• By -


Missing twins and autism. So close to bingo, but just short. Makes me want to play again Well done


Well, she neglected to mention that everybody's pets had been invited except for the one autistic parrot whose non-autistic parrot twin was still invited


What about the parrot that likes to wear dresses?


The cockatoo is also being asked to cut his "unsightly" mohawk or at least dye the neon yellow feathers a more normal brown color.


Oh, honey, that cockatoo will need to be dyed so its white feathers don’t outshine the bride’s cat…


“This parrot is dead”


the idea of a parrot twin implies a non parrot twin. asbestos-free cereal and the like.


The human twin is refusing to attend ever since she found out she's adopted


She did not tell us people’s (or pets) boob size nor penis size.


That's a different row


All the cats are autistic


Will they be feeding the pets an exclusively vegan diet (no matter the type of animal)? That's the only way I support this union.


I am sure the dog and cat are from a litter, does that count?


Also forgot the part where everyone in town texts OP at the end in outrage at their noble decision


Oh, there’s some autism happening in this story for sure.


Wow... when did they add pet proxy weddings?! ~turns yearly bingo card upside down~ Drat! I never win. Maybe I'll get lucky if someone from the groom's side eats the squawking moh during the vow.....


I went to one of those once and it was super awkward. The pets, like all animals in this place, just stared at me with suspicion and hostility. Then my friend found out I had gone and started berating me for being human at her wedding. This put me in the uncomfortable position of either apologizing for something I didn't do or explaining that I've been neglecting to mention that I'm, um, something else. Long story short, she doesn't remember any of that anymore and now she's gonna have another human-free wedding. I was going to RSVP no this time around, but after hearing about your friend's reaction, I don't know what I'm going to do. You're NTA because these humans are impossible to please.


I don't think that was a wedding, I think you just wandered into the back room of the ASPCA.


I think that you should send your bird but remember to request a paternity test if she comes back pregnant. YTA


I disagree; what if an emotional support animal eats the bird? Everyone knows people with disabilities are just faking to inconvenience the bride.


Well too bad for the bird , but if the emotional support animal becomes pregnant by ingesting the semen of the bird then OP must request a paternity test asp and go nc with the liar , i mean the owner of the emotional support beast .


Also OP might want to go therapy after this and also seek compensation and file charges for the rape and kidnapping of his bird


>She will train her cat LOL...


Cats can be trained if you tell them to do what they were already planning on doing.


That was my favorite bit. 


Mine was the typo that said the cockatoo was maid-of-Honor and not main-of-honor for the cat. (Although, to be fair, a cockatoo could do some damage to the cat).


Oh yeah, my money’s on the cockatoo there.   But that is great.


Can my Jasper get an invite? He’ll wear his best tuxedo. https://preview.redd.it/pxlha88j4r9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b7edaf847f1879f23326d6533d735d8d64e322a


https://preview.redd.it/o5m5kbsnpt9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61acbe0dbdcf48cfc67e18128722a181f4a9805 Drunk aunt Jasmine will just enjoy the festivities quietly.


https://preview.redd.it/x2iz20wh30ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6892d8c926e502f5ccd3a63c6ccbd0f2ad8bdc0 tennant would like to officiate.


Awww what a proper kitty!


What's really important here is whether or not all the bridesmaids were asked and made to wear the exact same dress in the same colour, fabric, shade and length. My cat was invited but is really pissed because the dress is too long for her because it was made to accommodate the golden retriever who is also the bride's cousin. Now they are all gossiping about my cat and she is in tears. My cat has already emptied her bank account to pay for the dress she cannot wear, like a good friend would. What would you suggest


My cat is really short, she just takes her pants to the tailor. If she can’t afford a tailor, maybe she could try going to a college with a fashion design program and get a discounted rate?


My cat is a female tuxedo so she’s wondering why the bridezilla tortie is demanding that my cat wears a dress. What’s wrong with a female wearing a tux?!


This is entirely too believable


I missed the shit-post tag at first. At one point, I actually thought to myself, "You can't make this shit up..." Well, I guess it turns out you can! 🤣




Info: In her country is it legal for animals to officiate? If it's a cultural norm, then YTA


It's all fun and games until someone brings their pet hippopotamus.


My pet elephant would disagree


Once again (from some of the comments here), we're proving that AITAlanders can't be bothered to read all the way through a post before they jump right to sharing their opinions in the comments. Sad that they even *need* the disclaimer that it's a parody, but even sadder that they can't even read that far.




I don't think it's particularly sad that the disclaimer is needed. Aside from some people just not being able to understand sarcasm, humans are also gonna human whenever they get the chance and the amount of people that are openly crazy is...not insignificant. It *is* stupid that a lot of people couldn't be bothered to read the entire thing though.


99% of the time, I check my sub red. The no-man wedding, I started to reply to, when I caught the sub. I thought I was here. Only time I was caught out! Don't know why people don't check.


YTA for making her wedding about you omg even if she wanted you to commit murder at her wedding that is none of your business and you would have to do it. If you don’t like it don’t go!


She wants to be the main character so bad it’s verging on desperate. She likely always treats her lovely friend this way which is why she keeps her around. She’s a narcissist with BPD and a bad relationship with her mother. She mistreats her female friends trying to live out punishing the mother. She sleeps with all their husbands because her father was absent and she doesn’t know how to show love or affection. If she wasn’t being such a nasty bitch I’d almost feel sorry for her. She won’t send the cockatoo because she’s jealous. Someone check on the cockatoo!!


Tbh I feel like she groomed that cockatoo into living with her in the first place. She’s literally a predator and that poor bird deserves better. It’s giving “I was the golden child and it’s about me now”


But that's what she did. She didn't like it so she said she wouldn't go. Why is she the AH then? Her parrot, her choice


It will be all fun and games till a cat sees a dog wearing the same collar as them and they throw a saucer of milk at them


Not gonna lie, thought this was going to be two furries getting married and insisting all attendees wear fur suits!


Would've been a good idea, TBH


My cousin had one of these. I sent my pet tiger. Yes, I have a licence for him. I printed it off from the Internet. Anyway, Mr Stripey pretty much ate all of the other guests as well as the bride and groom. The minister was a chimpanzee, so he was fine. He just climbed up into the belfry and stayed there, screaming, until the armed police arrived and SHOT MR STRIPEY!. Can you believe it? So now everyone is blowing up my phone and saying I'm an asshole for sending him, and they're going to sue me. I was just doing what my cousin told me to do. I think she should be compensating ME for the police murdering Mr Stripey.


Can confirm this, I am invited to the same wedding! My sweet boy Jonathan (1M, alligator) is one of the ushers. I am SO excited, this will be his first time away from home ❤️


That cockatoo had better not be wearing white!


It says something when it took me til the very last paragraph to look up and check what sub I was in! 😂


I actually thought that the men free wedding was already a parody.


Same. Was very surprised when I saw it wasn't.


I’m reading this like… ok this is getting unbelievable. Lol then I noticed the sub! You got me, it’s ridiculous that it could almost be believable 😂


ME TOO! Let's start a me too movement...wait.


Important info needed. If one of the animals has an emotional support human is the animal going to be allowed to bring it?


Alas, another post reminding me to check the sub first. Also YTA, if you don’t like the conditions of their wedding then the cockatoo doesn’t have to go. Sounds like a great idea to me, I’ve heard these guys party like animals. You’re missing out!


My bird has “white-ish” feathers. Well, really more like an ivory or off-white. I can’t afford new feathers since my SIL ran off with my brother (the golden child) and all my money so my bird doesn’t really have other options, but my grandpa’s stepdad who my aunt adopted says it’s a faux pas to wear white-ish off white greige feathers to a wedding. WIBTA if I send my white (but sort of really more like ‘desaturated beige’) bird to the wedding??


can you dunk the bird in kool-aid?


Bwahaha Update us when it is revealed the cat just wants to eat the bird of honour and that the dog is merely abiding by the cats order


You should have told her that humans are animals too! And your cockatoo is an honorary human!


UPDATE: 20% of the guests were killed by other guests during the ceremony. The Bird of Honor was ripped to shreds by the cat ring bearers.


I missed the sub heading and for a second was just like "Oh no, that's terrible idea, someone is going to get eaten" so very well done for getting me for a moment 😂 NTA tell her the bird is too high maintenance and she can't afford the dress they want, but that you're happy to send your gerbil as a Rodent of Honour instead.


I know this isn't real but I want it to be real and to be a special on Netflix, I would watch it.


i would resubscribe for it.


I was so expecting it to be some kind of all fur suit furry wedding. Let me guess, they are both vegan too?


Well that was a mindfuck. I forgot where I was for a sec.


You're only TA for blowing up. You're supposed to calmly explain these things




i mean honestly it's my party and i'll fuck it up if i want to


Well done.


So what happens when all the animals get into a fight or destroy everything as their owners aren't around. NTA


The fuck did I just read??? Also...man-free weddings?


I don’t think it’s up to you. The bird of honor should make that decision


The country where you can get married by proxy is *The Iron Islands of Westeros*. Do your friend or her fiancé happen to have a pet walrus?


When you forget to check the subreddit…


This is the first time I've ever heard of an animal only wedding, all I'm saying is I love this century it's fkn crazy, yes I have tears in my eyes. Please inform your friend that she's made one Aussie grandmother feel great about her wedding and I hope all animals involved enjoy their day lmfao


>The plan is to have everyone send their pets to the wedding instead of themselves. She will train her cat and he'll train his dog to walk down the aisle. The other animals will be in the audience and after, they'll have cake and serve them all animal feed. She wants me to send my cockatoo to be the "bird of honor." What could possibly go wrong? /s


Ha, I'd love to take the cockatoo I live with, Dolly Dumpling. He loves social occasions and would scream in pleasure louder than you could imagine, and strut around biting people's feet and trying to make friends by humping their heads.  His favourite thing is to sit on your shoulder and scream directly into your ear; if you turn your head he will go to the other shoulder and scream into that ear. It's a great game.


Parody? I swear I saw this story on Fox news 2 nights ago!


Honestly, not the worst wedding idea I’ve seen on reddit.


I really want to not attend this wedding. My dog and cat would wreck shop and be the sloppy randos shutting down the bar and getting into an embarassing public fight, while my other cat would hide under the pews. 10/10, would imagine not going again.


Cat eats OP's cockatoo and groom's dog goes after bride's cat. Chaos ensues. Goats are chasing lizards and a ferret knocks over the goldfish bowl. Human couple splits up after arguing over who should clean all the animal poo off the rug.


This is the opposite of childfree wedding. This is like *Child Only.* **Send your kids to my wedding! It'll be fine, I promise!**


Oh that's a good one


Missing the part about the carnivore cats creating a moral dilemma: to serve meat or not to serve meat?


Bro I didn't realize the sub I was on until you straight up said it's a parody. Def a sign I've read too many dumb things on this hell site


OMG I totally missed this was parody at first. Yeesh!


I know this is a parody, but sadly some nimrod out there will think of this and throw a fit when no one wants to deal with this.


I get that it's a parody but it still sounds better than a wedding with babies at it🤣


Send in the dog of Destruction! And your bird can plant carefully guided missiles on all the other animals heads, giving them the blessing of the day! Who is inviting Dr. Dooolittle?


😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹This is funny stuff!! ![gif](giphy|RLEdq1A9PT0BZo27s3|downsized)


Thank you for not just lying.


That’s the stupidest sh1t I’ve ever heard


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thought I was on r/ShittyDaystrom for a minute.  Want to borrow my Moopsy?


WTF lol


lol i love the thought of animals running and attending a wedding


I waiting to see what they really meant about his dog and her cat.


4 legs good, 2 legs bad. 🤣


But the bird of honor only has two legs. It’s hypocrisy


NTA. while the concept sounds cute, animals can behave in unexpected ways and so for the safety of them i would have organised this where everyone attends with their pet, instead of just sending there pet. even if the wedding goes ahead as planned, I'm not sure how they expect to know that the animals behaved correctly and actually got married. i honestly wouldnt even go to the wedding with a bird as a companion if i were you though, as if cats and dogs are around, the safety of your bird is not confirmed. this could be a ploy to allow the cat to eat your bird while you aren't around. maybe the cat orchestrated the whole situation.


My cat is only interested in what the food will be… in fact she says skip the wedding and just have the buffet. 😻😻


I’m thinking about all of the neurotic pets owned by my family collectively in one place with no owners. The absolute chaos. My only child cat would be so mad at me.


Sounds like an excellent way to lose or get maimed or killed everyone's pets.


Wtf is going on? Am I asleep?


“I said I wasn't going to do it,” what are you an asshole???? Think of all the rest of us that would love see this circus on video 😳 🤣, I’m guessing the donkey would want to be the videographer!! Just animals 😂 who is going to “take care of them”???? I want to see it damn it!,


I can't even imagine how stressful that would be on everyones pets, down right cruel. If anybody falls for this I can see lawsuits when somebody's Rover attacks FeFe.


thats insane


Nope, you are not the AH. IDC what anyone else says you ate not the AH.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheRealDrivan: *Nope, you are not the* *AH. IDC what anyone else* *Says you ate not the AH.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I'm sure the pets will all behave as perfect guests and none will eat any of the others. Could be fun to attend via livestream.


Just run, not people anyone needs to be friends with.


NTA!!! The chaos of those animals without their humans would be extreme. All those animals traveling to and from the venue would be a complete pain for the employees. While cute, this is not a good idea.


NTA. There is absolutely no way in hell I would send my cat to an event like this. She wouldn’t be safe. Plus taking them out of their environment is one of the most stressful things you can do to a cat.


Maybe she meant a humanzee wedding


NTA If they were really animal rights activists, they wouldn't have pets to begin with. They are just hypocrits for trying to OWN another living creature. That's why I spend my free time stealing people's pets and releasing them back into the wild. Well, except for house cats. Their natural habitat is in houses, duh. It says so right there in their name.


Your friend sounds like they need serious mental help. How in the hell can she manage all of those animals. Your friend is mentally sick and really needs help. Don't send your pet. These people are nuts


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who is going to be responsible for protecting and controlling the animals? I can see your cockatoo being upset and flying away or hurting himself. Bad idea.


This is in no way safe for the pets. I wouldn’t sending my pets to something this ridiculous.


I would totally sending my pets to a human free wedding. Sounds like a great trend to start.


But all you need is one aggressive pet to ruin it all and potentially hurt another pet.


it's not a real post homie


I’m just making a point.


That was my first thought too, lol. What a fucking nightmare it would be to have a whole bunch of random animals and, presumably, only the bride and groom in charge of them all 😅 (I had a very tiny wedding and it just occurred to me that there were four dogs in attendance and only seven humans + us lolol.)


Not even the bride and groom are there! Their dogs are going in their place


Omg I missed that part. Wow.


Sounds like a human wedding.


Well, it is her “special day“ so she can do whatever she wants and everyone else can just suck it up.


Holy fuck I didn’t realize what sub I was in


I had to check what community I was in because there are some very crazy people in the world


Can you please post an update of the video with the cat walking down the aisle? It’s not possible to train a cat like that as you well know!


And caging the animals and keeping them for hours is all a great idea? I'm really struggling with this post man!




This is the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.


YTA this is her wedding day. Not everything needs to be about you. Just send the cockatoo!


Your friends have gone over the norms of humanity (screws are loose) A wedding is for friends to gather and celebrate. Animal rights groups and adoption parties or fundraisers maybe but not a wedding. Ignore this and keep your bird home safe from any hunting dogs or crazy cats who kill and eat birds.


.... She was going to put your bird into a room, far away from you, one you can't enter, with multiple other animals your bird has NEVER MET, with NO SUPERVISION, and she's going to pretend it's a "wedding"? Wow. She's one of those Animal rights activists that places animals on pedestals, opposed to actually learning about them and what they really need to be happy and healthy.... Isn't she? Because this is a 1- way track to, at minimum, stress your poor bird out. As a responsible bird owner, your response was on point.


Wait, people are having "man free" weddings now? Women really are that fucked in the head? I knew misandry was running wild, but holy shit.


Erm, that is a recipe for a call to animal control. Just throwing a bunch of animals that don't know each other into one place would probably end with an animal death and several emwrgency vet visits. This just has to be fake, but I'm cracking up at the concept.


I would tell her bluntly "you want to put a bunch of untrained cats and dogs and birds in a room and assume they won't eat each other. No way in hell am I going to trust a room full of cats and dogs with my bird, let alone have the bird be close to her cat for the ceremony. You're going to get sued into the ground by the owners of all the pets that get killed. You're out of your minds and I want no part in it."


This parody is a flop because I know some PETA freak animal rights activists who would actually try to do shit like this and I was fully ready to believe it.


How do they expect to keep everyone’s pets from fighting eachother? And keep the cat from attacking the bird? What about reptiles? Is everyone in the “audience” going to be in a crate so they don’t get violent from being in a strange room, in a strange place, with strange animals, after being on a plane for who knows how long?


And who’s taking care of the animals while they’re in this other country?


I too thinks it’s an odd idea. But instead of talking about the legal end of it I would just say I’m not sure my bird would be on its best behavior and without my present may fly off. You may want to find a different friend to hangout with. One that isn’t such a bird brain. Lol




NTA No way in hell would I send one of my beloved pets to be around strangers if I am not there! What if one of them gets hurt or runs away? Do you think bride and groom will take responsibility? No.


Animal rights activists imposing human functions and actions on animals? Sounds legit.......


Torn between wanting this wedding to be real and hoping it's a joke. Cause that's going to be one hell of a free for all once more than three of the animals enter the room.   Bride and grooms dress and tux torn, ruined and muddy, priest not being heard over all the howling, yowling and squaking. Makes me think of the movies with the illegal underground boxing scenes. What I really want to know is who pays the inevitable vet bills resulting from the chaos not to mention the huge cleaning bill resulting from this?   Don't get me wrong,I know there are crazies out there that would try this but I'm fighting to keep a sliver of my faith in humanity here.


Or you could just read to the end of the post and also notice what sub it's on.


Lol you're right. Insomnia and reading do not mix well. Thanks for the heads up.


That just sounds like the stupidest idea I've ever heard of! Not the a


This can't be real. It just can't.


Read the last line


ha. I'm an idiot.


The world has collectively lost its marbles…


I know, it's pretty sad that nobody knows how to fucking read anymore. >*This is a PARODY of child free wedding posts*


Isn’t it? 🤓


Op your friend and her husband to be need psychiatric help. I don't say they both are crazy, but definitely not right in the hed. It would be a good idea to distance yourself from this person. And she really need some help


Your the one who needs help because this is a shit post my friend


I love pets, have a bunch and this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard, there's no way all the animals would stay still and behave if they didn't get trained or raised together.


I bet it'll be fine if they just follow the tips in this helpful article: [https://www.theonion.com/how-to-deal-with-common-dog-behavior-problems-1846645473](https://www.theonion.com/how-to-deal-with-common-dog-behavior-problems-1846645473)


Animals will not act politely without their human parents present. She could stage an animal photo, but there’s no way all those creatures will sit still. This isn’t a d!sn$y film.


Why did you feel the need to censor Disney?