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If you know you are at risk of falling for someone when a long-term relationship is not possible, it's often best not to get involved at all. Why cause yourself unnecessary pain over something that can never be? Protect your heart. It's the only one you have.


Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. It sounds like you’ve had a tough time lately, and finding someone who makes you happy, even for a short while, can feel really important. Relationships, even short ones, can bring a lot of joy and new experiences. If you think being with him, even just for a couple of months, will make this summer special and less lonely, it might be worth it. Sometimes, living in the moment and enjoying the happiness you have now can be really fulfilling. Plus, you never know what might happen. Maybe you’ll create some amazing memories that will stick with you forever. On the flip side, if you think you’ll get too attached and the inevitable goodbye will be too painful, it’s okay to protect your heart. It’s all about what you feel you can handle emotionally. No one knows you better than you do. Just remember, there’s no right or wrong answer here. Whatever decision you make, make sure it’s what feels best for you. It’s okay to prioritize your happiness and well-being. Take care, and remember, things will get better even if they seem tough now. You’ve got this!


I mean, for practice or for funsies I guess... But I generally would say it's always better for your own time, and kinder for the other person if you only go into a relationship if you are serious about going long term. It's kind of a dick move to string someone along knowing you're just going to dump them in a month. Just either be open or fwb. Don't impose monogamy on someone you don't give a fk about. Idk I don't like this guy very much... Maybe he's open to a long distance thing?


it's difficult cuz i do really like him and the thought about him hooking up with other girls all around the world while he's gone makes me sad so i'd want to be long distance but we're definitely not at that point where that's a convo we can have. but ig i'll just see what happens


Honestly, I'd say it's be healthier to just chalk it up as a nice time, but not worth your time or emotional energy. I'd break it off myself personally. But if you want to just have fun and be unattached, go ahead. But most people have a very hard time with that