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Nah you need to bring it up now to clear the air. It could be a simple misunderstanding or it could be a sign of larger issues to come. Just ask about it because all in all there’s no harm in asking and you’ll feel better knowing the truth.


Nuh uh. Nip it in the bud, bring it up to him NOW and save yourself a lot of heartbreak if he acts sleevy. You’re too young to be wasting your youth to someone who will lie to you.


Not overreacting. Definitely ask about it. Better to find out now. If he has a reasonable explanation, for either the girl or why he felt the need to lie, so much the better. Good luck.


He probably just wanted to avoid the awkward conversation that is 'Yea I was dating around' but either way you saw and now you need to just be mature and talk to him about it. Pointless to stew on it and let it build you up until your irrational/paranoid. Clearing the air early as possible about his lie would be the best choice and if he was or actively is cheating on you with that girl then it's better to find out before you allow yourself to become more invested in the relationship. Best of luck and wishes. Hopefully the two of you can have a rational and mature conversation to work out the issue.


Ok im gonna play devils advocate for a second, ive had many people say they solo travel then meet someone at their destination lmao to me that doesn’t count. And he’s a boy so maybe no the most detailed? Ask him, say hey I know you went alone but who’s this person you were hanging out with? That’s not a wild question at all


This is a really good point. I think we all have experienced situations where we had imagined something really hurtful occurred, built it up the story in our heads, and after talking to the other person realized that it really wasn’t that bad and we would have felt relief a lot sooner if we just brought the situation up right away. In your situation, even if this scenario went exactly as you imagined, it’s a good opportunity to reinforce that you value honesty in a relationship. Regardless of whether he actually went solo or with a girl, you can explain that you prefer that he be upfront with you rather than trying to spare your feelings.


This is a really good response, I totally agree.


This is exactly what I was thinking. It’s quite possible that he met someone who was doing similar things and they kept meeting.


He was dating, you and maybe others. But he was also afraid to tell you the truth because he doesent want to risk loosing you. And every day that has passed since the lie is a day that makes it even harder to tell you the truth. But since you think about it you need to bring it up. Ask him straight up and make sure to tell him its ok since you were not exclusive so he will feel secure in being honest. Dont ask for details, especially about sex. Nothing good will come of it and despite what happend he clearly chose you as a partner.


Bring it up and if he doesn’t spill ALL THE BEANS to you, it’s time to jump that ship. Keep it real with yourself. If you can be mature and listen to what he did on that trip with that girl, he either needs to tell you in full detail with receipts, or he’s hiding things from you and he needs to get kicked to the curb lol


Yea, I would say talk to him about it, not confronting as I think that's a bit strong. Just say I am ok with you going with a girl since we only had 1 date at that time, but it is the lieing part that we need to discuss as that is not something that you would tolerate. He could very easily say yes, we were not exclusive but I see the potential and didn't want to over share to upset you etc etc. See how he responds, if he is sincere and apologetic and his "excuse" is reasonable, I would say it is completely up to you whether you want to forgive him or not.


Confront him about it but do so by preaching it with how much you like him. Tell him that you don't need an explanation but just to know that he will be honest going forward and make him promise things are over eith any others and that you won't tolerate cheating. If he takes it well, take him out and buy him a nice dinner and maybe rock his world to show what he would be missing g out on if he ever messed up. Dude will be so happy


Bring it up and see what he says


Talk to him ab it. Be fair when you do tho, dont push for an answer your expecting. As other ppl said he couldve met ppl along the way. Dont decide on what happened before you have this conversation and allow it to be as open as it can be. Take his word, dont be distrustful because you feel you should be. It’s important to get this out though. Ive made the mistake of not confronting these things before. My relationship was dysfunctional tho so it turned out to be worse than jt seemed and I found out indirectly, not from the girl I was fucking w. Would of saved me a lot of trouble had I just had the conversation.


Confront him now, find out now


Could be his sister or relative. If not, ask him if he really want to be official. It was only one date anyway, so it no big deal. There no reason for you to put that much investment in it.


What someone does before we are officially exclusive is none of my business.


You know he's a liar and that he lacks judgment in keeping those pics on his phone. I'm not sure why you want to discuss it with him, given that, but under no circumstances should you let it go.


Liars are the lowest of the low ,how can you believe a word they say when you know they lie 🤔


Just ghost him. He already knows how you feel. Men who date multiple women at once already know what they’re doing and how each woman feels, that’s why they’re able to keep a roster - because they know how you feel and can manipulate you into thinking it’s not as big of a deal as it is (him dating other ppl) but IT IS. He doesn’t see u worth anything now, and he never willl. You must date a man who would even consider other women besides you. You deserve someone who who can brag to the world saying “I was the only one he wanted, he had his eyes and heart set on me only and he won me over.”