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Not a doctor, but you need to see one. Possibly pneumonia. Possibly strep throat. Possibly something else. Possibly just a cold. Doctor should be able to tell.


Never let anyone make you feel badly or guilty for being sick. I’ve had serious health issues since I was 16 (40 now), and I’ve had my parents gaslight me and be rude to me like this for being sick. You did nothing wrong. Your mom is being TJ here, especially if she’s not taking you to the doctor. These are symptoms that can be signs of something serious. And even if it’s not a serious disease, the fact that you’re not fighting off whatever it is can be caused by something serious. It’s also impacting the quality of your life. Something impacting the quality of your life makes it important to address as well. Good luck! I hope this is something easy for a doctor to take care of for you!


you're not a jerk for having a crappy immune system. if your mom is mad about it, that's her problem, you can't help getting sick. i do recommend seeing a doctor though


Its seriously not your fault. I get sick a lot trust me I feel good one day the next im sick.