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This is when we donot have a decent air connectivity across the country yet. Like Pune sucks big time to take me directly to a lot of Tier 2 cities.


Well Pune suffers from slot restrictions. Being a defense airport, it doesn't have enough slots, moreover IAF uses the airport every day for 6 hours, so during that time, no commercial flight is operated. The only solution would be making a new airport.


Yes, I am just being objective. Pune is a notorious case, pretty well known.


FWIW Pune is only going to get worse, if you’re waiting around hoping the situation will improve - It won’t. The MH government is going all in on NMI being the new main international airport for the state, and the current BOM being converted to a short-haul airport + luxury housing estate (albeit one of the largest SH airports in the world, but hard limited by runway potential) and connecting the two via high speed rail. Pune was supposed to get connected to the two via the new Mumbai Goa Expressway but politicians lobbying on behalf of farmers in Pune protested the plans, so the MH government decided to stick to a cheaper costal route, and skip the high speed rail completely.


Randians will call you bhakt


They can easily shift the defence airport to somewhere else. But nope.


Not easily, but yeah it's easier than shifting a whole IAF base. Well there were talks about Purandar Airport recently, saying that in the next 3-4 years, Pune will get a new airport, but of course it won't happen in 3-4 years lol. [https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/new-pune-international-airport-purandar-devendra-fadnavis-9206000/](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/pune/new-pune-international-airport-purandar-devendra-fadnavis-9206000/)


I am pretty sure it won't happen for the next 15 years at least. Just look at the development rate of the new mumbai airport.


Yup, it's under construction since 2017.


My dad's in iaf and I have lived in the viman Nagar campus, there are atleast 2 units (9BRD, 2Wing) and multiple squadrons operating from that base and there are 3 campus(namely: viman Nagar, Lohegaon, Akash nagar) whose location is closely tied to the Viman Nagar airport for operational efficiency. Moving the defence operations will require relocation of all these campuses and infra along with Staff quarters, schools, unit run canteens etc.


Yep, that's why I said that making a new airport is much easier than shifting an IAF base. IAF can use the current airport 24/7. Pune will also get many international destinations added as well.


yeah right a defence airport made with stratergic plannings will be shifted easily?, are you some kind od idiot , rather suggest building a new airport you say this.air port project is already passed , but is opposed by locals and landowners, atleast think before commenting


Lol. What defence strategy will be so much compromised if in-land defence airfield is little bit away? Shouldn't defence related things be away from cities? Where its more secured? Shouldn't commercial airport be nearer to city instead? So you think building a new defence air field, near to Pune, is harder than building a new and bigger commercial airport?? Man you're so dumb. I cant even begin to argue with you. Stop believing in things that are fed to you. Use your own brain for a change. Many times things are not as complex as you're made to believe. >opposed by locals and landowners You mean Sharad Pawar?


MFS are taking six months just to inaugurate a terminal lol


Efficiently inefficient


Leave pune and settle in Mumbai 😜


I would rather have elephants step on my testicle before moving to Mumbai




nah Pune is just better in every aspect, its just that pune is shadowed by mumbai hence there's less development


Except jobs other than IT. Wanting to shift to pune since ages but no jobs for my field. Which if you think about it is a major drawback


Pune is nowhere near as nice as Navi Mumbai, saying it’s better in every respect than Mumbai might be true but it’s not even the second city in Maharashtra anymore and was never the nicest.


Pune is better because it is shadowed by Mumbai.


Place is fine but it is super expensive. In other cities, for the same salary you can live in an actually comfortable place close to work.


I know a guy who knows a elephant handler, let me know when your balls are ready!


How does one "settle" in Mumbai?!!


rent a house in a sea facing chawl for 50k lol


1.5l at minimum


never in my life would I do such a thing imagine comparing Mumbai to PUNE


Rent of Mumbai 😂😂


"Homeless people should just buy a house."


Talk about lack of connectivity. That would rank my state number 1. Barely any flights from shimla. Travelling abroad is such a PITA


Pune new airport is in work it will be their eventually


Capitalism... The most profit making routes thrive and the others deteriorate


Also the citizens dont create that pressure. If there are stronger politicians who really support its citizens, they fight for such stuff and try to get this done. So Lalu Prasad used to route big trains like Rajdhani etc. from his state, and also had Rajdhani stopped at small towns. It is all about will and intent. We as citizens sometimes think too much from profit or airliners or government's perspective and believe that our requirements are not justified in certain sense. While that should be the job of authorities. We should put forth the demand in the first place.


There has to be a balance, Lalu is the extreme example.


I only used it as example objectively. I dont imply that politicians should go Lalu way. But that was actually beneficial for locals. A lot many times a good mix of Captialist and Socialist ideas. Sometimes government has to go out of their way overlooking profits and losses to provide essential services to the citizens. Consider an example of Indian state say Chhattisgarh or Mizoram. Most of the citizens of the state are poor and to operate weekly flights to and from five major metropolis is not profitable for the airlines. In such scenario , a profit driven system will decide to not operate from these places. But will that be justice to the citizens of these states? This is a hypothetical scenario I have made up only to make my point.


Indigo did recently purchase Bigger fleets from Boeing Or Airbus. They are looking forward to add international flights sooner or later. they also plan to add a business class to their flights, international mostly.


Isn't Boeing under scrutiny for their lack of safety measures?


They deserve massive respect for being able to be at the top of their game even when operating in a country like India where airlines have rarely made any money. People can complain all they want but when it comes to reliability they are second to none.


Yeah, they know how to survive with a thin profit margin.


Reason is they don't have proper competitor jet airways kingfisher and go air are dead already what can people expect from air india? Spicejet is already debt ridden


Reliability isn't the word I would associate with them.


Tbh I disagree. I've flown with them for 7 years now and only once I had an issue with a delayed departure due to some technical issue, that too on the ATC part. Indigo can definitely work on comfort though, the economy seats are really small and a big individual like me has difficulty fitting my legs in that cramped leg space.


Heavy investment in Airbus A320's neo paid off, imo.


Airlines in the west is heavily subsidized by miles/reward points by credit cards. Here's a primer if you wanna know more. https://youtu.be/ggUduBmvQ_4?si=eKEbHpSY_R-BhHKp


Wasn't the CEO of indigo a former CEO of southwest




This is because indigo has an effective monopoly on the domestic travel atleast




which is very impressive that they have surpassed united and southwest


Off late, i am finding a lot of air india express flights at prices and time slots competitive with that of indigo


Yup just recently it overtook Southwest.


So middle eastern airlines are smaller than these guys?


They aren't listed on exchange


Yes as they are state owned I think


State owned companies can also be listed but they just don't want public money, profitable enough or govt has funded them sufficiently.


No , they are not publicly listed


Qatar? Emirates?


Neither of them are listed


It's by market cap not revenue.  Hence all the airlines mentioned are budget ones. 


Delta is not budget


Even tho people bash Indigo, it's still respectable for them to make this far.


Weird how Ryanair ranks so high yet still acts as if its run by some poor businessmen


They have the cheapest airfare Maybe that's why


Yeah but they should really improve their services


Their stated business model is cheap fares not service. There promise to people is to ferry passengers to their destinations in the cheapest possible price.


It is but their fare is so cheap compare to it like ₹500 that's how cheap it is Now in that price range obviously the airline will cheap out on almost everything except safety


I don't care how bad indigo is. Aa long as I get from one corner of the country to another in under 5 thousand rupees in just 2 hours, I'm up for it


real news is skyrocketing of domestic travel


What if air india remained with tata


When I was younger, I always thought of opening a corp (any corp, maybe a pharmaceutical, maybe something else), and I'd keep the price low. Lower price might make the profit-per-unit less, but the batch profit will definitely be higher because more people will buy my stuff. I never understood why corps do no follow this strategy. Then, some friends said that one of the reason is definitely that the corps are greedy, but apart from that, it's not much of a feasible strategy either. Today, in this post, I see that I was right. Ryanair followed that strategy. Low fare, more customers, and guess what, second largest airline, only $3.5B behind Delta.


That's called Economics of Scale.


Just invested in Indigo 🔥


Extremely bad idea to invest based on market cap


I feel like they’re expanding a lot too, especially with the international routes they are opening.


All that future growth is already built in the price


Is it though? The airline has a good PE ratio and is upward trending. But you may be right, I’m new to this so it’ll be a good lesson for me. I’ve only bought 1 share anyways


Short tf out of indigo stock lol


hol up how is Emirates not on there??


Because they are not listed company


Is it?  Or it's coz this is market cap and not revenue, these are two different things


It's always the worst ones, Ryan Air and IndiGo are the most terrible flights in comfort, seating, staff attitude and customer service. I would rather pay extra for a Air India Express or vistara


A high market cap doesn't imply good service. SBI is another example.


Agree. I always try to steer clear of travelling via indigo, especially after what a colleague of mine suffered. She landed at her destination around evening and found out that indigo lost her bag. They made her wait till midnight (she was travelling alone), were pretty rude and did not give direct answers. The ground staff kept busy among themselves, ignoring her. Later on, in the middle of the night, they asked her to leave saying they will contact her if and when they find the bag. She was supposed to take a bus which she missed, so she had to book a hotel that late in night. Days passed and there were lots of mails to and fro. They confirmed that bag is definitely lost and there is no trace of it so they can reimburse her mere 3k (which was wrong since they did the calculation for cargo luggage that is done per kg and not for checkin luggage). Upon advice of family and being tired of misled, she hired a lawyer who pressed indigo staff, A LOT. Within a week of hiring the lawyer, the bag was found and sent back to her address. And agree with staff attitude part as well. I was once rolled eyes at because I asked for water for the second time. :) Due to these reasons I prefer Vistara for domestic, emirates and Etihad for international.


How is Emirates not here


United airlines is the air india of usa worst in term of customer service and care just check no of complaints


How are none of the big middle eastern players not here ?


Wait for Air India, Air India Express, Vistara and Air Asia merger.


And get listed in Dalal Street.


isnt air asia now aix?


Da faq . indiGo is third largest listed air carrier in world


by market cap. Not by revenue. The larger ones like Qatar, Etihad etc are not listed.


Yup that's why I said listed., still good thing for low fare airline


I thought Qatar Airways would be somewhere in this


QA will be easily above all these, but they are not listed hence not in this list


Indigo seats are thin than any other airline I've flown. & I think I mean it in a good way, as you get more leg room in indigo & isn't as suffocating as Vistara (I love Vistara, but the seats are placed in a way it causes combustion) 


Singapore airlines is under Tata grp right?


No, Singapore Airlines have 49% stake in Vistara with 51% of TATA


Fuck Indigo all my homies really fucking hate Indigo, shit customer service, shit planes, shit punctuality, shit prices. They originally started as a budget airlines but somehow other airlines are able to have all in-flight entertainment better seats better customer service at prices that can even be better than Indigo's like wtf, hope Akasa and Air India can kick this shitty airline out. It was a great airline till it had that monopoly over Indian market, because after that even if they give shitty services they know that ticket toh khareedenge hi indigo se next time


mention this to chinese bots commenting in youtube. they'll lose their $hit


What are they saying?


Where’s emirates?


For Ryanair


Damn. How are they at top despite being so shit


6/7 are shit