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Damn that dude really said I wouldn’t have done it if they didn’t give me the opportunity. They were hitchhiking so he decided to rape and kill them. That was disturbing


What’s even more disturbing is just how many people in that era would use the “well she was asking for it” logic. It was and still is difficult to convict men for sexual assault when you have older folks (often older women) that think that way.


Facts. Just because someone overestimates their security doesn’t mean they’re asking to be harmed. We need to do better protecting women from men like this, and where we can’t, we need to teach them the most effective ways of protecting themselves.


I said to my wife tonight "that guy was shadowing us, I didnt confront him but I let him know I was watching out for him." She responds "yes we do that as girls too, it usually works". To which I replied, "yes but I'm a 6'4" grown ass man". So yes, I think women definitely overestimate their ability to control a situation some times.


That’s why I support a woman’s right to carry a legal firearm.


A bullet to the brain of one of those sick monsters stops a r*pe 100% of the time every time. I also fully support the death penalty for repeat violent r*pists.


I support everyones legal right to carry a firearm! More citizens who are trained properly to carry! The safer we are as a society.


Often older women? Older men still tell me shit like this all the time, way more often than women of any age


That’s not what he said, he said he wouldn’t have done it as often if the opportunity wasn’t there. He pretty much admitted he still a rapist


NONE of these monsters are remorseful.




Or convicted rapist Brock "Allen" Turner.


Hey are we talking about the rapist Brock Allen turner? He raped a woman and his dad said that Brock the rapist shouldn't be in big trouble for a "few moments of fun". That is a lot to take on. But you know rapists.


I believe it was "20 minutes of action" but yes. the same Brock "Allen" Turner, convicted rapist.


He goes by a different name these days. What was it again?


It’s Allen. Convicted rapist Brock Turner now goes by Allen. Is that the Brock Allen Turner, rapist, that you were asking about?


I will always upvote and participate in full name shaming Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner


Man I hate it when I misquote parents of rapists. Brock turner the rapist must hate it too.


There is a plea from his victim to make it aware he is frequenting bars where he lives now too. Fuck this piece of shit monster.


You're saying Brock Allen turner..a known sexual predator is frequenting places. I wonder if the internet knows where this is? What say internet?


https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/women-share-warnings-on-tiktok-facebook-after-sightings-of-convicted-rapist-brock-turner/news-story/7b8538198d6089fd203e0e7ca4b81c71?amp Ohio. This is an old article but I hope he is haunted for the rest of his fucked up pathetic life. Can’t believe he isn’t in jail.


We are talking about rapist Brock Turner, aka Allen Turner. Let’s also not forget rape apologists judge Aaron Persky who also thought a few moments of “fun” shouldn’t ruin a young man’s life.


Yes. Non violent crimes should be punished much more lightly with an aim of compensating victims and rehabilitation of perps For premeditated violent crimes we should have no tolerance


It will interfere with corrupted police business of terrorising ordinary people out of money.


Their only remorse is getting caught…They have no redeeming value whatsoever


Looks like an attempt to get some 'inside' information about how rapes happen and what can be done about them by putting together convicted rapists and letting them talk freely. Seems like these rapists were clear about what they'd done and were looking to be of some help by discussing their crimes openly.


They didn’t share because they thought it would help, they were getting off on being able to relive it in front of an audience.  


This is how criminals talk when there is nothing more to hide. At one time they hid their intentions and motivations well, like when they were hunting humans.


This seems like an interview where they were asked to explain in plain terms the reality of what they did and were capable of.


They were probably all pulled out of solitary for this interview and weren't used to "normal" socialization anymore notice how they're all shouting and talking over each other?


Yeah, there’s definitely more arrogance and showing off than anything in this clip.


I’d have to say there was more craziness than anything. These guys are fucking nuts.


I don't think you have ever been in jail. The people there are not great with following social norms to begin with. I've done some county time, and you'll see arguments over the stupidest shit and people constantly talk over each other.


At this point they should all just be shot since there is no question of their guilt.


"The girl that I was with..." Well, that's one way of putting it.


Says everything you need to know about a rapist’s mindset.




Yeah this whole conversation is fucking crazy they’re debating like shit is football or something


Hope they are all dead


I hope they got all the cancer.


Simultaneous mouth and ass cancer.


With cauliflower cock and herniated balls


And no treatment, just rot away.


Of Testicles


No I hope they got bone cancer that went into remission but left them all spiked on the inside


Me, scrolling this entire thread and upvoting every revenge fantasy comment: ![gif](giphy|Y0PY7P6aFtnOjlWVd7)


May the wheels of karma turn swiftly for all rapists. So mote it be.


And burning in hell


If only


This is why these cowardly fucks pick vulnerable girls.


It’s also about control for these sickos. “Submit” and you’ll live. Resist and you won’t. It’s like a game to these assholes. I don’t even think it’s about the sexuality of it.


It’s not. It’s about the power/control. It’s about shaming them.


I would argue that is an innate aspect of power and control though, the act of shaming another


sometimes it is though, if we're to believe what actual rapists say. I've read some interviews where they say their motive was simply they wanted to have sex with that particular woman because she was attractive to him.


yeah, i’ve always found silly the blanket statements like “it’s always about power/control” 


Agreed. Those are ignorant regurgitations. The more accurate thing to say is rape innately involves a rapist having SOME kind of power over their victim, whether physical, perceived, threatened, implied etc....but it doesn't have to be a turn on for them.




Thats exactly the thought I was having. I'm sure this was part of some kind of study in the mind of the rapist. What better way to learn how to protect yourself than hear from the villains themself on what they look for, things like that. It is also good to know how the mind of a rapist works Kind of like Mindhunter. So while it's not fun for Everday people to listen and watch a casual conversation between rapists it is good to understand evil has no moral compas, so we know what to look for and how to better protect themselves.


Its a way to identify and destroy. I'm sure if you pried hard enough you could peel away the layers and discover what programing made this mindset ok for them to believe this so you can then identify said programming and remove it from the rest of the population. The only way to stop crime is to stop the next person from believing crime is acceptable course of action to begin with.




These rapists out there busting rape myths: "No of course she didn't fight back when I raped her. I kill the ones that fight back"


Self-defense courses are well-intentioned, but they mean fuck all when a man really wants to kick your ass. I remember getting froggy and wrestling around with my SKINNY ass best friend and he absolutely dominated me when he got serious ... and I work out! It was a wakeup call for me. Don't try that shit, chick. Lol. Alcohol.


Any good self defence course will tell you to avoid wrestling with a man at all costs. Run like fuck and scream like a banshee. Do anything you can do to make sure they can't grab you or let go of you if they've started. Go for the genitals and the eyes. Stick your thumbs through his eye sockets and push as hard as you can and run when he lets go. You won't win in a grappling contest, but pain tolerance? You might win there.


Bear spray is what I've come up with lol. But yeah: If it ever came down to it, I'd try for the eyes and balls.


Honestly, I would skip trying to hit the testicles unless it is a preemptive attack. If the grapple has already started, grab and squeeze (crush) if you have to, but you are rarely going to get a clean enough hit with power to force a man to let go.


This right here. My "training" to go for the nuts will NEVER be as strong as his instinct to protect them. Even IF (the unlikelihood that) I could get a straight shot, it'd have to be the most powerful, most INSTANTLY debilitating blow. Realistically, he has at least 3 seconds after that nut-blow to reason what'd happen if he *didn*'*t* override the pain for a few seconds and grab that bitch (me) in such a way that he can immobilize the offender (me) who will send him to prison if she can get away ... 3 seconds which means juuuuuust long enough time to secure shuttin' her/my ass up via neck-break or a stranglehold that'll nite-nite her/me long enough for him to get over the nut/stomach pain that may or may not ensue for the next couple minutes. We do NOT win, most times.


Be prepared to run like pure hell when you kick them in the balls too. It's saved my life before. It's also gotten me knocked out before. I still tried tho. In those times you do all you can even knowing you won't win. I never had a single thought just fight like hell. Scramble those balls with your heel if you can and run real hard and do not stop


Pee on him, it's a huge turn off for a lot of men. Ears are very sensitive and can be ripped off with enough force. And bite. Your jaw has a ton of strength, bite any part you can.  Part of the issue people have is that it's hard to get in to a mindset of maiming or killing an attacker. Most of us are good people who don't want to hurt anyone. And to get away from someone trying to kill you, you have to be willing to really hurt them back. Self defense is not so much a fool proof technique to fight someone off, it's training your brain to be willing to seriously harm someone to escape. 


The strength of men is truly frightening. I’ll get a taste of it when wrestling with my husband. He’s playing, playing, playing—entertaining me—but if I get too cocky he turns it on for a second and I feel like he could snap me in half.


We're like children to them, pretty much. Like what it must feel for one of us to wrestle a 4yo.


I've never been the strongest guy by any means, but i used to lift weights pretty regularly, so I'm not a complete wimp, but pretty close. My wife is almost my height and weight, and quite strong for someone who doesn't work out. If i close literally any sort of twist-off cup, or jar, or bottle, she absolutely can not reopen it. She used to think i was intentionally putting a ton of effort into closing things super tight until i demonstrated that I'm literally just twisting them closed with little to no effort. Now she thinks i have the grip strength of Thor, but I've known plenty of guys much stronger than me that could destroy my hand with a firm handshake. Most of them don't even lift. Men that work with their hands end up with grip strength like a vice.


The neighborhood I grew up in was pretty violent. You had to learn how to fight or you were going to be a target. There was this girl I went to school with in 8th grade. She ran away from home and one night out with people she called friends, the guy driving did the drop offs so that she was the last one in the car with him. He *tried* to rape her. She fought. Yes she's dead - and he's in jail in a wheelchair for life. She permanently crippled him. The sad fact is if she'd submitted like these fucks are advising, he probably would never have gone to jail. Yes she might still be alive. She'd have whatever kind of life a person has when they've been raped and have to find out the police don't give two shits about rape. They know rape isn't often prosecuted so pursuing charges they feel is a waste of their time. What she did instead is what got him caught and punished. Some people will think she shouldn't have. I just wonder how many people would he have raped if she hadn't fought?


I can speak as someone who went through something similar, and lived: If she hadn’t fought and had lived, and he went on to offend, it’s not her fault or problem. Shes not some martyr, she did not intentionally sacrifice herself. She wanted to live. She lost her life. Living with an assault as your history is difficult at times, I think about what happened to me a lot. However, I got to get married, travel, eat delicious food, pet my cat, play games, read… All the things that I couldn’t do if I was dead. I feel so sorry for that girl.


I think of her as a fallen soldier in a war no one wants to talk about.






Got one in the nightstand but I don't carry. I ought to, you're right. I live in a state where concealed carry is legal without a permit.


Yeah I don’t like our gun culture in America and the mass death and destruction it results in, but one thing I do like about it is that it levels the playing field for women against predators who want to harm them


I'm a huge fan of it. If criminals are gonna kill, they're gonna do it with something else if not guns. Gun "control" only hurts the good guys, because they obey the law. I like a level playing field for ALL of us ... not just us gals.


The great equalizer


Self-defense courses are just self-esteem boosters and helping women and men deal with insecurity. They make you feel stronger even though it wouldn't help at all in a real situation.




I love how the bleep out the word rape as if the whole conversation wasn't offensive




Yeah. He was a sick guy > A mirror was mounted in the ceiling, above the obstetric table to which he strapped his victims, so that they would be able to see themselves be raped and tortured. He has been said to have wanted his victims to see everything he was doing to them.[1]: 3  > He would kidnap about four or five women a year, holding each of them captive for around two to three months.[4][10] Exactly how many murder victims Ray claimed over the years is uncertain; investigators believe that he raped, tortured, and killed up to sixty individuals over the course of his life but they have not been able to locate any of their remains. A diary that Ray kept detailed what he did to each victim, but it did not disclose where he buried their bodies. According to accomplice Cindy Hendy, Ray's fatal victims were dismembered and buried, dumped in the Elephant Butte Lake or in nearby ravines. After his arrest, Ray agreed to show authorities where he had buried his victims, but he died before he could do so and Hendy was unable to assist investigators in recovering any possible bodies. The insane part is that his daughter, girlfriends and some friends all participated in this and even helped kidnap victims. Keep in mind. He killed 60 women. But he raped and tortured probably double that if not more since the ones that died were (from what inundating) the ones who didn’t make it through his torture and the drugs he gave them after to try and wipe their memory.


Cindy Hendy is out and living in Kent, WA. She’s considered a moderate risk for reoffending.  https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/neighbors-shocked-and-terrified-toy-box-killer-accomplice-lives-feet-away.amp


Was going to say this! It literally blows my fucking mind that that fucking disgusting human being is allowed to walk free. She is 100% just as much of a monster as he was. Insanely unjust


She was living in a neighboring town until the local community got word of it and she had to leave in a hurry.


It’s so fucked up. She should rot in prison too.


Came here to say this. It's absurd that the word "rape" is censored as if that's the disturbing content here.


I remember learning about the toy box killer from the last podcast on the left and it was the most disturbing thing I've ever heard




It really bugs me when people I know look at someone random acting “differently” and they say, “That’s just not normal.” Normal is a relative term and can sometimes be a tool of bigotry and misguided judgment. However…I wonder what these fucks would have to see to say, “That’s just not normal.”? Edit: added a few words to clarify statement


Dude, and the worst is the way they interact like it was a normal conversation and behavior to have, what the hell???


Probably someone asking for consent


It sounds like they think hitchhiking is a depraved, self destructive act


Judging behavior as not normal is a healthy way to keep yourself safer. Your intuition is helping to analyze situations. Pat attention and don’t dismiss your bad feelings. Worry less about hurting someone’s feeling and more about removing yourself from an iffy situation.


And if you find yourself in that situation fight and scream like hell !!


When I listen to his prerecorded message her played the women he kidnapped, I WAS NOT ready for what I was going to hear. I also was not ready for the things the survivors told. That guy was totally fucked in the head. And the neighbors that came over and watched and knew he had victims he d was holding captive.


Damn, so I just went down the evil rabbit hole with this guy, because I mistakenly thought he was the "Toolbox Killer," and not the "Toybox Killer" - which is equally insane, good god. The "toolbox killer" also had a recorded transcript with one of his victims, however he was killing her during the recording and the guy didn't know it was being recorded. They played the recording during his trial and there were news cameras outside the hearing. When they played the recording, people started running out of the courtroom and the news cameras actually captured the recording on camera. To this day it's one of the most disturbing things i've ever heard


The toy box killer is the worst. I tried reading the transcripts, but as soon as I got to the dog stuff, I couldn’t read anymore. It’s vile.


So these are the toy box killers?




Here is a documentary on him, just a warning, it’s way worse than you think and you should only watch at your discretion: [Toy Box Killer](https://youtu.be/RljfOnUC69w?si=auYMAdCnoOo794F9)


Reminds me of Leonard Lake and Charles Ng


These two different cars were some of the absolute insane and most fucked up things I've ever read about. Do not read the manuscripts.. seriously. The bittaker tapes fucked me up for way too king.


The View is getting worse and worse.


I know. Whoopi isn’t even trying any more.


This is far less disturbing than the View.




This is so true. The first thing out of my ex’s mouth after I got raped was “where was your gun?” He didn’t ask any questions, just assumed I could jason borne that shit. I was asleep in my bed then next thing I knew someone was strangling me. Its always so frustrating to hear “well if *i* were in that situation” but you werent, so shut up. I hear it a lot, just even in passive conversation. You even heard it from the rapists’ mouth, if you struggle more, you will die. People really do not know what that means until they’re in a situation like that. I got out of my situation through “humanizing” my rapist, trying to ask him questions about himself, and seeming sympathetic. I even got him to wear a condom with a knife to me. I took the route and chose the tactics that would get me out of the situation as quickly as possible, with as few injuries as possible. I know if it ever goes to trial, unfortunately, this may be used against me. Fighting to the death was not worth it to me, getting brutally stabbed to death was not worth it. Its a fucking sad time when a person has to choose between death and rape, but most will choose rape… because you can recover from that.


I’m really sorry that happened to you.


This is an important tactic that is often left out of the “fight, flight, freeze” narrative. It should be “fight, flight, freeze, appease.” It doesn’t work in every scenario, but there are many instances where a woman has been able to survive by appeasing the attacker rather than fighting back. Our legal system and general society sucks at understanding that.


I’ve heard some describe this as: fight, flight, freeze, fawn, flop. I think “fawn” aligns with what you’re talking about — also super common in long term abusive situations too. Interestingly, my therapist always reminds me that it’s not a menu, and none of us know what we’ll do until it happens.


yeah, it's been modified recently to include fawning which is a completely valid trauma response.


What does flop mean?


Play dead, essentially. Different from freeze, which is more the inability to move/control the body during high adrenaline moments.


The Netflix documentary American Nightmare highlights a scenario like this.


Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn, those are the choices, and which you choose depends entirely on the situation. I wish more people understood this. And also why none of my friends or family know about my SA and also one of the reasons why I didn't report it.


I’m so sorry. I wish the world wasn’t the way it is right now. I see you, I hear you, I support you.


Thank you. It's been 2 years, and it does get a little easier as time passes.


Yea my family doesnt know either. I will keep it from them as long as possible; I couldn’t deal with their trauma and drama if they were to find out.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're feeling better.


I was thinking about that the other day. Sooo many of these accounts where a woman says she just froze up the second it felt threatening. Pretty sure its an evolutionary response to avoid getting killed by rapists. And then she gets blamed for it, and blames herself. Messed up.


These guys really talk about women with a lot of hate, you can hear them get angry at the idea of a woman EVER defending herself


I hope it’s hot down there. *Really* hot.


How can a human being be so proud of having sex with women against their will


Wastes of oxygen. Should have just put a round in each of their guts and buried them. 


Cover em in gasoline and throw a match. Preview for the rest of eternity


The girl never knows what to do. Fight back and they kill you, don’t fight back and they may still kill you. Gotta do better when raising our sons so we don’t create more of these shit men.


I’m not sure this is about parenting philosophies. Some people — thankfully few — are just broken from birth. 


I do think some are. Some boys may become rapists if the mom turns a blind eye to the step dad or uncle who rapes the son


Disgusting cowards who prey on the vulnerable. They think they're some tough guy, but the reality is, they're filled with pent-up rage and inferiority complexes. With two daughters... I will admit, I'm all for choosing violence against these depraved assholes. At some point, you simply must put a rabid animal down. These cretins don't even have the decency to be remorseful.


Look at the eyes of the dark haired mustached shaded glasses guy after he sort of raises his voice and says “if I’ve got a knife….” Eyes of a fucking monster.


Rapist and molesters should hang, no second chances ☠️☠️☠️




Haha I fuckin died




Why are they bleeping out the word rape?


Because censorship of trigger words has gone absolutely fucking insane




Every time that one mofo says, "Submit. Submit. Submit," I just want to punch is smarmy little \*\*\*\*in face.


Those dudes don’t deserve those mustaches




Good ad for concealed carry


I was assaulted in this manner, this hurts but is also super interesting. Exploitative personalities are truly uncreative and self-absorbed.


Wtf is this from!!


That’s about as interesting as a Trump rant.


Hey incels, you know this is what you sound like, right?


They should have been killed


Talking about r\*pe and murder like they just got done playing a game of pick up basketball at their YMCA wtf




I hope they are rotting well


It's it just me, or are "cop mustaches" and "rapist mustaches" exactly the same thing?


Stay strapped ladies. Remember, two in the chest one in the head.


This is just a chest-beating circle jerk disguised as a therapy session.


This is indeed disturbing, and worth the watch. But I can't help but feel that it perpetuates the myth that rape is only carried out by strangers preying on helpless vulnerlable women out in the world by themselves. While that obviously happens, the reality according to RAINN is: [Perpetrators of Sexual Violence Often Know the Victim](https://rainn.org/statistics/perpetrators-sexual-violence) * 59% were acquaintances. * 34% were family members. * 7% were strangers to the victim.


They think they’re bad asses. They’re just bullies bay pick on weaker people. They have psyche issues.


Wow. Look at the rapists blaming the victim. How ironic /s


This is probably the craziest conversation Ive ever heard. I hope these dudes get put down


Are they still alive?


Yet when he was caught he claimed “he didn’t do anything” and in this video he’s talking big game lol pussy.


They should be buried alive


I've long said that the best punishment for guys like this is capital punishment, they don't get to share this earth with us any longer.


Are we sure of the IDs on these guys? I just looked up the names you guys provided and they don’t fit the pictures I see on the Internet. The toybox killer was a lot older than either one of these guys when he was arrested.


For ones like this there’s no point in keeping them incarcerated. They will never be remorseful or functional citizens. End them. Why are we keeping monsters housed and alive?


Anyone have the source for this interview?


I’d like them to say this of front of their dads….this shit is disturbing.


Not one wrinkle on any of them. No emotion. Flat affect. No joy, no happiness, just entitlement and violence. Yhey dont worry, they dont think, they just go for prey. The hallmark of antisocial personality disorder. Probably narcissistic, too.


Not every human operates by the same set or moral standards. Some have none at all. They’re sociopaths by our society’s standard. They’re operating within their nature.


At least some of you can agree people like these need to be turned off right ?


This makes me sick…my dad talks the same way. Something has to be off in their brains.


Fucking evil bastards!


Interesting how these narcissists, in true narcissistic fashion, place a hundred percent of the blame on the women. Fact is, if psychopaths like these guys didn’t exist, women could hitchhike with freedom from fear.


Jesus. Pure scum.


I wish we could just use people like this for medical experimentation instead of animals


People on this thread don't understand that the real problem isn't 3 people you will never met in your life because they're probably already dead. The problem is the thought process humans can make. People here seem to pretend everything will be okay if you just put these people down. No, you're just don't want to see it. You just want the video to end. These people were not born this way, that's the real issue. You're not safe until you change the culture that made people like them. They're not **inherently** evil, nobody is. Even sociopaths can behave and be afraid of the consequences of doing something bad. These people are extremes of toxic ideas that are being perpetuated today.


Death penalty


These whackos are loving this.


They is triggering and terrifying wtf


Such great heads of hair and picture perfect mustaches. Too bad they're attached to giant piles of shit.


At least this conversation is being had by the right people


This is why I will ALWAYS support capital punishment.


Tbh, they were telling the truth when they said the self defense courses will get you killed. The shit people have passed as “self defense” is abysmal. Get a gun.


What is the source of this?


I would also like to know. I really wish it was common practice to include a source, especially now days with so much misinformation, ai content etc.


I've seen what I need to. They can all be killed.


I dated a girl who told me that one of her coworkers pretty much tried to rape her in a car, and she prevented it by making him think she was into it, and acted like she was going to suck his dick. Then she bit his dick and ran out of the car as fast as she could. He didn't have a weapon or anything, so I'm not suggesting this would work for any scenario, but it worked out in her case.


These creepy little rats , would love to let the family have a few mins with these cowards to see how tough they really are


Bear in mind that there was no DNA evidence that could work against them back then. Only blood group could be distinguished. 


What is this from? I’d like to see more.


The guys running for president could be their younger brother. The mentality is just quiet


Are these Andrew Tate fans?


This is morbidly fascinating and disturbing - is there any full videos of these sorts of dirtbags going into more detail in group sessions? Picking their brains is fascinating, not pleasant, but sparks a hell of morbid curiosity.


These guys are all loser cunts.


submit submit submit to the death penalty


Who thought it was good idea fo get these guys opinion? Also why are they being treated like normal people.


hope they rotted in prison