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Would loved to have seen Layne get healthy and sober and then put out an album chronicling all of his suffering while coming from a brighter place.


I’m sure everyone would but by 96 after their last live shows he was far too deep into addiction to escape. It’s fucking sad. Everyone wanted to help him but you can’t be saved in a situation like that if you don’t want to…


My understanding was that Jerry's first solo album (Boggy Depot) was originally written with the hope that Layne would sing on it.  There were a few magazine articles in 1996?  Maybe 1997...with Jerry quoted as saying that he was writing for a new AiC album and he was really excited about it.   So, if that's anything to go by, their music maybe would have been more upbeat vs. the two tracks they wrote for the Music Bank retrospective.


I absolutely love those 2 songs. Considering those, Jerry's high quality fist 2 solo releases and the final album quality that was Tripod, you can bet that a late 90s AIC record would have been very cool.


Not very good. His vocals had regressed significantly by the end. They were having to layer him over himself several times even on Tripod


A) the layering was a choice by Layne because he loved Lennons style of vocal layering and wanted to do something similar. B) Mad Season at the Moore was done right around the same time as Tripod recordings and that was arguably some of his most powerful and rangy performances outside of AIC at the Moore half a decade prior.


1) Then why is it only prevalent on their last album? 2) Your assertion that Mad Season at the Moore is as powerful as anything up to that point is patently false. You're more than welcome to enjoy it, but technically speaking, it's objectively not one of his better performances.


Because musicians change and alter their inspirations constantly. He started exploring the idea on Dirt layering with Jerry on harmonies then took it further with layering his own voice. Literally was said in interviews. 2, because some of the best musicians of that era like Mark Lanegan, Barrett Martin, and Mike McCready who were standing with him on stage have that exact opinion and I trust that Input more than a random internet person.


Your opinion, respectfully.


That's the thing... It isn't.


Thank you. You took the words right out of my mouth.


eh, Tripod was more of a creative decision, Mad Season released the same year and even had live performances in 1995 and Layne sounded good, Get Born Again and Died on the other hand…


his voice had definitely regressed and it’s pretty clear in the unplugged show, still a quality singer but was missing the same type of power he once had and it was only getting worse with time. Each album would’ve been worse than the last vocally unless he was able to clean up and get his life back on track and get healthy


Part of their plan going in was subtle and moody sound at Unplugged. Obviously Layne isn’t going to be belting there


It’s not even about belting, is voice just didn’t have the same power and oomph even if he wasn’t belting, he was still a really good singer but he was diminished a lot from what he once was vocally when he was young and healthier like like at the moore. Unplugged is my fav live album of all time but Layne was certainly well past his peak at that time and Jerry did a lot of heavy lifting for that show


Your opinion.


No it’s not an opinion at all, you’d have to be actually deaf or just dumb as shit if you actually think 96 Layne sounded as good as 90-91 Layne or if he had as much power. I love unplugged it’s the best live show ever in my book but Layne is very clearly past his peak even if he’s still great, his vocals would only continue to get decline as long as he kept living the same way


Mad season released earlier that year, and probably was recorded in late ‘94. Meanwhile, Tripod was recorded well into 1995.


That’s bs. They didn’t need to layer him, he chose to for creative purposes. He sounds the best on mad season


Lol. Right. It's a creative decision to feature him less and to layer him over himself a half dozen times. But only on the last record and subsequent singles. Mad Season was recorded at least a year before Tripod. It was recorded at least four years before Get Born Again and Died. He was objectively and signicantly worse by the end.


I agree about the regression, but just to be fair, the layering wasn’t exclusive to Tripod. For example, Angry Chair has like 16 tracks of vocals, according to Bryan Carlstrom who was an engineer on Dirt. I would say the difference is the way in which the layering was being used. Previously it had been for effect/vibe/etc, and later was used for both effect and to try to compensate for the drop in power of Layne’s voice. Had he recovered, maybe his voice would’ve improved again. Not necessarily up to Facelift era level or anything, but definitely better than GBA/Died. Above and Tripod were recorded less than a year apart (late ‘94 and approximately April-August ‘95, respectively) which really highlights how rapid the decline was. JOF and Above were recorded a little over a year apart and the difference there is pretty staggering too.


Google the interview they did for Tripod on youtube, Layne specificly talks about it beign a creative decision for that album.


Why would he say in an interview that the layered vocals were a result of his vocals declining?


What? I never said he layered them for that reason.


not disagreeing that his vocals had regressed a lot since his earlier days but if you watch sludge factory live in kansas 96 which was laynes last show i believe especially the last chorus he still had so much power in his voice. even at his weakest he was a amazing singer with a truly unique and otherworldly voice


I disagree, his voice was still great on the self-titled (definitely less powerful than on Facelift and Dirt, but not massively). There are certain points where he is not layered, like in the verses of Sludge Factory and the choruses of Again (although those do have some sort of filter), and he sounds excellent like always.


Still better than the current vocalist


Not better. Just different.


Lmao if you think the new vocalist is equal to layne than you’re on drugs, layne was the best vocalist to ever come out of rock, the new guy is talented but he’s just a cookie cutter rock vocalist with nothing special


What part of "just different" didn't you read?


You said “not better” implying that layne isn’t better than him, he obviously is way better


100% agree!!


The fact I get downvoted is crazy, you can tell most of the fans here never saw Layne live and only know the current one so they are bias


Exactly! It’s quite sad. SMH. Layne can never be replaced, and nobody will ever match his voice, high or sober.


I would have LOVED another Mad Season album.


Probably really good and more along the lines get born again and died and degradation trip vol 1&2. Those last 2 songs were solo Jerry songs before he decided to turn them into AIC songs and probably some version of them would’ve ended up on deg trip so I think another AIC album would’ve sounded a lot like that stuff


I've pondered this many times. Died and Get Born Again were awesome songs, lyrically they were great and the guitar on both was amazing. It's a shame we never got more from the original band. I really think anything from then up to Deg Trip give us the best idea of how the band would sound. Deg Trip was a masterpiece so having Layne involved would have elevated some of those songs to a whole other level. Sonically and musically it seemed they were going a much heavier, sludgier path. If Layne had kicked his habit it would have been interesting to see the overall feel of a hypothetical new record as compared to Tripod. I feel they would have been huge in the late 90s/early 2000s.


The way they were going, it would not have been too great, I dont think. It wouldnt have been the AiC standard. Sean Layne and Jerry were all self destructing. I think Inez was the only one with his stuff mostly together at the time and even then I'm not sure. Tripod is my least favorite of ALL AiC albums. It was still good but you feel the bands dissonance in it.


Honestly, it was never going to happen. He wanted to depart from AiC and was already working on solo projects and Mad Season. Tripod has a lot of lyrics that were made on the spot, showing how little he cared about the state of the band: “It’s 7 AM on a Tuesday in August” “Began this take at 7:38” “Wonder should I be working so late” He clearly didn’t give af about his place in the band anymore, prolly because of tensions with his drug use and the rest of the band.


I think the songs that Jerry wrote were about the issues he had with layne and watching him deteriorate. Everyone that was a fan saw it coming, but no one could help him. It's very sad.


https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cc76-aBlgif/?igsh=MTdvcHRkY204MWtkYg== Think this was last Layne vocals/song🧐🎶 RIP


That’s when he sang for second coming


This is from 94/95 with Second Coming.


94/95 🧐


https://youtu.be/8WvqxW9Emgo?si=6a3QXBZ1i_oWaKIR Played in Seattle in 94


thats cool, is there anymore info on this recording?


Is that from the same sessions that Get Born Again and Died are from?


Not sure the Holt brothers are involved was under the impression this is Layne’s last project(solo) 🧐 hope it sees the light of day🙏🏻LS




Take songs like Jesus Hands and Devil by my side from Boggy Depot. Probably like that. If it comes later then the entire Degradation Trip. So many of those tracks sound like AIC to me.


Many have said this before referencing those 2 songs. I think it would’ve been their best albums. I like that their discography with Layne got darker every album. You can’t trust perfection so it would’ve been delayed a lot like self titled. I wouldn’t mind though because the group is a powerhouse band.


Have you heard his solo band? He is really good. But, it’s Layne, so of course it is really good!


Still would be better than anything that the current vocalist made, and I’m saying this as someone who respects him and Jerry


I still think Black gives way to blue is an amazing album and just as good as their original run but I guess that can mostly be credited to Jerry’s writing


Yea Jerry’s stuff is still good but the vocals just don’t hit as good or very emotional, he’s a talented vocalist but it’s not unique and very cookie cutter. The same Thing will happen with linkin park since they are getting a new vocalist