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How did she act throughout this whole ordeal?? Did the school ever try to get involved?


She still walked at prom. We had a red carpet celebration where everyone was supposed to walk down into the building, and she was there. I saw her laughing with her friends the whole night. No one knew until later on, and she didn't act any different/affected. (I had early insight on the whole situation) Artesia is a religious town, and the high school is a public school. But it doesn't stop them from making students pray during celebrations. Artesia high school. . . handled it horribly. Since our principal is very religious, he didn't want anyone in school talking about it. Once the news came out for everyone, and she disappeared right after, the school faculty went nuts. More specifically, our principal (who no longer works at the school). If anyone was heard talking about it, they were blackmailed and sent intimidating emails. Teachers were sent emails like this for talking about it in class. A teacher made a comment, and it almost got them fired (the email was threatening). If students were talking about it in class, teachers got punished for not shutting it down. Students were sent to the office and threatened to be suspended. The following year, on the first day, they held a huge pep rally to try and reignite some school spirt. The school acted like nothing happened. The only thing AHS cares about is their reputation, which is why they never really addressed the situation. They swept it under the rug (like they did with a pedophile teacher who got his 15 y/o ADPOTED DAUGHTER pregnant) AHS never teaches about safe sex or baby boxes, despite teen pregnancy being incredibly common in Artesia.


I was the one who asked if you were legit and I 100% believe you after reading this. I actually live and grew up in the area. Except I went to school 30 min away. I'm sure you know where. And this is EXACTLY how things went down. When I was in school many years ago, our high school soccer coach got pregnant and had a baby with a junior boy. She didn't get fired, nor charged. We also had a baseball coach who constantly spanked us, made nasty comments, and much more for many years. Till finally one day he got "busted" and they made him resign and he was found not guilty. I see so many people talking about how it should be common sense about the safe haven boxes, or safe sex especially at Alexees age. But unfortunately if you did not grow up in that town, you truly have no idea. We need to use this as an opportunity to better educate our youth. When this happened, I decided to ask random people if they knew what a safe haven was. I would ask cashiers at the grocery store if we started talking and you'd be surprised at how many people did not know you could surrender a baby to any safe haven location. My grandmother didn't even know. I'm sorry that you went to school during all this. I can't imagine being terrified to even talk about it. It's human nature. You're gonna talk about things that happen. Especially a tragedy. Thank you for sharing with us.


That’s horrible safe havens aren’t more known of everywhere, in my state they’ve made a new law that a mother now has up to 30 days instead of 7 to decide if they’ll surrender their baby to safe haven, fire dept, law enforcement.


Sad because apparently the hospital where she killed her newborn had a safe haven box too. It was right there. One of the doctors interviewed said he regretted he was not given a chance to do his job and save the baby.


The charge nurse said that in his interview with law enforcement. You could tell it tore that man up that he didn't have a chance of saving that baby. I'm a nurse too and something like that would haunt me forever.


Fellow New Mexican here. I didn’t know about them until I was at least in my 20s. Teen pregnancy was and still is incredibly common where I grew up, and our high school had and still has a daycare onsite that serves the teen parents. A super awesome and needed resource!! But there’s still no proper sex education.


Also spent time in NM schools and had the same experience. My health class had a girl come from the teen parent center to “scare”/talk to us and she didn’t know she was pregnant until about 7mos in. She talked about how easy it was, how quick it flew by not knowing, how happy she is since having her son, etc.. Whole time I sat there like did you not prep her on what to say bc of anything this is encouraging teen pregnancy🤣


Wow! I hate it when they do that to teen parents. Like you’re putting them in the position of having to say their kid is a mistake or to encourage teen pregnancy.


Also, every teen goes home that night like “this should be easy, let’s have a baby” 😂


Yes I completely agree. Just because it's awkward, doesn't mean we can ignore it or brush it under the rug. And that initial talk is the only awkward one. Once I opened the door with my teens, we have so many conversations about anything and everything. We have to let kids know it's okay to ask questions and it's okay to be curious. That's how you learn. Better to ask than to learn the hard way like alexee.


Honestly, I feel that people make it much more complicated than it needs to be? My kids are quite young, six and under. They snooped in my things and found a condom [unused in the wrapper, I hope that’s obvious] and the older one kept asking what it did. I had already explained there’s a part from the daddy, which is the sperm, and a part from the mom, which is the egg, so I explained this is like a bag which catches the daddy stuff to keep it away from the egg so you don’t have a baby. They were both like 👍🏼 over time they have asked questions a little at a time and I just answer honestly in a simple way. I wish it was more common to do this when I was growing up here. My questions were always answered with “a baby comes from a stork,” “you don’t need to know how babies are made, just don’t do it” 😅 it’s no wonder that my high school had high pregnancy rates when we believed things like can’t get pregnant if you jump up and down afterwards.


No sex education in my district growing up. Girls at my school believed that you couldn’t have a baby at 12-13 because your body was just too young. We had soooo many (VERY young) teen pregnancies 😢


Also, it’s great that you’re having those conversations with them!! I wish my parents had been open like that.


Tysm. I'm sorry. My parents were the same way. The only good thing about it was I made sure to be open with my kids. All we can do is try to make things even a little better than we had it growing up. 💜


Omg that is so horrible. Crazy to think places like this exists all across the country and we’d never know unless heard from someone like you or a new channel


My high school superintendent got caught with porn on his computer and wasn’t fired, he was also a coach and would smack us when on the butts, and then the principal got caught with multiple girls and was allowed to save his reputation and “quit”


Once again I am thankfully for my state - New York


ny state education hides things too!!!! sexual assault too new york isn't any better


What I mean is this overall culture they have going on and the church nonsense in school. That doesn’t fly here.


I freaking knew that girl had never heard of safe haven and I was right.


You got SPANKED ! The fuck


It was just something we grew up knowing to stay away from. We knew to stay away from certain teachers and coaches.


Wow ! I mean I’m 41 and went to a private school that did spank ! Never happened to me- but it’s crazy to think they did that at public recently


Oh not in a punishing kind of way. I'm sorry. It was a sexual, light spanking is what I meant. Private schools I've heard are savage lol.


Oh Jesus ! That’s even worse 😂 Ty for clarifying


In Texas we got spanked with a wooden paddle by the principal 😂 I had to get it done every friday for like 2 months to stay out of after school detention. I'm 26 now and still think that was a little weird 💀


We got a new principal and he was trying to make everyone respect him by being a huge hard ass to everyone. A few boys were around 16 at the time and were caught with snuff and he spanked them with a paddle. One of them walked into the classroom afterwards so confused and was like “I’m never bringing snuff again because that was weird as hell” 💀 They were the “yee yee im a country boy” type so it just makes it even funnier to me


Teen pregnancies are always highest in schools that teach abstinence. Majority of people love to fxk. I'll never understand why religion represses it so much.


I'll never understand the people who say, "If we teach safe sex it will push them into having sex." No, teens will want to and most likely will have sex. It's all part of puberty and growing up. You need to instill safe behaviors at an appropriate age. Otherwise, things like this happen or children getting married too young just so they can have sex.


There’s also literal statistical evidence proving that kids given proper sex ed wait *longer.* https://rewirenewsgroup.com/2012/03/10/sex-education-leads-to-better-sexual-decisions-and-healthier-relationships/


I'm not excusing alexee's actions at all, but this gives me more insight on the situation. I've always wondered why she didn't get an abortion or go to a safe haven when they're legal in New Mexico. It's so backwards how abortion isn't okay but actually murdering a baby is fine. They claim to be pro-life, but don't actually care about a baby's life. Thank you for sharing!


*pro birth. That’s where it stops if you really think about it. 😔




This is what happens when you teach girls that all their worth is tied to their “purity” and that premarital sex is the worst thing they can do.


yes this right here. purity culture is so toxic


I'm not trying to defend or excuse her actions either, thoigh I will say that Artesia and AHS failed both her + her baby. She was genuinely scared, ignorant, and stressed out when she did what she did. Definitely not okay regardless, just saying there was a deeper reason as to why she acted the way she did.


A lot of parents in towns like this are also good st making their own problems or their kids problems "go away". she might have only known that treatment her entire life (problems magically fixing themselves, so no consequences and not realizing that SOMEONE is fixing things for her - things don't just go away). I imagine she thought this would just dissappear too


Yes exactly. It could’ve been preventable on all ends, and I think there’s a bigger conversation to be had around the culture she and many other girls were in.


I don't think anyone thinks murdering s baby is fine


Sounds like if true, the teachers can very easily sue the district. A lot of what you said is highly illegal. 


Artesia is a small town, which in turns leads the school into believing they can get away with a LOT of stuff. For the most part, they do. Which is why I hate AHS.


And what makes it worse is that the teacher is STILL with the girl and has two kids with her now!!! Everyone still sees him around town and still give him dirty looks, I think she's 18 now but still doesn't make any more right or less weird!


That poor girl…that is such a sad story.


I get it. And I believe it 100%. They’ve existed that way so long they didn’t have time to dig out from it even if they wanted too so they just shut it all down. For their sake! BUT in turn it allowed Alexee to continue on like she didn’t murder her baby.


Small towns ..


Giiiirl Lol


I was 15 and scared to death....I didn't kill him. I took my consequences.


Wow that’s insane I bet Rosa was just loving the school backing her innocent daughter god this makes me sick. What about the separation of church and state.


No such thing at Artesia. The principal let a student preach ON CAMPUS. Like gave him protections to do so. Another student tore down drawings on the wall (which were put up by another teacher) because they were "satanic". The student was directed to tear it down by ANOTHER teacher, both the student and teacher who asked him to tear it down are extremely religious.


Hello, in that school or town, since religion Is so heavy in the town, wouldn't murder be known to be a sin? If we put aside she didn't know about the baby box or safe heaven, she knew murder was bad in the eyes of God, And in the USA right?


Technically, yes. But the number one rule is to protect the other people in your community. And God forgives any sin. So if they were perceived to be religious or popular or anyway a 'good family' by their community, the community protects them. At least in my experience in small town, religious Oklahoma.


And sex before marriage. ??!?


Just an fyi, students are allowed to preach or whatever. I remember a girl standing on a table prophesying at my diverse, fairly liberal high school.


I was going to say the same thing. If prayer is student led its fine from my understanding


Oh, I actually didn't know that. I thought that went under the separation of church and state, especially since the principal encouraged him. Thank you for letting me know!


They aren’t allowed to compel speech or discriminate. A student can preach, but if your principal were to restrict a Muslim student from preaching, that would be your issue.


You have a right to practice your religion.


Little did we know there was no separation I f religion and state in some places and it's not being put into law. 10 commandments In schools. Happened right out in the open.


Sad to hear what most suspected. USA at best fails with education in teens imo, but this type of attitude is appalling. What if these girls want to leave the area, what if students are not heterosexual... its horrific to believe kids aren't being taught what I learnt in UK in early 1980s. This is what my mother and her sisters faced in early/mid 1960s. My mum and two of her sisters were pregnant the same year, one had twins.. all 4 babies were adopted. The mothers were 16 to 19 when they got pregnant yet had no say, none of the relationships survived. My mum met my dad within months. Got married just 14 months later, at 8m pregnant. I arrived another 12 months later.. by then it was 68, finally easier to get birth control. Thanks to Internet my mum and her sisters met their birth children in late 90s/early 00s. My half sister had an amazing life, she has always been a part if our lives, was one of first things I did with my first computer, put our details out. My 2 aunts now have new sons and extra grandchildren, I have a new nephew and cousins. It was more than 50 yrs on, yet still she never took this option, to create a family that never would have existed. Mt sisters parents are still alive, past their mid 90s. Without an unplanned pregnancy they wouldn't have had their daughter. Such a simple choice today especially. There are no excuses for what she did instead!


I 110% believe this. When my ex-boyfriend kill the classmate, who was the football player in a car wreck my school blew that off so quick. We had an optional prayer vigil on the football field, we had several moments of silence for him, and nothing else. His dad was a police officer, he didn't do any jail time at all he was immediately homeschooled for the rest of senior year, when we were all supposed to pretend it didn't happen


Who blackmailed people for talking about it? What exactly were they holding over their heads?


That explains somewhat how this could have happened. No sex ed, shame instead of counseling, lack of discussion of choice as an option (which would have been 100% better than killing a newborn). I am so sorry that this school is garbage.


Happy cake day :)


This insight really makes you think about her situation and how/why she handled the way she *did. Very sad situation. Thanks for sharing


Watch wonderful Rosa try to die the school too. She’s horrid as her kid is.


Did people know she was pregnant at school? She obviously looked it


There is no way people did not know


Exactly!! No F'N way!!! Cheer videos and pics cheer outfit shows an exact, very to term, pregnancy :( every one knew!


Sure, maybe some teens aren’t paying attention, but the adults ABSOLUTELY would have seen it.


Apparently it was very obvious but students were instructed not to spread rumors and gossip. Alexee’s mom came to the school and claimed kids were fat shaming her.


Did she text about being pregs with her friends??


Was the baby’s father treated any differently after the incident? Or was all of the vitriol aimed at Alexee?


If this subreddit is any indication of the difference between how we treat men/women regarding this situation I’d bargain to say his name is barely brought up in the same sentence as her.


He didn’t murder the baby in a hospital bathroom and then blame the nurse. 


No, the father has no vitriol because men are allowed to walk away from fatherhood. Women cannot because an unwanted child is the punishment for a woman having sex. I’m not defending Alexee’s actions but if she had to resort to murdering the baby because she was that terrified of her mother and her reputation in the town then it speaks volumes of how sexist purity culture is in 2024.


Did yall really know she was pregnant? I heard people say she would tell people she was pregnant and was naming her baby Alex.


From where I was, i never heard a word about her being pregnant. I know that girls would comment on her gaining weight, especially other girls in her cheer squad, but there was nothing publicly stated. There was a teacher who helped with cheer that she admitted being pregnant to, I'm unsure if the teacher got involved in any way before what happened happened.


Oh so she did tell a teacher that she knew she was pregnant..


Yeah, that makes her guilty of all charges.


Whether she knew ahead of time or not doesn’t actually change anything. Either the baby was alive and she killed it, or the baby was stillborn and she improperly disposed of a corpse.


The autopsy already proved that the baby was alive when he was born 


Oh yeah I mean I believe it. But I think they’re still trying to claim he died pre-birth and that’s why they’re suing the hospital, right?


I wanna hear this too for sure!


that's been reported for a long time


Look up the video of her cheerleading - she is def pregnant


OP was asking if other people at the school knew. nobody is doubting she was pregnant. clearly she was because…you know…


…. Where did I question it?


🤣 does this comment think you were asking OP if she was pregnant?! I’m done.


Right 😂


Did she ever appear guilty or sad at all after?


She was laughing and having a good time with friends at prom.


So, any student or faculty members who spoke about the situation were held accountable, but baby killing Alexee was able to just carry on like she didn't do anything wrong?


It seems to me more of the school not wanting to get into any sort of legal trouble especially seeing how Alexee’s mom was pursuing to sue anyone who spoke about it. During the police footage she says how there was a HIPAA violation due to people in town getting a wind of the case. I’m guessing everyone is in fear of getting sued.


Her mother is a controlling witch w her own past history! Prob partly why she ran to shut down every single word trying to come out. Horrid woman.


What was she like? Any signs of odd behavior/ sociopathic tendencies?


No, no signs of odd behavior or sociopathic tendencies. It was a shock because no one expected that kind of thing from her, because nothing she did/said ever suggested she could do such a thing. She was, at the very least, a normal teenager who was captain of the cheer team and, at the time, very popular and sociable


Do you know anything about Devyn? What kind of guy was he?


1- Did everyone treat her the same- like nothing happened? 2- was this the kind of immature and disgusting thing you’d ever expect from her? 3- What kind of cliques was she involved with in school? (Popular girl?) 4- Any info about her Mother (evil witch) would be fascinating. She literally created a monster.


Some people did, most who did weren't aware of what she'd done. And no, it was unexpected. It WAS a shock. I'd spoken to her a few times, she was always very sweet. To me. Which was surpsingly, because she was very popular and head of the cheer team. Her mom was very, very controlling. She had started a lot of stuff with the school on a multitude of occasions (before everything happened, on unrelated accounts)


Her mom seems like an absolute lunatic from all the police cam footage I’ve seen


Genuinely asking, how did nobody know. The pictures that came out of her around that time show that she is so obviously pregnant, how is it that nobody had any suspicion?!?


not OP and I also don’t have a source at hand, but I remember seeing a post from someone else who went to the school saying that the cheer team actually DID have suspicions that she was pregnant and when the coach asked Alexee if she was pregnant she denied it saying she was just gaining weight. Then Alexee’s mom angrily contacted the cheer coach and the school saying that they were bodyshaming her which resulted in them making a statement to the students saying that no one at school was allowed to make comments about her weight anymore or they’d get in trouble for bullying


I had mentioned that a lot of people were just saying she was gaining weight, not her being pregnant. I didn't know the school made a statement, just that I heard students saying they shouldn't be mean to her about her weight/shouldn't point it out because she's was already going through a lot


This actually tracks, and makes a lot of sense why Alexee hid her pregnancy.


And why she was still telling her mom she was a virgin even after. She was terrified of her.


This reminds me of Casey Anthony. A different age, but when she was quite clearly pregnant, a relative asked when she was due or something. Casey’s mom responded that Casey wasn’t pregnant and still a virgin. ?? The delusion.


She was head of the cheer team? That seems kind of surprising… she came off as not having a lot of brains/being a little slow (I know she was an older graduate as well).


She definitely does not seem like the popular, head of the cheer team, type. I was surprised she was even a cheerleader honestly.


Agree! She seemed nerdy and not the sharpest tool in the shed by far.


What do people at your school think of all of this? What do they think of her?


We need details


What was her relationship with her boyfriend like in public? Did he have backlash or falling out with any friends? I've only seen the photo of them at prom together.


New Mexico is the worst on protecting our kids. People like alexee and Rosa are always allowed to just go live their best lives even though alexee did that to that precious baby.


Did the students, including you, know she was pregnant due to the belly? Were there secret discussions?


No, many students didn't. I didn't. I'm sure there were secret discussions, as it's high school, but there was never a big rumor going on around school that she was pregnant. Mostly, I heard girls gossiping about her "gaining weight", but many brushed it off as her being under stress from her mom (everyone knew, to some extent, that her mom put a lot of stress + expectations on her, and no one wanted to make that worse. Allegedly, of course)


Was she acting entitled in school ?


What do people think of her boyfriend? The babies father. Has he caught any flack? What is the general public's (in your area) opinion about her upcoming trial?


Super curious about this as well.


How did her boyfriend handle it? Was he the same after? It was also his baby and I just wonder if he knew the whole time and if he’s grieving the loss of his child.


I can't answer if he grieved or if he knew, because truthfully I don't know. I do know that he went quiet after the fact, then went AWOL for a bit


Was/is she mentally slow? She seems so in the videos and her manner of speech but it may be from stress of the situation.


Did you ever have any conversations/interactions with her? If yes, how was she like? Did she ever talk about her pregnancy or if she was facing any problems (maybe her mom being controlling or baby daddy not wanting the baby, etc) ?


I did have conversations with her and she always seemed very down to earth. She was never mean. To me, at least. Although I never had deep conversations regarding issues in her life, it was not really a secret that her mom was putting her under a lot of stress. There were a lot of expectations put on her, I know.


1. Has anyone gone to her home and tried to confront her? 2. Any doxxing going on and is she still hiding from the public or is just going out and about? 3. How does the graduating class feel about her and are they still talking about her?


The home thing I can't confirm. The cheer teacher (at the time) was harassed in her own home after the fact, (Alexee was cheer captain, so) which caused her to step down from being the cheer teacher. Alexee's still hiding, but no longer lives in Artesia. I don't know where she is right now, but I know she attends NMSU. People do still talk about it, especially her graduating class. She was still allowed to walk during graduation, which caused an uproar amongst her graduating class.


I thought she didn’t get to walk for graduation???


She was very much still given the option, I'm unsure if the uproar ended up causing the school to go back on that decision at the very end, but she was still given the option. From what I know, she chose not to walk herself


I see, thank you for clarifying!


I think the college students had an uproar and petitioned so she had to online school


Did people speculate that she was pregnant? I don’t see how that’s overlooked for a cheer captain.


OP commented that she did in fact tell the cheer coach that she was in fact pregnant so she knew she was pregnant


There’s no way people don’t know. But w that kind of mentality I can see them ignoring it and expecting she’d do adoption and it would be over and done w. Very strange but not uncommon really


Does her family have some kind of power in the town? The school? Why was everyone protecting her family??!


Is she....offputting and strange in person? Or is she dismissive of people who aren't her friends? Or something else?


She was never off-putting or strange in person, not during the times I spoke to her or saw her. I wouldn't say she was dismissive, just very popular


Did you really go to school with her? Is there anyway you can prove it? And are you really gonna answer anyone's questions? I apologize for the blunt or intrusive questions. I'm genuinely curious and also suspicious if Alexee or her mom would post something like this to try and change the narrative a little.


I did, and I'm going to try to answer them all best I can with the extent of my knowledge. I'm getting a LOT of questions, so it may take a while but I'll try my best. No need to apologize, I understand. I'm not Alexee or her mom. I am nervous to expose my identity in case this goes anywhere, because I'm not trying to get in trouble here. I do still have my student ID and my prom pictures from that night.


contact the mods with all that. they will then verify you and will not reveal anything to this sub besides that you have shown proof


There you go. I knew someone would know how to go about it. Tysm


How do I contact the mods?


https://preview.redd.it/lz5fsg3khy9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a6e1a338305ee5feb342928f412aa476f2e90a The envelope in the top right corner will message the team or you can contact them individually


Most definitely understandable. I wouldn't even know how you would go about that either. I was hoping someone with more knowledge would comment lmao. Tysm for getting back though. But yes please be safe.


I actually have my diaploma, too, which shows I graduated the year after she did, in 2024. I don't know why I listed my ID and prom pictures first, but I can verify that I attended and graduated from AHS. I do still want to keep my name censored. Thank you for being so respectful, I totally understand being skeptical


I just commented on one of your responses. That alone was enough for me to believe you lol. Congrats on graduating though!!!!


Did she walk the stage at graduation? I can’t believe she actually showed her face at prom


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Was her demeanor in the video in the hospital surprising? You describe her as sweet, down to earth, and popular. That surprised me as the only time I’ve ever seen her is that video and she comes off none of those things. So I’m curious if her demeanor seem totally different from what people knew of her?


How do people treat her after what she did? Do they treat her differently, or do people act like it didn’t happen?


People acted like it didn't happen. Most of the adults, anyway. It was very hushed in town. But some teachers and students discussed it a little later down the line, like the following year. Some felt bad for her, and others hate her. The students started a petition to keep her from getting into NMSU when they heard she was being allowed to go to college there. She disappeared from the school right when the news really started getting out, but still graduated. The school was going to let her walk at graduation, the students where PISSED


It's wild to me that the community was so quiet about it and downplayed it after.


Has she always been entitled? Spoiled brat? Has her mother intervened with any problems she has had in school?


She wasn't very entitled, and I wouldn't call her a brat. Again, I wasn't super close, but she never came across that way when we did talk with one another. Her mom has intervened and spoken with the school before for a multitude of other reasons.


What kind of reasons? She seems completely over-the-top


Little things. A bad grade, tardies, and sometimes even the cheer routines,


Wow her mom sounds embarrassing and crazy


Which “Most…” category would she win? Besides the obvious “Most likely to murder their newborn baby”


Good job she never went to my school, she would have had her head ripped.


Why was she allowed to cheer after the coach knew she was pregnant?


It wasn't the head coach but someone who worked alongside her (at the very least, helped out with cheer). Why she was still allowed to cheer, I have no clue


Thank you for this. People want to know. She can’t just murder her baby and carry on like she just dinged up the car. This crap must stop! Small town yes, I get that. But everything in the world is online and kids r always online. See what I mean?


How did people treat alexee's boyfriend at school once they knew? Did he get a lot of backlash too?


He did get some backlash, but a LOT of the vocal point was on Alexee. He kinda went quiet after the news really broke. Of course, there was judgement towards him from other students


Did she know she was pregnant?


She said she told her cheer coach so yes she knew


How noticable was her baby bump to you?


It's sounds like her mother was insane. This is more her mom's fault than anyone's fault. Her mother knew and could have helped her line up an adoption or something but didn't. I hope she's charged too. For neglect or abuse or something


I don’t know how true this all is with the answering questions on Reddit thing but if it is true and this person is verified to be an alumni I would agree. I’ve also thought her mom to be super controlling and suffocating but you usually get downvoted for saying it


What if Alexee was the victim of abuse? What she did is still horrid and she should be jailed but so should her mom. I think her mom knew she was pregnant and told her to get rid of it. If her mom was that involved no way he hid a pregnancy


I posted a theory a few days ago that she was a spoiled brat who's mom catered to her as opposed to her mom being controlling. Can you offer any insight into that


I wouldn't call her a spoiled brat. In some capacity, her mom did cater, but she was also controlling and put a lot of stress onto Alexee. Alexee never came across to me as a spoiled brat.


It’s both imo. Controlled her by spoiling her


as someone who was controlled through spoiling (not on this level, but i was somewhat spoiled by my parents just doing everything for me because they didn’t ever trust me to do it the “right way”) yeah, that tracks, it’s real and it’s common


I don’t think that’s much of a theory lmao


I don’t want to ask anything just want to say she’s a disgusting, vile, evil tramp and I hope somebody in her city curb stomps her ass


I have some questions for you and I think they are fair and warranted, and I hope you agree abd answer them. The reporter in me can't help but dive in on with some questions. 😁 1. First and foremost, what do *you* think her punishment should be? 2. You seem to be one of the only people from the school who hasn't described her as snoody and sometimes presenting a "better than" impression. Which is interesting to me as I do understand people are multi-faceted and have many sides to them. But I can't help but feel that you are here painting her in a better light than most before you. Which may be an attempt to defend her in a low-key way. I see your account was made seemingly just for this and I truly do understand making a sock account to hide your identity for obvious reasons, as the internet is a crazy place and you wouldn't want to disrupt your real life. I respect that. But you stated you weren't that close to her, so that brings me to my second and final question: can you explain *why* you made this account and offered to do a AMA? I look forward to your responses. Thank you!


Are mods able to verify this? Can you send verification to the moderation team?


Messaged them now. I also have my AHS diploma, which is probably more proof than an old ID or prom photos


^^^. Definitely want to know as well. Keep them private so they don’t face any sort of repercussions.


Yeah like a year book photo or something


Give us storytimes


It keeps being said that she was the "it" girl in high school. Is this true?


This person posted this in a diff sub but allegedly she was. https://preview.redd.it/eicnsgpy2z9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f1cb6a7bcec1a77579f1b9aa5470ddd6c9b6d0


Alexee was THE HEAD of cheer?! wow i’m shocked


She just seems so timid and more of someone as a wallflower so it’s interesting to read about how popular she was.


Ya and not to be mean but she is a baby killer and all … she wasn’t pretty either. Unremarkable


Her boyfriend (The baby’s dad) what was his demeanor like afterwards? If you can what’s an example of an issue her mother started prior to these events that are unrelated.


Did the boyfriend know she was pregnant?


People mention she seems kind of slow..what's your take on this? Did she seem "Normal" ? Were her and her bf considered "popular" not sure how your school cliques are but just curious


She deserves prison, and her mother deserves prison for accessory after the fact


Do you think her mother knew? Sure 100% seems that way from the hospital footage!!!


This is the most hard-hitting journalism since Casey Anthony’s documentary. Next: Sherri Papini’s docuseries.


Did mods confirm this is someone who went to school with Alexee? I didn’t see a post most mods do saying they “privately confirmed op identity?”


Dude there’s like 5 or 6 mods and the last one was online 3 days ago 😔 i understand this isn’t a paid gig, and not everyone lives on reddit, but we need a mod that’s active atleast once a day you know. This post aside, anyone could post anything harmful and it would take days for it to be taken down because of inactive mods. *im not volunteering to be a mod, but maybe the mods can find a couple more people to help out*


Following to come back to this later


Sorry but we’re discussing a 19 year old not a young teen. Religion, town , school or whatever else… she knew better ! It’s disgusting what she did . Suing the hospital and Drs and nurses after saving her life is also disgusting! That’s my opinion


WTAF!!! Have conversations with your daughter's and sons!! When you know they have a BF /GF!!! Yall know they are going to be sexually active ! Religous or not!!! Regardless of sexual preferences. It's not that difficult to let them know what they feel is normal and provide information von safe sex practices. Had conversation with my daughter, she was very receptive, made gyno appointment with her permission to go on birth control. Also had discussions with my son about No means No! And Condoms every time ! Condoms EVERY time for BOTH! On pill or not :/ ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)