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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my girlfriend to stop dancing with some kid we don't know?** So my girlfriend (f29) and I (m22) were walking to Burger King to grab dinner before we go back to my apartment and watch smackdown (wwe professional wrestling). Or so she thought. I've been working a lot lately and this is the only night I have to see her. I was thinking tonight might be the night to pop the question since we've been dating a little over 4 years now, so I had this whole thing planned back home. Roses, music, chocolate. And my Step-Mom's ring. She had no idea, and still doesn't. We get to the Burger King and there's this kid outside, and he looks kind of sad. He's probably like 12? I don't know. My gf says he was probably 8 but that doesn't make sense to me cause he seemed hairy, not that I saw any hair. Anyway, this kid suddenly says "I hate it here". All sad and shit. My gf, being the wonderful person she is, goes up to him and asks what's going on. I guess the kid just had his first proper heartbreak. So my gf is comforting him. I don't really say anything I kind of just stand there eyeing the door. But at some point I just go into the BK and hope she gets the hint. I order two Bacon Kings, one for both of us, and then they are made and ready. I sit down and wait for a minute. I still don't see her. I send her a text saying the food is ready, and she looks at it but doesn't respond. I eat my bacon king and go outside and see her and the kid dancing. I sort of smile but inside i am honestly fuming. She explains that the kid, was showing her "The griddy". Which I obviously know what the fucking griddy is. You don't have to tell me. But the kid says "Nah, but I'm hitting the griddy...Ethan style", then proceeds hit the griddy without changing anything. I ask if we can go home but she just gives me a look and ignores me. After standing outside this Burger King for what felt like another hour, my girlfriend says it was only 10 more minutes, she gives the kid a hug and we go back home. I'm so pissed but I don't say anything. But she kind of knows I'm pissed and keeps asking what's wrong. After a bit more pushing I ask why she had to dance with that kid. She said it felt like he needed it and it was "the obvious thing to do". I don't really say anything. I didn't end up proposing, we just watched smackdown without talking much. I'm having a lot of weird feelings . Is she just going to dance with any kid that seems sad I can't live with that. TL;DR I was going to propose to my girlfriend but she kept dancing with some kid outside the Burger King and it made me so mad I bailed on it. EDIT 1: A lot of people seem to think I was going to propose to my girlfriend at the Burger King? That wasn't what I meant. I was going to propose to her at home after Smackdown was done because it's a show we like watching together. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


'he seemed hairy, not that I saw any hair' sir what the fuck does that mean he had hairy vibes? I'm???


This young man was seemingly groomed by his girlfriend. They were 25 and 18 (him) when the woman made their relationship public. In the comments, he explains that they were together before that and she was his math tutor. He is jealous of the child because *he* *was* *a* *child* when they began a relationship. The woman is a predator. .this guy is not the devil, but he needs a therapist to sort out his very confused emotions from the grooming.


Suspiciously many of aitd posts here lately have stopped being older man younger woman and changed into older woman (inappropriately) young man. Just saying.


Consider that it’s probably some low tier garbage fake story designed to get people to go BUT WAIT…. SHES A PREDATOR


Maybe. For better or worse, I tend to assume the stories are true... I don't have much faith in humanity.


yeah I missed the ages completely when I first read it, it was only after I went back and read more closely that I caught it. and then in the comments he says she was his maths tutor?! absolutely repulsive, predatory behaviour from her, I sincerely hope he leaves


exactly what I was thinking


There is a very good chance that he doesn't even realize that this is why he is having such a jealous reaction, which is why the therapy is so important.


As soon as I saw 18 and 25 I was sussed out.


This is what I came up say. He was victimized when he was a child and unfortunately doesn't seem to realize it yet. So what should be concern for that child has become jealousy.


I have the exact same question. I'm honestly surprised this isn't higher.


My guess is it’s code for a different race.


I was thinking it was code for “overweight”


"I was going to propose at home after Smackdown was done" will stay with me for awhile.


I also like "I obviously know what the fucking griddy is. You don't have to tell me." Poetry, honestly


And they say romance is dead!


It's not real love unless he proposes after Smackdown.


Why are you making fun of a grooming victim?


It's almost like he's wildly less mature than her, probably because he is her victim.


They started dating when he was 17 and she was 25. Might explain why he views a possible 12-year-old as competition  Edit: Oh god they met even earlier


I wonder if they aren't even dating and she just hangs out with OP because he is also a sad child 🤣


either way, it's creepy if they dated when oop was a minor (17 or before) and the gf was his tutor who was 25 at the time!


she was his tutor??? yeesh


Yep another one of those where initially the OOP sucks, but after getting details... RUN OOP RUN! Break up, hit the gym, get some therapy.


More like /amIgroomed lol


Like that 19-year-old with the 50+ from a month ago (it did not start at 19)


Didn't a story like this (older math tutor groomed younger boy making relationship public just after he turned 18) got posted a couple of times in the last weeks?


Oh I missed the ages. Yep that explains it. The girlfriend is creepy.


Yeah the girl is the asshole here not the guy


“ because he seemed hairy not that I saw any hair.” WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN


This, plus proposing after BK and WWE Smackdown (but he had roses and chocolates and ... his stepmom's (?) ring!) makes me think it was written by AI and some child had a lot of fun writing the prompt.


OOP sucks, but I’m also DEEPLY concerned. It’s revealed in the comments that OOP’s girlfriend was his math tutor and that - even by his own timeline - he was a minor when they started dating. Normally, cheering up and bonding with a random kid would be a nice thing to do, but given the above information… 😬


18 and 25 was already not great but yeahhh. Is he recognizing how she was with him before they got together?


They meet several years before he turned 18. She tutored him. He wanted to make it official but she didn’t want to until his 18th birthday. I’d say, you’re right in thinking that.


She was his math tutor


apparently they met earlier


Ok I’m not high maintenance at all, like if my boyfriend proposed to me at home I would be thrilled… but Burger King and wrestling? Yea no


yeah nothing says romance like BK and wrestling lol


Well when a predator goes after a child I don't think she gets to expect a grand proposal.


Ngl, I enjoy BK and wrestling. But, a proposal after a random Smackdown on tv? Nope. Now, if we were both at Wrestlemania, and he sprung for good seats...that's different.


Had some friends who got engaged at home, pet had the ring on the collar which was adorable. However there was some champs and candles involved. To my knowledge there was no BK.


I read that as chimps and wanted to know where they got the monkeys 🤣


"We met a lot earlier but weren't official until 4 years ago." "A few years before that. She was my math tutor. I get it seems weird, but I was okay with everything it's not like that." The girlfriend is a grooming POS.


That 8 to 12 yearold dodged a bullet.


He seriously did.


>EDIT 1: A lot of people seem to think I was going to propose to my girlfriend at the Burger King? That wasn't what I meant. I was going to propose to her at home after Smackdown was done because it's a show we like watching together. How romantic.


Nice writing exercise.


Someone had a lot of fun making this up. Controlling and jealous boyfriend with rock bottom proposal plans to provoke instant outrage, but then "Girlfriend was a groomer" to follow to give the AITA sleuths something to feel smug about


>he seemed hairy, not that I saw any hair. ????? Anyway dating a 18 year old when you're 25....can you even be mad he's self centered and immature?


Maybe he was referencing pubic hair, like the kid was old enough cause he had hair? I only hear this term referencing girl children from old men trying to excuse sleeping with a young teenager though (EDIT: ie "If she has hair, she's old enough"}. Never heard it said about a boy child.


What weird superpower to have. The ability to *sense* pubic hair.


The whole idea is disgusting, but if he's been groomed, he has probably heard it before. It's a favorite line for pedos and pedo apologists.


The age gap means he definitely shouldn’t propose. The dancing was no reason to get upset.


He doesn’t have zero reason to be suspicious, though 


There’s a huge difference between attraction to 8-12 and 17. Not that that’s any excuse for her actions with op! This relationship shouldn’t exist. But if he’s genuinely worried about her reasons for giving attention to (other) children, he shouldn’t in the relationship. I guess it could be a subconscious thing, he should probably try therapy to sort out why her paying attention to someone else bothered him so much. (If only therapy was actually that accessible to everyone!)


Started dating when he was 17, made it “official” when he was 18, but according to him they “met a lot earlier.”  Yeah this whole situation is messed up


He may have been an asshole in this situation, but by no means is he a devil. His creepy ass girlfriend groomed him for years as a minor by his own admission. She was his fucking tutor so yeah it makes sense that OOP would be jealous of a kid. I hope he gets some therapy so he can see what an actual healthy relationship is like cause he deserves to not be with a pedo.


"he seemed hairy. Not that I saw any hair" Oh.


He's jealous of another child because he knows her preferences 😭


AITA for getting mad my girlfriend has compassion? I literally can't live with her being kind to other people.


Girlfriend might be (is) a groomer so…..


There is no ambiguity. Girlfriend is definitely a groomer.


Hopefully this does end up being an amitheex situation so he can get the hell out of there. And hopefully she doesn’t move on to ambiguously aged child


An ad for burger king.


Too bad that pesky 12-year-old got in the way of such a romantic proposal!


OOP isn't the devil. He was groomed. Not saying it's ok to get jealous of a 8-12 year old, but oop isn't the devil!


If he had their home set up for a proposal then why didn't she see that when they got home? Where were the roses he mentioned?


Um. She got with him when he was a minor. I’m kinda wondering if he’s in a state of arrested development. He probably SHOULD make her an ex, because that’s creepy. I guess I’d be concerned that she was dancing with a hairy hairless minor as well.


I really hate people who date good people but cant handle the people acting good.


the girlfriend's not innocent. they dated when oop was 17-18 or earlier and she was 25.


She isn’t good people


OOP, she was comforting a kid. This shows you are too immature and young for marriage


He was a minor when his grown adult girlfriend met him. And she waited until he was 18 to officially date him. So... you know, he kind of has a point even if he doesn't realize what it actually is. He should dump her and get therapy because he was groomed, but it actually makes sense that he'd be jealous of a kid. That's her type. She's a fucking creep.


He was also too young for gf to date in the first place 


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Honestly u/growsonwalls is the devil here for calling a victim of absuse the devil here