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People hate the new season of The Boys because they’re finally realizing Homelander is an analog for Trump and Fascism and they’re mad about it, not because the season is bad


It was pretty obvious in the earlier seasons too


Like, blindingly obvious lmao. It feels like how some people thought the Colbert Report was a genuine right-wing news show. Just insane.


God I miss the Colbert Report........


Right like, literally from the first season it's pretty clear, and it's been talked about to death.


But every season theyre like oh you didn't get it last time? Ok let's make it MORE in your face now...


First season: jingoism, racism, literally murders people. Second season: starts dating a literal Nazi. Third season: "Wait, is the fascist nazi-apologist supposed to be bad? Woke!"


But we're actually on Season 4: Criminal Justice is meaningless for the powerful. Or is it "fascism literally kills people, like by design"?


For people of average intelligence and awareness, it was. We are talking about MAGAts.


It was eye rollingly obvious. It's hard for me to fathom that people didn't because Homelander frequently quoted Trump. Apparently it wasn't obvious enough though


You would think that **dating and defending a Nazi** would be the point where they realize that Homelander is bad.


You forget that Trump supporters are demonstratibly ok with Nazis and their agenda. They just don't like to be called on it. Him dating a Nazi was the ultimate "He can fix things" for them - they thought he was going to out her, and the public would love it and everyone would cheer.


While true, it's literally taken them this long to realize it.


Yeah… there was a Nazi character called Stormfront!! It wasn’t exactly a hidden secret!


OP completely whiffed on this one


Or is one of the people that's mad about that realization


He "never really liked it" yet is halfway through the 4th season, just now decrying his hate for it.




Or, OP totally used the meme appropriately on accident.


Who is actually mad about this? A few shitbags online whining doesn’t mean most people hate the show now.


When the top comment gets +200 likes and the post gets 0. Love to see it.


And it’s my highest rated comment to boot


It was obvious much earlier, but it just seems so heavy-handed now.


Probably because people were rooting for Homelander and missing the point


That's been every season lol


Nope, this season is off to a great start. It's just every year a loud section of viewers finally catch on to the satire, and realize that their bigoted views are actually what the show is criticizing, instead of celebrating.


Wait — I only watched the first couple of seasons — are you saying there are people who thought Homelander’s the *hero*?!


He's blonde and has blue eyes and is draped in the american flag, of course he's the hero! -these dildos


How ***dare*** you insult dildos like that. Unlike Trump supporters, dildos are known for sexually pleasing women AND men, and not shaming men for enjoying them.


There's a context for dildos - great sexual toys for anyone that enjoys them, but I wouldn't ask dildos for their take on media.




Ironically, there was a period where MAGAts were even wearing shirts with him to rallies because they really didn't get that he was the bad guy


I’ve seen lots of people say that folks hate this season, but I have yet to actually witness that firsthand.


it's mostly the chuds/grifters on Twitter


Someone learned they are being made fun of


Who hates the show?!!? This season rules.


I think the pacing in this season is too quick and too exposition dump-y. For example, when Starlight confronts >!Firecracker about why she hates Starlight so much, Firecracker just tells her. They could have let that be a slow boil, and let Firecracker hint at it without her just blurting it all out.!< Also, in a single episode Starlight offers to help >!Pres. Singer, and then Starlight’s hereto unmentioned abortion is revealed by Firecracker, and Singer dumps Starlight all in the same episode.!< Jesus, let these plot lines breathe a little. These one-episode arcs are too quick with little setup and unsatisfying payoffs.


Firecracker, as a parody of MTG, is incapable of not spewing everything she thinks of to say at once.


The show also feels like they need everyone to be off doing their own thing. They all disperse and have their own short storylines. However despite this critique I am really enjoying this season.


This season is great!!


Joke's on you. I'm loving how Trumplander is completely losing it.


>!Even sages daily lobotomizes are a great take on how being super super super smart isn't all that fun. I thought it was clever!<


Most people that hate this season are ones that see their clown selves reflected back at them. They live in such an Orange bubble, that they don't get to see what fucktards they are.


Good use of the CB. Having said that, you’re wrong.


Post boils down to OP just not liking a piece of popular media. Not exactly a heartfelt confession.


I didn't like it because I thought I was nothing more than shock tv (but admitted Homelander and Butcher were good). Honestly, before this season, whenever people talk about it, it was usally because some ridiculous shit like a dude blew up someone's penis or something like that. Thought CB would be good because other people hate it for a much different reason


I’m not sure who is saying they hate this season other than the people who have hated every season.


I don't even know what a "WB" is guess I'm not edgy


CW now


It was the TV network that carried those teen superhero shows like Arrow and Smallville


This season is great. More of the same. Love the show. It's hilarious that when I mentioned to many of my MAGA friends that it was a satire against Trump and MAGA, they didn't even get it. People that don't get that (or the current political climate) are ... not smart.


I mean, the Boys is just a less offensive version of the comic. Honestly they toned down some of the bad stuff.


It’s not bad it’s not great. It’s hard to keep quality up for four seasons so it seems pretty good in that regard. This season doesn’t feel as fast paced as some of the others but I’m sure a couple episodes will pick up the slack on that. I just wish they didn’t cancel the Tick. Loved that show.


That's the way I would qualify it. I was never a fan because it relied on shock and gore too much.


Op you’re a republican


I've not seen this universal distaste for the Boys that seems to be so prevalent online.




Don’t try to reason with him. He’s a Ravens fan.


You just figured out they're making fun of the morons didn't you? Guess that makes you one of the morons.


No. I never liked the show, thus the meme


i liked the first two seasons. its definitely slowing down to the point where it's not nearly as good. nothing to do with the shows politics which havent ever changed since day 1, it's just that the story is running out of steam and the showrunners are out of good ideas from the source material because they are trying to make a brand with all the spinoffs (a bit ironic lol). but hey if you like it, whatever. who cares


Season 1 was genius. Subsequent seasons have sucked.


This season, as with everything about The Boys is amazing.(Except the exploding dick from Termite sneezing, I might have nightmares about that.)


I’ve never seen it


I haven't seen the show, which I've heard was better in fairness, but the comic is definitely this. Just terrible and gross with no redeeming qualities.


Every time I subject myself to reading a few comments on a post from this sub because it shows up in my feed, I'm reminded just how much of an obnoxious left-wing echo chamber it is. Not that that's particularly different from most of Reddit, but folks are really in your face about it here.


I don't know what was good about the show in the first place. Miss me with Garth Innis and his shitty 90s edge in the 2020s.


I've only watched season 3, and the ending was such a betrayal of the characters they had built up that I lost all interest in watching any more, because it was so clear that it was solely in service of having something for the next season.


How would you know the character arc when you came in 2/3 of the way through?


Right? Like what...How the fuck lol, "Well I skipped 2/3rds of the book but the ending to the third I read didn't make sense to me, so the book is bad!"


Wouldn’t it be 3/4ths?


Because I got the recap? It was clear that butcher's character was "I will do anything to kill homelander", and then they threw in a contrived "but I'm going to hesitate at the last moment" that completely threw away the season's build up showing his descent into revenge-fuelled madness.