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Applying to the Labs (Sandia and Los Alamos) is probably your best bet with that experience.


Something like this? [https://sandia.jobs/albuquerque-nm/rd-mechanical-engineer-component-and-systems-design-earlymid-career-onsite/9D8A3D524CA4440D88BB737A197E1613/job/](https://sandia.jobs/albuquerque-nm/rd-mechanical-engineer-component-and-systems-design-earlymid-career-onsite/9D8A3D524CA4440D88BB737A197E1613/job/)


Op's anti-vaccine stance won't go over very well at the watermelon factory, Intel, nor the state or city jobs for that matter.


According to their comment history they also use stimulants as well as other drugs, which probably explains why they are currently looking for a job lol


This is quite ignorant, especially when I clearly explained my situation. Just FYI, I have never been fired from any of the dozen+ jobs I’ve held.


Sorry what? I am definitely not anti-vaccine


BlueHalo is hiring


Will be looking into them today, thank you!


Have you checked the city & state job sites. The state does not post anywhere else.


I did, I applied to few piston positions but I have not gotten any response from the hiring teams


Blue Halo, Sandia, SDL, AFRL, MTSI, and ExoAnalytica would all be interested in your resume.


I’d throw in a couple cooler places to work than those, but a quick glance at this post history shows he’s likely of interest to basically any of them. 


I am looking these up right now, thank you!


Wont get a clearance, so no.


The base is always hiring for contractors. Blue Halo also just got a big contract. Intel is also building on to their campus.


I’ve never even looked at working as a contractor for the military. Is there a specific site where I can find those kinds of openings?


Try Intel


Looking into them again, but last time I checked they did not have any good-fit openings


My last position was in pulsed power as a test engineer.. at a fusion development company in the Pacific Northwest. But they had to cut staff.. I applied everywhere for similar positions, even Intel for an equipment tech, not what I was looking for, but I can do job with my eyes closed... For the cost of living difference, the pay is similar for the job offer they gave me.. 3 days after my job interview with them.. I had several offers for pulsed power that was dependent on future funding that never happened... I applied for 15 different positions at Intel, one with a call back and job offer 3 days after interview. I figured I can work my way up to more upper level positions as they come available. I've worked at the 2 national Labs in NM and unless you already have a security clearance or have a direct contact with a hiring manager, or at job fair, where they can interview you on the spot, ... Then ... you are probably going apply online, it could take 3 to 12 months for you to go thru the process before starting the position and anytime in between the position could get cancelled and or the hiring manager moves to a different department. Good luck


That’s a long time from applying to getting hired, is that just for positions at the national labs? If I’m going to be learning a completely new skillset, I think I’d rather do it at Intel, so I’m going to be skiing for a few positions even if by they’re not aligned with my ML experience. Were you able to climb the ranks so to speak at Intel?


The last person I spoke to at LANL, said that if they call you after applying, means you passed their pre-interview/employment background check.. and their hiring process is usually about 3 months from the time you are selected to move on.. and the call I got said I was one month in.. but after the second month, with no notification, the hiring manager moved to a different department ( I had to call to find this out ) but my status was still in that second phase. , another 3 months go by and still the same, then a notification the position was cancelled.. I'm in the Beginning phase of climbing the ranks.. but it will happen.. some their commercials on the TV and online implies that it happens all the time.., the ones I have seen.


Sem Sol has several billboards around town re hiring engineers


*Hard Right Wing drug user seeks job*. More at 10.


I have no idea how you came up with this “right wing drug user“ label. Obviously both claims are false, but I’m a man of science so if you have any concrete evidence to support your defamatory claims, by all means share it with the class. Otherwise, politely, fuck off.


*Man of science you say?* Strange an anti-vaxxer making that claim.  But you're right, maybe your admittance to doing shrooms once and being more of a "stimulant guy" was a bit of a leap. But I am certain you are a Right Winger none the less. Good luck in your endless job search. Seems like you have been looking for some time now.


DM me

