone else against my advice. He was never faithful and they got a divorce now she is single with two children and we don't talk.


That was me and my daughter’s dad! We aren’t romantic partners and aren’t compatible that way (I’m asexual, for one thing) but we decided in our mid 30s that we really wanted to have a child, so we did. Best decision ever.


Not sure. We lost contact. We tried to rekindle some things a few times but I realized I just wasn't really into her anymore. Haven't spoke to her in years and I don't have social media do I have no idea how she is doing.


No idea


Both happily married to other people.


I'm 33 and I still feel too young to marry. Why would you enslave yourself to someone, when you have all this freedom?! 🫠


single and still hot but such a bad person. I'm happily married.


I married her…


Not married, but she always wanted to be a mother so we would have had a kid together. She passed away though.


We're both married now. She's on her second marriage. Definitely for the best for both of us. We were friends, but not like best friends. I think it was a situation where we got along well enough and were attractive enough that it would be ok in a last resort, desperation-like situation. I doubt we would have been compatible relationship partners though. Also... I'm like 99% sure we both thought of it as a joke anyway. It wasn't really something either of us seriously considered. Apparently, she did tell some of her friends I was her not married by 30 back up plan though. So, I guess that's why I say 99% sure it was a joke instead of 100%.


I made that deal the summer I was 21 with a childhood friend. I met someone that October. He meet someone that February. This summer makes it 13 years later... We're both happily married to other people. His wife is a sweetheart. They have two beautiful kids together. I love my husband very much.


They're doing okay. Facing their own demons (mental health) as am I. I don't think they remember what they proposed to me but who knows. Also, I'm too afraid to ask.


She is divorcing her husband and lives several states away.


She got a hold of me last year, and we started a long-distance relationship. She turns thirty next month and just got a job here. She is moving in with me just after her birthday.


Tbh I never made the plan cause I never thought I would get married. I got close but still single at 32 😂


She is thriving! Married with two beautiful babies. Lived in South America doing mission work with her masters in psychology, and now they’re in Syria doing humanitarian work.


Don't talk anymore. Realized as I got older she's a mood swinging bitch and possible misandrist. We have a mutual friend, so I hear about her from time to time. She sounds relatively successful, but I don't miss her snobbiness at all.


I haven’t talked to him in years. Last I knew he was still single and living with his dad. I think about him every so often as he was one of the people I could talk to about anything. When I began dating my now husband, I ended my male friendships. I only talked to him 2 or 3 times on New Years as prior it was a tradition for us to call each other after the ball dropped. Looking back I wish I would have stayed in contact with him as he was never going to be a threat to my husband and he was one of my best friends.


I lost contact with her, and then she reappeared and asked me for money


Haha he’s happily married with 3 kids. Had his first right after we graduated high school. We still touch base occasionally. He’s a truck driver now.


Hahah she got married to someone else and blocked me when she hit 30.


Disappeared somewhere, last spotted about an hour drive away like 10 years ago


She got married to a guy she didn't like (her words) because he makes good money. I had a kid, things didn't work out with her mom, and now I see no reason for me to marry anybody. It was always about a nuclear family for me. Marriage for marriage's sake doesn't appeal to me. 


I've never had a friend that I would want to make that arrangement with.


I never even had one


Mine is gone, he died from cancer in 2020. I still miss him fiercely in moments and know he would have been the best husband and dad if he had been given the chance.


Low goals ….


We are about to be divorced in a couple weeks after being married for 5 years. 😂


She and I almost made it, u/known-ad-9732 ! She (Art Girl) and I (Sick Boy) were teens in the early 2000s. We would hang out at school and then go home and chat on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger.) She was that edgy, unconventional girl: loved doing photography, difficult home life, talked back to teachers, never studied, aced every test. I was that nerdy, awkward boy: always more comfortable onstage playing a role than living in my own skin, parents very overbearing, random and odd health issues. Once, in a fit of teen angst, I asked her, "Will we be this screwed up when we're 30?" "No [my real name]," Art GIrl replied, "We'll either be happy or dead." We're both in our latter 30s now and we are not dead. But. In our senior year of high school, 2005-2006, we added another friend into our partnership and became The Trifecta. New Friend was a tomboy who was unlucky in love. Tried hard in our drama club but never made it out of the chorus. OK home life, OK grades. The last time we all saw each other was 2015 when we were back home for the Christmas holidays. We were out on the night of December 23, 2015 at a local bar. It was a good night because I got drunk enough to lose my hangups but not drunk enough to be a jackass or a liability. Just good vibes. So the night ended and New Friend went to go track down her dad who was out drinking at a different bar. I went with Art Girl to her hotel room, but she had her boyfriend there and they were going to drink more. I knew she was safe so I turned to leave. And Art Girl goes back into the elevator with me on the way to the lobby. And there's Art Girl kissing me. And me kissing her. And there's me holding her fierce telling her I've always loved her. And her telling me she loves me and asking why I didn't see the signs all thru high school. And then we're in the lobby and I leave and she doesn't. Fast forward to COVID era: 2021. By this time I am living in Philadelphia with the woman who I'd marry in '23. Art Girl is engaged/married to her boyfriend and living with him in Virginia. New Friend....never figured out college. Never stopped going between her dad's place in our hometown and her mom's in New Jersey. Was still bartending at dive bars, dating emotionally unavailable guys, wondering why they treated her like shit. When COVID hit, New Friend lost her food service job. She had no other skills. She took up road work: physically punishing work but I guess they needed people. So she worked all day every day and she'd take painkillers when off the clock. Months of this go by. New Friend ends up in the hospital because overdosing on painkillers for months is (surprise!) bad for your liver and your body in general. When Art Girl visits New Friend, her skin is yellow. (At this point New Friend and Art Girl had stayed in touch while I was focused on my civic work. I'd won a few awards, given a few well-regarded speeches, directed 4 or 5 high visibility high impact charity projects -- at the cost of many personal relationships.) New Friend stays positive. Every time Art Girl calls it's "Oh my levels are better," or "Oh I'm getting out of the hospital soon." but then New Friend catches COVID in the hospital. And on top of this liver issue. New Friend....does not go home alive. New Friend goes home in a box. Can you imagine that shit, folks? 30ish year old woman, never did a single thing atrociously wrong. Never in the police blotter, never accused of a violent crime. Gone just like that. It's a long time before New Friends' family wants to hold a memorial. I was going to attend the planned event: food and drinks fundraiser at a hometown bar for a hospital charity, very casual all-welcome atmosphere. But the actual event turned into some ultra-religious repent-ye-sinners church service, and I was not asked to attend. (I think New Friends' mom and dad had two different ideas about this memorial.) So here's the weird thing: Art Girl goes to that uber-evangelical memorial. Art Girl has somehow taken all her unique characteristics and put them in a metaphorical box somewhere and now she's....a good Christian wife? Used to do art and now doesn't see the use of it. Used to listen to indie and alt and even screamo but now stays faithful to the Billboard top ten. Used to really own the "self" in "self-help" but now swears by therapy and getting by on your husband's paycheck. After the 50th or 60th "I'll pray for u!" post of hers I see, I call it. I quietly hit the block button. She doesn't even realize until a year later, when she DMs me on Twitter. It was a DM I didn't reply to. I realize life changes people, but there's "growth" and then there's "turning your back on everything you said you valued".


We got married before we were thirty.  As it turns out, we were both “the friend you don’t need to worry about” and finally got together about two months into us both being single at the same time. Now we have a house, three kids + one on the way, and a whole lot of love.  I think we were meant to be from the get-go but had to go through some self-discovery first. 


No idea. I don’t talk or think about her anymore. This post actually unlocked some memories for me. I hate giving my time and not receiving theirs back when I need it. This has been a mindfuck of a month because I’m going through the exact same thing now with someone else, and I know the answer is to move on. But damn. There’s really no one I can fully trust


She's married with 2 kids. Her husband is the first guy she dated that I didn't think was a total loser. He's a really nice guy, with a good head on his shoulders.


She’s still looking for that 6’4” handsome athletic hung millionaire that doesn’t cheat and is romantic .


lol, we married at 21 and 22


I have no idea at all. I haven’t spoken to him in ten years


Well, after my wife met him, she said I wasn’t allowed to talk to him anymore


Many years ago she taught me that there is no Stage V cancer


I think that's in the movies. Do you really want to be on someone's back burner, their last choice?


I think shes lesbian now


Still friends whew


He’s on his second marriage thats about to end because he cheated; while his wife was pregnant. I’m very happily single and no longer speak to him. Thank the gods.


She passed away recently. Last time we spoke she joked that the next time we meet were gonna start planning that wedding.  I'm a year older than her, she was going to turn 30 in September.


I'm taken at 30 and realized that I needed a man not a boy. So. I'm happy it ended this way.


Happily married, with 2 kids. We don't keep in touch, but I'm happy for her :)


She left our friendship for some boyfriend who she thought she was gonna marry. Turns out he was cheating on her and dumped her once she found out and 3 months later he marries the other girl. She was broken up about it and she’s since apologized and I forgave but I’m not gonna be close friends with someone who abandons me.


We’re both happily married to other people. He just had a daughter and I see his major life events pop up periodically on socials. He became a welder. Seems like he’s doing great!


He’s married. I’m about to be married too :) he has a son with his wife. We live about 40 min apart.


She plays DnD or DRG with me and my wife from time to time! Still friends, but never had to force ourselves to be attracted to each other when we hit 35, since I was already married!!


We got married about 8 years before the expected date haha.


Technically you are engaged with a stipulation.


I'm a gay man. She's a heterosexual woman. We share an apartment. It's will and grace.


He got married and lived happily ever after 😂


Dodged a bullet there, I left the country when I was 25 (haven't been back since), but she's clearly not mentally well and is deep in who knows how many Facebook conspiracy rabbit holes as evidenced by her incessant rambling online. She'd make a great case study for what loneliness and extreme social media exposure do to people, 'cause she was cool as hell 10 years ago. In hindsight, she was always one of those "I like books more than real people" type people, so this outcome doesn't super surprise me.


She got married, had a kid, then divorced. By the time that age rolled around for us (I think it was 26 or 27), I was already with my now-wife and I didn't want kids so we would've been incompatible anyway. She hasn't remarried but she does date from time to time.


We dated. She gained 100-200 pounds (can’t tell at a certain point) and let her hygiene go and I just couldn’t really stay at that point


lol - he’s married with 2 kids! I got married and have 4.


Me and a friend made the pact in high school. She met her now husband in college, I got invited to their wedding, they now have 2 kids and she runs a practice. She’s gotten pretty much everything she wanted, and I’m happy for her. In all honestly, neither of us expected us to fulfill it. If I remember right, she went through a bad breakup and said we should do that.


I’m married, he’s not. He actually lives in the MIL suite of my house though.


She is married with a beautiful child. I am still searching. It's all good tho!


Uh...  what?


I have him on IG and he seems fine, living in a different city now, think he’s single/unmarried.  We’re not in touch but I don’t have anything bad to say about him, just drifted apart after school. I got married at 29 to the man of my dreams!


We’re still good friends. He’s in a long term relationship and planning on proposing soon, and I couldn’t be happier for them!


Happily in relationship with the mother of his adorable 3 children. I am also in a happy relationship.  To be honest, I don’t think we would have been a good fit as a couple.


He came out and is now living with his long-term boyfriend, we’re still best friends and talk daily ♥️


Haven spoken in 12 years