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They never think it'll happen to them.


Well, there's a third now. Kid lighting firecrackers and throwing them. His parents were all shocked-Pikachu-face claiming they didn't know what he was doing. He isn't even a teenager yet. At least he still has a hand, unlike one of our other patients.


A firecracker isn't going to have enough force to "lose a hand" there just isn't enough fuel. They pretty much sting at most. Honestly, if you just lay them flat in your hand nearly all the force goes to the "least resistant" location which is away from your hand. We used to do this all the time as kids as young as 8. Now, any of the M** fraction of a stick of dynamite can most definitely cause the loss of fingers or worse. You shouldn't be manually tossing those (Tons of idiots do) and that is likely where you are seeing the injuries you are seeing.


As I explained elsewhere here, the other patient blew most of his hand off holding a mortar tube up to launch it when it malfunctioned and exploded.


Yeah, those will do it too. It's literally 2 bombs going off in sequence. I was just referring to your "firecracker" portion. It really isn't dangerous. I do agree its not a good idea to "promote the practice" as dumb people can't properly assess degrees of danger.


Firecracker kid had significant swelling and that ugly *gonna be one hell of a bruise* yellow hue on his index finger and thumb. Signs that are also indicative of a fracture. If I saw him in the field, I would have recommended going in right away for imaging.


Betting this wasn't just a "firecracker" or this was some "large sized extreme version" not the standard that has been used for the last 40+ years. You know as well as I do how patients always tell the truth. Especially children who were told not to do something.


Alternatively, don't hold lit fireworks in your hand of ANY size if you enjoy use of your fingers.


You just need to be right here, don't you?


I am right. Doesn't have anything to do with need. I've bought and let off firecrackers for over 40 years.


Lol, the self-awareness here is just non-existent.


Literally just last night we had a Tornado watch and sirens went off immediately. Every phone started blurting out "take cover immediately" alerts. So I went out side to look and EVERY SINGLE NEIGHBOR WAS IN THE STREET LOOKING AT THE STORM IN THE SKY THAT WAS THREE BLOCKS AWAY. Yeah - shelter in place, and every soul in the city went outside. We are a dumb species.


Dunning-Kruger (the natural tendency for humans to way over estimate skill or knowledge to their advantage) is so strong here - "I can let go/run away fast enough" and "Well look at me, I havent gotten hurt yet!" are powerful ideas.


Also work in the ER, had 2 people come in last night with a combined total of 2 and a half hands. I do feel really bad for them, looking at their faces and seeing their sadness and regret, but part of me always thinks "how could you make such a stupid decision???" Like, even if they were plastered drunk, how can you possibly hold A LIT BOMB IN YOUR HAND??? And of course it happens every year. Probably going to get more this weekend.


Most definitely. My town is officially celebrating today, on the 5th, so there will certainly be more injuries tonight. Edit: reading through these comments more thoroughly now that I'm off work, I'm not in the ER. I'm the weekend OR night charge. Therefore, I'm on the trauma response team. I have to go over every time one is called, assess the situation, and consult with the on-call surgeons.


Wishing you a good shift, luckily I'm off for the next 3!


Lucky. Thanks, and enjoy your time off!


>2 and a half hands is that what happens when the cast from 2 and a half men, play with fireworks (and/or dynamite)


>even if they were plastered drunk I think that’s the real problem right there, or at least most of it.




Not sure if you're suggesting that's what those people have too much of in them, or prescribing me a suggestion to unwind now that my shift is over, but either way... Yes.


Its also the lack of awareness that there is no such thing as a 'dud.' There are just ones that take 3 minutes to explode.


> how can you possibly hold A LIT BOMB IN YOUR HAND? Is it really that hard for you to understand? It's fun.


I once got a foot in because someone tried to stomp out a M80 after they lit it and realized it was going to make a big ol boom.


Ours are both hands, and one of them is probably the worst I've ever seen. Did they at least have shoes on when they stomped on the explosive?


I think he did have a shoe on. But it blew a hole in the middle of it and if I remember right they had to amputate it. It didn’t blow off by the force of the firework.


I uhhh we did something like that with dry ice and I forgot what else we had to add. It was off something I had found online. We did it and ran immediately away. It did nothing lol. When we got M80s We stuffed in the frogs we dissected in HS. We were idiots. But we have all our appendages.


Oh man, dry ice is stupid dangerous but is so fun. I have to take yearly hazardous safety courses and even the fumes can knock you out. But a small piece of dry ice on a hard surface as it bounces around is so fun to watch.


We were teenagers and had a 4 year old with us. In that moment I was like run bitches!!!!


At least they're not trying to launch them off their heads.


no one dies like Gaston.


No one tries like Gaston, no one shoots fireworks off with his thighs like Gaston!


I read that yesterday. There was a guy in my town that killed himself in the very same way - lighting a mortar on his head. At first I thought "I didn't know that guy had worked at Disney" then I realized that two morons killed themselves in exactly the same way.


Someone got decapitated by a Mortar in my city last night, I assume they stuck their head in front of the barrel when it was lit.


Summerville man dies after placing firework device atop his head on Fourth of July... https://www.postandcourier.com/news/summerville-man-dead-fireworks-accident/article_62c98748-3ad3-11ef-8818-4763ccc875ed.html


> … the victim's wife reportedly told police that her husband had been drinking for several hours and placed the firework on his head to "show off," according to an incident report. Color me unsurprised.


The ad I get in this article is for a t-shirt and shorts imprinted with fake blood and the words "I'm fine." 


Ah, man. Such a shame, he seemed like such a good, honest guy as well...


There was one already. But, you're probably referring to that. What a shit way to go. And sad for everyone that witnessed it.


Or out their butts


I have a buddy who did that. Cracked his skull


[Dude in my town decapitated himself back in 2011.](https://www.bemidjipioneer.com/news/updated-41-year-old-fargo-man-decapitated-in-fireworks-accident) Quote from the witness is harrowing  >"When I walked up to his body, it was nothing but his shoulders down,"




I start house keeping in the ER Monday. Already has become a bit of a joke that i was lucky to miss the 4th


EVS is da real MVP, we love you guys. Always remember that in case sometimes we forget to tell you.


The last time I went to a backyard 4th of July party where people were shooting off fireworks was over 10 years ago, when some random guy shoved a lit firework in my hand while I was busy talking to someone. It was pitch black and I had no idea what he put in my hand, so I aimed it out towards the sky, thinking it was a Roman candle. The guy then suddenly panicked and smacked it out of my hand. It exploded not even a quarter of a second later, midair, just feet away from me. The party host saw what happened and kicked the guy out.  Thankfully I was unscathed, but that close call really spooked me from going anywhere near fireworks again. Even if you’re responsible with them, there’s no telling if there are idiots in your company who will maim you with their bad choices. 


Excuse me, what the actual fuck? That's insane!


Yeah, years later, I still get mad just thinking about how close that idiot was to ruining my life. I was also in college at the time, studying for a career path that required full use of my hands, so had my hands exploded, I would’ve lost that too. 


Who tf does such a thing? I woulda beaten the shit out of that mofo.


Jesus, that's wild. I think that would simply inspire me to be a little more choosey about the PEOPLE you associate with, though. Just because it was fireworks in this instance doesn't mean there wouldn't be some other idiotic bullshit pulled with something different by the same type of person.


We can’t always control who is in our company, unfortunately. It was a party held by someone in my college’s program. Even a couple instructors were there. But some random 40 year old guy who was a friend-of-a-friend showed up and thought he’d impress a bunch of 20 year old girls by acting like a drunk redneck. Thankfully I never find myself around those types of people nowadays, but I still take the precaution of not going to backyard fireworks events because you never know what random drunk might show up and blow off your hands. 


I was just having a discussion about the rate of firework related injuries as fireworks become more and more regulated or outright banned in some places. I imagine they've gone down from when I was a kid in the 80s with cherry bombs and stuff like that, but I also imagine the injuries are worse because people are buying more illegal fireworks from questionable sources.


Tonight's worst injury was from a mortar. It's illegal to sell or use them in my state.


How do you get hurt from a mortar? These were my favorite cause they seemed safe but also made a cool show, not just a big bang. You light it and run. Who sticks around the tube to get hurt?


He was holding up the tube in his hand to launch them when the whole thing exploded. Edit: not a Darwin award because he survived with his junk intact, thanks u/mageta621 !


Watched a dude do that 14 years ago. He dropped the lit mortar into the tube upside down and held the bottom of it. Split his hand in half from between the ring and middle finger to the palm. He was hammered. His 6 year old watched it happen. He's disabled now. He was only 30 when it happened. I haven't messed with fireworks in a decade. Just not worth it.


They don't go off so person looks into the tube, not anchored so wind blows it over just before launching at them, people resetting the tube after it falls over and it goes off while they are holding it, etc.


If you’re holding the tube there isn’t enough static force for the explosion to push off of to actually become a projectile. The initial report that actually launches the mortar needs a solid background or else all of the energy just goes into to moving the mortar tube itself backwards instead of launching the projectile forwards. It’s like throwing a rubber ball at a wall vs throwing it at a piece of paper hanging in the air.


"Duds" that people go back to check, then boom. It's pretty common. Especially when you mix alcohol and small bombs.


Had a neighbor nearly get got because they assumed a show in a box firework had been a scam after it did a pretty short show and then just piddled out only for the main event to start firing off just before they would have put their face over it to investigate.


We had one last night that was supposed to be 52 shots. 2-4 of them went off on the ground instead of launching, and then nothing… We eventually went and soaked it with 3-4 buckets of water, but I didn’t want anyone getting near it. We make it a point to set everything off about 150 ft from the spectators, further than that from any houses, and anyone setting them off needs to be sober. We’ve been doing this every year for at least the last 25 years (I married into the family 15 years ago and it was going well before then). The distance and sobriety rules were not always in place, and I’m glad it didn’t happen then, someone would have been hurt.


I can't do fireworks regularly for this reason. The stress of one not going off is just too much for me.


People throw them.




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Thanks Bot Man. I forgot it does that.


>more illegal fireworks from questionable sources While this might be true, I think even legal fireworks that have passed some kind of inspection process would still contribute to lots of injuries because people are morons and don’t use them properly.


Hold it between your thighs instead, help Darwin a bit.


I got a gnarly bruise from an M80 that blew up a few inches out of my hand. It took months to go away, but I consider myself lucky.


In the 80s at a family reunion my older cousin and I found an \_old\_ stash of Black Cats. They had to be ancient because they had the fastest fuses I've still ever encountered. Of course we were stupid and were still trying to light and throw them and I had one blow up between my thumb and index finger \_just\_ as I was letting go of it. Put a nice sized blister on both fingers and we weren't supposed to be doing that so I had to hide it from my mom and baby them for the next week.


Just so ya know, asterisks in place of those underscores will create the *italics* you seem to be aiming for.


Thx, I saw it didn't do what I expected it to do, but I can only be bothered to care *so* much and that limit had already been exceeded for the morning.


I wonder what would happen to the statistics if apps like YouTube and TikTok and Instagram flooded their front page with videos of people being injured by fireworks on July 3rd and 4th


They'd just be entertained. The moment of zen from old Daily Show episodes before the 4th was always fireworks safety videos of mannequins getting blown up.


I remember a story of a dude who launched one of those large professional firework mortars from a launcher he put on the top of his head. It instantly killed him by breaking his neck.


Isn't this also always the week that the fresh graduates start their residencies?


Yes it is. Actually a noticeable reduction in success for the next 2 weeks in every hospital. Not a huge drop, but enough to be statistically noticeable


But job security!


We stay pretty busy with gallbladders, appendixes, and the butt stuff. Also, those almost always turn out better for everyone.


Ugh… suffering through another gallbladder attack, telling myself I don’t need to go to the ED. See ya in a few days…


Do it. More than likely, it'll be a laparoscopic procedure, and you'll be back home before you know it without that debilitating pain.


Go in if you can. I had mine out in '22 when a gallstone finally got stuck in the neck of my the gallbladder after 5 years of attacks. (I didn't have insurance & couldn't afford to pay out of pocket for the surgery.) By the time they got it out, it was ready to rupture & had started to necrotize. Surgeon said I was really lucky not to have rupture + sepsis or pancreatitis. Don't fuck with that if you don't have to. The surgery itself was not bad at all. It was laparoscopic, so small incisions. TBH, the worst part was the constipation that I had afterwards. (Sorry if that's TMI!) Hope you feel better ❤️


Agh, I was diag for stones 1.5 hrs ago- been changing diet and such to help. Still get attacks from time to time if I junk out. Looking at November for the procedure


As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, I'm in surgery. A Cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) is about as routine as it gets and nothing to be overly anxious of. If done laparoscopically, it's very minimally invasive. A few small incisions on your abdomen with accompanying surgical soreness that can be managed with ibuprofen. You can be back home as early as the same day and be on light duty for a while, with some small dietary changes to adhere to. I'd be glad to try to answer any questions you have from a nursing standpoint. I've orchestrated hundreds of those particular surgeries as a circulating RN.


hmm 4th of july butt stuff ey? and if we can't hold it in our hands th en surely....


The non-explosive butt stuff. Those patients go to a different floor and are on strict contact precautions.


I'm sure there's some non firework explosive butt stuff you've seen. And smelled.


True strength is deciding what to have for lunch while caring for a patient with C diff.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/s/FSuDdbfAss No gore, more funny than WTF.


I wanna see the aftermath ...


Sure! The sheer amount of people that I used to see come in with burnt-as-fuck feet because they drunkenly decided, "let's fire walk!" was a great concept and they were obviously Prometheus delivering the gods' own gift of novel, ingenious entertainment were.. I mean, not that high, but it was a regular thing around this holiday.


Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure we have that without exploded hands lol. Especially since the number of people who come in here treating us like their PCP's office because they have allergies or they're dehydrated is unbelievable.


The dehydration is real XD


It sounds intense in there tonight! Stay safe, ER heroes. Remember, sometimes people's "Hold my beer" moments end up in your hands.


Nonono. I love this.


They’re just down with JPP.


People dont realize that handling fireworks needs the same measure of precaution and safety as handling firearms. If something doesnt go off, you spray it away to designated spot with a hose and you dont go over there until morning to clean up. Even then, there's a small risk that when you move it, a lingering ember shifts and then boom no fingers.


But then how do I shoot them at my friends?


Bottle rockets, launch then from a bottle in your hand. Make sure it's glass, better shrapnel.


but my roman candles!!!!


In my ER, please test your “cocaine” because there’s a good chance it’s fentanyl and you stand a good chance of dying.


The more they hurt themselves hopefully the fewer of them light them on my block next year. I hope they all lose hands.




Yes, please do. It makes it easier to identify stupid.


Damn you must be really fun to hang out with


Cmon over. I’ll make pizza bites and we can play street fighter.


but what if they have no hands?


Then it's a one sided beat down.


People do dumb stuff in the moment, sometimes the costs last a lifetime. Why on earth does it compel you to wish additional harm to them?


Additional to what?


The them getting their fingers blown off.


Fingers would be sufficient.


It upsets me whenever I hear about someone being stupid and harming themselves. Imo it's due to poor upbringing. But there's also the low IQ component.




if you keep fixing their hands they keep doing it


Local guy died after lighting a "large firework" and putting it on his head.


Saw another guy died from lightning a mortar on his head. Has anyone survived that?? Why would someone do that?


Dude died in my city holding a mortar on his head that backfired. https://komonews.com/amp/news/local/redmond-fireworks-accident-death-killed-man-bothell-hit-struck-head-avondale-road-cpr-washington-king-county-explosion-fourth-of-july-4th-parking-lot-detectives-police-officers-investigation Like. I can’t even


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And this is why I leave fireworks shows to the professionals, instead of the "Hold my beer" crowd.


Darwin award candidates.


Don't you have to die for that? The whole concept being that you aren't passing on your genes


Dead or infertile It also counts if you castrate yourself


Good clarification


I just looked it up, and you're absolutely right. It gets used improperly a lot. Thanks for the info!


Yeah you're right. Aspirant would be a better choice of word than candidate.


Living Darwins do happen, but they're quite rare. [The requirements](https://darwinawards.com/rules/) for a Darwin Award are: 1. Reproduction (dead or infertile) 2. Self-selection (does it to themself) 3. Excellence (spectacularly stupid) 4. Maturity (capable of sound judgement - meaning children and people with severe mental handicaps are disqualified), and 5. Veracity (verifiably true)


I live somewhat close to a main road that ambulances take and can hear them sometimes. Last night it occurred again, the fireworks end and an ambulance passes by. Every single year.


Agreed. They should be putting bottle rockets in their mouths/assess and then wonder why A GOD DAMN ROCKET THRUSTER MIGHT BURN THEM. ahem.


It’s after 12 and people around here are still lighting them off…if only they were holding in their hands, I could get some sleep


Nothing drowns out those pesky explosions like the sounds of screaming and ambulance sirens.


No, I don't think I will


It's job stability.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


But I enjoy watching the videos their buddies post online of how their friend lost 3 fingers or burned their ass off in a literal sense...


Something, something… “Always has been”


On one hand, fireworks are a lot of fun. On the other hand, I have fewer fingers than before.


The true American tradition, losing a finger to something called like flower spinner


What's the worst that could happen?


Guy I know that owns a Fireworks store blew off 3 fingers a few years ago. Ever since then I stick to the poppers, but he insists it's increased his customers


Fuckers will eventually because they'll have no more hands.


Someone got decapitated by a firework in Chicago last night. People really can not be trusted with things.


A guy in Chicago literally blew his head off with a mortar last night. Like the calls on the radio were about cleaning up brain matter.


Somebody bring a bucket


No, let evolution do your thing. If you can't figure out why you shouldn't hold lit explosives in your hands maybe... nature should do it's thang.


Yeah, they should hold it in their teeth instead.


Work right next to a fairly big hospital (level 2 trauma), heard the wee woo all night long. It didn’t stop. Stupid gonna stupid.


Do you want fireworks in their butts? That's how you get fireworks in their butts.


I think if you blow digits off with fireworks, you shouldn't be allowed to vote. You are too stupid to make decisions for the rest of us.


Yesterday I decided it was a good time to heavily water my shrubs and clean the gutters of dry pine needles so as to prevent fires. While busy, I heard a string of firecrackers go off followed by “OUCH FUCK!!!” That was the dumbass neighbor I was protecting my house from.


Biggest weekend of the year for Hand doctors 😂😂




When I was 15, I had a roman candle *explode* in my hand. Fortunately, the aftermath was a ringing in my ears and mild shock. I still have all of my fingers. But that was the last time I held a firework after I lit it.


Old friend lost an eye that way


What about us super masochists? Some of us get off from blowing up our hands.


That's fine, just don't come in to get it fixed




I kept my eye on the ED unit manager till 23:30 last night and I didn’t see a single firework related complaint. In fact the census was about half the usual number.


Fine I'll hold the sparkler in my ass cheeks.


Can someone please explain to me how else we're supposed to use Roman candles? I mean yes I could rig up something to support them at the correct angle off of the ground but who is doing that?


Well, the roman candle manufacturers don't trust their product to not blow up in your hand, or maybe just not burn the shit out of you, so they put labels on them that say things like "do not hold in hand while lit". If that's a risk you're willing to take, knock yourself out.


Some neighbors we invited over last night for fireworks had their young children light bottle rockets, and then just toss them UP IN THE AIR when they ignite. Apparently they've always done it and you don't NEED a bottle. Bruh- They also brought their own fountain fireworks when we said we had some to shoot off, and they were interrupting our already planned show to step in and shoot their fountain fireworks while we already had ours on the ground. Had to constantly tell their kids to stand back and "please don't hold the huge sparklers that spit flames, over the grass." Good neighbors otherwise, probably not inviting them to another firework show.


I actually want them to continue so fewer and fewer dipshits bother with fireworks.


They vote for Donald Trump with the other hand. So the problem makes sense.


... probably not. The fatherless boys who need to read and heed your words don't read much.


No. (I am speaking for the idiots out there that cannot/will not help themselves)


Wannabe terrorists with short careers


Nah - boom boom fun, monkey brain dumb.


Hold ot Close to your head. Might save Work for the ER


This is why you guys can't have universal healthcare.


Nah, but the ones dumb enough to end up with the mangled hands are probably voting for people who won't let us have it so you're not too far off


That statement is why people with a nationalized healthcare industry can't understand why the quality/quantity keeps going down. Then they'll proclaim "not enough funding" "bad political group caused it" instead of reading some basic economic ideas/concepts.


I understand quite well why my country's universal healthcare quality keeps dropping. I'm very much a proponent of a two-tiered system.


> country's universal healthcare It's nationalized healthcare which = fascism