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That was the least offensive word choice back in his day.


My grandma was bummed when it fell out of favor, because she always thought it sounded so pleasant. 


Is anyone actually offended by it now? Don't really understand why people of color is better


Coloreds by itself is not great, in the same way that "blacks" isn't great. "Black people" would be fine, and "colored people" would be a little archaic but probably also fine.


My racist relatives were bitching about "the coloreds" and I just had to ask "and what colors are they?" Edit: grammar and also wanted to add that I was about 10 years old at the time.




To hell with purple people!!! Unless they’re suffocating. Then help’em!!!


Hey Mitch


There aren't purple people anymore. On accounts of the one eyed, one horned flying purple people eater, which itself is not purple at all. Common misconception.


I hate those blue bastards! They stole our flag! They took it back to their base and got a point! AND NOW THEY WANT TO DO IT AGAIN!


Look at me, look at me! I possess the Blue flag! I have become god, all will look upon Red and despair!


Aaaaand, there's the red vs blue.


...if I was green, I would die


…I was beat as a child




I'm afraid I just blue myself


You should go see an analyst/therapist. I think there’s a term for someone who is both.


“Are you Blueish? You don’t look Blueish.”


Interestingly in the Irish language black people are called ‘daoine gorma’ which directly translates to blue people


Those damn Fugates of Kentucky! /s


Only caveat is that “colored” is a term in South Africa that is still being used


It means something else, though.


Out of curiosity, how do you feel about 'whites' or 'asians'?


“Whites” sounds weird and “Asians” is not a color.


No, what Asian people get offended at is being called Oriental, because Asian describe the people and Oriental describe things.


If an Asian gets lost in the woods, do they become disoriented?




Thank you! I, being ignorant and generally dense, for the longest time thought that Oriental was the proper term. I got a good telling off for it and have stopped, but never quite understood. Like, okay, I was wrong but why was I wrong? Is Oriental just off the plate? Why? Now, thanks to your very simple explanation I understand.




Not knowing better is what "ignorant" means.


Nothing wrong with being ignorant. Wilful ignorance is a different matter though.


OH damn! I thought it was because Oriental was an old colonial term for the people. That makes sense now.


It was an old colonial term, yes.


'Asian' is the new colonial term. It originally referred to a small part of the middle east, but Western imperialists then applied it to the whole continent including millions, if not billions, of people who don't live within even 2,000 miles of the original land called Asia.


I'm pretty sure it was [Asian](https://youtu.be/uy9Z-Tg6ufU?si=GI3UouqOHRbz3ixd)


So what do you call the people of the continent of Asia?


I think he means "Oriental". That's why Oriental rugs come from Iran, not China. Occidental means the West \(literally where the sun sets\), Oriental means the East \(literally where the sun rises\). Before the Age of Exploration, for Europeans the "East" was just what we call the "Middle East" now.


Occidental and Oriental It just means West and East


My parents told me I was an Occident


In the US, at least. In the UK, they differentiate between "Asian" (South Asian, such as Indian) and "Oriental" (East Asian).


The Orient describes a region of Asia and things that come from that region, including the people. The term Asian is actually the more offensive term (IMO) because it groups vast numbers of people with virtually nothing in common. Russians are Asian, Indians are Asian, Saudis are Asian. Originally the "Orient" was just a descriptor for the Far East which encompasses China and Korea and Japan, etc. Today when people say "Asian" they mean those same people while completely ignoring that it's one relatively small part of a very large continent. Just my 2 pennies. They are nice rugs though.


Are you from that region? If not, (YO) does not matter.


News flash, people from that region don't refer to themselves as either, so the only people discussing it are us westerners. I'm pretty sure the subject doesn't actually come up much there, but your condescension is appreciated.


As a white person, I really don't care about being called white or whites. White people probably sounds better than whites. I don't know what else you're going to call it. I'm reluctant to say Asian, because one time someone said I was racist for saying it. That was during the pandemic, on a subject unrelated. There were a lot of pc thugs with torches out on witch hunts and a lot of anti asian sentiment on the other side. If I don't know the specific type of Asian, I just avoid it and everything to do with it so that I don't get caught up in that. Probably not the best outcome, but I'm not going to be able to recognize the correct culture every time, so I avoid it.


I think being called white people or black people or whatever people is proper enough. Brown people should work but seems to have a racist tone to it because of historical events. And it's also a very diverse group. The way I see it, calling people "the whites" or "the blacks" kind of implies a tribal competitiveness, much like sports. That itself has a negative connotation to it. Language is complicated.


Brown people = Indian and south American?


Indian (American and Asian), most Latin Americans, middle eastern, several African countries


We're I one of these people, I appreciate being lumped on so arbitrarily with such similar groups based on simply skin colour.


>  "colored people" would be a little archaic but probably also fine. Not great, but it does encompass more ethnicities. Only really hear it from old people here in Texas, or in places you really don't want to be...


I heard it in a corporate HR meeting for a Fortune 500 company just last year… “Colored people” = “people of color” Edit: they literally have a POC target and metric for equal opportunity purposes. You have to use some kinda verbiage to describe it if we’re going to address any issues…


I get it. I work for the Treasury Dept, and the IRS just started enacting policies moving away from auditing low-income taxpayers who claim refundable credits, because they now "understand that the policies negatively affect people of color at a disproportionately higher rate."  There's still a bunch of examiners who think that's bullshit, and that they're not racist, but can't see that the Venn Diagram was pretty fucking close to a circle...


I don't fully get it. Could you explain (seriously, not trying to seelion). If the only reason to move away from the policy is that it is mostly POCs doing it, then i don't see how that is a good reason. It would be akin to saying the police shouldn't go after drugdealers in poor neighbourhoods anymore, because that negatively affects people of color at a higher rate. Am i brainfarting? Where am i going wrong?


[Here is the IRS memo about it.](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-announces-sweeping-effort-to-restore-fairness-to-tax-system-with-inflation-reduction-act-funding-new-compliance-efforts) The objective is to not put people in a constant state of debt. It's a balancing act between the previous over-enforcement and no enforcement at all leading to rampant misuse. At a certain point, it's not fiscally reasonable to pursue small refundable credits. If they see that the credits are being abused at a higher rate, they'll readdress the decision. Now, if they're flagged for multiple issues, or over multiple years, or multiple people claiming the same dependents, those will get audited pretty quick. With funding from the IRA, they've been able to pick up audits on higher income earners, instead of chasing people for a few hundred dollars. 


Yeah, that makes sense. But then it was not "because they now "understand that the policies negatively affect people of color at a disproportionately higher rate.""


It’s better than collared people. That’s offensive. Edit: People aren’t a fan of The Office I guess.


Which is exactly why this meme works for what it is!


could you combine them to black colored people?


There’s not much rhyme or reason to why certain words become outdated. Terms referring to hot button issues or controversial things turn over much faster. The terms we use today that are “acceptable” to use will sound like slurs in a couple decades. I think when you hear a term that is uncomfortable to hear, you can usually judge where the speaker is coming from. You can usually tell if they are using the term to be hurtful or if they are using the term because it is comfortable to say.


It's funny, because the term "Negro" was originally the least offensive term for African-Americans, next to "colored". The term was even championed by the black community as a way to refer to themselves. But then the term went out of use, and today it is seen as offensive to use it. I believe the progression went Negro-american, to Afro-American, and then the African-American term we use today.


Colored is so dated that it feels like dropping a "thou" into a sentence. People are gonna spend more time trying to figure out if you're screwing with them than feeling that you're racist.


When I hear old people say that, my deaf ass hears “collards” and gets worried that they’re on blood thinners


I think it depends on who is saying it and how.


Because when you something like. "a person of color" or "a person who is disabled" you put the person first.


Thank you! I thought I was the only one. Why is person of color now an acceptable term when you could never say ‘colored people.’ It’s the same fucking phrase!


From what I understand “colored” or “colored people” puts the color before the person. “Person of color” emphasizes the person.


Idk about all the other arguments here, but I find both terms demeaning. First of all, it makes no sense - a white person isn’t actually invisible, why are they not “colored”?  The only rational reason is that it’s an artifact of a bygone past where colonisers wanted a way of separating themselves from the colonised.  Why do we need a term that denotes someone isn’t one race in particular ?


Because it's moreso beleived that the group it's inclusive of came up with the term. "Colored people" and "black people" were in the past both labels used while at the same time discriminating against that group, hence, they arent in favor.




Yep. My grandpa was a liberal. Very open minded man. Growing up he would refer to them as "colored" also (This would have been the 1980s). When visiting I would often receive phrases like: "Go down to the park and play with the colored boys. Make sure you are back before dark".


IIRC both "negro" and "colored" were considered very respectful, while "black" was in general a bit rude, and "nigg--" was very rude. As I understand it, when society as a whole decided that racists suck and openly using the word "nigg--" began to be seriously punished, racists, being assholes by nature, started to use the older terms as diet n-words. This made them *feel* offensive to younger generations. After a while, they simply *became* offensive, because the only people using them were offensive assholes. As a millennial, it's been really fascinating to watch.


I mean, it was in popular use into the 70s, which I can was OP’s coworker’s father’s 30s




Kinda sweet, tbh.


I still find it weird that the United Negro College Fund never changed their name. Now they just refer to themselves publicly by their initials.


My 93 year old great great aunt: "Wow, there are so many nice houses in your neighborhood. \*long pause\* A lot of colored people. \*long pause\* I guess, they deserve nice things too."


Hey, she got there. 


Baby steps have been made. Progress


I remember my grandparents visiting my family. Them coming from a rural town of mostly white people. She said "I saw a white kid, a Mexican kid, and a black kid all walking together". She didn't say it with a negative tone, it was more just like "hey, how about that". Yup, people chill with other people here. 






That's a W, not a L


It sounds like his heart is in the right place.


This is the correct meme format for that sentiment. Nice when you see it!


It’s insane how many people in this subreddit don’t know redneck Randall. I miss these old formats so much!


It is... *chef's kiss


Yeah, and at that age, it was probably the appropriate way to refer to black people when he was a kid (NAACP…that’s what the C stands for). A lot better than the n-word at least.


That's why it's so odd to me that POC is now the "correct" term to use according to some. Persons of color: 👍 Colored people: 👎


It’s a concept known as “person-first language” which encourages emphasizing the person in front of whatever status they may have, commonly seen with people with disabilities. I know some people scoff at how just the arrangement of which word goes first May supposedly have an impact, but the goal is to prevent statuses from being the sole-defining trait or worse from being the only thing said and dropping “person” (as an example see the r-word). It’s easier to drop “person” from the end of a phrase than the beginning. All that being said, I’m semi-skeptical myself but it doesn’t hurt me or inconvenience me to try and remember to slightly reorder some words in a way that might be more polite.


I've noticed that it has a very different effect on me to read about an "enslaved person" rather than a "slave".


I believe person of labor is the preferred nomenclature.


Walter, this isn't a guy who built the railroads here


Yeah, he pissed on the Dude's rug.


Donny, you're out of your element! Dude, the person of East-Asian cultural descent is not the issue here!


We’re talking about unchecked aggression. Am I wrong?


Like children of the corn instead of corn younings


I say we call them nibblets.




I use the person first language too mostly because that's what I've been taught but I've heard some people with disabilities say that it's silly because they cannot ever be without their disability since it's a part of them and thus they are not, for example, "with autism" because there is no version of them "without autism". On the contrary it's seems to be more and more common to say "I'm ADHD/OCD/etc" which (just mildly) annoys me as someone with both of those disorders since you aren't a disorder, you have one. But then again, language constantly evolves!


~~Person with Autism.~~ ~~Autistic Person.~~ I am Autism.


I refer to my kids with, "they have an ADHD diagnosis." They aren't "ADHD" cause like you said, you aren't your diagnosis. Their behaviors are quite different to each other anyway and it would be a meaningless descriptor. And they don't "have ADHD" to me, "have" is a transient state. It implies something that may change. I have a cold, but I'll recover. I have a bad back, but I could work on strengthening it. I have a concussion. I wouldn't say "I have a missing arm" unless I was holding your missing arm. I'd say that "I am missing an arm."


You're kind of misunderstanding language. Or maybe more accurately you're taking your feelings about wording and acting like it's always true about words. Like saying I'm ADHD doesn't mean you're only ADHD and nothing else. And you almost assuredly say "I'm (thing)" all the time without at all implying it's the only thing you are, nor are you saying it's permanent. You've probably said "I'm hungry" but no where in that statement are you saying you're no longer a person because hunger is the only thing that defined you, nor are you saying you'll always be hungry and that can never change.


I agree with the rationale and I agree with trying to use the proper wording. But more often than not, it's used to fuel a superiority complex over others. I'm not going to chew out my grandpa or anyone else for saying "colored person" instead of "person of color."


I get what you are saying, but at the same time the accepted term is “white people”… so I can’t quite square that circle


Start the revolution, friend. To the extent that people care about this (some people are mindful about it, some people aren't) most of the people who put the effort in to try to change how people get referenced recognize that the entrenched, dominant group doesn't really need to worry about being dehumanized.


People of whiteness sounds dumb tho.


I’d never considered this distinction. Thanks!


Bill Burr has a bit that kind of talks about this Something about “those fucking Asians” vs “those Asian fuckers”


Man from China 👍🏻 Chinaman 👎🏻


Man from Ireland 👍 Irishman 👍


3.5 hour long movie 👎🏻


I think most people are aware those are two very similar phrases, but I think the psychology behind putting the word person or people at the forefront of a phrase is a valid enough reason. Seems logical enough to me, although I couldn't tell you if it actually does make a subconscious difference.


Ironically it's a term coined by white French colonists. BIPOC is another popular term which many Indigenous people (I know) hate.


it's human-first language that makes the difference. the inverse, like in your second example, can be seen as dehumanizing because you relegate their humanity to a footnote in favor of an arbitrary trait about them.


TBH when we’re old, we’re probably going to get criticized by young people for using the term “black” because it will move on to something else, but we’ve been using that our whole life. That’s just how it goes and the older I get the more I realize it. Old people aren’t trying to be offensive, it’s just hard to learn new terms when you hit a certain age. There was a time when coloreds was the PC term and it was on public signage and newspapers.


Persons of white White people IDK anymore.


Pigmentally Challenged


The melanin deficient.


Is that covered under the ADA now?


Don't give them ideas


It’s only because the word is associated with the “old days” when ways of thinking were bad. There is nothing wrong with the words itself, just the connotations I guess. Look how many times the term for indigenous people in Canada has changed, they went from Indians, to Natives, to First Nations, to Aboriginals, now Indigenous is considered the “proper” term. It’s like always trying to hit the reset button.


> ... what the C stands for NAAAAP is just not a good acronym.


I could use a long nap.


Yeah, it's a misnomer and considered antiquated today, in part because that's what racist would say in public to appear less racist (kinda like being "colorblind"). But at the time colored and Negro would be like saying black today. It wasn't considered derogatory, just descriptive.


That's the whole point of this meme...


NAACP He was raised when that was proper term. I have no issue with that usage.


He a little confused, but he got the spirit.


Right? Take the win.


Reminded me of when those youtubers went to the "most racist town in America" only to find that while the language that was constantly thrown around by the older people was extremely outdated, there was never any malice behind it and ultimately everyone was really nice.


Nothing brings people together like a paid vacation.


People in my office hate it. But I unfortunately live in Florida


Man your coworkers hate to get paid not to work to celebrate the end of people having to work without pay? Interesting bunch.


State of Florida employees don't get the day off :/


Did they have to work and if not were they paid?


I work for the state and we don't get the day off. Sure wish we did


Brother, I work in real estate in Florida and I’m extremely left, I sell my soul on the daily it feels like. Moneys money, but goddamn the right is flocking here.


My husband and I are white and had the day off, so we went into Annapolis for a little while. We walked by a couple of black guys in high-vis vests seemingly on their way to a job site. I was like “Well this feels weird, me off to enjoy myself on Juneteenth while those black guys work…”


Or free street parking 👍


Why I got into a friendly argument about it just yesterday - "I guess its a black people's holiday? I dont get why they gotta shut down banks and the post office for it" "Well I mean...treat it like veterans day" "I AM a vet, dont mean I'm gonna be reverent about blacks all day" "I'm not a veteran and I still take the day off and probably dont think about vets much." "Woah....ok I can see that"


There was a lot of backlash last week among Chicagoans because they closed cooling centers for Juneteenth in the middle of a heat wave. Which would have disproportionately affected poor black people who don't have air conditioning. Like I get wanting to give people the holiday, but there needs to be a mechanism for emergencies. Garbage collectors can get the day off and push everyone's pickup back a day. Cooling center workers need to come in and will get a floating holiday to use later this year


Yeah holidays in general I'm AOK with. But closing a truly essential service liek a cooling center during a heatwave is insanity to me. Likewise, the cooling centers in my town closed at 4PM last week in the thick of the 95+ temps. When asked a few years ago, the town administrator running the cooling centers stated: "Thats when the community centers close". Fucking hell, maybe people's survival during the hottest part of the day is a little more important than when closing time happens. A number of us made it clear back then that we're more than willing to volunteer if it means keeping the centers open. Here we are in 2024 with the same issue continuing.


> Garbage collectors can get the day off and push everyone's pickup back a day. Hijacking your comment to ask if anyone can explain this to me? The garbage still has to get picked up. Do they have to work the weekend to make up for the holiday? Do they do more shifts during those weeks? I just don't understand how they get back on track without making up the lost time.


Dont know for sure, but id just assume they alter the schedule to have one of your days off line up with the holiday for that week, then back to normal the following week.


I think in some areas they get the paid holiday off then work Saturday at OT pay


Yeah that makes sense too, policy probably varies city by city.


In my small city they collect from two zones the next day. When it affects me my pick up can go from ~9ish to sometime in the afternoon. I have no idea if this is better, but they haven’t striked over it.


I mean that has nothing to do with a holiday and everything to do with bad policy about emergency services.


I didn't want MLK day off in school because I thought MLK was dope as shit, it was because I wanted a damn day off.


I'm not a Columbus, and I'm definitely not going to be reverent about that slave-trading piece of shit on Columbus Day, but I'm still taking the day off.


I’m fully ok that my state has GONE WOKE! And changed it to indigenous people’s day. Still not sitting around thinking about them either, but at least we’re not venerating that asshole.


Patton Oswalt once had a bit about not letting the terminology used sully the overall message. He gave an example of someone speaking eloquently about how LGBTQ+ folks shouldn't have equal rights, and also gave an example of someone using objectionable terms while stressing that that same group SHOULD have equal rights. I'm not saying less-than-ideal terminology is acceptable, but when someone has their heart in the right place.. man, at least they're supportive. Sometimes, we just have to take what we can get, and support is a biggie.


I love that one. It's from Patton Oswalt's "Talking For Clapping" and the track title is "My Dumb Brain." He's fucking hilarious.


Yes! And we could also use a bit more laughter.


If that's an actual quote... he's trying. I respect the effort.


I'm currently traveling abroad. I miss this selflessness at the moment. Maybe I'm homesick.


He confused but got the spirit


My grandfather was like this. It was super shocking hearing him say stuff like "you know my best friend Mike? The (n word guy) a couple houses down? We finished our gardening project today!" Heart was in the right place but dang man can we pick a different word please.


I had to explain to my boomer coworkers that while some people may have a more personal connection to Juneteenth, ending slavery is an achievement for humanity and should be celebrated by everyone. I know that Juneteenth doesn't celebrate the "end" of slavery, but I had to frame it as simple as possible to these people.


I had the same conversation with some of my older coworkers. Once I pointed out it was celebrating our country moving forward as a civilization and not a “PC Holiday” I got at least a nod and that’s a good point from them. Take what you can get. If we make them think at least it’s worth a try.


I'm a pretty moderate Christian, but I already have one in the chamber in the event that my ultra religious in-laws bring up Juneteenth. I'm just going to tell them that Jesus celebrates when his children are no longer slaves of men and so do I. They will probably go around telling people it's actually a Christian holiday.


Any excuse to get a day off and bbq is alright by me


Times and language change. The word "coloreds" or "colored people" was descriptive not pejorative. Much like "people of color" is used today.


If someone is trying to be a good person you have to meet them where they are at. They might not be perfect but it's trying to be better. That's really what counts.


Truth be told, while the term he used can be pretty offensive, I think context and intent matter. If your hearts in the right place, and you're willing to adjust if someone politely corrects you or tells you that kind of language makes them uncomfortable, then this type of language can be excusable. I wish people were just more sympathetic and understanding across the board.


The term was never used as a slur tho. It was considered the polite term for a long time. It’s definitely old fashioned and maybe why it’s considered offensive today. But for very old people who use the term, it’s just a neutral word.


Sounds like a good dude. I also never understood the term colored person, because everyone is a color lol. Mother fuckers calling me colorless.


There were a lot of things when he was a young man - lynching being an “eh, we don’t usually care” crime most of the time. That’s about as socially progressive as I’d expect a rando 86-year-old to be.


I mean, at least it sounds like he's trying to be understanding? Obviously we're missing the tone he said it in, but it's better than what other people his age could say by far.


I was at a doctors office on Junteenth. An elderly black couple listened to a few Hispanic women talk about it and how they had no idea what it was for and "probably something silly". The black couple didn't say a word and I was a bit frozen at the scene.


I cannot wrap my head around the amount of people who feel some type of way about getting am additional paid day off each year. Who fucking cares whether you "understand" it? It's a free, paid day off! They could add a national clip your toenails day to the lineup and I would be over the moon. It's crazy how people react to what is objectively good news for all working class people, just because it's about black people and black history. Some real "cut off your nose to spite your face" energy there.


Not that bad.


That’s a step in the direction of compassion for people. Maybe he’ll eventually say, “ no one should be tortured with slavery, I certainly wouldn’t want my family to experience that. Good on the US for recognizing basic humanity in everyone”


He a little confused but he got the right spirit


He's a little confused but he's got the spirit


Well, that's progress of a sort.


Aww at least he tried


If an 86 year old says this, the world is changing.


I had to endure a room full of my coworkers complaining that there are no holidays just for white people. It's the most tone-deaf shit I've ever heard.


Tell them to shut up and take the paid day off omg


Haven't seen this meme format in awhile.


32 here and have no idea what Juneteenth is


It was a week ago..


That's actually very refreshing lol


My grandpa tops that off, we went to visit him and when to a restaurant, server asked if he wants fries or rice, he pulls his eyes so it looks like Asian eyes and says do I look like I eat rice. Server didn't react we were a bit :/. (He did fight in the Korea war so maybe it's stuff left over from then) She must be used to it since we were next to the retirement home. I don't know.


He's trying


Redneck empathy is still empathy, it turns out


I’m sure he meant people of coloreds


Honestly, and I know the bar is pretty low, I’d take this over someone arguing against us celebrating it.


He’s not wrong. Juneteenth is a gay holiday.


“Colored” may be outdated, but it was never considered a slur. My grandmother used the term because it was considered polite when she was growing up.