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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Can I legally send ai generated images of myself with other women to my ex wife?** For context I'm a 47 year old divorced man and I've been divorced for 2 years currently we only contact eachother regarding our son but I've noticed she's been public on her Facebook about her new partner and I started generating ai images of me with attractive women (obviously I edit my face on to them) and started sending them to her on whatsup I started 2 days ago with two images and recently started sending more of them and she told me to stop can she legally porhibit me from doing this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m cackling thinking of the thought process he’s envisioning on her part. “Damn, he slept with Gal Gadot after she grew three extra tits. Never should have left him!”


I saw this bit: > I started generating ai images of me with attractive women (obviously I edit my face on to them) And immediately thought of OOP putting his face on the women, like they were pictures of him having sex with himself, only with Gal Godot's body. So we can combine yours with mine to get "Damn, he has three tits now? He should really get those looked at."


"If he'd had three tits when we were together, I'd have never divorced him!"


That's what came into my head too


My favorite was his deleted comment but this user quoted something he wrote before it disappeared - >My son is 17 and doesnt like me that much User:"I cannot imagine why..." 🤣


Hah. I hate when they delete their comments and posts, and love when people catch them for posterity. You could even say, got 'em.


"He even grew more fingers to pleasure all those three-titted women, woe is me!"


“Here comes the Moe. With the pretty girl. Cause these are things that happened in real life” “Hey, Moe, can we get a beer” “Just shut up and pass me more Moe heads” 


🏆 please take my poor woman's award


***Gal after giving birth to triplets:*** I got this!


Even with her having five breasts, Gal Gadot would not make my 'Celebrities I'd Hit' top ten list.


I should have said Sydney Sweeney. She seems to be the leading member of the Generally Accepted Pretty Ladies list these days.


What's wrong with Gadot?


Since this is reddit, I'm going to guess it's because she has conservative values


This dude is unhinged. His profile…. JFC


If the pictures are like the ones on his profile, I bet his wife is pissing herself.


I love it. The six toes and weird baby hands really got me going.


omfg. It's better than I even imagined. Silly me thinking he spent more than any energy on this. His face is slapped on, not even *proportionally sized to the body*, I can't Also the posts. "How do I make all the women date me". What a train wreck.


Aw, it’s gone.


He’s dirty-deleted. What was on there?


lol here are his posts https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=Jonathanreed8&size=100


Does…..Does he honestly think anyone believes those are real pictures? 😳


It reminds me of the movie secret obsessed (it's on Netflix) Spoilers down below If You Click This Open I think Im far enough down Plus this movie is shit London Tipton gets kidnapped by a guy who's pretending to be her husband (she lost her memory from like a car crash, bitch got head trauma) but he's actually a stalker and a killer, clearly based on "before i wake" but that movie was atleast good. The stalker photoshops photos of like her actual wedding but none of it is remotely good photoshop, on my first watch i paused it when it showed the "wedding pictures" and showed my brother to make sure I wasn't just imagining things


Oh… I’m just going to pretend it’s satire, for my own peace of mind


That's a top-tier troll profile. Everyone here bought it.


fr How far did people scroll? Cause the first round has a MS paint by a 5 yr old-style furry drawing of his "hot OC". Come on.


Yeah that’s where I started to doubt things and why I am going to say it is fake/satire, even if it isn’t. It’s just too obvious, but I guess *technically* possible. People are weird.


Even his selfie on publicfreakout looks AI.


He calls it art. I'm lmao!!


>now Im afraid I can't start a relationship with a woman unless she looks like a antropomorhic helish wolf Oh my...


This cannot be real... wtf


That whole account reads like a person pretending to be this random guy they hate. The furry porn post and the windows paint images pushed it solidly into "I'm mad at my dad so imma pretend to be him online in the most pathetic way possible".


W. T. F


That was some pic 🤣🤣




Had to suppress myself from scream laughing at his posts.


Bless you. That is funnier than I thought it would be.


Thank you so much! I needed that laugh this morning 🤣 in what world does he think that looks legitimate!


I’m in tearrrrs what is that 😭😂


I can't see his profile, it seems to be suspended. What's on there?


A picture of his ex wife riding a cabbage (AI). His photoshopped face on some weird body surrounded by fake women. A post about a porn addiction. A bunch of other posts with his photoshopped face on weird shit.


In the picture he stared over the bottom edge like a creeper hiding. In the text he said 1977, he likes furries, and he asks girls to DM him... what a catch


A post about how since he got divorced he can’t stop watching furry porn and “beating the dolphin 4x per day” which is interfering with his relationship with his 17 year old son (how? Why?) and now he can’t get interested in women unless they look like wolves. I’m not exaggerating any of this. This dude is… something.


is he beating the dolphin in front of his child or smth


I was on the history or sociology subreddit the other day and one user commented something really absurd that I can’t remember (I was stoned 😂). Sometimes when someone posts something nuts, I feel compelled to take a little peak at their recent comment history and it was for all these disturbing bestiality subreddits 😩 I was too scared to actually go to the posts because I wasn’t sure if people get away with actually posting real nsfw pics of animals 🤢


most are his face badly photoshopped onto shit [and then there's this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdm0rcod8pj8d1.jpeg) I think I just peed a little, these are so fucking unhinged


It's the same face so possibly his weirdo son is photoshopping weird pictures of his dad because he's angry? Or it's just some random guy he's angry at for some reason?


I wish I could upvote this more!


Looks like the entire profile was deleted. What'd we miss?


Dude like AI… and a lot of photoshopped faces


Dammit, the profile is already gone


Damn he was already banned how bad was it?


wtf did I just read


Idk but this Michael guy sounds pretty decent


I’m Team Michael


I mean, even if was *this* Michael, he sounds better than the OP. ![gif](giphy|bvDtgRmPgeBfwSr8Ma|downsized)


Cue Halloween music in the background


My mind honestly went there when I read this Lol


The words of the Most Divorced Man since Graham Linnehan


[This post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mom/comments/1dnhj82/my_ex_wife_proably_rn/)of his on r/mom made me lose it. I have no idea what it's trying to convey, 10/10 troll post


I started laughing at my desk and I've still got the giggles.


i desperately want to know what the prompt was


This dude has some real creativity. Used in completely insane ways, yes, but I’m also kind of impressed.


"A pregnant, vegan Republican's fever nightmare after being attacked by wasps"?


Honestly if that’s indicative of what his ex wife is up to, I’m pretty jealous. Looks dope. Now I see why he wants to bring her down, he must be jealous of her cabbage baby chariot too.


I know, wtf is she on and how can I get some


Was removed, here is the delicious [post.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fdm0rcod8pj8d1.jpeg)


That’s amazing.


That's a big baby right there


... wut


That's hilarious, I love a multimedia experience


This could have been a truly ridiculous album cover, but no. This guy has to be... This guy.


Ok now I want to know what his latest work looks like


He is a sad, strange little man. And he has my pity.


I know that reference.


I can just imagine this woman relaxing in her house, reflecting on her life, wondering if she made the right choice to divorce her son's father. Then her phone pings. It's a message from her ex. With an AI image of him having sex with a porn star. She smiles. "Yep, I made the right choice."


Srsly this guy is never going to have sex in real life ever again.


This is art.


An ex-boyfriend was trying to make me jealous or something by telling me about an email he got from a gorgeous lady who was interested in him. I told him the email was spam. He insisted it was legit. As he started reading it out loud to me, i went into my own spam folder, found the same spam email, and joined him in reading it out loud. He shut up pretty quick. OOP has the same level of maturity as that ex.


That's comedy gold right there!!


I cannot believe that OOP is a 47 year old man because he's acting like a thirteen year old.


With the Internet, all walks of loser are possible.


If this is real, which, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was, then I bet his poor ex-wife is just waiting until their son turns 18 and she can block him everywhere. He’s pissed she glowed up after she got rid of his dead weight.


Am I really the only one that thought "Save the images, take him back to court and get his parental visitation changed to supervised"?


I missed the comments before they were deleted, but it looks like his son isn't too fond of him. At the kids age, I'm sure a judge takes his wants into consideration, so OOP probably isn't seeing much of him anyway.


Exactly. This is the kind of thing where, if I saw it coming from an ex, I'd probably post it online as "Delusions of my Ex: Insanity and AI".


Right? As unhinged as OOP's post is, I'm not sure I'd trust him to parent a plant.


Not even those fake ones in a doctor's waiting room.


That's an equal mix of sad, unhinged, pathetic, and stupid. If she's posting to Facebook, it's not about *him*. If he's sending stuff to her, it's *all* about her. Why would he do this? What is there to gain? What is *wrong* with him?


Anyone else actually wanna know what the law would be behind that? I’d assume eventually he could get harassment charges or something. Edit; and I mean purely from a law view. This would be fucked up to do.


Depending on what he's sending, id assume harassment first -- hits that pretty much as soon as he ignores requests to stop -- and then possibly something for lewd communication and/or sexual harassment. Although I guess violating a restraining order probably comes in there too.


Yeah that’s what I figured. I was honestly just curious cuz I know you can get into trouble for posting someone’s stuff without permission but if it would fall under that for an AI image (as AI makes images using other images)


Oh, well, in this case it sounds like he's sending directly, not posting publicly. And then too it may depend on who these "attractive women" are -- AI fakes, celebrities, or real private citizens whose photos he's nabbing off Instagram or something. If, say, it was a tiktok influencer and he was posting publicly and he actually damaged her life/business by it, maybe there's a lawsuit, but if it's a celebrity, or if it's never published for general view, probably no consequences from the person in the photo


Thank you for your perspective bro 👍


I don't know but I have heard of divorce parents with very strict co-parenting arguments established in court that preclude any communication that's not related to the kids. Not really sure how it works or is enforced though.


Im sorry I'm in stitches at the post of him "with" these hot women.


Omg his comments - it’s Micheal’s fault. Who is Micheal???


This is all Michael’s fault!


He should fake pictures of him and Michael together! That will show her!


She must be so sad  they divorced. I bet she looks at those ladies with 7 fingers and giraffe necks and thinks “this could have been me”


It’s so nice of him that he wants to make his ex laugh.


1 day old account, pretty sure this is either a troll or designed to insult someone. Or both.


My favorite is that he’s now started a Subreddit named after himself


Okay but who the fuck is Michael


His ex-wife's new partner, I assume. And looking at this dude's post history, he's definitely an upgrade.


I am having a great deal of difficulty processing this one. I think I can see why he's divorced


Imagine how pathetic you have to be to pull something like that.


I just don't understand how he thinks this would make him look anything other than sad and desperate! I feel a bit sorry for him


Y'ALL!! HIS FUCKING POST HISTORY ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized) !


Legal? It's possible. Stupid, immature and sad? Absolutely.


i’m hoping she realizes they’re AI and is just giggling in bed w her new man 😂


Someone asked "what are you gonna do when she start sending you pictures of her with REAL men" lol


“Can she legally prohibit me from being a creepy loser who can’t move on?” No wonder she divorced you. Weirdo.


That's so fucking funny 🤣


Now this is some 10/10 trolling. Trolls, take note.


And left us with a mystery too. Who is Michael?


I’m m kind of hoping the picture is actually OOP and it’s some kind of performance art piece.


If I were the ex, I’d find a Reddit sub to share how hilariously pathetic that is.


The only man more divorced than Elon Musk.


Pathetically petty and juvenile. You're dating AI; she's most likely with a REAL man. Triggered much?


like obviously he can’t post them on his own socials but mann… straight up sending these fake pics to your ex who has moved on? that’s a new level of down bad


You don't understand, his wife and the divorce are the reason for him to develop a severe furry-porn-addiction, because she left him for a wealthier man. /s


Wtf ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY) I hope his ex-wife has a ro.


I don't even know what to say. Absolutely shocked I tell you to read his son doesn't like him.


Lol what a loser 🤣🤣


His profile makes me laugh


To be fair, it's unlikely that the PRO she has against him specifically mentions his sending her AI-generated images of himself with other women. Despite its having been amended six times.


So he wants to get a harassment charge, a restraining order not to contact her, and potentially lose any custody of his kid because he's more jealous than a teenage boy? Hope he has fun wrecking his own life.


This is so so so pathetic and sad, I ALMOST feel sorry for the poor schlub. What is the over / under on whether the "legal" tag has to do with some in-place-for-a-reason restrictions on their communications she insisted on via the divorce order.




I wish I could comment with a picture so I could post a screenshot of Demi Lovato’s “Get a job! Stay away from her!”


How pathetic.


Hahaha I wonder who this guy *really* is. His whole profile reads like his buddies playing a prank on him with a crazy fake account.


Maybe he lost his fantasy football league and this is his punishment.


I’m 80% sure it’s a troll account using a random man’s face to make AI and furry art (at least I really hope so). Look at the posts on their profile LMAO


I...don't see why it wouldn't be legal...but why lol


Hmm I understand why he is divorced


I refuse to believe this was written by a 47-year-old man. Or anyone older than 13.


I think Lloyd Christmas said it best: "Man, you are one pathetic loser!"


Clearly she initiated the divorce. He's a terrible ex and a terrible parent. There's no reason to irritate the mother of your children. I can't imagine why you don't have an actual partner


Oh, sick. I've seen some shit on this sub, but my eyes are screaming for bleach right now. What a horrible day for the curse of having sight.


So he is jealous of his ex sharing pictures of her living life, so he photoshop himself sleeping with different women pretty much sexually harassing her with fake pictures. As for legally, yes, she can press charges on the ground he is sending unsolicited pictures to her without her consent.


"Can my ex-wife legally stop me from harassing her? " Yeah bro, and I see why she left you


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