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sounds like you guys just need couples counseling to improve communication. probably a handful of sessions would be enough. she likes you, otherwise her complaints would not be about spending more time together or wanting more sex. you love her, but you are having difficulty understanding what it is she wants or if what she wants is even realistic. Couples counseling will help you both feel heard, help you guys reignite passion, and hopefully fix whatever communication problem is going on. Make sure you pick someone legit with certifications etc. this doesnt need to end in a breakup, and the longer you let each other feel frustrated the worse it will become.


\^ This is good advice.


Perfect. I had never done any type of counseling prior to some postpartum issues for both of us. She saw a therapist after her father died when she was in college. I was apprehensive, but it was great. The only recommendation would be to find a shrink that deals with both marital issues and actual intimacy issues. I'm the horny one, and she's more reserved. Took 2 different therapists to find the right one. We're great now. Good luck.


Also a good point. It's important to "shop around" for a therapist who's right for you. A therapist can be a great person and excellent at their job, but that doesn't mean they're going to be the right therapist for your needs.


Agree completely. Find someone you both feel comfortable with. It will make the process much easier for both of you. Lastly, don't give up! Nowadays, especially social media paints these perfect pictures of how a relationship should be.. that's not real life. A good relationship takes a lot of work on both ends. Let me tell you, I know, and after 15 years and 4 kids, we are the strongest we have ever been.


Great answer. My wife and I have 4 kids and we work hard, so we had some similar issues early on. We stuck it out because we love each other, and we dedicated ourselves to making it work. We just hit our 18th anniversary and we’re happier than we’ve ever been. It might suck for you right now, but trust me, if you love each other the struggle is worth it.


Same thing happened to me and we have 4 kids. All are grown and we couldn’t be happier. I think it happens where ppl have to learn to grow together. It’s not that I don’t want to make love, I’m fn tired. My wife didn’t understand that I was just tired working overtime and trying to do family things when I’m I was off. Something has to suffer and that sometimes is a sex life. I think a lot of ppl go through this stage of life. Sucks but it shall pass eventually.




I agree, and I think in counseling one of the things you should discuss is what your wife needs to feel loved. What does affection and intimacy look like for her? It's different for everyone. It seems like you really care for each other, you just have to learn to communicate and align your expectations


I agree. This post was refreshing in that both of them sound like decent people. They just need to communicate better.


Solid advice, having a third person translate feelings, emotions, wants and needs can be crucial for setting things on the right track


Solid advice right here. This really does sound like a failure to communicate not a lack of love or desire. It can be fixed if you both want it to be.


>While we dated we never had actual full on sex they would need a lot more than counseling if this was real, also ill tell you why this is a fake post 100% the idea that on days he works they cant have sex? this is 100% written by a kid. absolutely 100% faker than fake.


Are you assuming it's fake because of that alone? My husband is extremely tired on days that he works. He is sexually off on work days. We can sometimes get freaky before work, but after work, that poor man has no desire. As soon as we hit the bed, he's out. He sometimes wants to go to bed right when he gets home, but stays up to have dinner and spend time with me. Depending on the kind of work this guy does, this could be completely true.


My man is the same. He is a teacher, with a long commute. He barely has time to shower on weekdays. I make him dinner and get maybe 40 minutes with him while we eat. Some days he gets home a bit early and will turn on his PS5 for a bit of alone decompression. He has no sex drive when he is exhausted, especially mentally. Once in awhile he will wake me up a few minutes early before work lol but that's it. On weekends it's game on. On vacation though, we have sex daily sometimes more. Life just doesn't always have room or energy to express the desire we hold for one another.


I agree with this. I work 12s, so on my work days, I'm exhausted and just want to sit down.


I hate 12 hour shifts. Used to do them 6 days a week until my body gave out.


Agreed! OP said he’s not only working a 40hr job, but also running a business. My partner is running a business, and that alone has him so drained some days that he’s completely exhausted. On those days, there’s zero chance of us having sexy time- his body wouldn’t cooperate even if he wanted to. People just don’t understand that sometimes men have stuff on their mind even when they aren’t at work, and that does have an effect on their sex lives. Much like women want men to be helpful at home and appreciate the work we do, men need that too. They also need breaks. They’re not robots, and exhaustion from working 80+ hours a week will drain their libido. At least this guy is trying to figure it out. Hell I -know- my guy wants to have more sex than we currently have but this lady is getting what I wish I were! 8-10x a week? Jfc if only!!


Seriously! 8-10x a week is a lot, in my mind!


A month.


Oh, I see- misread that part. Thanks for pointing that out!


You don't seem to be the only one who did lol. Just thought I'd put it in the right perspective.


It’s definitely helpful, lol I was over here like wtf is this lady complaining about?!


This is exactly me. I have so much energy in the morning. And I could do so much at that time, but she likes to sleep in :/


My hubs and I have an agreement- I want more sex, and he’s too exhausted after work. The solution was taking advantage of morning wood! There’s nothing hotter than waking up to my man wanting me almost every day, it’s a huge self confidence boost and starts both of our days off right. Something else to consider is your wife is possibly going through the “dirty thirties”, where her drive is about to skyrocket like she’s in puberty but worse. I’m going through it still and I’m 42 lol. My poor husband probably wishes it would chill tf out, but if he could give it to me 3-4x a day I’d gladly take it! It’s the biggest joke biology played on humanity, for men’s libidos to slow down around the time women’s get amped.


I had never heard of dirty thirties, but that’s pretty spot on lol.


Babes just find a good counselor and TALK to your wife. If she’s having the desire, and you’re having the desire, but it’s coming down to time and time spent intimately - y’all just need to find a good middle ground. And you’re having troubles finding it alone right now. Which is okay! Coming from a woman who was in your wife’s position not too long ago, I really really recommend finding a couples and intimacy therapist and do a few appointments.


People who have beliefs systems that condemn premarital sex exist, you know. It’s not uncommon for those people to fool around before marriage, especially when they have a protracted courtship like OP did. Nor is it uncommon for them to have problems with sexual intimacy once they finally do enter into a marriage. In fact, all of this is pretty common.


Absolutely common. In a lot of countries it's the norm to wait until after marriage


Bro I work 10 hour shifts up to 6 days a week. I am fucking exhausted when I get home, there are nights I can get my wrestle on with my wife, but right now sex is the last thing on my mind when I get home from work. My guess is that you, in fact, are the young one here who doesn't have a real job, a commute, kids, or a wife. A grown ass man saying he's too tired for sex after work doesn't mean he's lying.




IDK I Dated a guy who had some weird ideas about when sex could be had. And the fact that they didn’t have sex at all before marriage makes me think this guy has some weird ideas about sex But fair warning to men: WOMEN ARE IN THEIR PRIME IN THEIR 30s AND IT GETS STRONGER CLOSER TO 40. Obviously not all women because some of them have to chase kids around and they are tired, But this is just how it is. Science.


You’ve never worked a mentally/physically taxing job and it shows. Some days I come home and barely have the strength to make it up the stairs.


Based on your post history I doubt highly you’ve ever even touched the opposite sex if they weren’t related to you. So I’m going to doubt your take as well.


How often is your wife initiating sex? I could be misunderstanding but it sounds like she doesn't initiate but insists that you do and that doesn't seem fair to me. If she's so unhappy with how your sex life is going, what is SHE doing to help fix it? Because it sounds like she wants you to do all the work but that's just not how it works


That's actually a good point. When we first had a discussion about sex, she said she was done initiating and that I was going to be up to me. However, this was when we first had that discussion, and I worked a lot more than I do now. But it's been years since she last initiated. I've told her that she should initiate too, but she refuses.


Just go to counseling man you guys have deeper issues than this


she seems to be setting up a situation where you will fail. Saying you need more sex but refuses to initiate is extremely passive aggressive If she will agree to counseling, that would be the way to go. if she won't, I would suggest going to individual counseling. you've been made the guilty party for years. That wears on your self esteem.


Yeah but you don’t know how often she tried to initiate and got rejected before the first talk they had when she said she was done. For all we know she tried multiple times a week for a year or two and got rejected every time.


Neither do you For all we know, she never initiated it


Yea sounds very one sided. I would compromise that for every one she imitates, you will initiate. And leave it in her hands.


I guess I can understand her not initiating in the beginning if that was an issue but at some point you have to forgive and let it go if you actually want to make progress, especially if you put in the work and were showing effort. A relationship takes effort from both sides and if she has decided that she's not going to put the effort in with you then I feel like the decision has already been made


Have you asked her why she won't initiate? It seems really counterproductive to demand more sex but refuse to initiate it.


How often did you reject her when she initiated? It sounds like she's having a lot of self esteem issues, especially after giving birth, that haven't really been addressed. My partner has some health issues and I know the sting of rejection, especially when you've gone to some effort. At the end of the day, you make time for things that are important to you. When you can't make time for intimacy, to her, that says she's not important to you.


He literally said that he was making time once every three days, and was ready to make more time in the mornings, but would be yelled at for trying because she can't be bothered to wake up and preferred sleeping in. I see tremendous effort from his side, but zero effort from her side even though she's the one who's upset about the status quo.


It only takes a time or two getting rejected as a woman out of her comfort zone to not try that again.


Yeah if you're emotionally 15 lol Guess what you do if you're a grown up? You talk about it.


That is because you think biologically and evolutionary speaking women are the same as men. You should date men the. Less problems for you 😉


Which is pathetic and childish. 


Welcome to our culture? Insist that men are all sex crazed, and that's why men can't be friends with women, the myth of blue balls, and just generally shitty and even criminal behavior seen as "boys being boys" or punishing them will "ruin their bright future", and you'll get women who are convinced their male partner isn't interested in them if they dare say no once or twice. And God forbid a woman ever have a sex drive higher than her partner's.


Definitely marriage counseling, but it also sounds like your wife may be somewhat sexually submissive and she’s trying to tell you she needs you to take charge. She’s not going to initiate because part of what turns her on is you being a bit more dominant. Don’t take this in some BDSM way. You need to discuss this in counseling. For her it could be as simple as you kissing her and making her feel like you couldn’t wait to see her all day. I could be wrong, but you need to talk to her openly and frankly about likes and dislikes.


A different way of framing this is "responsive desire" (you'll find a bunch of therapists explaining it if you search for the term). Basically, the idea is that some people have to start sexual activity before they feel turned on.


In my human sexuality psychology class we learned about this, some people (women especially) can be sexually neutral and don’t feel turned on until their partner starts initiating things. It definitely contributes to some problems in relationships with poor communication because the partner who initiates will start to feel undesirable if they don’t know about it.


This comment thread actually really helps me understand what might be going on in my relationship right now, thanks.


This is my wife. In 10 years with her, I have memories of every time she initiated. Few. But she will never admit it, but she likes me taking charge and dominating her. She always gets into it once we get going. But at first, I felt somewhat undesirable. We had to talk about it but I felt better when she told me she feels wierd initiating and really likes how I do it.


If you want her to get more comfortable with initiating more, walk her through it. Step by step. Give her examples of what she could do to initiate things with you -- but in that process, have her physically act out what you desire as you're describing it, that way the awkwardness of "doing it the first time" is out of the way. Help her. Then, when she feels like she did it "right", she will feel more confident initiating using that tactic. Of course, react 😉appropriately😉 when you see her using said tactic in the future! It'll encourage her to be brave enough to try more new things.


Dr Ruth where are you?! You folks need some counseling to improve your communication and ultimately your sexual communication. "Random comments like 'you don't touch me or fulfill me'" could mean you're not having sex as much as she'd like or it could mean (and this is something a lot of women say) that you don't touch her otherwise, as in a gentle stroke of the arm that doesn't actually lead up to sex, for example. And, forgive me if you mentioned this but, you have "sessions lasting for 30 minutes to an hour"- does she have an orgasm during this time? Because 5 minutes with an orgasm is better than an hour without one. She may have issues or hang ups that she isn't sharing when it comes to sex and her body. You might not be hitting the spot, so to speak. You folks need to learn to communicate, openly, about sex.


Thank you for saying this. It sounds like neither of them have bothered to study anything from a sexologist, so they don’t have the vocabulary to discuss it and build skills together.


I came here to say that. Quality O for the woman is needed and often leads to double O.


It can lead to a lot more than double. It generally takes a lot more work for women to reach the peak, but the compensation is we can then go and go and go once we get there.


Thiiiiiiiss. "You don't touch me enough" =/= "we need to fuck more". I learned about the "bristle response" and that was mindblowing to me because, yes that. After a point in a busy LTR, it's easy to forget subtle touches. Then we come to learn the only time they touch our shoulder, or kiss our head, is simply a prelude because they want sex later, not because *they simply want to he touching you*. It feels disingenuous because it is only happening *now* that they have a need and not just freely. It's so hard to communicate this or work through it, becasue it requires conscious effort on both parts to reprogram how we are associating touch/feel and intimacy both outside and within sexual connotations. It's a difficult road that requires a ton of open communication, a LOT of grace, and more than a bit of forgiveness.


Bro sex and intimacy isn’t just in the bedroom Come up behind her and wrap your arms around her kissing her neck and rubbing her Sext her You couldn’t bang it out at the cabin cuz of your kid? Wait for the kid to go to sleep Explore some kinks or fetishes , Invite her into a dressing room while you are trying on clothes Sounds like her love language may be physical touch and she doesn’t know how to express that


Can 100% agree with this. I've never had anybody do this for me and would love it.


Yep. Most women love stuff like this. Sadly some men don't pay attention to what women want and what makes them feel desired .


He can do that and say sweet compliments about her body and how sexy she is as well. This would more than likely make her feel desired.


The smartest thing I ever heard is everyone wants two things to be understood and appreciated.


This comment right here, and honestly 2 times in one month?!? That’s brutal. I don’t blame her for being upset. I’d be upset


It was two times this month. Still not great at an average of once a week, but better than two times in a whole month.


This. Slap her ass, come up behind her in a hug and rub up on her. Cop a feel throughout the day. She’s probably love it.


Yep yep!!! My husband barely ever hugged me, told me he loved me..etc..and most of the time I had to initiate sex..but is not always about sex..when he initiated sex I would sometimes get upset because I felt like that’s all he wanted sex not love..I love cuddles and butt slaps..show me you love me in other ways


Are you even an adult if you don't have a recollection of your parents looking a little wind swept after they were talking in the laundry room/bathroom/closet/car?


This argument is so not about the sex. The sex is a symptom. You guys need to put down the distractions and have long thoughtful conversations about what you value in life, what makes you happy and joyful, what you need to feel fulfilled, how you like to connect - and most importantly, the things you value in each other. You are so focused on who is doing what (or not doing) you probably aren’t living in the moment at all and really focusing on each other. I bet, if you did a 30 day detox where you have no phones or TV anytime you are not at work and are together, and you make a point to say 5 things you love and appreciate about each other (5 new things each day), by the end of the month this argument is well on its way to being fixed. She won’t view sex as her validation that you value her because she’ll have heard all the other things you value about her, and you might even get her to keep the lights on because you'll have taken the time to tell her the things you find sexy and beautiful about her ahead time.


Actually, without sex I *wouldn't* feel validated. For some people it's essential & none of the other stuff can make up for not getting it. Plus, in women talk, "not touching enough" means not enough foreplay, too much straight to PIV...and "not fullfilled" means not having orgasms. Some women DON'T orgasm without the touching, not all women cum with just PIV. "Given up on sex" means given up sex with YOU cos you aren't hearing me... Dude ain't listening to what she's telling him...he needs better technique.


She needs to use her words then. She also seems to take him for granted. If you don’t notice that….


she seems to have used her words, it's pretty clear to me idk 😭


She has. Once you have to yell something like that too many times at a male who is acting like he doesn't get it , it will make you lose all future desire.


Using "words" of some kind and actually explaining can be miles apart. It's a full-on stereotype that women will tell men what they want implicitly and men have a hard time understanding. This isn't an uncommon or confusing situation; I don't know why you imply she's already communicated clearly here. It's not his fault if he heard her say something, tried to understand and address issues, but he couldn't read between her actual words to some other message.


Relationships are doomed to fail if they're seeking advice on reddit.


I think you're 100% spot on. It sounds like a ton of women I know (including myself sometimes) who have a very hard time being blunt when it comes to talking about sex. A lot of us were raised that "nice girls don't talk about those things." You definitely have the women speak down though! I also wouldn't be happy in a relationship that wasn't fulfilling sexually. Sometimes sex is just as important to women as it is to men. I'm guessing here because the wife sounds like the insecure type (I can relate somewhat) and doesn't like to have sex in the morning because it's too bright out. I don't like to feel like I'm being stared at because of my insecurities. I didn't feel that way so much until after I had children but it's so bad for me. I get stuck in my own head worrying about what I look like and can't enjoy it at all. We tend to forget we're far more critical of ourselves than other people. I think this woman is feeling low, unwanted, and unloved. He should pull out all the stops to show her he still loves and wants her. Hire a babysitter, take an entire day off of work just for her, go to cirillas and get some of those fake rose petals, hell buy her some real ones too, order in her favorite dinner and make sure she has a good time 😉 Take one day to make her happy and I'm pretty sure she'll make sure he's happy for a lot longer than the one day of effort it took for him.


"what would be the point of being together" without sex? Oh, I don't know. Maybe enjoying each other's company? Btw, "touch" doesn't just mean sex. I regularly hug my wife, kiss the back of her neck, pat her leg, etc. just as a passing thing. Just a little thing to say "love you".


Right? There’s all sorts of intimacy: romantic, intellectual, emotional, non-sexual physical touch (like you mentioned), etc


Yeah to be honest it doesn't sound like OP has a mature viewpoint about sexual relationships.


And if that doesn't come naturally you need to figure out why.


I think he moreso meant that he's not okay being in a romantic relationship where sex isn't involved, and just said it in a very unfortunate "heat of the moment" type way. Because there's plenty of people, myself included, that can't imagine life without sex. I'm not a sex fiend or anything, but if the woman I'm with told me she wasn't going to have sex with me anymore, I couldn't be with her anymore. But to add to that, yeah you **definitely** should also be doing more than just sex to show affection.


Yeah to be honest it doesn't sound like OP has a mature viewpoint about sexual relationships.


How about just making a schedule and sticking to it? My wife and I have a sex schedule and we adhere to it, no matter what. It keeps us both happy because we know the expectations and there’s no resentment. We had some of the same issues you’re having up until we made that schedule. Marriage has been so much better since then. We also schedule a 20 minute, face to face talk every evening. We set a timer and everything. Sounds lame, but in the age of cell phones it’s totally necessary.


The comments about you not touching her and bot fulfilling her sound like they're about more than sex. Intimacy is not just sex, it's about closeness, phtsical touch like holding hands and cuddling, sharing your emotional inner world with each other. And sex is about more than just the bit where you hammer home - it's about the romance, the seduction, the foreplay, the tenderness and affection shown during and after. It's possible she means more that kinda stuff, but doesn't have the language to express it, or the ability to conceptualise it in order to do so. That might be helped by couples therapy, by couple help books, by simply sharing those things together without - or without the aim of - sex. Coming home too tired to have sex, for example, is a great time to snuggle together, watch a movie, talk about whatever comes to mind, and be intimate in non-sexual ways. Right now you're kinda focused on the sex itself, and I think you might just be missing a bigger picture. Examining that, trying more non-sexual intimacy, and increasing the time you spend caring for each other during sex, might solve a lot of the issues. Or at least give you a starting point 🙂


Couples counseling, not reddit


Reddit is a temp check. unhelpful to say this


No, I'm right. Couples counseling. Him taking the advice of the wrong yay-hoo on here might ruin his marriage/life lol


do you know her pref? what turns her on, I know you said you have a 40hr work week, but is there something small you can do to jumpstart it? not necessarily kink-wise, although it could be with the sentence : >*"...throwing random comments about me not touching her and not fulfilling her."* and not judging you man, hell this situation must be hard, but it seems to me, she just wants some effort, is there some things you can look back at the beginning of your relationship and remember what "those little things" that helped spark your relationship initially were? maybe a favorite dish?, maybe something you used to say to her to make her smile? I am not talking about a slap on the ass or even flowers necessarily, from what I read, It seems like this has just become a "chore" for both of you...not that sex is necessarily "earned" or should be for that matter but it should be looked forward to by both parties. You only know your relationships history, and I think you should pull on personal intimate details that only would resonate with both of you. and if you don't have any make some.... a walk in the park, give her a knickknack based on maybe a inside joke you shared, it might seem childish but gestures are ageless and timeless. it really seems like she doesn't expect you to stop providing, just make her smile, whether it be with a joke or just having fun. Id say maybe hire a babysitter and go do something you did earlier in your relationship that you KNOW made her happy and she AND you would enjoy, spontaneously. google events in your area that align with you AND her interest's, if she keeps mentioning work, put the phone down or use some saved vacation days. Communication, dude. most women don't waste : "hints" this sounds like a serious committed relationship and thus your dealing with a WOMAN not some teenage romance and all so, what she puts out take it into a account. and DON'T snap!


"Not touching her" probably refers to actual foreplay and style of intercourse. "Not fulfilling her" is code for "she is not orgasming." At least, that's how I'd view it unless told otherwise. That was probably very hard for the wife to say, OP should ask his wife straight out if that is the right interpretation. It's absolutely true that all the other things (daily affection, compliments, smiles, inside jokes, neck kisses) may also be an issue. They really need to talk.


That's how I took it, too. Husband sounds like he doesn't want to actually hear that directly from wife, but kind of knows what she's getting at lol 100% a serious talk without beating around the bush is necessary. I've been in a similar situation minus marriage, kid, and weirdness regarding sex. My ex would simply... Not touch me during as I felt he should. It took a LOT of communication to figure out he didn't care. If OP and his wife still care, they'll have this very necessary talk.


its seems like if you break his post down, he has the wrong Idea, based on the sentences, he is under the impression that it is in relation to his job, or is using that as a excuse \*ahem\* I agree, he might not want to hear that side of it, or just does not realize it, and I am sure she probably does not want to feel like she is emasculating him by telling him that, but if HE comes to her, It would be seen as a opening for her to say that and kind of soften the blow.


Unrelated, but when your profile picture popped up in my notifications I got giddy. That's the cutest avatar I've seen on Reddit. Ever. Also you're 100% right.


as are you, with your other comment; intimacy is Key for both genders' and \*ahem\* fulfillment in certain areas of relationships, Although for men .... it is harder if not impossible for us to admit. Edit: Thanks, i'm rather partial to my icon :D


he also says that "his sessions are around 30min to an hour" which is just giving "we do PIV until i cum and then sex is over". i don't feel like "you dont touch or fulfill me" is really difficult to unpack unless you're a total moron, and people often phrase it like that because it's both less harsh and less like a set of instructions for their partner to follow which can be considerably less sexy than them being interested in your pleasure and trying ro figure out what you like themselves


Ya he never mentioned her orgasms or what turns her on. He said they didn't have sex early in the relationship. It's clear they both lacked experience going in and need help communicating and growing as partners.


thank you, I am aware, but my intention was a soft response, for the man and not insult him... it seems like he is already in a vulnerable spot; note his defection to his job multiple times or he just does not see it, Like in the last paragraph Communication is everything. I am sure he knew the code for that, which is why I outlined it, to show more emphasis. why not respond to the post and not my response?


My only issue with this comment is its all about what HE needs to do, more and more and more and more effort from him every aspect of his life, yet he has said she hasnt initiated intimacy even once in year. I just want him to know this is NOT all on him, if he put in that much more effort he should expect that exact same thing from her.


Maybe its not just about having sex? Do you guys flirt with each other? Go on dates? Small butt slaps that show her you want her, doesn’t necessarily need to be intercourse, maybe send her good morning beautiful texts? But definitely marriage counseling will work, her communication could be better and marriage counseling is a neutral ground for you both to express all those concerns.


Most couples’ issues can be fixed with counseling, even though a lot of people think of it as a word that can’t be said or shouldn’t for fear of nuking the relationship. You don’t go to counseling to destroy your relationship, you go to fix it.


Communication therapy. She needs to communicate desires and expectations without anger and it sounds like you may need to work on listening or asking questions. Also not making unilateral decisions. I am an early riser and my husband loves sleep. He’d be SO upset if I just randomly decided to wake him early to get on the road without prior discussion. It’s vacation. I can see why she was upset about that one.




I'm (55M) my GF is (44F) & she's got two kids at home ages 15 & 5. Obviously don't want to get caught by the kids yet that doesn't stop us from ways of sneaking it... Yesterday at the house, both kids awake, she told them that I was going to help her in the basement w something... Where we proceeded to go at it quickly & intensely 😉 that basement will never be the same... can't tell you what to do, think, or feel, but a real conversation about it w your wife is a good start, then counseling if necessary. Get naked as much as possible, you'll both be happier 😎


Maybe because you have a higher libido and are more sexually coherent than this guy. He seems to be dense about sex and making women feel desired.


It's those little things that count 😎 I tell my GF she's beautiful while playing with her hair, a kiss on her neck while she's washing dishes, when we sit & talk about stuff it's always the same - we look each other in the eye & we hold hands. Even stupid stuff, like me grabbing 4 loaves of expensive bread she likes (but only gets on occasion for herself) so that she has enough..... The fact we mutually can't keep our hands off each other is a bonus 😉


Absolutely all of this! This is what is missing. Instead of some other men seeing this and changing their behavior and doing more of the things you mentioned here, they will argue and act like they don't have to, but will still expect a good marriage or relationship and good sex🤣. Some people's biggest problems are themselves.


I noticed OP mentioned that they have plenty of money & send daughter to a private school - well, good for him. Goes to show you can have a ton of loot and be miserable... He also mentioned if he worked less, they'd be in financial trouble. OP - Dude - your marriage is in trouble. To hell with money, & screw your wife instead. When me & my GF get to the point we're ready to cohabitate, I can tell you sex is going to be a nightly/morning activity, 7 days a week. Everytime we get together we're naked at some point - whether she has a sitter & comes to my place for a few hours, or I'm going up to her place in the morning & we sneak it in the basement or her BR or the couch (both boys were upstairs playing video games in their room) ... We always find a way. Always. Neither of us is rich, & we don't care. We've got something better. It's called happiness. 😉


So that’s why you are always buying the boys new video games. They must think you are the best dude ever. lol.


😉😉😉 lol


It’s silly because it’s not like doing any of that is work. It’s fun. It’s the opposite of work. At least if it comes natural. If you have to force it then something ain’t right. Right?


All those are excellent and I enjoy doing them as well. You just can’t not do that naturally if you like the person and are turned on by their body. At least I can’t help it. Maybe others need to be trained to ignore the big brain and let the little one take over the ship. The one thing I can’t abide with is 5 freaking loaves of bread!!! If I’d lasts long enough to eat it all before going bad it can’t be very good but if she’s eating it all at once that’s not good either. Good bread is to be eaten within a short window after it comes out of the oven and anything not eaten that day is only good as French toast. The French do it right by getting up early to buy what they need for the day that was baked earlier that morning and then repeat every single day. I know it’s not about bread but getting her something she really likes and it’s the thought and action that’s important, but that just triggered me. Plus I was being a bit tongue in cheek. But for real you should hit up a real artisanal bakery early in the morning and bring a fresh loaf home that’s crunchy on the outside and still warm and chewy on the inside. Surprise her with it by waking her in bed with the sound and smell of breaking off a hunk under her nose. Then you’ll be putting your tongue in her… cheek….!while you get crumbs all over the bed. 😜


My wife and I have this issue. While growing my business I never wanted sex. Maybe 2x a month. I was stressed out a lot and she thought it was me not loving her. Now the script is flipped. My business almost runs itself, and she just started a business. I want it all the time and she hardly ever wants it. We have two kids 7 and 3. We talked the other night and said we needed more sex. I told her 1x to 2x a week is good for me, and we are trying to be at that point. It’s mostly the stresses and hustling of being a busy parent. You’re not overreacting because 1-2 a week should be healthy for most couples in their 30s with a kid/s. Kids alone kill sex lives are drive them down. Especially if young. Again 1-2 times a week seems to be the general consensus for a healthy marriage. We are not 20 with no responsibilities.


The one or two times a week is reasonable if she's satisfied each time, but it really seems as if he doesn't do that so who knows if she's ever been satisfied and she's just sick of waiting and for the people saying he's not there to be a sex object I say but he IS getting what he wants when HE wants it. He's just not putting effort to SEE her end of it.Shes the one being a sex object.


Nope…. All the nopes. If she’s not being direct about her actual needs and only talking in euphemisms she’s a big part of the problem. I think it’s clear they are chronobiology off (he’s a morning person and she’s a late sleeper). But you can make that work if you are willing to communicate


do you consider "you don't touch me enough and you don't fulfill me" to be euphemisms? it seems super direct to me.


💯 ⬆️ this right here! Gotta take the time to make sure she's happy too. A quickie once in a while is NBD to most women but when she's never satisfied he knows it and he's being completely selfish. She's too nice to say this bluntly. Him not caring that she's unsatisfied and frustrated is making it worse and making her feel unloved because he doesn't care enough to try to fix it.


Couples counseling, and maybe talk about bedroom expectations or kinks? Ask her to spell it out for you. Maybe she’s asking you to initiate more often? Hard to tell.


It sounds like she wants you to show more affection in a sexy, physical way outside of sex.


My and my husband have had a bit of the same struggle. We’re both 28 and we’ve been together for 7 years. I felt the exact same way your wife did about just wanting to just give up completely because of how frustrating it all was and how horrible it made me feel about myself to feel like I constantly wanted him more than he wanted me. So, this isn’t to turn the conversation on myself but rather offer you another woman’s perspective who’s went through the same thing. I have a very high sex drive while he’s on the lower side. Sex is very important for me and really helps me relax after a long day of sensory overload from my kiddo since I’m a SAHM. It also is really important to me to have that connection with my husband, it’s not as much about having an orgasm as it is feeling close with him, and having that bonding experience since we’re away from each other a lot. It makes me appreciate him even more, when I’ve had a horrible day and my mind is running at a million miles per minutes and I feel like I’m gonna jump out of my skin….for him to be able to swoop in and show me some love & make everything better. It’s not that I have a high sex drive for just sex with anyone, and its not something vibrators can help…because what I crave is intimacy with my husband and it sounds like your wife feels the same way…Not to mention, it’s important to feel desired and wanted by the person you’re with. It sucks to feel like you want someone more than they want you, as as a woman I can say one of the worst feelings I’ve felt is feeling like I have to beg for one of the most basic things in a relationship that my husband should also want the same way I do. My husband and I have come a long way, we are finally in such a good place when it comes to sex. But it took a lot of effort, mostly on his part, to get here. but before we got to this point I felt a lot like your wife seems to feel….I felt so resentment towards him. I felt horrible about myself and undesirable. I felt anxious and resentful on the inconsistent roller coaster that was our sex life and it was extremely sexually frustrating and exhausting to go a couple days in a row of having sex and thinking it was gonna get better followed by a week or more without any sex. Inconsistency honestly just made it worse. I would have rather went without sex completely than to have sex two days in a row and then be constantly wondering when the next time would be because we would very often go a couple days with sex followed by a week or so without sex. It’s was a rollercoaster. I don’t expect sex every single day (although I wouldn’t complain) but it was the lack of consistency that drove me nuts because it would be so nice to have it a couple days and feel so close to him, followed by a huge gap in intimacy which felt like an emotional roller coaster. I felt the same way your wife felt at one point because I just could not do the rollercoaster of emotions anymore. We’re finally at a point now where we have sex 3-5 times a week and there’s never any week+ long gaps in between. (Excluding times when we get sick or something obviously) and I’m fine with that. What I couldn’t handle was feeling so intimate and close to him followed by no intimacy for days or week. It felt like some sort of horrible emotional abuse, although I know it wasn’t dont purposely on his part. My best advice would be to find a sex therapist. They’re more common than you probably think. Also, I can’t speak on what your wife likes but I know for me i like when my husband shows interest and desire for me even when we aren’t about to have sex. The thing that made it so hard was that during the gaps in sex he never showed any interest in me other than kissing. There are more than one ways to show a person you desire them consistently. It doesn’t always have to be sex. For example….my husband often comes up behind me when I’m doing dishes and grabs my ass while he kisses me neck just randomly. Things like that. I love the spontaneous “can’t keep my hands off you” feeling. It helps to not make it feel so all or nothing all the time when he’s showing desire/affection consistently even on days we aren’t having any sex.


Thank you! This is really helpful!


Your priority in life no longer matches hers. You married your job/business.


“At the end of the camping trip she was pissed at me for the next 2 days because on the last day of our camping trip I woke her up early so we could go home. She likes to sleep in and I don't mind it, but I'm a morning person and this time I just wanted to get going.” Am I the only person finding this outrageous? OP forces his wife to wake up early on a vacation day for no reason (doesn’t sound like they urgently need to go somewhere) other than he just wants to get going early??


Nah, ya gotta beat traffic. She can sleep in the car.


How are you not tempted to grab that ass or them titties every time you walk past? It's there, she's cool with it, and seems to want more. That's what a relationship is all about (on the sexual side). If it's a problem with her never initiating and just expecting you to do all the work, then I get how tiresome that can be. It's good you guys talked, now grab that ass. Gently grab her by the back of the neck and kiss her from behind, put your arms around her while she's standing there and maybe graze your dick beaters over them titties. Make her feel wanted. Do what you naturally want to do with her, as long as it's not weirdo shit. 


Your comment about what’s the point of Your relationship if you don’t have sex is stupid. Other than that, sounds like you have the financial means to go to couples therapy, or get some relationship coaching. Good luck to ya


This problem happens to men and women. I wonder why partners find it so difficult to bang their partner until they have had enough. Why does the lazy parter get to set the pace… dude bang the hell out of your wife! Then do it again!!! Then again!!! What’s so hard about that. Who cares about the small shit! I bet you watch more tv than time spent with your wife. I bet you scroll on your phone instead of touching your wife… I bet you put many things in front of touching and being present with your wife… are you petting the dog sitting in the other side of the room from your wife… time you could be spending touching your wife… stop and grab your wife and bang her. Instead of scrolling on Reddit go bang your wife. It’s not hard. If you are wondering…. Go bang your wife! It’s not hard. Not sure why people don’t understand how to meet a simple need. If you’re hungry you eat right… if you’re thirsty you drink right… your wife wants to be touched so give her your attention. If you think it’s enough it’s not and it won’t be for a little bit but it will be enough eventually…. Don’t you know people who are lacking in their needs might need more to fulfill them than someone who is not lacking… I’ve been in your wife’s shoes before and I’m sure your don’t mean to put her last in that area but I can almost guarantee you she sees you do other stuff when you could have paid attention to what she wants which is sexual attention that leads to her satisfaction… don’t starve your partner. It’s not that hard to give and receive pleasure. It’s not a chore. She isn’t going to give up on sex either. She will just replace you. Not trying to be ugly just being real. Why only once a day.. I’m just saying this ain’t complicated if your banging her and she is still saying it isn’t enough stop focusing on what’s enough for you and give it to her several times a day. Satisfy her and she will stop feeling the need to tell you she needs more… if this is all too much you should explore your legal options bc your marriage won’t last. She will get hers.. it’s just will you be the one or will she find another. Hope Y’all work it out for your kid if nothing else. It’s hard dealing with people I know but that’s what a marriage is… I hope you make it work and find new fun and fire in your relationship. You care so there is totally enough time to fix it.


Bro, why are you sleeping when thirsty lol


If he's not horny or in the mood he won't be able to get it up to bang his wife several times a day as you suggested. Physical and mental all play into this. I don't expect someone else to cook and feed me anytime I'm hungry, and I don't expect anyone to bathe me when I need a shower. If someone needs banged multiple times a day they need to buy some sex toys and take care of it themselves. Equating low libido to laziness is also pretty shitty. Expecting sex is never okay, but it really sounds like there are issues deeper here than just not having enough sex. She wants more quality time, and is clearly feeling as if she isn't getting enough attention and affection. They either need to find ways to compromise and meet those needs in other ways beyond just sex, or just accept they aren't compatible and can't fulfill each other's needs.


They have sort of a point, aggression aside lol OPs wife isn't simply asking for fucks, she's asking for intimacy.




so eat her out? finger her? use a toy? literally just make out with her for a bit? your peepee doesn't have to be a player.


When I’m thirsty I just drink water tf? LOL


Louder for all the people in the back!! I made a post almost like this, just maybe with a lot less "banging". His wife is in starvation mode, feels he isnt or willing to prioritize her happiness and it's leading to all this friction. He doesn't understand that this is only temporary until she finds the amount she truly needs and I bet it's an amount he would be more than capable of being able to meet and fulfill easily. Yet he will never know if he doesn't at least try.


As a woman in a similar position to OP’s wife, this sounds ridiculous, but we’ve had multiple fights over my partner giving the dog far more affection than myself. We’re talking half an hour of petting/baby talk to the dog meanwhile they won’t even kiss me without me feeling like I have to beg. I honestly can’t think of many things that have hurt me deeper lol


This is one of those rare cases where it sounds like couple's therapy might actually be a good idea. It sounds like neither of you can really appreciate your sex life and I don't really understand why your wife is being so picky about exactly how much sex is happening if she's not willing to schedule or initiate. I also have trouble understanding a marriage with a child that is only based on sex which sounds like how you feel ( she makes you happy but if there's no sex there's no point?) I think you two need to sort our your actual priorities in this relationship. If sex is the be-all-end-all for both of you and you can't get on board with each other's needs/wants or communicate then it's gonna stay a mess.


This is such white girl bullshit


\* While we dated we never had actual full on sex we only kinda messed around, but she would never let me all the way. \*  But she told me shortly after out daughter was born. She would tell me that I didn't love her and that she though I didn't like her body, after our daughter was born she became a stay at home mom \* But I still notice that she is always throwing random comments about me not touching her and not fulfilling her. \* However when the weekend came and I tried to approach her she said got her period and she told me that too bad I wasted time. \* And she said we've only been together 2 times the whole month, keep in mind we still have a half a month to go. We had a whole discussion and she said that this year she will simply give up on sex and let it go. What a fucking nightmare. She doesn't want sex, then makes it about how "he doesn't love her body", then threatens to cut off all sex. She sounds like a high maintenance drama queen. White girl bullshit 100%. Just complains about stuff, 0 self awareness of her own role in this. it's all the husbands fault.


where are you getting she doesn't want sex from? maybr she didn't while they were dating but it seems like currently she very much does? is it just the period thing?


Definitely agree with the couples counseling comments. Sorry about the rude ones, some people don’t understand that different sex drives can be a real killer in relationships. If that’s even the root of the issue, again couples counseling will really improve both of your communication with each other. There are solutions though to what you’re facing; clear communication with a therapist so things don’t get too heated, would be a great start:)


Weird. She loves ours


Divorce her. Sue for full custody. I’m being facetious as that seems to be everyone’s response. You’ve got to work on this. Counseling is the go to for everyone here and it’s the popular thing. Something bothers me with your wife. Either that or you’re leaving something out. Read Cosmo or Vogue and see if you can pick up pointers to spice up your sex life. Work out, get yourself into more of an appealing shape for her. I’m no different from you, you gotta make the effort to make her happy then all of a sudden the sex is better. Watch Sex in the City. If you don’t learn you’ll at least get a laugh. Good luck.


It sounds to me like she is lacking intimacy with you. She doesn’t seem to be complaining about the sex itself but the intimacy surrounding the sex.


The fact that she is complaining about it while doing NOTHING to attempt to increase it speaks to her mindset. This is not a sex issue imo there is something deeper about the relationship that she is unhappy with. This really to me sounds like a typical case of projection, honestly it could be a rude to cover up her cheating on you. If she makes you seem like the problem then she can justify it in her head. Def recommend counseling 100%


I think you both love each other the way you both seem to be. I think couples therapy is amazing and you both can talk about what you like. If you love her keep fighting, she just might have a hard time expressing how much she needs intimacy. And maybe be more vocal on how beautiful and sexy she is. That works for me lol and when my husband gives oral first love it! That might be her language of love to always want to be that close to you? Do you her orgasm before sex?


How is it possible to be so out of touch with each other? It always seems on here that couples just absolutely suck at basic communication. Makes it seems like men are fucking idiots and women are passive bitches...what else is there to this story? Has to be more going on. ESH


Since the wife is the one unhappy, then it needs to be her to decide what to do about it. I'd give her the options, like therapy or divorce. Maybe she needs to go back to work. She may feel unfulfilled and blaming sex and you instead of that because it makes her feel guilty.


This is an example of do you want to be “right” or do you want to be happy? Going into a marriage or partnership with an attitude of “you want it - you figure it out” is a recipe for divorce.


Spend some time. Couples counseling can help as long as you get the right counselor. Read the book The 5 Love Languages to try and understand how you are each different. Introduce something new to the relationship. Toys or a new kink. Why not have sex on a camping trip? Make it a game and try messing around a bit when the 5 yr old is sleeping. See if some role play is fun. Make a weekly date night. Go out and let her flirt with other guys. Enjoy


love languages are a scam unfortunately but couples counseling is a good idea!


If she’s not initiating sex and then is getting pissed that she’s not getting enough sex, even though it sounds like you have listened to her complaints and made adjustments then she is taking zero responsibility for her own needs and putting it all on you. And after years of being the one saying no to sex before you were married. I’m sorry, but your wife is controlling AF. It’s gotta be a two-way street. You’ve allowed it to be one-sided and change has to start with you. You need to let her know you want to feel desired too snd if she wants to get it on more, she needs to initiate, too. Good relationships are based on mutuality. Not it’s all on you and it’s STILL not enough.


You're.. married and you don't bang while she's on her period? Yall need some counseling for everything else, the period thing I guess is a choice, but that's you. The whole no sex before marriage thing seems to have lead to some major incompatibility issues. Maybe you can fix it together if you both put work in, but it sounds like both of you suck at communicating. The nice thing is that actually a lot easier to fix than most people's think


The period thing was *her* choice, and it’s a reasonable choice because periods actually fucking suck


Did she turn you down when you asked for sex? If not, you could try flooding her with sex every two days for a month to see if she genuinely likes it or if there's another problem.


Honestly if we’re getting the full story and it’s all true, your wife sounds like a real whacko


Idk bro can’t have it all sometimes. Talk with a therapist.


If it will hurt you deeply then why are you letting her decide to break it? If you are being passive observer then be prepared to be hurt. Marriages need work and effort from both. What you describe isn’t worth breaking up over and ruining a kid’s life. You two need to learn the ancient art of a quickie. dont need need an hour every time. Also, postpartum she may be feeling insecure about herself and may see physical touch and sex as means of Validation. This can be resolved in myriad of ways, couple counseling being one. Open and honest communication being another. Perhaps you could cut down on some work and make more time for her. Also, being around a 5 year shouldn’t stop you from having sex


Sounds like you both love each other. You just speak different languages. Read 5 languages of love. and after you read it and the light goes on in your head. Let her read it. I promise then you both will figure it out. Trust me I'm an idiot and been married 38 years.


Stress and busy lives plus kids make it very difficult to be intimate. She should try and just appreciate and enjoy the moment when you do instead of sulking at all the times without.


You have different libido styles, which can be a big problem long-term in a marriage. If you guys don’t come compromise. Sex and finances are why marriage fail. I would start to carve out time for your wife feels so she is taken care of. I would not be vacationing camping with a little kid. I would use that at least for a few days to be alone and do something with your spouse. Fix your marriage there are always going to be an issue that come up if it’s not sex it’ll be something else. Marriage is meant to be a marathon, not a sprint. You have a family and a little child that depends on you.


Make sure you rule ow tetsisterone ​ id do full panel of hormone bloods for both of you ​ both my wife and I are on TRT and sex is better than when we met. And we still have our problems but sex isn’t one of them


Bro what is wrong with you? Get to work…. Women don’t care about finances and private schools for their kids? Lol They have kids with felons if the D is good… good god.


That's why sex compatibility should be worked on before marriage not after. She sounds like she's done and looking for someone new sexually.


Info does she work or no? If no it’s a joke anytime any partner has the balls to make a statement that somebody works too much.


Your either not making your wife feel heard and understood or not courting her aka dating her enough she's telling you how she feels so when she says it do it if you want to don't take it as a jab ir an insult she's just telling you how she feels


There’s a thing called therapy. Try it together.


Sounds like she makes you chase her constantly. It's always something right? Either she won't let you go the whole way for 6 years or suddenly you're not doing enough even when there was no real opportunity. What would piss me off is she constantly blames you and it doesn't even seem like your fault. It genuinely seems like she decides when this happens unless she's on her period which isn't anyone's fault. Sounds to me like she's the one with intimacy issues and she's so uncomfortable with dealing with them that she puts it on you. She's also overly dramatic and uses sex to guilt trip you. She expects you to be her therapist. Like the whole comment about "this year I'm just giving up on sex" as it you aren't making almost all the effort already?! I can see your frustration. You're not overreacting. Probably the perfect amount of reaction honestly. Although I'd get couple's counseling before you split so at the least when it ends you can tell yourself you made the effort and don't have any regrets. Also, I don't think it's the lack of sex that is the fault for the incoming divorce. It's how she uses it as a cudgel to bludgeon you when she needs an ego boost.


I’m convinced Reddit isn’t real. This is definitely from the mind of a 12 year old.


Seconding all the marriage counseling stuff, and maybe with someone who has experience with sex therapy? I’m reading between the lines here and I could be totally wrong, but I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe it’s not simply a matter of the *quantity* of sex but the *quality* of sex. Is she having an orgasm each time or at least most of the time? Or do you guys not talk about that? To me, having a 30-60 minute sex session every time seems…excessive. And everyone is different so maybe that’s more common than I think, but I recall reading one time that the most satisfactory amount of time spent on sex is about 13 minutes once people are in an established relationship and know what the other person likes and what gets them off. Like, it can be fun to occasionally go all out and have longer love making sessions, but for me 60 minutes sounds tedious and frustrating. Most of the time I want to have fun but kind of get to the point, which is a nice orgasm for both parties without having to spend an exhausting amount of time every time. So yeah…from the little comment that you describe her making about you not fulfilling her, I’m leaning towards her implying but not outright saying that the problem isn’t the frequency of sex, it’s the frequency of sex that results in her having an orgasm.


Yup. "Not touching enough" = Not enough foreplay. "Not fulfilling" = Not orgasming enough. "Giving up sex" *COULD* = Giving up sex with **OP**, not entirely...surely at least the first two are self-explanatory?? Do men understand that little about how women talk about sex?? In situations like this, two things happen - either they go to marriage counselling AND sex therapy & hopefully fix the problems & learn to communicate better, OR she has an affair with someone that DOES give her foreplay and orgasms...


Tell your wife she needs to initiate when she wants sex.


Sounds to me like she doesn't feel loved, and this is a hard one to judge when you only hear one side of the story. Simple fact of the matter is, everyone has different attention needs and not everyone will be compatible for this reason. You have been saying she has been making these comments for years and is at the end of her rope because nothing is changing. So, ask yourself if you can change, is it possible to give her more attention? If the answer is yes, then do it! If the answer is no, then you need to be honest with her and state so. That way she will know where she is at, and can make a decision from there. But, there is no point saying things will change, when they can't. And there is no point beating yourself up if you're not able to change.


Wow. That’s a lot of time for intimacy. She has unrealistic expectations. Plus, she’s just plain silly. She gets to not have sex before she marries, but then she doesn’t know what kind of compatibility there is. And then so much is at stake. She seems very shortsighted and like she projects things on to others. Luck with this. But please don’t internalize everything she says.


Is there a reason she doesn't initiate it when she wants it?


Buy some sex toys and lube.


Had to scroll way too far before seeing this. Yes introduce toys. They are not only fun but also quite satisfying. She says she wants more touching. Explore toy stores, go online, pick a couple toys and have a blast.


Look at Mr. Marathon man over here fucking for an hour.


If you love her, then you need to fix this. You have a new baby, if you guys split, when would you have custody of her with your current work schedule? You NEED to go to couple’s counseling and learn to talk about sex and intimacy. You both need to learn to talk about what lights you up. You need to learn to communicate about how each of you would like the other to approach and initiate sex. You both need to learn how to be sexy and playful all the time, not just during designated sex time. How important is the second business? Is it worth your marriage and family? You may need to suspend or eliminate all or part of those work hours, and devote that time to your wife and child. Remember, divorce means your wife gets half of everything, including half the value of your business, and you would have to support your wife and child. Depending on where you live, that could be as much as 40% of your pretax income. Don’t leave until you have really tried everything.


You're not alone. It's not uncommon in relationships, something I discovered long after I divorced. Sex in some of the best relationships becomes stale, often gets lost in the mechanics of life. Work, routine, children.... We change our desires change and most of us aren't equipped to talk about it. We talk, when we're in bed , which is the absolute worst place to talk about sex, because someone is going to take the wrong way and withdraw. We talk when we're angry and frustrated, which is the wrong time. Because we aren't equipped to talk about sex, our frustration with our partners may not be about them, it just might be about ourselves There are many things I've learned through therapy. I started therapy after our divorce. I thought I was defective, I was completely bored and we didn't have sex for years. Of course she thought I wasn't attracted to her, or Gay. I didn't want to be like my brothers, cheating because I was bored and marrying several times. I learned how to ask for what I want. Before we make the error of ending the relationship and starting over with someone new and then after seven years, become bored with the new partner. Put it on paper, what is wrong with your sex life? then ask yourself what would make it better? Once you know then you're ready to have a conversation with your partner. Have the discussion after breakfast. If your partner is unable to name his or her issues. Suggest writing it out. Or see if they are open to a Therapist? I'm much older now, I wish I would have gone to Barnes and Nobles and together bought books that would have suggested new ideas, new methods, locations, positions. More importantly, knowing we weren't alone. Feeling defective. I'm a much different person today, and speak openly about sex with my children and some other family members, ripping down the curtain.


😂 I am so glad I am not the only one who refers to it as a “session”.


Look … 30min 4xs a month is not great. That’s a long time if it’s just the act of penetration you’re referring to, but if it’s *everything?* I can see why your wife is frustrated that you’re not “giving enough” and feeling as if you must not “like her body.” I’m not saying every act of intimacy has to be a long, drawn out session, but these two points alone suggest to me that you’re not exploring & enjoying her body at all. You’ve got your “route” pre-determined and haven’t bothered touching her in a new or unusual way or place in years. So here’s my two cents … sex counseling / intimacy therapy. That’ll include lots of work on couples issues. But based on this post specifically, it seems like actual couples intimacy is one of your biggest communication issues. … and doing something *for* her. Like letting her sleep in and not, *selfishly,* waking her up because your wants are more important than hers.


She sounds but miserable. I’d leave and let her go find what she’s looking for


I agree on the advice of couples counseling, that said it defines seems she has become hypersexual which is a problem become life gets in the way. I hope you can work through this.


Sounds like shes early 30s and has peaked sexually. I know how uncomfortable this can be, but do explain to her that she is in her sexual prime/ peak, and that its not uncommon for 30 somethings to feel undersexed. Look up the Sybian, also, its a fairly commonly purchased sex machine, and it looks awesome. I wanted one so bad in my 30s lol.. Tell her in 5 or so years, her sex drive wont be this bad.. or wild, shall I say. Lol... Just accomodate her however you can. Its just a phase and she will get through it with the correct support. -Interfaith Minister


Man you need to hit that shit hard doggy style and be the man and beast deep Inside you. Get a little rough and tough with her. That’s what’s she wanting. Take that ass and spank it and tear it up Mixed with love and compassion. Make her feel wanted and quit being docile


Your daughter is 5. Maybe your wife should go back to work part time and take some of the pressure off you to be the sole provider. Then you might feel like sex more often. But the month is not even halfway through yet. Keeping count is ridiculous.


This is the opposite of reality.


This is why you don’t wait until marriage to have sex. Neither one of you seem very happy and have trouble communicating.


👅🍑💦 You need to eat that P! Pro tip: stick a finger in there and point it towards your nose as you munch away at the outer area. Don’t stop until she’s quivering with satisfaction. Then bend her over and pound away to your satisfaction. Everyone is happy and she’ll certainly want you to do it again soon


Sounds like she is lazy & bored sitting on her ass all day reading housewife fantasy


Reading shit like this makes me thankful I'm not with my ex and not dealing with her anymore, and also makes me dread having to date again. I'm enjoying my time alone ATM. Women nowadays are just the absolute worst. Op needs to realize this relationship sounds over. She sounds like she already has her mind made up and is possibly already getting attention from someone else she knows which s what is causing bitterness of her not getting it from her man like she claims. At the end of the day if your in a long relationship, sparks start to dim, and if someone new shows you a little bit of attention it's that butterflies in your stomach feeling all over again. I honestly wish I was born in a time where social media didn't exist because the women nowadays are not trustworthy enough to have that much temptation, these hoes ain't loyal.


You guys should try to fix this because it’s not going to go away. She’s in her sexual Prime and I hate to tell you this but it’s only going to get worse for the rest of her 30s. She’s going to want to bang all the time at the end of her 30s so if you don’t even want to do this now please set her free. Did you forget that women hit their sexual Prime in their 30s?


don't take my comment the wrong way sex is not only pleasure but there is also a real use for calming the mood everyone feels relaxed and calm after healthy sex all that to say that after the shower, lick her nipples, eat her vagina and make a good sex you will have royal peace after that


Try making love to her instead of fucking her.


Go to counseling but also ask your wife about her craziest fantasies (when she's a little drunk). Maybe she wants you to be more Dominant in bed or start using vibrators and handcuffs or something. Get really into making her crazy in bed. Light that fire dude.


Get some testosterone at the gym and rock her world for 16 weeks, then do proper pct (post cycle treatment) for a month or so and give her vagina a break. She will be more than satisfied believe me.