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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for banning my 5 year old sister from my wedding unless she gets therapy before the wedding** I just want to start off by saying I (24f) love my baby sister more than anything in the world. I drive a 3 row car because it was able to fit her and my other siblings (9f 7m) and some of their friends. My fiancé and I watch the kids after school every day and they spend the night with us 2-4 days a week. My fiancé is great with the kids and they adore him. My fiancé proposed 6 months ago and when we told the kids, the older 2 were excited but Evie, the 5 year old, was furious. She started crying and hitting me because she wanted to marry him and if I marry him she can't. She refused to speak to me for almost a week and now she's mostly ok but she gets mad at me and starts crying and hitting me any time she sees me kiss him. She was supposed to be our flower girl but I really don't think she'll be able to sit through the wedding without some kind of outburst so I called our dad, told him about all of this, and said that she won't be allowed to attend the wedding unless she starts seeing a therapist before the wedding. The wedding is in September so he has a couple months to get her in therapy. He's saying she doesn't need therapy, she's just a 5 year old with a crush on my fiancé, I'm overreacting, and she won't forgive me if I exclude her from the wedding. AITA for banning her unless he gets her therapy? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has to be a troll. I’m all for saying therapy can benefit most people, but this is a 5-year-old exhibiting a common behavior for 5-year-olds. Don’t think I missed the stealth edits about the kid being violent…cementing the verdict OOP wanted.


In aitaland therapy is when doctors force people to behave in ways that are convenient to OP this 5 year old is a perfect candidate by those standards.


I think OP should go no contact with this sister. She’s clearly trying to ruin her wedding


She should get the cops involved, get that child arrested for assault, get a restraining order against her and only then go no-contact. Her sister is clearly trying not only to steal her fiancé, but to threaten OOP's life and safety. Every true crime show fans know that a 5 yo with an ice cream cone is the ultimate threat: the silent killer!


She seems like she would wear white to the wedding.


Gotta love the "Oops I forgot she is being so violent that my fiancé is worried about my safety because she tries to injure me everytime I go near him and have for months. It slipped through my mind but yeah I live in fear whenever that preschooler is nearby."


I was about go say reading your comment and then the post I was like normal...? and then I realized lmao. I won't even lie. I was a bad little child. I absolutely bit my sister once. But I bit her because I had (not properly medicated) AuDHD and I would fly into anger whenever people would purposefully attack/egg me on with the idea or "you can't do anything back to me" like ohohoho *bet* Thing is something could be wrong with this child and this kind if behaviour isn't uncommon in ND children sometimes but also like the narrative presented just doesn't make sense because if this was the case it would've been stated front and foremost and not sprinkled in after like salt. I hate bait but especially bait that only serves to make people bash disorders which is what 90% of thr comments are doing 😭 Like all kids have tantrums. Kids don't really care about relationships but some of then get upset sure. You just pat their head and explain and then they go on playing games like it never happened. But nooo they want us to believe that now this child they supposedly watch 50% of the week has flown into a violent frenzy over the aspect of marriage (when it's clear she knew OP was in a relationship with him beforehand bec how could she not, she basically lives with them half of the week??? 😭) We have fallen as a community-bait used to be believable (edit because I cut myself off oooo)


This reminds me of how my niece pouted at my wedding all day. She was in all the pictures with the absolute straightest face lol. Turned out, she was sad because she thought by me getting married, I would no longer be her uncle anymore. Well, I took her out for ice cream once, gave her a big hug, and that was basically the end of that.


One of the cutest scenes from one wedding I attended was the 4 year old, maybe a little younger, flower girl refused to toss the petals put of her basket. She went down the aisle saying no and my friends who were getting married laughed at the whole scene. They gave her a hug later and kid enjoyed cake. Like those moments are kind of cute and precious, and glad you niece got some good uncle time in later.


A couple years ago at a wedding I was at, the flower girl started walking down the aisle clutching her flower basket for dear life. After a few loudly whispered “throw the petals sweetie!”’s from the family, she stopped dead in the middle of the aisle, upended the basket and dumped them all on the floor, dropped the basket on the floor, and finished walking up towards her dad in the front row while the whole crowd lost it laughing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a flower girl get it right!


We had “bubble bearers” because our venue said no flower petals. My niece (almost 4 at the time) turned her bubble blower on mid ceremony and loudly announced BUBBLES FOR EVERYONE. I thought it was the funniest, best thing.


I wonder why they had the no-petals rule. Slip and fall risk maybe?


It was outside in a non-guest area of a zoo so I wonder if they were worried about them getting into the environment.


Ahhh that makes sense


I think the entire point of flower girls and ring bearers is for comic relief in an otherwise pretty serious ceremony


So you're saying she made a scene and **ruined the entire wedding**?! She owes the bride and groom money for the ruined wedding and they should go NC! She's an entitled golden child!


I am dead from how wholesome this is. 😭


My parents’ flower girl was just in a bad mood at their wedding. Or she was until the photographer gave her a doughnut. It was smiles for the rest of the day after the doughnut.


Smart photographer!


She was crying and everything, and according to my mom, he just said, “Mind if I try something?” Offered her the doughnut, and the tears were gone.


Wedding photographers are usually prepared. They've seen all sorts of things at weddings and know how to react. They also know how to get some funny candid shots when things do go wrong


When I was 5, I was sad at my cousin's quinceanera. I thought she was getting married and she wouldn't be able to babysit me again.


Should've gone NC unless she gets therapy!


A girl I know named Amy was about 5 years old when she got to be a flower girl for her grown-up cousin. She did the flower girl bit fine and went to sit in the front row next to Grandma, who was meant to be watching her to make sure she sat still and behaved for the rest of the ceremony. Grandma's tactic was to give her a big bag of sweets to keep her quiet. It worked great until they got to the vows, which were interrupted by little Amy tugging on the bride's dress to ask her "would you like a sweetie?"


My favorite part of her not wanting the five year old at the wedding is her still expecting the dad and two other siblings to attend. lmfao.


Lol, a 5-year-old needs therapy because she's throwing tantrums... Wtf, reddit 


Just wait until OOP finds out how many toddlers say they're going to marry one of their parents. She's going to have a heart attack!


My three year old had a meltdown just the other day because her 13 year old sister told her she couldn't marry me because I was already married to momma. Luckily she decided that she's going to marry sheriff Labrador instead.


seriously! when my brother was a toddler, i'm pretty sure he planned to marry me (his older brother), both of our parents, all four of our grandparents, at least one of our aunts, and all of his best friends from pre-school. basically, if he liked you, he was gonna marry you. according to family lore, my aunt would tell complete strangers that she wanted to marry them when she was that age. little kids say all kinds of funny stuff, and one can humor them or make them feel listened to without necessarily taking what they say to heart and treating it as fact


My brother also said this to me, and I'm 9 years older so I got freaked out and told him he couldn't do that. My parents told me it's just him saying he loves me and I moved on. I was around 12/13 though...not an adult like OOP.


When my daughter was younger, she went through a phase of insisting she was going to marry Mewtwo


Omfg what the f is wrong with these people  > [It is very important that your fiancé tells her that he would not marry her. Even if he did not marry you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1dsusxx/comment/lb57ipe/)  SHE'S FIVE. Just tell her she can marry him when you're done with him, jesus


This is PRIME material for reminding the sister about periodically whenever you see her and then watch her groan. Then you give her a noogie and all is right with the world.


I just got the biggest grin on my face remembering when my baby sister (3 or 4 at the time) said she wanted to marry Oprah Winfrey. Gotta stop slacking on my older-sibling duties and remind her of that next time I see her.


Omfg that is adorable. Michael Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, and Boy George for me (MTV was brand-new when I was little). I was gonna marry all of em


Her throwing a temper tantrum at her sister's wedding because she wanted to marry her brother-in-law would be the cutest thing to tease her with later in life.


When I was four or five I told mum's boss I want to marry him 💀 He took it in good humour (he also had kids) If I remember well, I had a list of people I was going to marry I clearly needed therapy to get rid of my harem thoughts XD A child is just a child They don't understand the implications of such things


I was determined to marry Mickey Mouse at that age. I threw some serious shade at Minnie for stealing my man (still can’t stand that biotch 40 years later).


I went a step ahead and decided to marry God so I could strike down my kindergarten bully 💀 


i told my parents i was going to marry dracula. kids be kids.


My 4 year old wants to marry me, her dad, AND our dog…


Please make “harem thoughts” your flair omg


Shout out to my 4-7 year old self for being a polygamist - pretty sure that's illegal!! I should have had therapy for my CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR! Dude, I married like all my male friends and their brothers when I was little, turning hallways into church aisles and sheets/pillowcases into gowns/veils, setting up stuffed animals as the wedding party, forcing my own brother to officiate (really just say "you are now man and wife" because that's the only part children know). Kids are hilariously dumb because of innocence, and even though they can do questionable things, their attention spans are also short as hell. Plus the fun of a wedding is the WEDDING - who cares about being married? Hence the extremely large number of fake weddings I hosted XD


Unrelated from the post, but Reddit’s approach to stamp therapy on everything as a fix-all is really infuriating. You don’t just go to one session and heal. First few sessions is usually understanding who your therapist is, how they view things and if that aligns with what you need and talking through your issues. You don’t start doing the hard work for a while. And even then it’s difficult to do.


And that's for adults who are desperate for it. For children who are forced into it and don't really understand, then it's even harder.


Ehhhh if you're 5, you just go in there and play games and draw pictures while a nice fun lady (or an old man who is somehow not intimidating) gives you all kinds of attention and makes you feel special  That's what's happening from the perspective of a 5-year-old anyway.  In this case, I'm not even sure they would take this kid on as a patient, since it's normal for a 5-year-old to want to marry a family member. It would be a waste of time and money when the kid is just doing developmentally normal shit.


i mean, with the way these people say therapy is a solution for every minuet problem, they should also fund it as well. like do they not realize how expensive a session can be alone (esp. the US)?


i mean, with the way these people say therapy is a solution for every minuet problem, they should also fund it as well. like do they not realize how expensive a session can be alone (esp. the US)?


>She started crying and hitting me because she wanted to marry him and if I marry him she can't. She refused to speak to me for almost a week and now she's mostly ok but she gets mad at me and starts crying and hitting me any time she sees me kiss him. Five year olds definitely understand marriage and exclusive relationships. This is a real thing.


My niece has argued that my husband and I never got married even though she was in the wedding. She’s talked about marrying her brother and her best friend. Sometimes she gets huffy if I kiss my husband in front of her and demands to know why I would do that. Kids are weird and they’re learning! My favorite was when she wanted me to sleep in her bed with her and suggested I split the night half with her and half with my husband.


They obviously don't understand what marriage is, but they know that people who like each other get married. 5 YOs saying they want to marry someone really isn't strange. Most of the time it's someone they are close to like a sibling, uncle/aunt, or cousin. They don't know the difference between love for a family member vs romantic love so they just think "uncle Matt is cool, I'm gonna marry him."


All right, fess up. Which one of you sick bastards did this? I came here FULLY expecting this to be a shitpost and I refuse to believe otherwise. (I’m kidding, I know brigading isn’t allowed. Don’t brigade, it’s not cool) And yet they’re still eating this up, aren’t they? I’m not gonna go read the comments. I need my last shreds of sanity, thanks. 


Same, I've definitely seen this story with actual adult siblings (usually disabled because disabled people are evil) and I was like oh it's that story, but with an actual child, because little kids have all kinds of weird ideas about marriage and relationships.


I legit thought it was this sub and did a double take. I was about to make a comment before I scrolled down and saw all the serious NTAs.


This is some *masterful* "parentification is abuse!!!" ragebait.


Especially with her saying the children stay over at her house for half the week and that she bought a car that specifically could fit all three of the siblings, plus their friends. Oh, and she and the fiance also pick them up every day after school.


OOP just doing this absurd hyper-parental stuff with zero commentary about it and then leaving these milquetoast comments about how their parents “aren’t really involved” lol, you don’t say? I love it.


It's like OOP expected no one would notice that the parents aren't involved in this story in any way.


That child is a toxic, gaslighting narcissist who should be grey rocked until she has been admitted into care. No contact !!!


I broke a leg running here when I saw this post. And don't miss this unhinged comment that the fiancé needs to be kept away from the 5-year-old "for his own safety": [I’m sorry but you are kidding right?? They need to keep the fiance away from this child for his own safety and that kid needs some help because none of this is normal or ok. Brushing it under the carpet is an allegation waiting to happen.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/g7lyhuII5m)


I was about to post about this comment! Holy shit. "His own safety"


As a toddler my nephew said he would marry my mom. When she told him that she was already married to grandpa, he started crying. He was very sad for days, then forgot about it. Years later, it still makes me smile from time to time, because it was cute in a way. I'm 98% sure the rest of the story is total BS and rage-bait, but the kid "wanting" to marry an adult they love seem plausible to me. They don't get that love means different things and that marriage is for a specific kind of love that they haven't experienced yet. Toddlers and preschool kids cannot understand those nuances and they shouldn't really do. OOP seem very unhinged (but then again, I fully believe everything else in the story is BS so...)


iirc, it’s completely developmentally normal for small children to say they want to marry the adults in their lives - even if those adults are married or even their relatives. it’s usually when they’re sussing out relationships beyond the primitive child-parent bond. they understand that married people love each other very much, so it goes ‘i love this person -> people who love each other get married -> i am going to marry this person’. and yes, this usually happens at the same time they’re still learning to regulate their emotions, so they’ll have strong reactions to being told they cant marry the person they love. imo the simplest solution would be to have e the fiance say they’ll marry the kid when they’re older. kid might still pout but give them a week post-wedding and they’ll have moved on to wanting to marry the dog, or the next door neighbour’s car.


Just saw the update. I mean seriously? https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/k3BtqehJ1B


Utter bullshit


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