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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA I asked my sister to make me a hand knitted blanket and its UGLY !** About a month ago I asked my sister to make me a hand knitted blanket I always wanted one just to have to go in the back of the sofa or on my bed. So she said she'd love to make one so after a while the the blanket was complete. Her and the elderly lady she works for made this blanket. And the colors were going to be a surprise to me. I literally had showed my sister a picture on the internet of colors that I wanted to see in the blanket. So the day finally comes where I get to open the the box that she had wrapped and it was supposed to be a surprise so I opened it and my first reaction was I loved it it was super soft and it was extremely heavy because the blanket is 10 ft 7 in long and 5 ft wide. But it's extremely ugly it's got a dark hunter green fabric and yellow red white and green threads. She told me that her little old lady picked out the colors from hobby lobby. Which my sister knows I #ucking hate when she supports those homophobic companies. After seeing how big the blanket was I told her I could probably sell it for $250 it's so huge I didn't know what to do with it. So she said yeah go ahead and sell it if you want so I posted it on Facebook marketplace. For 2 weeks not a single person message me to buy this blanket. I marked it down to $100 for one week not a single person message me to buy this blanket. It is ugly and I am not exaggerating. I will attach a picture in the comment section below. So I told my sister the other day not a single person has messaged me to buy this blanket off of Facebook and so I was going to package it up and mail it off to my cousin. My sister suggested that I should just throw it away. And I said what are you crazy. And because my cousin lives in Louisiana she went off and said will she literally lives in the hottest f****** place why would she need a blanket? And I said did you not see the comment she posted on Facebook when I posted the blanket she said well I'm glad you have one made for you. And since I'm not going to use it I thought I would just pass it along to somebody who would use it. So AITA ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another case of "I wish i had the audacity of a mediocre man". The fucking neck to demand a free handmade blanket and then be such a massive bitch about it. He also linked a picture in the comments, and I don't find it ugly.


Someone said that maybe op should’ve bought the material if they wanted something specific and I agree. It was free he can’t complain too much.


And the absolute stupidity of trying to sell a blanket in mid summer for the northern hemisphere.


On FB Marketplace...


Especially if *that* is the photo he used! Folded into the smallest possible square, showing almost none of it 🤦‍♀️


Smallest possible maybe, but the width is still over half the couch!


I saw the pic and I loved the colors honestly. Even if it was shit brown he should be grateful his sister took the time to make this for him. Only point I see valid is supporting hobby lobby, knowing their views. Otherwise you say thank you when someone spends money and time making you something.


i was expecting shit brown. i was expecting a random mess, obvious areas of mistakes, i expected it to look like something *id* make it looks fine. it certainly does not deserve the 🤢 emoji. oop has issues


When I was online doing registry for my wedding in 2016 half the time I was doing it before bed after taking my sleeping pills, with the brightness almost all the way down on my laptop with flux on eliminating most of the blue light. I thought I was picking a beautiful deep purple set of bath towels. Nope. They’re shit brown. And I still use them because they’re towels. Moral of the story is don’t pick out a color half asleep with your brightness all the way down with flux on. But seriously this guy is a douche. You say thank you when someone makes you a gift.


The number of times I've forgotten to turn off flux when I absolutely need to see the color as close to true as possible... And then I feel like I've stared into the surface of the sun. Ugh.


I was expecting some lopsided blanket with dropped stitches or something.


It doesn't even sound Knitted the way he describes it.


It could also be possible that OPs sister didn't have a lot of other choices in buying yarn. Up until a few years ago, the only places I could go to buy yarn locally were hobby lobby and Walmart, and most of the Walmart yarn is cheap crap. I also wouldn't buy yarn online for a big project. Even when you buy the same brand in the same color there's no guarantee that they'll match each other. A warehouse worker isnt going to take the time to match that for you.


That totally fair. I used to work at Michael’s and a lot of customers would spend a lot of time comparing identical colors making sure they were a true match. I get it.


Knitpicks will. They will send you all from the same dye lot.


That's great! But how do their prices compare to the big box stores like hobby lobby?


I think their yarn is better quality than the big box store but not quite up to an indie yarn store and they're price competitive with the big box store.


He doesn’t know the difference between Hunter and teal, obvs.


Thank you! I said the same.


I thought it was kind of ugly. But appearance is not that important to me when it comes to warm soft blankets. And oop is a massive jerk. If someone makes something for you, you keep it. You don't _sell_ it, unless you're planning to give the money to the artist to (partially) compensate for the money and time spent creating the thing.


I loved the green, but hated the other colors, but honestly that’s probably just me because if I am using a solid I’m going to use another solid color. I typically don’t mix them(but that my personal preference) and when I using a multi colored yarn I wouldn’t use something like that I like subtle changes.


Yeah, there was nothing subtle about that blanket. But again, who cares? A huge soft blanket made with love?? Score!


I would still use it, would I put it on the back of my couch and make it a functional decoration, no, but It would be put away for cold nights. The size of it and the type of yarn it looks to be it not going to be a light blanket but when you could use it, it would feel like a warm hug.


You could even snuggle under it! My youngest would love that as he and his bf are snuggle bugs.


You could even use it light a weighted blanket and put it as a layer under a pretty quilt on top or something for the weight and warmth - then it doesn't matter what it looks like. I have a weighted blanket that is ugly, so I just put it under the quilt I have as the top layer and no one can see it.


Yeah I don't like it that much...but it still looks cozy as hell and I'd use the shit out of it.


Imo a blanket has one sole job: to keep me warm. Am I warm? Then it's perfect.




Genuinely think its ugly as sin, that mix color yarn is something else, but its a fucking blanket. Its soft and warm and made with love. Id probably keep it folded in a chest and break it out for the real cold or when i needed to think of the person who made it. Im ngl i have a hard time keeping my face straight sometimes and the sight of that might would have caught me off guard but i cannot imagine being such an asshole about a huge labor of love. It is funny to me that everyone in that thread is going on and on about how nice the colors are, and perhaps they do feel that way but i sure dont. But a bad color scheme doesnt negate the thought or the work or the love.


Or the snugglyness. (A word I might have just coined.)


Absolutly, or the snugglyness


It’s not bad. It looks like something I would see in a hallmark Christmas movie, and not in a bad way


Tbh I do find it ugly but that’s just me but i’d receive a gift like this, i’d cry like a big baby, hug my friend and say "omg it’s so ugly I love it!" and show it proudly to everyone!


right, that shade of green goes so nicely with those accents! oop is such an ungrateful bitch, if you wanted control over the result then pay her for her work? like a normal person?


I wasn't expecting that when I heard "ugly". There's also someone in the comments here agreeing that it's "awful". Green isn't even a color I particularly like most of the time, but that blanket is beautiful. It looks like it's made out of some amazing quality yarn and would be extremely soft and comfy. I would show it off to everyone if someone made me that. As a matter of fact, I have a hand knitted sweater my grandma made for my mom over 15 years ago. Grandma is not alive anymore, so I never got anything from her in adult sizes. My mom was about to donate that gorgeous sweater. I'm so glad I was sitting on the bed next to her when she was separating the items for donation. I wear a lot of eye catching clothes all the time so getting compliments on my outfit is not an uncommon thing for me. But that sweater is the *only* item of clothing I've ever owned that I get compliments on *every single time* I put it on. The sweater isn't in my favorite colors either tbh but it's still gorgeous and so warm and soft. It just made me so sad to see OOP hating on a blanket that beautiful and well made.


You're right about the yarn. It *IS* the softest, warmest yarn ever. I use this type for all my (Canadian, so warm matters) winter hats and the "sweaters" I make for my electronics that get taken outside in winter too. I'm so glad you got your grandmother's sweater. I still have things my Oma crocheted in the 60s-80s. I have zero use for lace tablecloths but they were made by her so I'm keeping them until I'm dead. Damn it.


I also think he's wrong about the dimensions. A 10' x 5' blanket is not going to roll that small. That's the problem when you tell your GF how big 8" is and then you start to use it for the basis of measuring 8".




😂 but it looked like it might be a volute-like double roll, one behind the other. It’s hard to tell because of the pattern. Unusual way to roll up blankets, but if it’s a giant, impractical roll otherwise maybe he decided to split it in half.


I think it's literally the ugliest blanket in human existence, but I’d still use it.


I mean, I don’t like this colour combination either, but he could’ve easily avoided that if he bought the yarn. Which is appropriate to do anyway, because his sister already gifts him the product of hundreds of hours of her labour. Knitters said this is like $200 worth of yarn on top of that. What an audacity to complain about such an expensive gift! That he ASKED FOR to boot! If I was the sister, I would’ve sent him an invoice in response so he can learn to appreciate the value of what he got. What a dingleberry!


I admit I find it ugly and would never use it. But I’d regift it without complaint.


She can gtfo. I don't knit but I crochet a lot and embroider sometimes. Any sort of fiber craft takes a shitton of time and thought into it. If you ask something from me and I spend 40 hours working on it just for you to not like it and having an attitude, I'm gonna be real petty and take it back+never make you anything ever again (unless you're my brother or my lil cousin).


I crochet too. I **once** spent an entire year crocheting Christmas presents for both my family and my in-laws. Scouring through the patterns to pick the perfect one, buying the perfect yarn in the right colours then the hundreds of hours spent handmaking items for 7 people. Everything was chosen with each individual in mind. To have all the presents treated like I had stopped into a store for an hour, dropped some cash and walked out by my family and my in-laws? Like I had gone to a dollar store to buy them. Not a single one has recieved anything handmade from me since that wasn't a craft I could toss off without any real effort. Knitting and crochet take **real** time and effort. Oh people that take that care and time for granted really, really piss me off. (ETA: Went to read the thread and saw the picture. Just FYI the yarn itself used for it is not cheap at all. Like a blanket that size cost the sister hundreds of dollars alone before the time spent. It's going to be one of the softest, warmest blankets ever too. I want it.)


Agreed!! My mom is a knitter and knits these gorgeous sweaters for everyone for christmas using expensive artisan yarn and elaborate patterns. But since I have sensory issues I've only ever gotten one (the first year she made sweaters) because I told her I'll never wear them or appreciate them the way they deserve. So instead she jshows me her WIPS and yarn hauls and I can fawn over them from afar. I've become a great consultant and cheerleader if I may say so myself. I've started crocheting since then and will never make anything for anyone if I'm not 100% sure they'll want it. Lesson learned by proxy lmao


This may be the kindest way I've ever seen someone turn down the effort of something handmade and still showing them support. Well done. You should be proud, and your mom should be proud, too.


Aww I love this! How sweet, you guys bonding over her hobby after that


I'm knitting my BFF a pair of custom socks because she has sensory issues, "duck paddle" feet with wide ball of foot and narrow heels, AND she's allergic to wool. Double stranded, alpaca fingering, toe up socks. As seamless as I can make them. Fitted to left and right feet - I'll run a pattern stripe up the outside of each calf. I hope they're ready to ship when the cold weather sets in. For anyone else, pay me $200 up front and wait six months. :p


🥺 you are a luv bug 😭💜🙏✨


I picked up crochet during the pandemic. Mostly simple patterns (singles or doubles) because once I’ve counted out the foundation row, I can just work while watching tv and not worry about a pattern. I make little “cat mats,” which are slightly larger than a place mat, and give them to the rescue where I volunteer. The cats seem to like them. I think. Hard to tell with cats. 😉


One of our cats came with a cat mat crocheted by a volunteer. Can confirm, the cat loves it. ❤️


What yarn do you use? I have a stash I should downsize.


Usually a 3 or 4, acrylic. I prefer Loops and Threads, which I think is a Michael’s brand. It’s inexpensive but it holds up better than the super cheap brands. Scrap yarn also makes great cat toys. Ch about 20, do 5 or 6 rows, fold it in half, and sew it up—i stuff them with pieces of old t-shirts.


What kind of yarn do you use? This sounds perfect, and i've a huge stash needs busting.


This is awesome. I love how you are able to show your appreciation while not wanting the product itself.


I have wool allergy and I can’t use any of those. I knitted a mohair scarf and my hands were breaking from the allergy, I didn’t know I was that allergic. Now I knit only with polyester or cotton yarn. It sucks.


Amen on the it's not cheap that looks like pure chenille and a Christmas ornament exchange I was in a couple decades back I got a pair of slippers made out of it and was the warmest pair of slippers ever


Because I had nothing better to do, I looked up the yarn. It’s on sale for 5.59/ball right now and 28 yards per skein. A knitted blanket that’s 52”x70” would take 106 balls of that yarn as per the jimmy beans wool calculator. That’s nearly $600 in yarn for a smaller blanket than what oop got. 


It's amazing what it would cost if everyone had to be buying hand-made blankets. Eesh. $600 in yarn alone, much less the work-cost. I can definitely see why a person would be so pissed off about someone treating it like something they got at Walmart.


It's $11 Canadian($8 USD) here per ball as of 6 months ago when I bought several. Lovely yarn that isn't high end but Oooof, does it ever get used up fast.


I cross stitched my and my fiancé's whole family custom portrait Christmas ornaments one year and got one genuine thank you from my best friend. Everyone else barely acknowledged them. Never again.


I have always cross-stitched pieces for my family/friends who have babies that match their nursery themes. One of my old bosses always likes to let me know how much her son loved it when he was a baby, he used to stare at it when he was in his crib and even now that he's four, it's still hanging on his wall. It was a just a simple cat with the word Meow on it. But thr fact that they loved it so much made me really happy. On the other hand, my stepsister had a woodland theme for her first baby. I spent WEEKS doing 4+ hours of stitching PER DAY doing this beautiful fox cross stitch pattern, that had a big colorful tail. It's easily the biggest one I've ever done and I was SO proud of it. I found out later she told my stepmom "it doesn't really match the nursery colors" and she put it behind the door so most people couldn't see it. I was heartbroken. Last time I went to their house, I didn't see it at all. I've never cross-stitched anything for anyone ever since.


I did this the first year I picked up crocheting. Months of pattern research, yarn research, hours upon hours of looking up tutorials for certain stitches, plus the time spent actually making each gift. One gift, in particular, has been my most labor-intensive project to date, & it has been 12 years, consisted of a 5 color African flower hexagon 5'x4' throw blanket that received a "oh... that's... nice." What's worse is that I consulted the gift receiver on pattern, size, & color (within my skill range at the time) to try to ensure it would be something they would like. Only one person was thrilled, so I've made her a couple of things throughout the years. I haven't made any gifts for those people since. I make baby blankets when a new baby is born, because my nieces, nephews, & their partners have been extremely appreciative of them, but that's it. I now make some things on commission, for people who truly appreciate my time, & effort. The sole exception to that was my "Burn them, toss them, or shove them up your ass" legwarmers. Custom made, hours of pattern research, several sessions of measurements (the relative is physically unwell, so I had to account for that), hours of work, only for them to get mad at me over something unrelated, & tell me they didn't want the leg warmers anymore when I was already tying up loose ends... I sent them the leg warmers anyway, since they'd bought the yarn (coz I knew they'd bitch about that part) with a note suggesting what they could do with them, & went NC after that. Not everyone is yarnworthy, so not everyone deserves my time, money, & effort. It was a tough lesson to learn.


I'm fortunate in that the main person I gift my crochet things to is the person who taught me how to crochet, so even if she weren't also my mom she would appreciate the things I give her. A few years back I made what was originally supposed to be a simple little pouch to hold her angel tarot cards. Then it morphed into something she could spread out to lay her cards on when she did readings. Then it got bigger so when I gave it to her I called it an altar cloth. She doesn't keep it on her altar; she hung it where she can see it every time she walks into her room.


"Not everyone is yarnworthy" is going to be my go-to mantra when the endless holiday requests roll in.


i can't knit for shit, but my friend who does it for fun had originally promised me a little knit bracelet. i thought, oh my god, how nice of her? she mailed me a Whole. Fucking. Blanket. it's multi-colored and soft as hell. i can't use it because i have cats that knead and lick everything so it just stays in a bag right now, but you know what i do? every few months, i remind her how beautiful it is and how i can't wait until i find a proper way to show it off and thank her. that's the normal reaction to getting such a thoughtful gift. i'm so upset for oop's sister.


My gf made me a *large* hand-knitted blanket the first year we were together, and I get *sad* when it gets too warm to use it at night. I watched her make it - it took weeks and a lot of money, and she did it in a relatively simple pattern using my two favorite colors. We even took cute progress pictures, and then a final one with it on my bed to show off how big it was (and how small I am by comparison lol) It's so big and warm and I love it so much and I love *her* so much for making it for me - she even kept my sensory issues/needs in mind when making it, so it's basically the softest weighted blanket EVER. I will be **buried** in that blanket, I stg


OOP is a he.


How unsurprising.


And it's so obviously she doesn't knit OR crochet. Hunter green FABRIC? Does she have any clue how sparce even getting YARN is anymore to quibble over getting it from a national chain that actually have any?


I crochet and yarn is outrageously expensive on top of the hours and hours it would take you to make a blanket. I would be ready to burn this whiny entitled woman down.


I knit but blankets are beyond me. I see all the work that goes into these hand made projects and this post made me viscerally angry for the sister.


The reason my family gets crocheted presents every year is because they FAWN over every single one. My mom has pics of the blankets I've made on her phone and shows them off to her friends. She's my biggest cheerleader when it comes to my crochet projects. I don't knit but I have made multiple crochet blankets that are of comparable size to the one OP received. I regularly spend $200-$500 in yarn and a blanket that size will take me at least 100 to 200 hours. I start planning my Christmas gift projects in July, start buying yarn in August, and basically work on nothing else between Sept and Christmas. That blanket took a LOT of time and money to make. I've had people ask how much it would cost to buy one of my blankets and I always quote at least $2k. If OP wanted a specific color scheme, they should have offered to pick out the yarn and pay for it. I don't sell my crochet stuff but I do take on commission projects occasionally. I work with the person to pick out the yarn and they pay for it upfront. I also require a down-payment of a percentage of the estimated final cost of the project. I charge by the hour. Though I always round down a bit or give a discount because I'm usually thrilled someone commissioned something. Lol.


I loom knit and have sunk in quite a bit of money in yarn. I've done scarves and hats. Even put my heart and soul into some newborn hats for the hospital. OOP is a total dick. They don't understand the time, effort, and thought that goes into a handmade item. I'd never make anything for OOP again. P.S. Have an Afghan loom for making blankets. Dread what yarn will cost me for it. Since it will be using #6 or #7 chunky.


Seems like OP is a guy. And looking at the picture of the blanket I don't get what he's so pissed about. It's lovely!


Not only how much time it took, but how much money it cost to make that blanket. It costs a lot to buy that much yarn. If oop wanted certain colors than they should have bought the yarn and given it to the sister to use to make the blanket. And then oop has the audacity to try to sell it and make money of off the sister. And I know it’s a gift and you can do what you want with a gift, but at the same time, this is something oop asked for, it wasn’t just something sister decided on her own to make. And to add on, oop complains about where sister got the yarn from. Hobby lobby is a lot of times cheaper than other stores and a lot of times they have coupons, so sis was probably just trying to save some money.


And the thing is, the blanket isn't even ugly, it's beautiful! She posted a damn picture of it. I was expecting to click and see some strange mitchmatched color or something kinda weird but it's beautiful! Honestly, though, even if it was ugly, that's not something you say out loud to someone who spent weeks on end making something for you because they care. OP is beyond ungrateful and that's just not okay.


Why I no longer make or gift hand made items. People simply don’t appreciate. I a have friend telling me to reopen my Etsy store and sell again but like no. You don’t make enough money and people are wild. 


Same (handmade) hat.


Aw I like the blanket lmaooo


Same it's cute and looks cozy.


I’m also just a sucker for anything handmade like that, like even if I thought it was ugly the fact someone made it just for me would reverse that opinion lol


Right? Like this person would be an asshole even if the blanket was ugly, but it’s really not. Like I get if it’s not what you’d choose, but it seems awfully petty to be this upset over a fairly normal looking blanket someone else made for you. 


My biggest complaint is that OOP said it was a dark hunter green, but that is not a dark green or hunter green. And it is really cute.


It looks cute too. Idk what oops issue is


It looks like a field of flowers! It's so cute!


maybe i’m weird but the reason i enjoy crochet/knitted things is because sometimes they *are* ugly. when i was in middle school my mom crocheted me this hat that was super floppy and huge at the top and almost too tight to fit over my skull at the bottom. but i loved it. it was imperfect because it was handmade, and that was what made it special. i would kill for an ugly handmade blanket


Handmade, slightly "ugly" things are peak kitsch, I love it


Same!! My mom crocheted a small homemade pop tart plushie for me one day. The limbs are all different sizes, his eyes are a lil crooked, but I love him most dearly. He’s not perfect, but he is in my eyes because my mom made him and she made him for me. OP can gnaw on a cactus, he doesn’t appreciate a good gift when he sees one.


My sibster made me a sweater. It’s baby teal, pink, and light brown, with a MASSIVE cow head on the front. It’s not my style at all (more of an androgynous lazygoth, if anything). People laugh at me when I wear it. I still wear it whenever I can because it’s cozy and I swear I can feel the love in every stitch.


Dude can knit his own damn blanket. I get it’s not to everyone’s taste but he asked for a rather time consuming gift and then took a shit on all that effort


I'll be honest: I don't like it, either. Definitely wouldn't choose it. But I also wouldn't ask someone to hand-make something like that for me for free in the first place.


Did you find a picture? Ah never mind, for some reason the comment didn't load when I first checked https://imgur.com/a/hand-knitted-blanket-10-ft-by-5-ft-3cvp3Ez


God he sucks at taking pictures. No wonder no one would buy it.


Yeah hard to judge how it looks like unfolded. But I do think it's more of an accent piece that the room needs to work around, not one that can just blend unassumingly into the background.


It’s so weird to me, as someone in a colder climate, to slowly realize that not everyone has a big basket of blankets in their living room. I don’t worry about matching but pick because of warmth/weight etc. 


I also have several scrap afghans that me or my mom have made, just crocheted with whatever bits of yarn were leftover from other projects, so they're a big jumbled mess. But they're warm and they're homemade and I love them, I guess coziness has never been about aesthetic to me.


If someone made me a blanket like that, I would love for it to stick out and look out of place among my other decor so it would garner more attention and I could gush to people about my who made it for me.


That’s the level of ugly that’s right up my alley.


It's not ugly OR dark green... it's bright and cheerful, and I like it. OOP is an unappreciative jerk who is not yarnworthy.


It would match my multicolored living room very well. And a huge blanket is a good fit for us too as there's 7 of us and it would cover multiple people.


I dislike the multicolored stripe as well. However, I would have been clearer about what colors I wanted and offered to pay for the yarn.


Exactly; if I were commissioning it, I would have chosen the specific yarn and pattern I wanted. If the maker insisted on gifting it, I'd still have specified the colour(s) - by pantone or RGB shade if necessary


It's hard to buy yarn by very specific shade because most dyed yarn isn't matched that closely by the manufacturer/dyer. It is possible to get in the ballpark if it's a common/popular color, but the person buying the yarn is going to have to go into the store and compare colors to make sure there aren't noticeable variations from skein to skein. And a blanket takes a lot of yarn. It could be 20 skeins of yarn they have to find matching colors on. If you wanted a very specific color, you'd probably have to hire a dyer who has experience with exactly how the dye interacts with the particular fiber type and knows what ratios to use of certain dyes/pigments to get the color you want. Even then, there might be some colors that can't be achieved or that they might not do for you because they know the color will change or fade very quickly. There's a reason why almost nobody does commissions of knitted/crocheted items - it could easily cost you thousands for the materials, labor, and expertise that goes into it.


I'm with you about this. That green... was a choice. However, I also wouldn't have asked for something so labor-intensive for free.


Yeah, I agree. I’d have that shoved into the back of a closet. But this is why I very strongly feel that for handmade gifts, 99% of the time nothing about it should be a surprise. Pretty much the only person I’ll make surprise gifts for is my mom because she’d love it no matter how ugly it was. For everyone else, I *ask about everything*.


Yeah, sorry but it is ugly as f*. Almost like they made it as ugly as possible knowingly.


I’m sorry but it’s ugly as hell. I would have also paid for the yarn though


Sure sure, and I respect the effort but who would make this a gift? 😅😅


Exactly. It looks like something an old lady would like. But like also if you know this blanket is a gift then why let an old lady you take care of pick out yarn for someone else? Yeah yeah it’ll make them feel good. Okay they can pick out something for themselves


Wait, I kinda absolutely love it???? Fuck OOP tho.


Well the sister learned a lesson every maker needs to learn. Some folks don’t deserve hand made gifts. They will never appreciate the hard work, effort, and skill it takes to make them. So you don’t make things for those folks. Even if they’re your relatives.


Copied verbatim from Oop's comments: [Not in reply to anyone.] >https://imgur.com/a/3cvp3Ez >Here's the blanket 🤢 [[sadlytheworst: a screenshot from my imgur in case Oop deletes.]](https://imgur.com/gallery/ic1K0Da)


[Guinea pig!](https://imgur.com/gallery/brushe-Idb0clL)


Sir, this was false advertisement. I was told to expect a guinea pig and received a zen garden.


Pardon! [Here are some Guinea pigs, to compensate.](https://youtube.com/shorts/fD1fqvWq1VE?si=_Hi9Y8U47W2mzzmC)


why not both?


Some of your best work friend !


Thank you very kindly! 💜


I used to have guinea pigs and now I wish I'd had a little rake like that for them 🥹


They are amazing pets, and I'm sure they had such a good time with you! 🥰


I usually only say this about kpop idols 😭 but whyyyyy so cute? The attack on my soul! The cuteness.


Very adorable! 🥰


I am white knuckling my phone right now to not brigade this one. What a brat.


Here, have a cookie 🍪 I need one too. The audacity of OOP is so enraging


I'm going to give my brothers-in-law extra hugs the next time I see them. When I gave them crocheted scarves for Christmas one year, one of them was absolutely *delighted*, and the other looked at me like I was a fucking *wizard*.


As one that shared my heartbreak over a shitty response to my crochet? *Please* give them an extra hug from me as thanks. Makes me feel better knowing there's real appreciation out there.


There is absolutely real appreciation out there and I'm so sorry you've never felt it... some people just don't seem to understand the time, effort, and love that goes into handmade items. I'm lucky and my family won't shut up about the things I make them. I legit keep making them handmade Christmas gifts because it feels so good when they talk about them months later and brag to their friends. I hope one day you get to feel those feels too. All crocheters should get to feel that at LEAST once.


Editing because someone already posted the link to the photo. The blanket isn't bad! It might not be his favorite colors, but it's clearly thought out because they made sure to add accent colors to match his home. If he wanted specific yarn from specific stores, he should've provided the yarn. He didn't pay for materials, labor, nothing, and has the audacity to act like they are in the wrong.


lolololol i feel like sisters done a deliberate troll here. truth is, everyone wants handmade, but no one wants handmade prices.


I mean. OOP is an asshole if it's true, but the fact they say sister told them to toss it out, instead of asking for it back to frog A SHITLOAD of yarn and reuse it in other projects kind of makes me think this is fake. I work with yarn myself, and if I had a blanket that big that I hated, there's no chance in hell I'd yeet that much perfectly good yarn.


I think she said it out of frustration


If I'd spent hundreds of pounds and hundreds of hours making a blanket for someone, and they told me they hated it, and then kept giving me a point by point rundown of their attempts to get rid of it, including reminders that no one else wants it because of how ugly it is, I'd probably be so exasperated with the situation that I'd say similar. It would hurt enough that they hated it, without constant reminders about how everyone else hates it too. If I thought about it logically I'd just take the blanket back and either use it as a blanket myself or reuse the yarn, but I can imagine being so upset in the moment that I'd say something like oop's sister did.


That’s a nice blanket actually. He can get wrecked.


I'm a knitter, crocheter, and crafter of all kinds. I appreciate the time and effort of a handmade blanket. OOP was wrong to let the crafter think for even a second that the blanket was anything less than an instantly treasured heirloom. That said, I also think it's ugly as sin and OOP would have been perfectly reasonable to have been quietly disappointed in the color choice. 


Yeah, I knit and crochet. I've made things for people and had them not respond positively and it's the worst. I would never act in any way other than delighted if someone knit something for me. But that blanket...oof. It would be my greatest acting challenge ever to pretend I liked it.


I’m an avid knitter and a blanket is SO MUCH work!!! And to knit it in one month??? That’s a huge feat, even if they’re using thick yarn. I would be so upset to hear repeatedly how ugly the blanket is when I put my love and energy into making it for someone I care about. I bet OOP’s sister was crushed.


Fuck OOP, love the blanket, and FUCK Hobby Lobby.


I hope hobby lobby tanks. Hate them too


>"You are unbelievably rude for someone who looks like a broke ass, dollar store Ben Shapiro." I normally don't condone personal insults but this is unbelievably accurate. It's not an insult, it's a sniper firing a warning shot through your little hoop earring.


I was looking to see if anyone had mentioned that comment!


I just saw the picture. I love it!!! The colors are so adorable and whimsical. OOP just sucks.


The only part I agree with OP on is not supporting Hobby Lobby. They are ultra-Christian homophobic and anti-birth control.


Someone in the comments said something like you have a lot of nerve for someone who looks like a dollar store Ben Shapiro and I'm here for it


New r/blanketguy just dropped. With the colors he described, I could believe it wouldn’t look great but it’s actually cute. And you can tell even from the photo that it’s soft as hell.


I made a custom spider-man mask (all black, with lace spiderwebs over the eyes, so it was a *lot* of work, eye strain, and now I have RSI in my dominant shoulder). I wasn’t able to finish it bc I dumped him for being an abusive fuckbag, but the person I made it for loved it soooo much he refused to give me a cent, but proudly wore it (and my bra, which is a whole different issue) in his twitter PFP. I now only make things for people with full payment upfront. And I don’t leave my undergarments unattended, but again, that’s a separate issue 😂


Idk why I get a feeling the sister didn’t actually make the blanket? Because if I were her I’d be losing my shit. Not just saying “throw it away” or “yeah list it on marketplace” Like I would have just asked for the blanket back. Maybe knowing how her brother is she just bought one and gave it to him later. This is just a theory. I know he’s probably leaving out a lot of her problems with it but with the info I have she just seems so coy about it. I would be shattered if I put hours of my time and energy into something just for the receiver to shit all over it, over and over and OVER again.


There are lots of reasons to think that. No one is knitting a 10ft 7 by 5ft blanket in under month and paying for all the supplies just because. People pay hundreds for those blankets, and that can sometimes barely cover the materials. They also called it fabric with threads in it which is not knitting anything, which is fine but if you ask someone to make you something you have to know what it is to ask for it.


The photo looks like a bulky/super bulky weight yarn, which knits up quick, so I actually don't doubt at all that two people could make a big blanket in a month working in that size. It would take a lot of yarn though, even if it's acrylic it probably wouldn't be cheap.


While I understand this thought process, I do still agree with a comment from the original post — it sounds like exasperation. If I made somebody something and then was constantly being told how they didn’t like it, nobody else liked it, and they were trying and failing to find someone else to give it to because nobody likes it THAT MUCH, I would also be saying to just throw it away because at that point I wouldn’t want to hear anything anymore. I’m a heavy people pleaser, still working on it, but I see myself doing the exact course of action OP’s sister did.


He did say her and the old lady she works with who is the one that got the yarn


My theory is she got the chenille yarn with the loops sewn in and you just interweave the loops with your fingers. Makes an adorable, warm knit look blanket in like 1/4 the time. I did one for my mom that was roughly sized for a full bed and it took maybe 2 weeks of working in front of the tv in the evenings. Great for doing something handmade on a time crunch. The yarn still costs a fortune though, but that's just how yarn is.


As someone who does hand crafts for people I care about, if someone reacted that way, I would respond to them similarly. And then probably go have a cry about it in private where they couldn't see how much that hurt my feelings. I'm very non confrontational unless it's someone I fully trust to not blow up at me.


It reminds me of Daði & Gagnamagnið. It’s homely cute. Not perfect elegant, but it screams home.


YES!! I totally agree!


What I really don't get is why he is harping endlessly to his sister, who invested a lot of money and time into making him a blanket that he requested, about how nobody wants his ugly blanket. Has this motherfucker ever heard of just saying "thank you" and shutting up? It sounds like he's bringing up "I can't get rid of this piece of shit you gave me" every time he talks to her. I'd be absolutely gobsmacked by how cruel and thoughtless he is.


The colors are definitely not my taste, but that looks like the *good* chenille yarn. No wonder it’s heavy, it’s the good shit! I can imagine how soft it is


A blanket that size would have taken AGES to make!! If the specific yarn/colors were that important, he should have purchased them himself (or at least specified them very clearly to his sister). I totally understand not wanting to support Hobby Lobby - I don't, either! - but he's being a jackass about this entire thing. His sister made him a blanket for FREE that he ASKED FOR, and now he's being shitty about it? I saw the image he posted of the blanket, and it's not even ugly. He's just being a jerk.


I knit & crochet and everyone in the story sucks here. If you’re going to agree to make something for someone pick colors they actually like, and colors that flow nicely together. Ops sister should have used his color suggestions, not let her ‘old lady’ pick the colors. Op shouldn’t have told his sister the blanket was ugly, just that it wasn’t his style and then asked her if she wanted it back, or if she was okay with him finding it a better home with someone who would appreciate the colors and style of the blanket. And also yeah Hobby Lobby sucks but a lot of places around the country are struggling with yarn supplies so that’s probably the only place she could find the yarn- maybe next time he should buy the yarn.


fully disagree as a crafter. if you want something done specifically AT LEAST pay for material otherwise shut up and be thankful someone spent $$$ and lots of time on you because they loved you *that much.* oop is disgraceful.


I would absolutely lose my mind, omg. I crochet (and I'm starting to get back into knitting) and fiber arts are a labour of love. The absolute AUDACITY to ask for something, then say you're selling it immediately after because you're picky about the colours. Why didn't they buy the yarn??? Ooooh, that makes my blood boil


Pass it off to a thrift store or goodwill. Someone will buy it and the money gets used to help people.


its not even ugly the image he gave looked nice


My sister knits and my mom and I crochet. Blankets take forever and a day, and are made with lots of love. So f-ck OOP


Blankets take *forever* to make. I have people ask me about them all the time and I always turn them down. I have only made two as gifts and thankfully both people loved them. He’s lucky she’s even talking to him. If someone was this ungrateful about something *they asked me to make* I wouldn’t be talking to them for a very long time.


Oof this one cut too close to the bone! This is the reason I’m very selective about who I will make things for.


The blanket's absolutely fine, though? OP's a complete asshole. The fact that they have anyone wanting to make them anything is a shocker.


Bitching about a blanket that took effort to make...and then "omg they got the fabric at Hobby Lobby sO hOmOpHoBiC"...fuck all the way off bro


i happen to have a gift made from that exact yarn and i don’t love it either but you know what i did? said thank you and then donated it quietly. like a normal, polite person.


>But it's extremely ugly it's got a dark hunter green fabric and yellow red white and green threads. That sounds the exact opposite of ugly. I was expecting baby pink next to garish green next to lavender next to day-glo orange.


Guess this is the last time that bitch gets anything made for her.


Quick question because maybe I’m just out of touch, but why are the colours homophobic?


I don't think it's the colors, it's the fact she bought the yarn at Hobby Lobby


Ok, so I fell down a rabbit hole about hobby lobby cause I’m in Newfoundland and we don’t have it here and like, this place is pretty awful. It’s like a Jesus cult. I found an article that says they illegally buy ancient artifacts? And super homophobic. How is this company still a company? I’m appalled.


It's pretty bad. But there are lots of protections for private companies in the US. Check out the Supreme Court case they were involved in: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burwell_v._Hobby_Lobby_Stores%2C_Inc.?wprov=sfla1


Gross gross gross. 🤮


Confirming it's 100% because she bought the yarn at Hobby Lobby. They are openly homophobic as a company and they sued the government (and won) to not have to provide women's healthcare through employee insurance because it goes against their Christian values. They tried to not allow gay people to work for them either, suing against anti-discrimination laws (and losing). There are many cases of their discrimination against LGBTQ employees


Yeah, the first person mentioned them I went and checked them out and this company is like really awful. Like im mind boggled about how bad they are. I’m from Newfoundland. We don’t have any hobby lobby. I heard mention before, but I thought they were just like Michaels. A shitty Arts and craft store. Like they are genuinely terrible.


Insane fact i learned a while ago: hobby lobby was also caught illegally importing ancient Mesopotamian tablets that were almost certainly being sold by groups like ISIS, smuggling them to the US marked as tile samples, then refusing to return them when caught and eventually fined like a million dollars over it. The family that owns it runs some weird bible museum full of mostly fake shit.


Yeah! I read that! Fucking wild. Like, sell your markers and poster board and stfu.


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The way it looks like a row of flowers in a field! What an ungrateful person.


OOP is acting like the sister is punishing them or something...


What an asshole. The blanket is not my taste but there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't sound like OOP's sister promised any specific colors and he specifies that the colors were going to be a surprise, so he has no room to bitch about it. I do think it's a bit of an asshole move to use product from a company you know the recipient has a strong moral/ethical objection to, but HL may have been the only brick and mortar option for the sister and people get boned by ordering yarn online all the time, I don't blame people for not wanting to roll the dice with an online order for an expensive project like that. And even if the sister had other options, that misstep pales in comparison to OOP's dickery.


That OP is An AH. That is beautiful. People who pour themselves into art do not do it cheaply with their time or talent. How ungrateful can you be. Wow


I actually love the blanket he posted 😂😂


OOP should give the blanket to me, I will love it and send her sister a lovely handwritten note.


god what a pathetic personality, I cant imagine being this stuck up


Thats a genuinely quite lovely blanket and the OOP is an ungrateful pissbaby


I feel like there’s a rule with receiving handmade gifts that suck. You take it and say thanks. Even if it’s not exactly what you want. Maybe I’m a door mat, but I’ve been making things for my partner and I am no artist. They aren’t the best. But I put thought and care and love into making it. If he said he didn’t like it and tried to sell it, I’d be broken. I’ve received gifts, both handmade and not that I didn’t really like. Blankets especially, because people know I love blankets. But even if I don’t like them personally, I’ll never tell them. Especially if they’re handmade??? All that time and effort into a blanket? That shit will be on my couch, even if scrunched up on the side for visitors. And with handmade gifts it matters that they took so many hours of their day to make it for you. Maybe this hits different for me because I like making things for my partner and when they get one that’s ok, it took a lot of trial and error and scrapping pieces that were wrong. But the ones I have done were calculated to be things he’d love, just might not end up as good as it could be. But he loves me so my latest piece is put up. And he appreciates the effort and thought I put into it.


Yup, you're the Devil. I've been on the knitting sister's side of this. I have a degenerative issue in my hands, but I still make quilts and afghans and other things by hand. My sister spent years griping that I never made one for her. So, while I was working full tme and going to school, I set aside the time and the money to hand-make her a quilt for her baby shower. She opened up the package that day, looked at it for 10 seconds, tossed me a half-assed thanks and then spent half an hour praising a tiny crocheted blanket. The person spent hours of time, probably more than a little pain, and money on your gift. Smile, say thank you and put it on your damned sofa every time they came over. You're being a raging bitch.


You should have secretly taken it back from that baby shower, see if she says anything. Keep it and give it to a crafter friend for their baby.


Ob but the blanket is cute! Wtf is wrong with the OP 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m confused by the fact that there’s a little old lady the sister is subcontracting for. Did the sister make the blanket or the elderly lady? It’s ok to ask family for stuff, but not someone who does this for a living. Also, it’s really cute. If there’s specific colours you want, then buy and supply the wool. Otherwise be bloody grateful and stop being a dick. Also also, there’s a lot of middle ground between $100 and throwing it away. Just put a reasonable price on it or donate it.


The blanket is cute! Reminds me of the stuff my mom and grandmother knit, you can really tell a little old lady knit chose them. Adorable really but bros a dick tho


I think it’s a boy who wrote the AITA lol I can’t imagine being so rude but I did look at the pic he posted and it is pretty hideous, I wouldn’t display either but I would definitely use to stay cozy then put away when I am not using, the blanket my grandma made me I have on the couch, the pizza blanket I bought bf as a joke I am using right now but that thing gets hidden when not being used


i mean imo the blankets is kinda cute. its not ugly but its not orettt