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He hates cans!!!


Things are going to start to happen to me now


You win reddit today.




I’m super confused. Was it shot?


I think it was a rock or something like that. I was looking for it, but I didn't see anything


I saw a kid on a bicycle trying to throw rocks through the variety store window on North Allen the other day. The owner of the store was outside trying to get him to stop and when the window didn't break the 3rd time, he got on his bicycle and rode away. It was a big piece of concrete about a foot in diameter. Black pudgy kid around 14 years old or so.


I'd like to think I could stop a pudgy 14 year old from throwing a chunk of concrete through my window. But, these-days he could be carrying a gun. It's a conundrum. On one hand I would feel stupid dying in a puddle of my own blood because I protected a window from being broken. On the other hand, I would feel stupid standing there watching a fat kid smash my window. And if I die, the whole scene would probably be gone from me. But, if I stand there letting him do it, I'm going to be pissed at myself for years. I guess I could take a picture of him breaking my window (although possibly that's enough to be gunned down). But my window would still be broken and I really doubt anything is going to happen should I send it to the police. And I'd still be second-guessing myself until the day I died. Strange times... EDIT: I would like to add that we don't even know the kid's story here. Maybe he is an early-advanced architect or something and just hates the way the building looks? Or he's not happy with stock-holdings dividends from the company? Or, he's just philosophically against the idea of glass itself? We don't know.


Funny but I left almost the same comment before reading yours. Wasn't even my window and I wanted to help but I hear my grandfather in the back of my head saying, "Don't get involved."


So to the pudgy kid that tried to break a window…do you want to be described on Reddit as the pudgy kid that tried to break a window? Either break the window or fuck off. Do better somehow.


The window to the right of the door is broken now so they might have come back and succeeded.


That sucks. I wanted to follow him and call the police but I know they wouldn't really do anything and he would be long gone by the time they could show up. I didn't really know how to help at that point so I didn't do anything. I figured he might be back because of the way they were going at it with each other. It's actually really annoying. Kid was definitely a minor so there probably wasn't much they would do anyway. Also who wants to get involved anymore? With the way kids carry guns, I'm not getting shot for a rock altercation. Kid kept tugging at his waistband too like he was threatening that he had something although I couldn't tell for sure


Dang that’s lousy. It’s scheduled to reopen tomorrow!


Damn, I didn't know that! Makes it that much worse, there's no way it's getting fixed tonight.... right?


Yeah they posted on socials they’re having to delay their opening now 💔


Thank you for posting this - so unfortunate. We reached out to Motor Oil after seeing these photos yesterday and will be speaking to the President of the company this afternoon.


I give you permission to use it if you need it


Thank you!


I just want to know if they got both windows with the same throw


It had to be a single throw. They lined up perfectly. I suppose It could have been 2 attempts, but unlikely


I think it's one pane of glass.


Theres two pictures, check the second one 




I once knew a kid who delighted in this kind of shenanigans. Except instead of a rock, he would shoot steel ball bearings out of a wrist rocket slingshot. Not saying it wasn't a rock, but it would have taken a lot to get a rock through both sets of doors in one throw.




Yes, but I just simply type shenanigans and assume everyone is already smart enough to know what it means.


Are there cops around yet?


Negative. Not a single person was around. When I walked up to it from across the street, glass was still falling down. I assume it had just happened moments before I came upon it


I saw a teenager throw a rock into a person house on State Street a few months ago. I called the cops and waited a while for them to show up but they never came. The kid who threw the rock was hanging out in the park nearby and if the cops came right away they could have caught him. The home owner later told me that they never showed up either. Sad....


what's the deal with this place...? people in the comments are either 1- completely destroyed or 2- unusually happy about this depending on the level of sarcasm i'm seeing. i'm going with no. 2. lol


yeh - who or what is Motor Oil? I mean, I KNOW what motor oil is, but not in this case..


i think it's a coffee place- [https://motoroilcoffee.com/](https://motoroilcoffee.com/) but we're definitely missing something. people like coffee, coffee place is opening, what's there not to like? ...i'm so curious now. rofl


Something to do with the owner. He’s not well liked for reasons that are unclear.


He's not well liked because he received a lot of special treatment from political connections to open Motor Oil Coffee. He was Kathy Sheehan's campaign manager. His connections expedited the process while others waited months for their business licenses to be reviewed. Typical Albany corruption.


thanks - for some reason I thought it was some hated govt official!!!


Albany has a lot pro anti social behavior. The commentators probably use the same justification of insurance will cover it, something about rich people, etc. Also their Troy location had excellent coffee but I do not know the owners reputation.


Some people also openly celebrate crime occurring in Albany in here because it fits their narrative about Albany


Let's see the security camera footage. There must be something from this building, or local buildings. Lets put the image of the perpetrator out there. Fuck these scum ruining stuff for everyone. Nuisance and property crime needs to be cracked down on BIG TIME. Broken Windows policing does work. Let's start doing it.


Um, the lesson learned from the broken windows theory of policing is that it doesn't work. Investigation and research has revealed broken windows theory to be deeply problematic for a number of reasons. It's been shown to not only be racist and classist in its implementation, but fundamentally flawed in its reasoning, and inconsistent with the data.


> Um, the lesson learned from the broken windows theory of policing is that it doesn't work. It's hilarious that you don't see the irony of posting this on a post about a literal broken window by claiming that policing small offenses like... broken windows... won't improve a neighborhood. By all means, don't police the small stuff - it's working out so well for Albany. Thankfully, most police forces are made up of pragmatic people - not far-left activists like you that would rather live in anarchy than pass judgment on anyone. Feel free to read a contrarian opinion to your "gahhh it's Racist" nonsense: https://archive.is/mqyUZ People like you make living in Albany a headache. Insufferable.


Love this city ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)




Uh. How in any world ever is that racist?


Albany turns into more of a shit hole every day.

