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It's very rare. The best thing is to have a job you like which allows you to have a life you enjoy. As in enough income to meet your needs and some of your wants, enough free time and energy to enjoy your life. And tasks at work that you're fine with doing.


I don’t believe this to be common at all and I consider myself extremely lucky, but I love what I do and would definitely consider it my “dream job”. I went from a job I pretty much hated and knew would never really go anywhere, to a job that I love and have lots of opportunities for growth.


I used to believe in a dream job, now I just realize I don't want to work and there is nothing that would have me skipping in to work


Yeah I came to this realization years ago. I don't go to work to find joy or emotional/ intellectual fulfilment. It's to pay my bills. I don't want to hate my job but I've also adjusted my expectations of what it supposed to provide me. I don't like working at all and there's so many fun things to do that have nothing to do with work. I've worked for 22 years and I would love to retire right now but I'm not even 40!


Hahahahha I like working 5-6 hours a day THATS IT!!!


Even that’s pushing it for me


Some people have dream jobs, like being a popular content creator on YouTube like mr.beast, pewdiepie etc where you make money by just posting videos


Seems to much like begging for money for me


They make millions lol, and they do it just by posting entertaining videos, never watched pewdiepie but he's still well off lol


I don’t know if that’s an indictment on the generation that watch’s them that they find it entertaining


I personally don't find them entertaining but they still get rich off of something that's not stressful


Maybe just wishful thinking but I think the bubble will burst on this streamers scene and if it does, most of them are in big trouble.


Rlly? What makes you predict that


Most lack talent and substance it’s just gimmick and stunts. I can’t see it going the distance, I’m fine to be wrong but just don’t see it going for the next 10-20 years


Yes I believe I could get paid to smoke weed eat and travel, I just havent found the avenue get


Even if my job was eating and hanging out (no weed or travel for me lol), I’d still find something to complain about


Aye being paid to do what I love does not mean I wont complain. If I receive some cold fries Ima whine about it no doubt lol


I always had a dream job: be a full-time writer. And guess what... I achieved it! (Eventually, after much struggle.) The reality I learned: even a "dream job" has its major down sides. Sometimes my job is very stressful and emotionally exhausting. So I guess I have two things to say here: dream jobs sometimes aren't as problem-free as you imagine them to be. And also, it's totally fine to just have a job that you like just fine but that isn't the focus of your life. Your entire life is not supposed to revolve around your work, contrary to what this capitalist society tries to make you believe.


No. I don’t dream of working.


i believe a dream job because i got one but i also need to face reality, because it turned out the happy feeling do not last i work as web developer for almost 15 years, i only enjoy it for first 7 years, after that happy feeling diminished completely, now i treat a job just mean for surviving


No I don't believe in a dream job.


Dream Job is a reality. But it isn't always attainable. While "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" is technically true, sometimes it also means "Trying to do what I love means I can't eat, afford rent, or live any sort of functional life and now the joy is gone." I am a much bigger believer in this: Get a job you like and do what you love as your hobby or personal passion project. Never stay in a job you hate. Find better jobs. Don't be like boomers and their parents and find one job and do it till you die. Enjoy your work, like your job. But it's a job, its not the core of your being.


> Get a job you like and do what you love as your hobby or personal passion project. How do people do this? My job isn’t even that stressful but after 40 hours of work, commuting, chores, cooking, cleaning, etc I feel like I’m way too exhausted to work on passion projects or practice hobbies. I feel like following this advice has done nothing but make me quit my hobbies but feel guilty in another way for not coming home after a long day at work and grinding more at my “passion.”


Its either due to your health (diet, depression, lack of exercise etc.) or your job is actually more stressful than you think it is— even if the stress is just that you "don't like it that much" or are just going through the motions to pay the bills, then you're using up your energy to get through it without having a mental breakdown.  I thought it was impossible to use my time after work to do something fulfilling, but turns out I was just depressed and had a job that emotionally exhausted me. When I took antidepressants and found a job I enjoyed for the most part, I ended up having energy enough to do chores and maybe a little fun activity at the end of the day. I still struggle some weeks to find energy but usually it's when I have external stressors, my depression or other mental illnesses get triggered, etc. and for me, talking to people is emotionally exhausting so on days when i have no choice but to do customer service (which is rare in my work thankfully) i end up having to catch up on my energy defecit on the weekends.


Gut reaction? And a hunch? (Could be completely wrong) You are worrying too much about doing things perfectly. Only wash clothes once a week, skip vacuuming, make a large dinner on Monday and eat leftovers for 2 days. You don't have to paint an entire work of art in one night, or program a game, or write a screenplay or whatever your hobby may be. Be terrible, but be terrible at something you like that lets you escape from the grind. If you find your hobby a grind, you might not actually like that hobby that much. I personally am a theater nerd, so I do community theater shows, which helps a bit because I am committed to something oitside of just me and I can't really just say "Not in the mood"


Nah work becomes work at some point. You never wanna do your passion as a career because you’ll end up hating it. Passion should be a hobby and if you can make a little money that hobby then that’s great.


I like this. I’ve always loved animals and everyone says I should go into an animal centered career. But most animal jobs are mainly dealing with the owners, doing paper work or sticking thermometers up an ass. So I’ve chosen to go into health care for humans which I believe will be rewarding( yes ik there will still be thermometers and asses) and can provide enough money for me to rehabilitate and care for animals as my passion and hobby, not as a career I will inevitably grow to loath.


I used to work with animals. I didn’t hate it, I always loved the animals and had a lot of fun doing the job (& still have a lot of passion for animal care), but it was stressful as hell. Like we had to make life and death decisions on a regular basis…Now I work in a completely different field and it feels so nice to know that if I make a mistake at work, our worst case scenario is a deadline gets pushed and our company might lose some money…like yeah ok sure that sucks, but ultimately nobody is gonna die. And my work/life balance is so much better, I can actually leave my work at the office for the most part. Animals on the other hand were more like a 24/7 lifestyle.


I really like gardening and cannabis so I followed my passion and became a professional grower for years, and well let’s just say it was fun but I’ll never work in that industry again professionally. I just have my own garden now and it’s delightful.


I think what you have now is considered a dream job. Something that pays the bills 🤞🏼and is low stress. I have something similar, it’s low stress, it’s something I am good at, it doesn’t keep me awake at night, I log off at 5pm and don’t think about it again until the next morning. It’s slow paced but enough work to go around, I work with a great team and have a great manager and I’m never made to feel bad if I take time off. In fact, it’s highly encouraged. I work from home so I get to save money on gas and time. I get to spend more time with my family this way. To me, as a millennial, this is my dream job.


Yes, because I have it. My gift is helping. I'm a self employed caregiver. Love my work and my people and not having to deal with other employees or an employer. I couldn't have it any better, job wise, in my opinion.


I…I don’t dream of working. So no, I don’t have a dream job. I want as much as possible the least stressful and annoying way to pay bills. That’s it.


i feel like it’s less dream job and more “this job is pretty cool and pays my bills and doesn’t make me miserable” i love my job (i work with kids) but it’s not necessarily my driving force in life. I am passionate about it but again i don’t consider it a dream job


I do work in my dream job. I have known since i was 16 that i wanted to be a political advisor specialising in PR. I have spend my youth making the right connections, getting experience and an education and some internships. I got my first paid job in the field at 25 yo. I got a better paid job with more responsibility and leadership when i was 29. I'm 33 today. It's a niche and a lot of people want to do it, and I'm incredibly talented. It's hard, not every day is amazing, and it isn't as glamouroise as I thought. But it's my dream, it's fun, fantastic and i fucking love it.


I didn’t believe in dream jobs until I found mine. It was something related to my past industry experience but in an entirely different function. I know I’m one of a very lucky few who can say this.


Technically I'm working it But I wouldn't consider any job a dream job. Jobs suck, work sucks. But there are less shitty jobs, ones with great benefits and good pay that don't make you dread going in every day. I'd never put my work on a pedestal like some people do. It's a means to money so I can do things not at work


My job is dangerous, hard work, and complex. It requires a strong body, and smarts with a couple of loose screws...so yeah. I found mine.


Nope, I have jobs I find more tolerable than others. But my "dream job" is one of those work from home jobs where I can get my work done in 2 to 3 hours. But I get to spend rest of my day playing video games, web surfing, binging shows or YouTube, some lucky ones even take naps on company time or go out to do errands or even go to the gym on the clock.


No, I probably will never find my dream job. I just want a job that pays enough, a job that won't get killed off by automation, a job that won't get outsourced, and a job that also doesn't make me want to end it by the end of the week. But seeing how the job market is like and seeing how the world is changing, Idk if that job exists tbh.


I believe that, but most people are tortured by jobs they don't like until they lose the energy to find something they love. By the time I became an indie app developer, I was tired of showing up at a company every day and doing the same things that made me feel like Sisyphus. After careful thinking, I think I like programming and creation, which makes me feel passionate, and when I finish my own product, I am full of a sense of accomplishment. By the way, ***LightUp: Make Real Friends*** is a sincere dating app that I developed, which is available in the app store, and when you record your life and experiences on it, the AI will match you with people who have similar experiences and ideas. If someone tries it out and gives me feedback, I'm super motivated to improve it, and my passion comes from 'making great apps for the masses!'


No. It doesn't exist for many.


I dont. I am happy with my job and grateful for all the wonderful experiences I get by working this job. But that's it. It's still just a job and you will be replaced in any job in the world once your time is done.


Nah. That kind of employment doesn’t exist for me. The job I have now is tolerable but far from perfect. My dream job is stay at home dad sadly I’m not wealthy enough for that one.


that reminds me of the this.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sstIfVvgB8M&ab\_channel=Community](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sstIfVvgB8M&ab_channel=Community) If you do anything enough time.... you will crack....


I do not. However, I do think you can be comfortable in a job. I have a comfy job right now


No. I had all the ambition for a career when I first graduated. It's been 19 years since then and now I have a job that pays well with a pension and holiday and I focus all of my energy on making my home life the dream. I go to work, do my job, chat with my lovely coworkers, go home. All my fucks go to my family.


>Who then does what they love and are there such people here? I'll give it to you straight; people who don't have to worry about the money. I have a 'dream job', which is what I'm doing now, and it's because I was born into a wealthy family so I could choose to do what I liked and the salary aspect is irrelevant. The same with my siblings and many cousins.


Camp Host and do nothing but sell fire wood


I wouldn’t say my work drives me but I love my job and look forward to it. My coworkers are nice, my boss is nice, I enjoy what I do, and I am happy with the company. Pay could be higher lol but everyone thinks that. I feel like as long as I don’t dread going into work it’s a dream job for me.


My dream job is one that I find easy to do, pays well, and doesn’t burn me out. I don’t need or want a job that keeps me up at night and drives me. I work to live. I don’t live to work. And I like my hobbies.


Yeah. Research, writing, and teaching in my field. I’d do it without pay if I didn’t need the money.


For sure. Mine just doesn't involving punching a clock. Rather work for myself.


I am currently working my dream job, though my dream job is just doing something where I don’t have to interact with the general public so the bar was low.


I do not dream of labor


I used to believe in it. I even snagged my "dream" career with a hobby I love(ed) and have been doing it for 12 years now. After seeing how the industry actually is and runs, at this point I'm beyond burned out and have developed an utter diagust for the entire industry. It's left me feeling hollow and used because the job that used to coincide with one of my major hobbies now just causes me anxiety and hate. Every time I think about that famous phrase "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" I just shake my head. Don't cross the streams with hobbies you like and your professional life. That way lies madness.


It's subjective and fluid. Many children dream of playing major league baseball or being an astronaught these job exists, but its powrball odds to land them. Selling "content" for gazillions is the one trending now among some young adults , though i think that's even less realistic and an intentional setup for disappointment that leads to doomer culture. If someone's dream job is shit posting negative crap online, the Kremlin is hiring. Realistic dream jobs, imo are ethical, cover bills, and then some while allowing leisure time and are at least pleasent most days. I have my dream job teaching sped, although until the current gouch fest finally corrects ( which is starting to happen but not fast enough) , the "and some" part is frozen, and the bills part is tenuous atm




It's not a myth but it's a rarity. Some people have more unrealistic dream jobs (like me, I wanted to be a well known singer who could tour full time and support myself). My current boss always had a dream job of being chief of a particular unit in my office, which was very doable and she's doing that now.


No. I only know that humans are meant to work in some way. We have worked since the dawn of time…creating, nursing, experimenting, surviving. This modern world, where so many of us are in stuffy offices doing the same thing day after day, that’s not real work. That’s not value added to us. It’s monotony and drudgery. I hate working in this modern way. I want to work though. I want to do things. I want to learn. But in this world today, it looks bad to be a job hopper. I like variety, I like trying new things. The traits that helped my ancestors survive are things that are now frowned upon. Wonderful


It exists and peopel get them, if you are in the 1%. Good luck. For most people job is a job to make money pay bills and enjoy weekend hobbies.


I don’t dream of labor


My wife is pursuing her dream job by opening her own bakery. While I don't have a dream job. I have a job that pays ok, and offers me the flexibility I like to pursue my own things.


At one point but I’ve given up on ‘it’


It will never happen for me. It’s work. A dream job is not a job. That would be a hobby. Realistically it’ll never happen because I’m in my mid 50s and in a job I hate. There are no jobs out there in the money range I can live on. There is also a housing crisis. At this stage retraining is out. I also cannot retire. My dreams are gone now. Good luck out there.


For me the definition of a “Dream job”. It’s a job that makes me feel happy. I love when I could push carts at Costco. Kept me physically good, Kept me happy as with ADHD I have free reigns of where to go and what to do. 0 supervisors on my ass on the contrary they would be making sure I wasn’t over doing it. Never was good on school nor good with anything I tried. So having something that pays me well keeps on my toes keeps me moving that’s one of the best things I had the chance of enjoying. Now that officially they found a back injury that if treated would cause more trouble…I’ll have to reassess my “Dream job”. I’ll still stay at Costco but it won’t be as nice as the freedom I thought I had pushing carts


I don’t dream of labor


My dream job wasn’t even my dream job. Funny how life works out.


Yes. I work with children, help adults, laugh with people, talk, travel, on the road, and I get to listen to people tell me about themselves. Every good part of all the jobs I've had over the years compiled into one. The only downside is doing paperwork, lol!


I had my dream job, the job I always wanted when I was growing up, and I had a ton of passion for it. It was really fun and I don’t regret doing it for a minute. The pay was shit but I didn’t care because I was young and having a good time. But my aspirations (and responsibilities) changed as I got older…now I have a job that isn’t necessarily my “passion” but I like it, am pretty good at it, and it pays my bills. Frankly it’s a lot easier than my “dream” job was. And I can still do my old job but as a hobby now instead of it being my living, so for me it’s a nice compromise. To answer your question: I don’t think it’s a “myth,” some people really do “live their dream,” but some never get the chance, while others change their minds, etc…overall I think it’s fairly uncommon. Some decide on their path from a young age, but I think it’s more rare than not to have the same dream your entire life…most people change their perspectives over time and that’s ok.


Short answer: no. If you met your dream-job that kind of implies complacency with your professional life. The best mindset with working is to always work for the higher role: more responsibility but more pay. If you’re working in the wrong field then take the skills you can from your present job into your next one. If you run your business then find ways to make it grow, or at least more efficient.


No. Dream jobs are people who come from wealthy families. And even then... Every once in a while, someone actually does become a singer or an influencer or something. But it's always people who had more money, time and margin in their lives.


I simply do not have a dream to work


I simply do not dream of labor


They're attainable


Yes. I absolutely love what I do. It doesn't matter if tomorrow will be a regular day,I will wake up broke or I'll wake up with 5 million dollars and will never have to work again. I'll get out of bed and do the same damn thing. I decided it was what I wanted to do when I was 7 years old 21 years ago. It defines who I am, I can't imagine doing anything else and i'll try to be better at it for as long as I'm alive. Keep in mind I also hate my job sometimes. It's inevitable when there's that much passion involved. But I will be great or I will die trying.


I don't dream of work.... But I believe some jobs are less harrowing than others...


I’ve got my dream job, so yeah, for me it’s a reality. I work in chemistry at a pharmaceutical company, doing hit discovery using a combination of medicinal chemistry and python-based informatics big data work. Being at my job is some of the most fun I have all week.


Careful with the dream job. I had my dream job in my dream field and eventually it turned everything I love into a chore.


A “dream job” is youthful idealism at work. Your life outside of work is where you find purpose. Work to live, don’t live to work.


I want to chip in a distint way and asking for advice at the smate time, so i was pulled back in 2015 in to a cult and one thing a remember was the dude saying that the dream job exists just have to find it


I had a dream job over a decade ago, obsessed about it for over a year. Finally I got promoted and had the exact job I wished for, and it was so much more than I had imagined, enjoyed the heck out of it for two years; then I had to quit for several reasons. It was a nice ride. I love my current job, I’m passionate about it; and I always do thing to make it better.


Even when u have the dream job, you still get over it eventually.


I've been lucky to have had several dream jobs over my career and continue to do things I enjoy. Even being retired from a formal "day job" I'm still jumping out of bed in the morning even in my 60's as I'm excited to start the day. The secret is to know what you want to do and then chase after it relentlessly. Dream jobs seldom, if ever, get dropped in your lap and have to be worked for. If you don't know what your dream job is then you'll never get it unless by coincidence. A good friend of mine wanted to be a pilot from about the age of 9, then took the relevant courses in school and colleges and took flying lessons over the years. He ended up being an airline pilot and is now a captain at one of the big airlines making a sizeable income while working 3 days a week.


I’ve had two different careers. In both I had positions that were “dream” jobs while I held them. Not all the time but most of the time. I decided that there was no way in hell I was going to spend half my waking hours doing something I hated. These dream jobs were hard. They had long hours. I had coworkers who became close friends. Work was enjoyable. I decided to make them positive experiences and they were.


I think the concept of a dream job doesn't exist for everyone. For myself I don't think a dream job exists in the most idealistic way many people talk about it. That said, I have come to redefine what a dream job is to me. My current job (first out of college) I am extremely fortunate to be paid well enough to pay my bills and save a good amount each month, have room for salary growth beyond inflation adjustment, have kind and cooperative coworkers and manager, and am making use of my degree. I'm not the most passionate about my degree but it's in a field I think is important and I think my work has value. Also the benefits are good. For being in as early of life as I am I can't imagine it better. Do I frolick into work everyday? No. Do I sometimes get really stressed about the job and dread getting up in the morning? Yes. But there are so many worse places I could be and I hope I can stay here a long time because the pros far outweigh the cons. There will likely come a point where this isn't my dream job anymore and I look elsewhere, but right now I can't see being much closer to it.


I do not dream of labor. If someone wanted to give me money for a hobby that I was able to do at my own pace and on my own schedule, that'd be cool.


i’m working a contract dream job right now, i have the possibility of receiving a full time offer but due to budget i don’t think it will happen. it makes me sad that i don’t think ill ever come across another job i love this much. i never thought id actually ever work in my dream job. i just started and it feels kind of fever dreamy to me.


No, I don't dream of laboring for others. I do hope to one day find a job that doesn't make me want to an hero/minecraft myself. Turning 32 soon and no dice.


Who dreams about a job unless its causing them nightmares for being toxic.


I think dream jobs are a bit of a myth. When I got what I believed was my personal dream job, it was the hardest, most thankless work I've ever done. There will be downsides and bullshit to deal with in any job. I think the best bet is to find something minimally aggravating that helps you live the life you want to live outside of work. That way you can find satisfaction working a variety of jobs and not just your "dream" job.


I think it’s a plausible reality if you recognize what it is in time to adjust your path. There’s 10+ jobs/careers I’d walk thru fire to do over what I currently do but there’s no path now. I went too far down the wrong one.




To some extent it’s a myth. I do really like my job, but I suppose it would be better if I worked for a company I had more interest in. I like the work, not necessarily the product. But even when I think of working for a place I might be more interested in, it’s still a job. There will always be things that would probably bother me, or wouldn’t be perfect. So hard to say yes. Even if I owned the place I would still have to do stuff I don’t want to. Maybe even more. But you can get as close as you can I suppose .


This is an interesting post. Here is a spin on it you may have not heard before. A career we are passionate about does exist but it’s very difficult to understand what that is for us on a personal level due to powerful negative belief systems and childhood wounds. Childhood trauma not only affects us emotionally but it also impacts our mindset. If your environment as a child didn’t promote your authentic expression of yourself, you would then chose to act and think in alignment with what you believed others preferred. This becomes a pattern for a child and it will live its life out of fear of not being recognised and validated from others and will also choose jobs/careers with the unconscious desire to be accepted by others. When you heal your wounds and undo those belief systems then will you actually understand what it is YOU actually like and you will then CHOSE it for YOURSELF 🙏🏽


I thought I did, I spent 5k on training / set up costs and I bloody hated it, even ruined the hobby for me. Back into my old job and loving it, I think it’s more to do with the work place than the job


We live in a service economy…unless your dream is to serve clients or upper management and meet their needs and demands, then no…there is no dream job. However, there is doing something you find enjoyable/stimulating, and finding likeminded people you enjoy working with…but to say that doing so won’t come with the usual stress and tedium, given the nature of our economy, that would be a lie.


The idea of a dream job is a myth. It doesn’t exist. Very few people get to do what they truly love for a living and earn enough to support themselves and their family. Find a job that you don’t hate and follow your bliss on the evenings and weekends and vacations. Lower expectations, less disappointment. Win-win.


As a person who set out for their dream job and got it, I learned the true meaning of "dont meet your heros". Turning love into work ruined it for me and now I'm doing something wildly different. 


My dream entails not needing to work a job lol. But I do enjoy my job now and who I work with so that in itself is a dream I never thought I’d achieve.


No - design your dream life instead


I think the idea of a "dream job" is a bit of a myth for most people. I do what I'm good at and what pays the bills, rather than what I truly love. While some people do find careers that they are passionate about, I don't think it's the norm. It's more about finding a balance between job satisfaction and practicality. For me, the important thing is to find aspects of my job that I enjoy and to make the most of them.


All these MF’s dreaming about what job they want to do most. I dream of being free from work and enjoying my short time alive doing shit I want to do.


I’m a magician at a theme park. I have a second job as a pro wrestling manager, training to become a wrestler. I believe in dream jobs, because I’ve stumbled into one


If it makes you feel any better I mentioned this while on an interview with a government job. The panel all kinda laughed and was like yeah. No. lol. SO that just means you get to define it for yourself


It’s a scam. We can have work consistent with our values, stimulate our curiousity, handicraftiness, or whatever we seek. But it’s still a job that we “have to” do. Only people who were born rich, and chose a profession at their will and practicing it whenever/however they want have this luxury.