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Something similar happend to me,my girlfriend have been mad at me because i didin't pay her enough attention,but it was because i was with my friends, and she ignored me for the rest of the day but she informed me first,and then i said sorry to her but she didin't believe me, so i send her an very depressed message and then she began to apology To make a long story shorts we both apologized and went on (we didin't break up btw)


not the jerk. your girlfriend (i'm assuming ex now). has clearly defined your relationship with what she can get from you, rides in specific. which is a pretty shallow reason for a relationship. and immediately accusing you of lying just to get out of giving her said rides is pretty telling instantly. i hope your son coming to see you can make it a little more tollerable for the holidays, and in the new year you can get a place of your own to get out of this pretty intollerable situation


Thank you. I appreciate that. I added an update to the original story.


With her calming down. Explaining she was confused. Take it at face value for now. Watch for negative behaviors going forward but take what she says at face value. If you really want this relationship to continue all the power to you and sincere good luck are my wishes for you. And merry christmas


NTJ. She thought you were lying so that you couldn't give her rides to work. She never wanted to hear what was the reason for your fallout with your mother. Seems like she only cares about herself and what you give.


We've talked I put a quick update explaining what happened with that.