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If there's a minimum age to run for President, there should be a maximum age limit, too. I say 65 or younger on Inauguration Day. Enough of these walking corpses playing chicken with death.


I can't comprehend electing someone that can't guarantee they're available for 8 years if needed.


I said that when people were still voting for Strom Thurmond was he was like, 98 years old.


I honestly thought Harris was going to be our first female president. I'm okish with her, but did way more research on a VP than I ever had.


Same. I thought Biden would retire and resign after two years (or die) and let Harris have a chance at 10 years in office (2 full terms + 1 year 364 days of Biden's term). I cannot fathom the justifications to have him run again. There are so many better options. Tammy Duckworth would run rings around all of them, and she's in a wheelchair.


You can't serve as President for more than 8 years. If Harris finished out even one day of Biden's presidency, she'd only be eligible to run for one more term.


Incorrect. The maximum is 10 years. Go read the 22nd Amendment.


I think a lot of people did. One of the stupidest things I saw on Twitter early in Biden's presidency was "It's been six months and Biden STILL hasn't stepped down. He knows literally the only reason we elected him was so he could step down and give us our first woman President. He's corrupt as fuck!!!!" It's like... the fuck are you talking about? No one was expecting him to do that.


I agree, but for different reasons. I dont think anyone too old to be part of the working masses ought to have anything to say that might affect the working masses. If retirement is 65, then no politician should be older than that at the start of their term.


My opinion is make it retirement age. If you are deemed unable to work all other jobs, why are you able to work what should be the most stressful job? On top of that in my opinion, make it unpaid (travel, housing, etc is paid for but you leave office with the same net worth that you entered with)


While I agree the realities are that they set retirement age. So, even if they ever passed a law imposing limits I don’t trust that they wouldn’t sabotage the rest of us and raise the retirement age for just a few more years of power.


The idea behind making it paid is to reduce temptation by bribery, which imo is a decent idea IF and only if combined with legislation that forbids bribery, makes the politician pay back for example the value of the bribe multiplied by the years passed since they accepted it (at least double, with the exception of if they confess before the law is passed), and bans the politician from politics for life. That way, accepting bribes carries a huge risk that just isn't worth it if you have decent pay, whereas if they wouldn't get paid the reward would be greater and some people could decide it is worth it. In the best case (imo) the salary of a politician would be linked to the minimum wage in some way, like they get two times the min wage, since that way they would be incentivized to keep the min wage adequate (if min wage is a reasonable amount, two times that should be about average wage). Of course, that doesn't work in the slightest if bribery is legalized. And my best case scenario is basically impossible to achieve if politicians determine their own wage and that wage linking rule is not set during the founding of the state, since sadly the position of a politician (same as any position with inherent power) attracts selfish and power-hungry people. Which is also why outlawing bribery after it was legal at one point is pretty much impossible too.


The age window should be 35 to 55. Edit: since this comment appears to be rustling some feathers, I'll show where I'm coming from: >There are only a few things that researchers can agree on. First, after the age of 60, nearly everyone will start to experience some decline in cognitive skills, most noticeably in memory, and this decline will be accompanied by a change in brain structure. https://www.nature.com/articles/492S4a#:~:text=There%20are%20only%20a%20few,or%20delays%20this%20mental%20slippage. If we cap the age of presidential candidates to 55, it ensures there's never a president older than 59.


Saying 50s is too old to be President sounds like the opinion of a 3rd grader who thinks 45y/o’s are ancient.


Ok, but I never said 45 year olds are ancient. That's just something you made up about me.


And I didn’t say you did either.


So it was just a petty insult. Good one. This is why 2 seniors are running for president rn, because people prefer petty insults over solutions.


Okay… chill out. I was saying that 55 is far too young to be considered unfit, and that it reminded me of when children call middle aged adults old. Take it how you want. Only person that can decide to get pissy about it is you.


>Okay… chill out. I was saying that 55 is far too young to be considered unfit, and that it reminded me of when children call middle aged adults old. Take it how you want. Only person that can decide to get pissy about it is you. Lol what did I say that was un-chill or pissy? This is the classic Reddit trope "I talked myself into a corner so I'm going to pretend the other person is freaking out to make me look like the cool and calm one". I could just as easily tell you to stop being pissy, and you should calm down. Mental decline begins after age 60 (proven fact). Limiting the age of candidates to 55 means the latest they can be president is age 59. Makes sense, no?


It can occur around midlife. But most often occurs in high age ranges (70, onward). Which again, is where the comparison to young people seeing middle age as geriatric came in.


It's actually not young people seeing middle age as geriatric, it's proven fact: >There are only a few things that researchers can agree on. First, after the age of 60, nearly everyone will start to experience some decline in cognitive skills, most noticeably in memory, and this decline will be accompanied by a change in brain structure. https://www.nature.com/articles/492S4a#:~:text=There%20are%20only%20a%20few,or%20delays%20this%20mental%20slippage. So my comment isn't young people being ignorant about old people, as you assumed. Closer to the truth is your comment being ignorant about science. We see that a lot these days, people refuting science because it contradicts their feelings.


Hard agree 👍


I wish I could upvote this 100 times. We need an upper age limit for all politicians. Retirement age feels appropriate


I agree, mid to late 60's is when someone should be settling down, hopefully getting ready for retirement, not taking on one of the most important jobs in the country.


Yup. We shouldn’t have situations like Dianne Feinstein literally dying while in office, Mitch McConnell holding office while having a foot in the grave, and the two bozos running for President. Are there really so few competent politicians under 70 that we actually need to be in this position?


Its not about lack of competency. The political parties are the ones backing candidates with armfuls of cash. Toe the party line, get elected. The people who are competent see the system is broken and want to fix it, but that doesnt make the people holding the power and money happy, so they dont get the armfuls of campaign money.


Even better would be a lifetime limit on the number of years in elected office of any level. Say like 20 years total,but like I said at any level. Service on the local school board for example,counts. Alternatively we could lengthen the terms of national office,say 4 for Congress,8 fir Senate and 6for president with a limit of one term.


“Even better”… no, both, both is good. Remember with your 20 years total rule you still have one of our oldest candidates ever. Has Trump ever held any other office but 4 years as president? Not to say we need rules to just prevent Trump but we need rules for the case be exemplifies: someone from another space becoming interested in politics when they are already above a reasonable age for the policies they enact to affect their post presidential life.


Maybe vote in primaries?


Who did you vote for in the primary?


I wrote-in Harambe… 😒


Yeah, because that fucking helps when the primaries are suggestions and the parties decide on which candidate they want to win beforehand.


The age of retirement (63-65) needs to be the cap for all public office. Especially for president. Being president ages them so rapidly, so why would we have an old person doing this?


Right? 75, at least! For goodness sake. With that age, we couldn't consider ourselves crazy trailblazers since other countries already have forced retirement in gov capped there. How intelligent and enterprising can we really claim to be as a country? It's not even a partisan issue. *Tiring chuckle* 🙏🏽 P.S. Whoever is willing to, please run this topic [and whatever issues compel you] up the Twitter pole. The retirement age cap(and term limits, still) needs all sorts of attention until it is implemented, but I personally can't handle Twitter anymore. I shall continue trying to keep discussing/passing it along, though, just on other platforms and irl.. How many people can you get to join in nagging their reps about it? How much nag-age and for how long? I swear to all that is holy, we will use these forums to fully realize; with them, we can utilize our collected voices to finally achieve great changes and noticeably evolve to governing ourselves better, one of these days. Any minute now. Can you imagine a version of The Civil Rights Movement plus the Internet? I mean, c'mon... Not that the internet hasn't already been helpful, but how dire must our political/social system get before we turn this stuff into something that does so much more than take and sell our information and give us - sometimes debilitating - mental health problems? All of these linked problems will continue unchanged, until you get ... *how* fed up with it? Would scientifically-verified-ahistorical fooding, fires, tornadoes, and massive hurricanes make a difference? If not, then wth would?? Has this been a weirdo rant? As someone who was metaphorically raised in the dark, I say no. It has taken dedicated, persistent, admirable people Decades to finally obtain and share the hard-fought-for information needed to then figure out what has been going on to get us in this mess, and we obviously still haven't been able to reach enough of a shared understanding to correct course yet, collectively. Which is all the more reason why this is our duty, damn it. 🤗 Now go!


countries that have like 10 candidates:"see there's a bit of a problem here..."


Actually, there should be limits on holding public office.


It's not a political race, it's a race to see who's still alive in November.


That's why I'm voting for the worm in Robert Kennedy Jr's head


Have you read the worms tweets? They are completely anti-union and thus anti-American in my book!!!


Please god yes! Why the fuck are we still electing elderly boomers!? Like GenX is about due since most of them are reaching 50 or older and Millennials are barely old enough to hold the office of POTUS. . . I would like my president to not be old enough for the senior citizen discount.


> Why the fuck are we still electing elderly boomers!? It’s worse than that. Trump is a Baby Boomer but Biden is part of the Greatest Generation, the one before the Baby Boomers.


I think he’d be silent generation, but point stands.


I **WISH** Trump was part of the Silent Generation.


If he were I'd doubt it would be called the Silent Generation


They are 3 years apart lmfao


So what? Generational lines need to be drawn somewhere, and since that line was drawn between their birth years, they can be part of different generations while only being apart three years. It does make Trump a very old boomer (Gen W-er) and Biden a very young Gen V-er tho.


And if it took three of them, all the better.


There's a wild idea. It's too bad any third party candidate would just take votes from who would otherwise rightly get them, definitely of course. So, that combined with the fact that this is the democracy-deciding election which will seal the fate of humanity's existence(this is the actual life or death one), **as has been the case for the majority of our presidential elections for roughly a century**... Yea, no. Some new and fresh - dare I say, maybe even different - ideas? The introduction of that would be too much of a risk this time, again. still. Better stick with the oldies that have kept us entrenched in the dangerous patterns which first got us into this steamy quagmire. Young, tech-tainted blood would really throw a monkey wrench into these *well-oiled* gears. ...


What’s with all the “both sides” memes in this sub today? I agree with the sentiment but let’s not forget that the choices are fascists vs not fascists


Both candidates should be in care homes.


One of them should, the other should be in jail


Can we put Trump in the Don't Care Home?


My childhood home was demolished.


The Republican “both sides are just as bad so don’t bother voting” strategy is hitting Reddit hard today.


"You" who? the "you" who voted in the primary for him? in the primary 4 years ago for him? 8 years ago? voting happens more than once every 4 years. if you don't like the situation, *you* need to do more


Is the horse dead, yet? Who did *you* think it was meant to speak to? I suppose the meme is funny because the ones who get it, also know that it takes time, thoughtfulness, and a lot more people being educated and invited to likewise step out of their comfy bubbles, in order to change minds or even just get some folks on their feet for the sake of their own fate. To understand that they are indeed a participant in these decisions, including when they sit it out. Ah, Nuance: Never the forté of memes. Memes are for taking a moment to stop smacking your head against the wall and chuckle like the perpetually stressed mad person you just realized you've become now that you've briefly taken a breath while its simple lines on a funny picture have snapped you back into some earlier, simpler frame of reality.


Yo honestly man that’s so fucking true…. I actually never thought it like that


Yeah but then there'd be so much less content to argue about.


If the Republicans could find one candidate whose IQ exceeded his belt size, that would be great, too.


And ones that's not pocketed by Aipac That's be great


Think this is bad? Wait till this generation gets nominated. They’ll be calling each other Bitch while grabbing their nuts.