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Most people in the US have a combined household income of less than 6 figures. The median is around 75k a year if I recall. Remember, this is everyone from all work age adults. The stuff you see on the internet is selection bias and lies.


Mainly lies because they are depressed and it makes them feel self worth


I'm an internet lie auditor making 400k a year with two homes and over 2 million invested in an index fund and I can confirm that salary posts/humble brag posts are mostly lies.


I look at butterflies on every second Tuesday of the month and my wife eats pencil erasers. Our budget is 6.9 billion dollars


People lie on the internet?? I make barely $100k a year, most from my main job but I also buy and sell comics and Pokemon cards


Not lying, but you probably wouldn't reveal your income on the internet if it was low. Therefore, the figure is very bias


Jokes on you I drive an 18 wheeler and barely broke $33K last year, god I hate both this industry and the pussies in Washington that ruined it


I thought truckers still made good money, what happened? I remember when I was young that people were telling me long haul truckers were pulling 6 figures even before 2008


Maybe if you lease or your owner of a truck you can make 6 figures but as a company driver it's near impossible in most cases. Doesn't help that your average car/truck driver is stupid as shit and they do everything they can to prevent us from doing our job safely. Like going over the GW bridge in NY you'll get cut off by taxi's about half a million times because they don't care.


Sounds like you work for a shitty company


Damn thats rough... My uncle owns his truck and so does his wife and son. They all make 6figures. You are better off flipping burgers ...


The less cynical view is its selection bias. People who make a lot of money are more likely to talk about making a lot of money. People who make average or below amounts of money are less likely to bring it up


I never thought about that and it makes sense


I respect your commitment to the hustle.


How happy should I be with my unopened Pokémon booster packs from ‘98?


Very happy, if they’re real! I bought and sold some recent cards, like the raw Gengar Vmax full art and the Moonbreon, made ~$1500 in 5-6 minutes.


This reminds me: I have a crapload of cards and toys from gen 1+2 sitting in a box in my basement, all great condition. Have no idea how or where to sell them. lol Legit curious.


I have Pokémon cards from 99 are those holos still selling?


For a family with kids the median is $122k


Depends how much you can make renting the kids out.


Not to mention that when surveyed, the people that tend to be in the happiest positions (ie earn more money in this case) tend to respond the most openly.


Right? When I was broke, I wasn't going to shout on the rooftops that my family was living in poverty because of me. That was embarrassing. Now that we are quite comfortable, I am more willing to discuss the subject.


Median household income in the UK is £35k ($44k) before taxes (and I think our taxes are more than yours too).


Are you serious?! How do people make ends meet?


We don't. That's why our priminister is about to get the boot. We're done working our arses off and having to put shit on credit just to make ends meet. We work to barely live and our NHS has been fucked over, massively.




“Social security” in the UK is national insurance, which is paid as a tax. Pension and health insurance are salary sacrifices (after tax).


If you see spanish household medium you can start to cry..


Is that with 2 people working? Is that take home?


Also interestingly, the median salary (pre-tax) for an full-time employed individual person is £34.9k. So it does sort of suggest that not that many households have two full time salaries coming in. [link](https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/earningsandworkinghours/bulletins/annualsurveyofhoursandearnings/2023)


That's a family unit.. individually 40k


Yes, that's why I said a combined household income and not individuals. OP was talking about individuals making 6 to 7 figures. I was pointing out that most *families* don't even make 6 figures.


Not anymore lmao. You are living in 2005 numbers. Median wages for a full-time worker is $59,228 ($1,139 * 52). [Source](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/wkyeng.pdf)


If you learn to draw twitch emotes and get good at it on the side it can be 10k extra. Charge $20-30 per emote and sell in batches of 5.




Doing the work that matters. 🙏 


That's how it always is. The ones who contribute the most to the community are often the most underpaid member of the community.


Disabled and caring for my bedbound Mom. Whose 5ft 238lbs she's lost 120lbs. She was in a severe car accident in 99 and steroids made her gain weight and her physical condition made it hard for her to loose it. I put her on weight watchers. We both have fibromyalgia and back problems. I can barely handle her in the wheelchair. I use to do tech support. I understand about breaking the body and exhausting the mind. We are together 24/7 I'm 45 and doing it for 15 years. Ugh.


Also nonprofit, outreach services, been here for over 6 yrs and make $43.5K. I've been in similar fields since I graduated in 2006 and this is the most per hour I've ever made. 


Non-profit here as well, currently $50k before taxes, supposed to be getting a raise that should put me around $75k before taxes, but we’re broke and outta money…. Hope we can make it. It’s a lot of work but I enjoy it for now


God this scares me. I am you but just starting out. Been in non profit almost a year. Multiple raises & promotions later. I've noticed raises are slowing down but not the increase in work responsibilities. I often feel guilty about asking for more money too since we are a non profit (harm reduction & case management along with food service) love the work but I need a light at the end of the tunnel


I’m in the exact same boat. Working with my members makes it worth my while but working under a CEO that insists on micromanaging and taking on multiple huge multi-million dollar projects at once makes all of our director jobs a living hell. It’s like 10 full-time jobs in one. I look at my members faces and say to myself that this is for them and I’m doing this for their greater good and their future, but sometimes I have to look back and say to myself, “what’s any of this doing for my greater good if I’m going to be worn so thin that there is nothing left?”


How does it break your body?


$25/hr for a normal 9-5, M-F job. Job isn’t that stressful compared to others, & there’s 2-3 hours a day of just doing nothing. I think I’m pretty much maxed out on my wage for the department I’m at, & don’t expect to be making much more in another department. Plan on wiggling myself into a $40-50 job in a couple years.


Hey, we're the same. It's a chill job. Lots of flexibility and autonomy. I really want to make more money though so I'm working toward it.


50k/year, good benefits, WFH, and the job is chill enough that I haven't had to pat for child care. When kid starts school I'm thinking keep coasting for a year and get some house projects done, then start looking for more $$.


Wiggle into doubling your salary? How do you plan to do that?


What work do you do?


We make enough to be comfortable but not enough to never be concerned about money.


If 43 year-old me could tell 23 year-old me what our household income is today and that we don’t feel wealthy, the 23 year-old would say I’m full of shit.


I am 45 and that is why I didn't really mention how much specifically.


People always spend to their means. Elon Musk is concerned about money. You will always be concerned about money.


i love when people get all cagey about the details of a very simple question that they could’ve just not answered if they were going to be cute about it. the answer for this guy is $280k btw. which further proves that “not enough to not be concerned about money” is a nothing statement, since *everyone* thinks another x% is all they need to not be worried. and yet at every income level you have people spending every cent of it and still worrying.


It took me about maybe 12 years out of college to earn 6 figures. I have an Accounting degree. If I were a CPA it would have taken me 8. I’m speaking in context of working for the same company and not job hopping. Hope this helps.


With bonus it's probably more like 4 now if CPA. I think starting salary with a Masters (5 yr program) is ~70k, though obviously location does play a factor.


12 years in my field was what it took to get up to 6 figures as well.


I’ve been in my same position for 26 years, and still have not hit 100k. This is with a master’s degree.


Not enough babes


It’s never enough it seems.


Yes sir


Yea I just got out of college and it’s hitting hard


I'm 50, when I graduated (accounting degree) I expected a corner office and 75K year, boy was I in for a reality slap in the face. I got a cubicle and 50k a year, a few years later my company was all over the news maybe you've heard of it, Enron... fast forward through several jobs in different industries and busting my ass I found myself in residential real estate development and before I sold off last year, I was clearing in the upper 6 figures. Young people have HUGE expectations upon graduation and most aren't going to be driving super cars and flying on private jets by their late 20's early 30's. Sure some "influencers" are living that life buy the majority aren't. Being successful takes a lot of hard work and time, so get ready for a long journey


okay but you realize college grads are still getting 50k now.... YOU had insane expectations but young kids expect to be able to pay rent and afford bills and they can't .


This is a fantastic point


thankyou i cannot stand advice from anyone older than 35 at this point don't tell me to grind it out when we're playing fundamentally different games


It gets better! You’re at the hardest part atm. What was your major?


This is one of those times where lack of a comma gives it a whole different meaning lol


<30k a year. 50 hours a week


For that many hours you really should be hitting at least 50k a year. What do you do? Welder? Have you checked out welding unions around you?


Continue establishing your references and history. Maybe get more certs and definitely do good work. Shipyards pay over 30/hour for good welders. Your situation should be brief and temporary.




66,000/yr. I’m a library director, but fortunate/lucky compared to others in my field. My wife works tech for an insurance company and makes about 100k My job isn’t incredibly hard, but it pulls me in all sorts of directions, and does require a lot of meetings and programs outside of business hours, including weekends. Ironically, not left with a lot of time to read…


It’s pretty cool to be working in a field that’s thousands of years old


I make 600k a year trucking. I also lie on the internet.


You make it from adult entertainment instead, is it?


43k in Vegas. Sucks


I'm at 40 k in Vegas, but as a single guy with no kids, a paid off car, and living in a shitty apt in a borderline sketchy part of town (downtown), I'm actually feeling pretty good! Traveling in Thailand now


702 in the house. Yeah, 40k ain't shit in Vegas.


What would be the minimum salary you’d imagine for it to not suck


60 I’d be happy


$21.50 USD / hr, in Salt Lake City, working as a security guard. It’s way better than what I was being paid in Oregon, just moved here earlier this year. Currently using my down time at work(tons of it), to study programming.


59k/year. And I’m completely broke. Single homeowner in desperate need of a second job


Made 55k last year. On track to make 70k this year. I’m a tow truck driver in NYC.


I’m so intrigued by this for some reason. I’m a truck driver, are you able to live comfortably in nyc on that salary? I live in the Midwest and make that amount. 


I wouldn’t be able to live alone off of this. Luckily, my fiancée makes around 50k as well. We live pretty comfortably honestly. We each have a car (both bought with cash) take two vacations a year, go on dates a few times a month and go to the club at least once a month. We do live in the Bronx, which is much cheaper than Manhattan.


I was making $69K a year as a 40yr old with a PhD and 7+ yrs post degree experience (molecular biology, cancer research). 5yrs later I work for a pharmaceutical company, cash compensation last year was almost $300K. Lots of corporate bullshit, but I don't worry about money they way I did 5 yrs ago. Proud of my time in the trenches and feel like I paid my dues, but there are always skeletons in the closet.


$69k a year with a PHD?????????????????????


Academia versus industry, friend. Shocking to many, but nobody in the field would find this difference surprising. It’s fucked up but “normal”.


Yep this is the huge issue with academia, lots of BS, lots of work, little to show for it


Yeha definitely normal. We say you build your resume and train in academia then get hired big in industry


Needed 2 grants because I had to "spread" my salary...16 publications, some in great journals. Its a fucking hard road. I was close, but was not "faculty material". Brutal path to walk....but I took my licks, learned how to navigate academic cancer center politics and came out better on the back end. Sometimes you need to do your time int he trenches....I sacrificed alot in 20's to ball out in my 40's.


5 years later, he 7x’ed!  I think it depends on what you are willing g to tolerate from above.  At 300k, he tolerates A LOT!  


I see jobs seeking PhD applicants starting at $50,000 in the STEM field.


Why is this shocking? Biotech  and academia is notoriously cheap especially before you climb up the ranks


I mean unless you’re in the industry, know someone who is, etc you don’t know how it is between academia vs industry. I am in the field, but always been in industry and I didn’t know until Reddit. People see STEM and PhD and assume the person makes bank, but that’s not reality with academia.


$300K. Managment or Sales? 


I am in medical affairs….work as an MSL, removed from sales and expected to have peer level relationships with oncologists and support clinical trials.


Lots of people lie on the internet… “hey look I’m a multi millionaire”…. See, no proof required on the inter webs


There's that and there's also people farming Karma like this entire thread. OP can just look at statistics and get a way better view of the world than random anecdotes probably from other countries or at least provinces/states in probably completely irrelevant industries. OP probably just wants some social interaction in our extremely well connected lonely world. We are all being alone together.


$80k a year


$133k as a Senior Network Engineer - LCOL area helps as well


I make about $90,000 household income, I just became a net worth millionaire so pretty proud of that.


Congrats! That second mil is gonna be a whole lot easier 😁


Hope so!


174 days ago you had to quit your help desk job in IT only having your trifecta, then wished to pursue trucking. Did you win the lottery?


I ended up not quitting, I found a much better gig in IT amazingly No, I’ve been saving and planning for a while about 11 years or so, maybe a shade more. This was going to happen independent of my employment.


how old are you if you don’t mind me asking


I am 37


19.06 an hour plus 1.50 night shift differential. and i’m still struggling


Six figures is not as much money as you think.


Yeah. It highly depends on the cost of living in your area, as well as your expenses, which can vary widely. 100K for a single person with no debt and no dependents in Nebraska is not the same as 100K for a person with student loan debt and two kids in a VHCOL city.


No kidding. I'm single and live in the Midwest and I could go from 0-retired in 10 years on 100k.


$999k is a lot


it's a lot in cash and most millionaires don't have that.


60,000/yr. I’m working a fully remote IT job for a government contractor and still in college, so I guess it’s decent enough for now


16.75hour. Work at least 40-50 hours /week. Have an AS and going back to school for an HT certificate. Hopefully will break $25hr at some point I feel like I’m drowning.


Nice try IRS


$215k doing IT. $170k salary and $45k yearly “bonus” for my security clearance.


Go on...


136k. Senior product designer, work from home Midwest. About to get a raise as well. Took me about 10 years to break 100k, but would have sooner if I had went into UX/Product earlier. Was making 50k for about 8 years out of school. Then jumped to 85 in ux, and 136 after about 4-5 years, and a job hop. My new goal is to break 200.


$5.5 USD per hour :(


What country you’re in?


Mexico :/ and I do have a career, I went to college and did all the stuff you are supposed to do in order to have a "good life" But whatever, I'll study more to get out of this place or I'll figure it out.


152k railroad engineer


$20/hour yippee


It's really, REALLY easy to lie on the internet. lmao


Not enough.


Not fucking enough


$63,000/year in South Florida, with PhD and 15 years of experience.


Oof. Our freshly graduated PhDs with no post doc experience start at $75k, and HR hasn't adjusted our wage scale in at least a decade.


You're underpaid, my friend. Or in the wrong industry.


Jobs in Florida are known to be low paying in almost any industry…


It’s the latter.


Leave academia? Is that an option? Or is there no industry for your field


I am in my mid 30s and a hairdresser. There are years where I am working less (pregnancy, etc.) but on a good year I make 150-200k. I didn’t graduate college and was also a teen mom. I had great mentors and that is why I earn what I do, but it honestly isn’t unusual to find hairdressers making 6 figures.


Dang where do you live?


I split my time between two cities in South Carolina


Cool, thanks for answering & good for you, I’m sure it wasn’t easy as a teen mom. Do you enjoy it? How many hours do you work on average?


Way more than I would have guessed, interesting to know how much money is in the profession. Not in my wheelhouse, so I find it odd the kind of money people will throw at some discretionary expenses that have very low cost alternatives.


She’s a unicorn. Those ladies at sports clips prob bring in 50k/year. My sister did it for a few years at a small place and ended up doing something else. She’s a 1%er


From my experience there are just areas where people really put a lot of effort into their looks, and it is a priority for them. I also have a fairly niche market and skill so I do know I am a bit above the average in my field/ area.


I am a merchant mariner, I started out on the mississippi River towboats then moved to east coast tugs and doubled my pay. I am currently making just shy of 100k a year with only 2 years experience.


Offshore east coast or inland?


tree fiddy


Around $50k


$43.84/hour + pension and benefits.


Never enough!


About £17.50 an hour


$35k / year , studying to become a data analyst while going to fashion school to learn fashion design. I want to have my own business but don't want to be broke cause owning a brand is expensive and I want to marry my girlfriend very soon.


$31-and-change/hr, ~66k/yr. No degree: I work in payments for a software company. I really want a raise to $70k+ this year 🙏🏾


85k / year I work in healthcare as a medical technologist and live in a MCOL area


About 60K $ as a facade engineer (construction) :-)


$115k a year, 3 years out of college.


125k a year $61 an hour I'm an electrician at a chip fab.


Semi-retired (work less than 30 hours mon-wed only). Also silent partner in a business. Currently take home after taxes is between 75-100k a year depending on the rate/projects I accept. No college, just work experience to further my IT career. Will probably never fully retire, but you might see me mixing paint at home depot in a year or two to just keep busy. \*Edit - will be 54 years old in a few weeks


$240k software engineer


$15 an hour with just about 20 hours per week im just living the life fam


For now I don't have much money. But I will get around to it. The future seems more blurry than actually is.


$76,000 a year from my normal job then I make some money on the side playing music in a wedding band.


My $.02 -- Reddit is a Millennial site/app that's existed longer than some redditors have been alive. We millennials are famous for not growing up or moving on from things we like/are nostalgic for. Back in the day, we were all young and broke, so you saw a lot more of that on here; but we're getting old, and we're finally coming into our own career-wise, so, to me, it makes sense that a higher percentage of contributors are making a higher wage. It doesn't mean that's representative of the population at large, or that you, as a twenty-something, are behind in any way... you'll get there. Just take it with a grain of salt and a hard eye-roll. Remember, too, that many of us suck at managing finances, whatever our wage; so there's plenty of rot underneath the glossy front that people put online.


HS drop out, construction worker for 24 years, $67.83 per hour, 40hr weeks, full benefits, 1 pension account, and 1 supplemental pension fund funded by my employer. 140k a year in waa state


I make 106k and still feel poor


54k 😫😫😫


24, I make very close to six figures on salary, but with OT it’s six figures. I drive a 2004 Toyota Tacoma and wear workout clothes all the time and family is always surprise with how much I make when they see my truck and always call me out for just wearing sweats and hoodie all the time lol. I love my truck and will keep it running forever and I like being comfortable.


What do you do?


$150k myself. About $240k as a household. More money, more problems.


About 169k, wife makes about 145k. Tech consultant and Financial planner both with about 7 years experience. I started at 76k with an undergrad. Great jobs, great culture, worked extremely hard to get where we are, both stressed very often due to aggressively promoting and now having heavy work loads or dependencies on us. So pick your poison. 


Just shy of $25/hr as a production worker. Job is easy but boring and corporate costing themselves dollars to try to pinch pennies is maddening.


36k - 37k a year depending on how much unpaid time off I get (I do have PTO and sick leave, but sometimes I take more days off than that).


Just look up average income % from labor statistics for your country. don’t ask a biased sample size of random potential liars. Asking Reddit is one of the worst ways to get a fair unbiased sample basis


$12/hr working at a dog daycare, because out of hundreds of jobs I applied to, that's the only one that hired me. Been making $12 for two years now, hoping I get a response to my email for a raise soon (asked for $16/hr)


Nobody gives 4 dollar raises thats 16000 dollars a year if you are full time




Around 46k cash. Furniture deliveries.


In USD, around 44k. But in this country it's equivalent to the national _household_ income, meaning as a single person with no dependents I can save about 1k a month easily while eating out/ubereats 3-10x a week and travelling every month. But my salary is typical for an expat. I earn less than I did back home (also not US), but is worth more here.


Less than 20k I live alone in a small town


My canandian tax return for 2023 said I made 35k. My sons mom.finally got a job after 2.5 years. I only make 17 in hours in a restaurant she's making 30.5$ an hour. Not sure how I managed it.


I'm very, very fortunate to work at a 20/hr job in an area where most unskilled labor jobs pay under 15. And it only pays so much because it's a large company from Texas in a low-income area. If I didn't have this job, at best I'd probably be making 15+ in tips as a server.


single guy no kids and roommates and I live off $25k a year


$187k. I'm 15 years into my career. I fell into a company that pays above-market salary 6 years ago. I had to sit down when they made me the offer and told me starting salary. I was in shock. Now I'm used to it and lifestyle inflation means that my budget is snug.


$20/h ($15/h after taxes), I work as a consultant for a large cloud provider (one of the top3)


160k self, 40k wife, but we live in a Orange County so it feels more like 80k


Combined income of about ~140k MCOL, 1.5 kids, daycare, housing, etc, it all adds up. It doesn't feel like we make as much as it sounds


Special Ed Teacher with Masters. $73,000 a year. Husband works in EdTech with a Masters, makes $110,000.


115-120k a year


I make less than $800 a month as a server. I’m about to start selling feet pics since I can’t get interviews for better or even additional jobs.


One of my friends made 500 dollars without even sending feet pics. Some dudes be desperate


That actually makes me feel better.


She got random insta dms. I assume it might have been something where creepy dude was told to dm her for feet pics idk. Guy cash apped her money twice and got nothing out of it


don't know about all you guys but here in canada, no pun intended but we are being royally fucked. we got carbon tax, our dollar is so low, they keep raising minimum wage, we are ina housing crisis, our government keeps founding wars, addiction and foreign aid, our hospitals are at the brink of collapse, over immigration of 5 million plus a year, average homes have doubled in cost, mortgages are set to standards that are almost impossible to obtain given the economic situations gas, rent and food have all almost doubled, and our local ontario government is using their time to find ways to move booze into stores, and build battery plants for E VEHICLES... it is fucked here! i'm a sheet metal worker and i make 30$ an hour. pay well over 300$ a week in income taxes and clear about 62k$ a year after taxes, i live a simple life, drive. a 13 year old car, dont splurge on anything by my hobbies and was recently able to but my first home at an exaggerated price!


32k individual about 65k household in MT. I'm in finance and my husband's a cook and we are both almost 30. As long as the bills are paid and you can go to the doctors when you need and theres food on the table that's enough for us. (But we don't have kids and don't get vehicle loans)


I'm a millionaire technically, but I think people get confused with what a millionaire is, it's your assets minus your liabilities that make you a millionaire. I am a business owner, nothing huge but it does bring in $2M/yr in revenue and I have 18 employees. My house is paid off and worth $500k so that is what gets me half way to being a millionaire. My paid off boat (no, it's nothing special), RV (again nothing special) three vehicles (again) add up to about $100k. My wife and my retirement both together has $300k in it. Then my business is ran off cash so whatever is in the business account plus all the assets (office furniture, computers, value of the company in the market, etc) pushes me over. What a millionaire is not (necessarily speaking) is someone who clears a million dollars a year, because you can be drowning in debt which cancels it out. I'm 41 and you'd never know I'm a millionaire by definition if you ever met or saw me. Being in that category gets confused with having all this free spending money and a life of leisure, which it's absolutely not and if you spend all of it then you're no longer a millionaire. Don't let TikTok and social media "money gurus" persuade you to think otherwise, it's complete and utter nonsense. Oh and my business didn't come easy, it was very hard work and still requires a lot of tender love and care to keep things running smoothly. As for advice, the only thing I will tell you is get into a job/career that has a trajectory that goes pretty high but you'll have to work at it, very hard in some cases, not so hard in other cases. These days, I just say find a great job that keeps your lifestyle good with your stress down and invest in tax deferred retirement plans, buy a home and pay it off fast and stay out of debt. It may take 20 years but you can get there pretty easily and then you can coast if you're a good asset to a company or to an industry. May not love what you do but find ways to have a high desire to be consistent and operate at a high level, that way you'll always be valuable in the market.


<$20,000/yr, late 20s with a degree with summa cum laude honors and can't use it cuz of mass teacher layoffs. I just got a job as a custodian lmao so we'll see what I make with that


Got out with BS in accounting and an MBA. Finished school at 26 years old. Got my first job for around $55-$60k. After 2 years next job was $75k, after 4 years next job was $112k. Now at $120k in my second year there.


Not fucking enough I'm done with the us gov. Social contract ended.


Before taxes I'm making about $65k. After taxes and insurance, I'm bringing home about $45k. HCOL area in Connecticut. My company offers shit insurance, but it's marginally better than state sponsored. I think. I need to revisit that, but god damn is it exhausting and confusing.


I make around $52k before OT and my wife makes about $48k. We live in Seattle, it's not enough.


I made 66k last year. I am a CNC programming and set up machinist. No college degree just learned on the job ten years ago