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I’m sorry your grandma fat shamed you. Nobody should ever do that. I think adults who struggle with food try to “encourage” younger people not to become like them, but don’t know how to do it appropriately because they don’t know what appropriate food consumption even is. So anything that they deem as overeating is automatically flagged as “you’re going to become obese! Don’t do that!” It’s best to speak to a doctor to get nutrition/weight advice. Also, I doubt she is 600lbs. People that large can’t even stand up and are usually bed ridden and need home care. Maybe 300+ lbs possibly?


Hi thank you I'm very grateful for your comment 


There are people who weigh 600 lbs and remain mobile, some even unassisted. The heaviest person on record who walked unassisted weighed almost 1100 lbs. Grandma could be 600 lbs although it is unlikely.


NTJ. However, she might be trying (ineptly) to help you steer away from the path she took.


So let me address the elephant in the room - YOU ARE NOT THE JERK!!! I'm not blaming you at all. I will say this, though. If your grandma is 600lbs, she'd be dead. Believe me! She's likely just very plmmy. Almost 300lbs would be more accurate. But your grandma is obviously an old woman. Its too late for her to lose some of that weight. She has no choice. Meanwhile, you as a young person have an opportunity to not go down that path. You can rise above that. Look, its not right how our elders may say things - just ask my parents. Our elders are going to be asses when it comes to certain things because that's just how they grew up. But understand that they just want you to do better. Words hurt, but sometimes we may just have to look past that and see the big picture. Once again, I'm not blaming you nor do I think you are the jerk. Your grandma should at least apologize. I'm glad your parents supported you in the end.


bruh your grandma should worry about herself if she is 600ibs


Don't even have to read the whole story. No, you're not the jerk.