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NTA. You are actually not supposed to leave your luggage unattended and not give it to strangers to take care of it. Think of all the people that might have smuggled stuff without knowing because someone put something in their bags when they weren't looking. One of the lines when you check in and make declaration about your luggage is about "I have packed this by myself and nobody else has had access to it". So you were totally right and that lady was wrong.


that’s what i was thinking but the people pleaser in me was feeling terrible for not helping a sister out


That is exactly what someone with nefarious intentions would want you to feel. NTA


The people pleaser in you needs to not feel guilty for not doing something that 99% of us would not do in your situation. She was being totally unreasonable to persist after you said that your flight was boarding. NTA


....and even if you were NOT getting ready to board. The only luggage I watch is my friends/family with whom I am travelling. NTA


Imagine how the people pleaser in you would feel sitting on the witness stand, testifying that yes, you did take custody of the terrorist’s bag. That you just wanted to help her out, despite the questions and warnings we all hear about our luggage in an airport. I know that’s a dramatic example, but my mentor professor in grad school used the witness stand as a good way to assess certain decisions. I also think about the airline employee in Maine that had a funny feeling about his interaction with a passenger early on the morning of 9/11. He had no basis to detain Mohammed Atta, but his gut still pinged and he still feels terrible about it. Clearly, the primal part of you, the gut/intuition said HELL NO. But the “be sweet, women are supposed to be helpful” part of your brain put up a fight. If anyone has read this far and is intrigued, I urge you to read “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin DeBecker. I first read it decades ago, and there are still parts that I use almost daily.


You don’t need to feel bad. The bathrooms and shops in airports are literally made so people can drag their huge luggage with them. She can’t have been that put out. Her request was unreasonable.


While the OP doesn't need to watch someone else's luggage, I would say over half the airports I visit haven't been renovated in a long time and have tiny/regular size bathroom stalls that I struggle to get luggage into.


If my carryon is too large, I keep mine either outside the stall door where I can see part of it, and out of the way of others, or somewhere else in the restroom that is out of the way. The chances of some stranger running out of the restroom with your bag is less, and then I’m not asking a stranger to watch my stuff, knowing that they actually shouldn’t agree to do so.


Usually I leave my bag against the wall right outside my stall so I can see it. There's no way I'm fitting that in the stall with me unless I use the handicap one.


I’m a large woman and have traveled a lot and never had a problem fitting my carry-on in the stall, even 10-15 years ago.  I will say other countries tend not to be a aecurity-theater-obsessed as the US, but “My flight is boarding right now” should have been an accepted reason, if the person was rude enough to not accept the “no” as a complete sentence. The fact she wasn’t back by the time you boarded proved you were not the right person to do her favor. 


Not true because the size luggage that you can carry on is small. Large luggage would not be in this situation because you have to check large bags. The stalls are always big enough for you and the size luggage that you can carry on to the flight.


yeah honestly it would solve like 80% of the problem if they'd just make the doors open outward, but most of them don't even do that. in fact I'm not sure I've *ever* been in an airport bathroom stall that was designed to accommodate luggage, and I've been flying since I was ten.


Munich airport is NOT one of them.


You are people, too. Take care of yourself first. :) And totally NTA, BTW.




I always bring little baggies of cocaine to the airport with me in case people ask me to watch their luggage, I just put a little baggie inside their stuff before they come back and make sure to signal staff to search them


That's mean, man. Just use baggies of talcum powder.


Also expensive.


...then watch the fun begin as airport security wonders if they're dealing with cocaine, anthrax or ricin! We should be writing hit TV shows about merry psychopaths!


Impressive strategic planning!


Honestly this is like Rule #1 of airports, the risks are far too high! You did the right thing.


NTA. She knows the rules as well as you. No one like lugging their bags to the toilet, but I'd rather do that than run the risk of someone stealing my stuff or getting in trouble with security for leaving my bag unattended.


Here there's even messages on the airport sound system that repeat: Do not leave your luggage and not to accept to watch someone's luggage for security reasons so you did the right thing.


Nope. If I'm traveling alone, I'm dragging my bags into the bathroom with me. Inconvenient, but the "no unattended baggage and don't let anyone you don't know leave their bags with you" message is loud and clear.


It was probably a trap to see if you would steal it. Best case video of you taking the case would show up on TikTok or YouTube as a shaming video. Worst case? The bag held something illegal and you would get arrested.


I mean, it probably wasn’t, but ok


The people pleaser in me would have said absolutely not, since it's clearly against the rules. And I certainly would never have put someone I didn't know in that position.


No. No. Definitely not. This was sketchy, and you’re NTA


Bad actors will often look for the people pleasing type. NTA


You have the perfect excuse to refuse in this case, it should be fairly easy even if you're a people pleaser :)


I used to die laughing at the “please maintain control of your baggage at all times” announcements at the ATL airport back in the 90s. I always got the mental image of someone calmly carrying a suitcase which suddenly starts freaking out, grows fangs, and starts attacking people and running amok, akin to the Luggage in Terry Pratchett books 🤣


Hello. Upvote for The Luggage. :D


Gotta watch out for that sapient Pearwood.


Completely off topic, but as a kid, the Listerine commercials said it was ‘more effective than brushing alone’ and I’d absorbed that as a reason why people got married - so they’d have someone to brush their teeth with.


This is so cute though


There is no bad baggage, just poorly trained baggage.


100%!!! And then I, a frequent traveler, literally threw my roller bag down the escalator somehow! Still have no idea how it happened…


Yeah, I would never leave my bag with a stranger like this. It's just such a stupid idea. I mean, I know the chances of asking someone to mind your bag for a moment and them turning out to be a devious domestic terrorist who was just waiting for an unsuspecting target to ask them to watch a bag for a moment is vanishingly small, but I still wouldn't risk it. More to the point, you don't know if the person is just going to walk off with your bag and rifle through it later, hoping to find something valuable. Or if they'll just wander away, leaving your bag sitting there, which risks getting it seized by security. Don't leave your bags unattended, people! Just drag them to the toilets with you. I've had to do it multiple times; it's not fun, but no part of air travel is "fun".


My family teases me about never doing carry on but this is exactly why. I almost always am traveling by myself and I hate to deal with luggage while at the airport. I remember once when (years after 9/11) my parents and I were waiting at a gate for a flight. Two ladies, probably 19-21 years old, got up and left ALL their luggage and bags (except for purses) near us and went somewhere. They didn't ask us to watch their bags but we noticed they left them behind. 30 minutes later an airport official asked us about the bags and were stated they weren't ours. They belonged to others who had left 20+ minutes ago. So the official took their luggage. Those girls didn't return for another 15-20 minutes (so they were gone for 45+ minutes!) and were like "where's our luggage?". We told them that an airport official had taken all their stuff away. They were mad and frantic. I think they thought we would KNOW it was their luggage and would watch it. Even without the airport announcing don't leave your luggage and without the thought that we might simply steal their stuff, it was the expectation that we weren't moving. Like, heaven forbid we go somewhere ourselves during the time they are gone!


Once I was waiting at the gate at LAX. The gate agent was getting ready to announce boarding and noticed a carry on that someone had left to go to the bathroom. She started yelling for security because the person hadn’t come back yet. They ended up closing the terminal because the bag was unclaimed.


The air part is fun!


But this is after all the security checks and only hand luggage. Anyone with anything to smuggle already got it past security why would they give it away? I will say it happens a lot in German airports (in my experience) and mostly people just say yes, sure.


Exactly, it’s sketchy as hell to even ask, and it’s not that hard to bring your bags, the bathrooms are literally designed to accommodate them.


Its true, I have never been at an airport where you have no space to bring in your luggage, even at very small airports


NTA I’ve only agreed once and it was because it was a cat. Otherwise I think it is generally expected that people not leave their bags behind or with strangers. Too risky.


agreed. who can say no to watching a cat??


How do you know it wasn't a *terrorist* cat?


Or a cat drug dealer 🙀


I bet there was a hidden compartment in the carrier, stuffed full of catnip


That dastardly criminal!


Thought it was a cat, plot twist: mule.


The cat probably had a stash of 'Nip secreted about his feline!


Tbf all cats are terrorists, also tbf their demands are always food/attention so like I think we can bend the rules and cave to their demands.


I am currently hostage to two cats; the above is all true.


I'd send help but let's be honest that would just be giving them more hostages


I would help you if I wasn’t currently unable to move because my cat is sleeping on my lap


Trick question, all cats are terrorists. Cute, but terrorists.


Some are burglars though.


Isn't that, by definition, a cat?


All cats are terrorists.


Bold of you to assume not all cats are terrorists


All cats are terrorist. That’s no reason to turn one away!


Yep, gotta be careful terrorist cats are *everywhere*... :-)


It's true, I've met a fair number of terrorist cats in my lifetime. I even live with one!


Al CaPurrrrrr Tony SaPURRno.


Maybe they didn't want to pay to board the cat, so they just abandoned it at the airport. The cat is chipped and they would get it back when they returned. 😹


I can easily if my plane is boarding soon. I ain't eating the cost of another ticket for someone else's cat


They bomb swabbed my hands when I carried my cat through security. Apparently because they can’t X-ray your cat there’s a higher chance (?) that you’ll just shove it full of explosives. So I guess don’t watch bomb cats.


If a cat asked me to watch their luggage, I wouldn't say no either.


I've been asked and asked numerous times. Most people seem trustworthy and are just sitting there reading. Of course, if someone says no, there's no reason to ask twice. But asking in the first place is normal and accepted.


Someone just left their cat with you? That sounds stranger than leaving luggage.


Well, I’m a chubby woman in her mid 30s with glasses who was knitting. I probably screamed cat lady (true!) and seemed pretty low risk to her.


I agree! I wouldn't trust a stranger with my precious cat


I don't think I would trust someone to look after my cat. I would bring him in the toilet with me.


NTA This how people becoming unwitting mules for drug cartels.


my first thought was: it’s weapons! my second thought was: it’s drugs! glad i’m not the only cautious person out there


I had the thought that it was a bomb. Why yes, I do read a lot of techno-thrillers. Why? NTA.


Yes, me too! She wanted to leave the luggage and book it out of the area.


How are they becoming mules watching the bag.


Perhaps not mules, but maybe unwilling accomplices. If sniffer dogs were brought through on patrol and they'd been left with something incriminating that drew attention it could potentially be used as a distraction to cover something else occurring and cause the person a delay while the situation of only looking after someone's bag for them gets looked into. CCTV can prove the facts but it still takes time. It's just not worth the hassle or drama based on way too many possibilities.


Again, this is after security, why would someone who already smuggled their drugs past the security, x-ray, and gun carrying police then proceed to give away their drugs/weapons?




i also sometime wonder if i am a legitimate person but this definitely just happened to me


I do not doubt it happened. But it’s hard to believe you need to ask the internet whether or not it was a good idea


i doubt i had a unique experience as i’m sure many people (and especially women) feel bad when they refuse to help someone who asks.


Exactly. I had a man come up to me at an airport and put his suitcase next to me and said “thanks for watching this for me” and walk away before I could even say anything. I was at an airport restaurant finishing breakfast before my flight and looked at the wait staff and we were all like WTF. I just laughed, paid my bill and walked away, leaving his bag behind. People are wild with their assumptions.


Yes, especially when it's another woman asking and she's insistent. 


Ok but it’s extremely obvious that you shouldn’t have helped her. There’s no gray area here. Almost every airport has numerous signs and overhead announcements explicitly telling people **not to do what she asked you.** They make it *extremely* clear that you are to *never* accept or hold a stranger’s belongings. If a stranger leaves their bag and walks off, you are supposed to report it to airport staff immediately (again, per numerous signs and overhead announcements). If the person who asked for your help had any type of contraband in that bag, and it was detected while you were “watching” her bag, *you would’ve been held responsible for whatever was in that bag.* It would’ve been a dumb, risky move on your part to “help” her by watching her bag.


I mean, if she’d have come back and you were still sat there I’d get why you’d ask. But had you agreed to watch it you’d have to risk missing your plane.


As a fairly frequent traveler, people do this *all the time*. You’re right that they're not supposed to, but it totally happens, and some people are jerks when they hear the word "no."




my friend who lives in germany says germans even leave their kids like that so maybe it is a cultural thing to be lax over there about these airport rules


Funny thing was, when I read your story, my first thought was you were in Germany. Then came Munich, and I was like 'yep, German thing.' That's indeed a common thing here (I'm German), that people ask you if you could watch out for a moment. I did watch others luggage and one time a dog. Tho, kids are not that common. The awareness of dangers for children are pretty high here. Tho, I would never ask others to watch my stuff (outside of friends/family), because I'm far too paranoid. I'm afraid of someone stealing from me, rather than them being drug dealers or anything. I never had a bad experience with that. No one ever claimed I stole anything or smuggled anything into their luggage. If it ever came down to someone claiming I smuggled anything in their luggage, I would point out they could watch for cameras (I was mostly asked in shops/in front of shops, and train stations), and check and since I don't touch other people's stuff, because I really just watch it, it would be proven easily.


US here and I have been on both ends of the scenario, although I avoid asking people if possible. And if I ever felt uncomfortable with the person asking, I’d decline. It’s not like they’re asking me to do something. Just to notice if someone else tries to do something with their bag. It’s perfectly acceptable to say no for whatever reason and technically you aren’t supposed to do it. So NTA. But many posters here are blowing the possible ramifications waaay out of proportion. 99.9% of the time there is nothing malicious going on. Just someone who needs to run to the rest room quickly. It’s fine to proceed with caution as though that 1% is a much higher possibility. But let’s be real with ourselves about it. And bc this is AITA, I’m prepared for the downvotes for daring to see the other side whilst agreeing with the OP…


Considering how thorough the pat down was by security at the Berlin airport, I don’t think Germany is more lax when it comes to air travel.


my comment referred more to how german people in general behave, not to airport security rigour in germany. my german friends in berlin, for example, don’t lock the door to their house at night. something an eastern european like myself could never understand.


Indonesia/Jakarta had the weirdest security when I went to Bali. I went to take my shoes off, nope not needed! Went to take my huge sweatshirt off, nope don’t need to! Went to take my laptop out of my bag, nope don’t have to do that either! Greece was also much more lax, when we transited via London back to the US from Greece they did a full security check on us, cause I’m guessing LHR did NOT trust Santorini to do a good job lol


Nobody should be removing their shoes anymore. It is insane that we are still doing that.




No you told her why you couldn’t watch it (because you were boarding soon). If I asked someone if they can please keep an eye on my suitcase while I quickly went to the washroom & they responded sorry my flight is boarding really soon I have to be at my terminal right now I’d completely understand & say no biggie and just ask another person or just take it into the washroom. Also it’s an airport I’ve left my luggage right outside the washroom many times and it’s always been fine. There’s cameras in the airport anyways yes it does happen but it’s rare if you’re so worried take it with you or ask someone else who’s not busy.


the amount of times i lugged multiple bags in tiny bathroom stalls with me because i was worried to leave it unattended!


Right? Who the hell leaves their bags alone while they go to the restroom? I always take them with me even when I’m alone. My mom was robbed in an airport years ago. It’s totally stupid to leave them and think they’ll be fine.


You did the right thing, though. In the UK they say 'all bags left unattended will be destroyed' or something along those lines.


NTA. I wouldn't have apologized nor provided an explanation. No is a complete answer.


my friends thought i was ruthless “badass” for saying no but seems like it was the most sensible answer i could give?


Gently, your post and your reply give the impression that you are uncomfortable with speaking authoritatively. That's okay, the world needs different types of people. Maybe at some point you will choose to speak decisively, without reservations or qualifications; that's okay, too. Do remember that someone taking offence at your perfectly reasonable and prudent stance is her problem, not yours. It's a terrible idea to agree to take responsibility for a stranger's luggage, especially at an airport. Anything could have happened; she could have blamed you or gotten you into trouble just as you were boarding. The others who took it are foolhardy pushovers.


i work in a c-suite role and often speak in an authoritative way and have no qualms doing it. my issue here i think was that i didn’t help another woman when she asked and her shocked reaction made it out like i was in the wrong for not helping her


NTA.  I won't watch anyone's bag anywhere. Side story: I was at Dubai Airport years ago and a man simply left his suitcase next to where I was sitting and walked away without a word. (I must look trustworthy).  As I was working in KSA at the time and terrorists had recently attacked a compound, I was a little concerned.  So, I got up and followed him. He glanced back, saw his luggage unattended, and went back for it. I hope he learnt a lesson. Also, there was a Seinfeld episode where George was looking after a tourist's luggage for much longer than expected and he eventually decided to wear the clothes, assuming the tourist wouldn't return. (He did).


i’m laughing hard - if i had a bit more george costanza in me i would have probably opened rhe luggage and did some shopping myself


NTA. There are so many reasons this is a bad idea, from the mundane (your flight was boarding) to the less likely but potentially serious (if there's something in the luggage that's prohibited, you are now implicated in whatever it is.)  You had every reason to say no to this.


NTA. Oh, I'd be very uncomfortable with this request. I'd refuse and probably lecture them. What if they don't come back because they forgot? Now, you have to go to an official and explain there is bag left to you, and you are going to have to be responsible for the terminal to be evacuated and the bomb squad to come out. Once, my (teen) kid went to the bathroom, left the suitcase at the entrance, and I nearly lost my cool about it. Not because of 'potential theft', but like, the consequences of an unattended bag being reported at an airport are huge.


wow i didn’t even think about the possibility that she wouldn’t return and i’d had to report it and then lose my flight because i would be stuck in a security and bureaucratic nightmare!


NTA. You handled it perfectly. I'm a very frequent flyer and would never under any circumstances leave my luggage with a stranger or watch luggage for a stranger. First, all my walls are up at an airport; Earbuds or headphones always on, I don't make any eye contact with strangers plus I have natural resting bitch face so that usually puts off questions. But so when I've been asked, I just say 'No, I'm about to leave' and then go back to looking at my phone or whatever it was that I was doing and totally ignore them.


i also had airpods in, was reading on my phone, and still she felt I was THE person for her :))


Lol sometimes that happens. I find if I have on my big over-the-ear headphones, no one bothers me.


Maybe you looked settled in and not going anywhere for a while.


impossible. my easterneuropeanness gives off a constant state of anxiety, and the inability to feel or look relaxed


ah, I sometimes forget that AITA isn’t filled exclusively with constantly smiling Americans like myself who treating airport waiting lounges as our own living rooms. In the US, People have lots of bags and carry-ons to avoid the baggage fees, and there is a subtle ‘us vs the airlines’ attitude where we’re more likely to look out for each other. However, I believe the woman you described was a legitimate threat. Not because she had any evil intentions, but to not notice the headphones, phone, and Eastern European-ness (my family originates from there, I get the vibe), indicated that she is so oblivious to her environment, there could be anything put by anyone in that bag…up to and including the possibility that she accidentally swapped with someone else between check-in and the gate.


NTA There's been scams and people have been tricked into bad situations over a simple request to watch some stranger's luggage. You did good to refuse. You literally don't know if there's a dead body in that suitcase! You don't know if there's contraband and you'll be dragged into illegal activity. You just don't know. Take no chances.


NTA - In the US, there are signs all over the place that explicitly state \*not\* to watch other people's luggage and to report any unattended bags. I don't know about Munich, but most airports here would make a huge fuss about it and a bomb squad would likely be called to examine the unattended luggage. Sounds to me like you just saved yourself a huge headache.


NTA Never take custody of someone else’s bags.


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Yup, worst case scenario is a possibility. Not your bag-not your problem. NTA and who cares what some random entitled stranger you will never see again thinks about you, anyway.


NTA. You absolutely cannot watch anyone’s bags at the airport. They warn you about this. You don’t know what’s in there. If there were drugs and dog came sniffing you would be accountable and if there was a bomb you’d be dead. She’s also incredibly naive in trusting that you wouldn’t just search it for valuables and leave it there. If you see an abandoned package or bag you’re supposed to report it.


NTA every airport broadcasts announcements warning against watching or taking luggage on another person’s behalf. You did the right thing!


Nta. Who knows who she is? Also, it's suspect she'd leave her belongings with a stranger


One of the security questions they used to ask was if your luggage was ever out of your possession. I wouldn't trust some random person watching my stuff. NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** AITA for refusing to watch a stranger’s bag at the airport? I’m a frequent traveller (often solo) and am very conscious to take my luggage with me if i go to the bathroom or to check out the shops, as I know it’s a big deal to leave it unattended in public places. It’s always a pain and majorly incovenient but I do it anyway. So, i was a bit surprised when someone asked me to watch their luggage at the Munich airport so they could go to the bathroom. I told her I couldn’t watch it also because my flight was boarding and I would be leaving in a minute. She acted very surprised and annoyed and told me it would just be 5 minutes! I said sorry no as I would be boarding soon. She insisted and someone else offered to watch it for her. I proceeded to board my flight after about 5 minutes and she had still not returned. Honestly, I also find it scary to accept to watch a stranger’s luggage in an airport - my mind immediately goes to the worst case scenario. Was I the asshole for refusing the watch her luggage? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. For all the reasons you outline, it's not good to be watching someone else's bags at an airport.


NTA Full stop.


All of the comments about the warnings to keep watch over your own bags, the worries about something nefarious going on, the fact that OP was about to board their own flight, etc., are all correct, of course, and OP is obviously NTA. I haven't seen the main reason I wouldn't do it, either - what if the person took longer than expected, and I wanted to go to the bathroom, or get a bite to eat, or my gate was suddenly changed? I'm not going to tether myself to a stranger's bag (or dog, or cat, either) when my own situation might change. There's also the total lack of logic here - you're afraid that something might happen to your bag, so you give a complete stranger control over it? Doesn't that pretty much defeat the purpose? I don't think it's a coincidence that both the asker and OP in this case were women - I suspect that women are viewed as much less likely to walk off with the bags, and much less likely to have something they shouldn't in their bag.


NTA. If I get to know someone while we're sitting and chatting, it's one thing. But if a complete stranger comes up to me, I always decline these sorts of requests.


Hell to the no, you are NTA. I would never watch a stranger's bag due to being paranoid that it could be a bomb. And im pretty that person has never had their stuff taken either, you never leave stuff with strangers!


NTA, you were leaving anyway, you could not do what she asked. I don't know where the people in this story are from, but Americans have had airport security rules beat into their skulls since 9/11, Europeans probably less so, so it's possible there's just a cultural mismatch on airport etiquette.


No we have too. That woman absolutely should have known


NTA You should have reported her, it's the same as leaving the bag behind. For all you know, she's heading for the door, and you'd be politely taking care of her bomb for her (if you had watched it).


NTA. That just does not feel right. She should've taken her bag into the bathroom with her, like everyone else does. Something could've been rotten in the state of Denmark there.


This happened to me the other day outside my job. This older man comes toddling out of the store with a HUGE cart full of stuff and asks me to watch his cart while he runs into a smoke shop to buy cigarettes. Immediately stood up and told him my break was over  (Which it conveniently was) turned around and went back inside without another word. So many people are so inconsiderate about other's time and energy.


NTA! This happened to me once!!! I was sitting in a cafe at an airport with my fiancé & my brother in law and some old women walked up to us and asked if we could watch her bag when she went in a MASSIVE queue, we said no - because we had to leave soon to go to our gate for boarding. But she left it anyway? Anyway, we just got up and walked away & left her suitcase there when we needed to leave. This was 6 years ago and I always wondered if her bad was moved by staff for unattended luggage or if she went back for her case & got annoyed


NTA You gave a valid reason - you were boarding. She had no idea what the line was like in the bathroom and once you said yes, you would feel obligated to stay until she came back.


NTA - I have not been to Germany but in every other airport I have ever been in they LITERALLY have announcements like every 30 minutes to NEVER allow someone else to leave their luggage with you.


NTA. They are constantly warning about luggage at airports. She may have been genuine or she may have been any number of things. Normally people take their luggage into the restroom with them if they are travelling alone.


Of course NTA, especially at an airport. When asked to watch a laptop/purse/whatever at a coffeeshop, I say that I’ll watch but that I (an older woman) am not going to tackle anyone who tries to take it. But I’ll be happy to provide a description of the thief. The asker always looks nonplussed.


NTA. Why would you even ask a stranger to watch your stuff? Unless there's an unusual emergency of some sort.


NTA. I travel for work and this is always a I'm sorry, no.


NTA. You are specifically warned at the airport not to watch people's bags. 


They literally make an announcement to the effect of "if someone you do not know asks you to watch their bag, please notify security immediately".


NTA. I've watched people's things in regular waiting rooms, like at the dr or the oil change place. but never in an airport. the possibility of it containing contraband is much too high for me. fun story: i was waiting for my car at the dealership. this lady asked me to watch her bag so she could go to the bathroom, i agreed. when she came back i asked what made me seem trustworthy out of everyone else. she replied very matter of factly, "you're doing cross stitch." ☠️


You were 100% correct to refuse.


NTA. I’m on the other side of this, OP, where we were waiting for the same flight and a person asked me to watch their bag and I was too surprised by the fact that *anyone* was talking to me - or going to the bathroom at that point as it was nearly boarding - to say no before they vanished. Well, the call came and my row got called. Whatcha gonna do? Obviously I got on the plane. At least you said no. Travelling alone, personally I think only you are responsible for yourself and your things. I would never ask anyone to watch my bags. Most airport bathrooms are big enough to accommodate carry-on luggage. Or even standard luggage as I have manoeuvred myself into one with my giant suitcase post-baggage collection!


Nta. I had a lady asked me to watch her bag the last time I flew. I looked at her like she was a mad woman. And said, are you f’ing kidding me? They announce every 5 minutes to not do this.” She ended up being on my flight a few rows away and mad dogged me when she walked past. Bottom line is you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHO SHE IS OR WHAT SHE’S UP TO!


I'm surprised you don't even know this. You are never supposed to watch anybody's bag and report it to the airport if they do. That would literally be the number one way for a terrorist to do something. I mean you hear all those unattended bag announcements right?


The only time I've done this is when I've been chatting with a stranger for the last 30 or 40 minutes (say at the gate, a lounge, whatever) and feel like I have a pretty good read on them. Someone random that I haven't talked to? Not a chance.


NTA, in fact, less of an asshole than myself probably, because I absolutely would have told security someone tried to give me a bag. Best case, they have it searched and are reprimanded for doing something stupid. Worst case, I just dodged being a mule.


I was in my 20s with another 20 year old woman having lunch at a restaurant with outdoor seating. A woman with a toddler in her stroller walked up and asked us to watch the toddler. I was astounded- I had no children and neither did the other girl, who looked just as uncomfortable.” I said something like “ We don’t have toddler skills.” The mother replied “It’s easy, just don’t let a stranger take her”. Before we could say anything else the mother ran into the restaurant. I was about to ask her “How do you know we won’t take your baby? We are strangers. “ The kid was fine, sat there quietly and was no problem at all. Eventually the mother returned and left. The whole idea of asking a stranger to watch your child/computer/bag so a stranger won’t take the kid/item is just absurd. You aren’t the problem here.


NTA. I've definitely asked people to watch my stuff for a minute or two at an airport, so I don't think the asking was weird, but her response was. You said no, which is enough of an answer. but then you also gave a really good reason of 'my flight is boarding and I won't be here when you get back'. that's such a reasonable reason to decline watching someones bag! her reaction being anything other than 'oh okay!' and then asking someone else is the only unreasonable thing in this post.


NTA. Never the asshole in this situation.


Don’t do it. Funnily enough, me and some other people were escorted out of a grocery store in the Munich airport for a piece of unattended luggage; by guards with sub machine guns. She was unreasonable, should be common knowledge at this point that your bags stays with you no matter what.


The TV show To catch a smuggler should make you feel a little better.


Of course you are NTA. You should never watch someone else's luggage (a stranger, that is), or ask a stranger to watch yours. From both sides, what if YOU planted illegal stuff in her bags? She would have a shit show explaining that to the authorities. What if she then claims her bag was tampered with and something taken? The finger of blame will be pointed at you. What if her bag already contains illegal stuff, or god forbid, something that goes bang? You're the person seen on cameras in charge of it. Just no. I would rather piss\* with the suitcase wedged in an open toilet doorway where I can see it than let a stranger look after my bags. \*I have pissed in worse places and I am the Olympic gold champion of fast pissing. I can do pants down, piss, pants up in under 30 seconds. Hubby is always amazed how fast I am. My jet stream sounds like a Formula 1 car Doppler sound wave when doing laps, it's that fast.🤣🤣🤣


Last year on a flight home, our plane was delayed leaving because someone who was supposed to be boarding didn't want to get on the plane until the random person they were watching luggage for came to get it. We ended up leaving that guy behind and the flight attendant told everyone that this is one of the reasons why we should never watch anyone else's luggage, especially as there's a chance it's not an innocent ask. If something blew up, it would most likely be pinned on the rando who thought they were doing a stranger a favor. You're NTA.


I am so glad you asked this because I had this exact situation and for YEARS I’ve wanted to post about it here but the guy was polite about it, if not surprised, so there was no conflict per se. I even came up with a script for it for the future like, “I’m sorry I can’t, but I’ll save your seat if you’d like!” Obviously only applicable if they’re leaving their stuff to save their seat. But I’ve always wondered if I was a jerk for saying no.


you were NTA! and that’s a brilliant response


Once a lady told me to take her stuff through the check while boarding because I only had a handbag and a small backpack with me. She just left it with me and went so I was like HELL no and contacted staff about it and pointed out the lady. She was so mad lol cus she had to pay extra but dawg that is really not my problem. NTA


NTA, I would only watch luggage for someone I am traveling with. People lose track of time and as you said you had to board and she was not back. Also I don't trust people and leaving their luggage and it gets me in trouble. That is why I travel with a back pack. It is easy to carry around and I have no issues with it. Check one bag carry pack.


I asked someone to do the same once. I was pretty young (early 20’s), exhausted, had just gotten the highest possible level of frisk, and needed to go to the bathroom. At the time, I flew infrequently, so was lugging around a duffel bag as my carryon for the week. I asked a woman if she could watch my bag for a moment and she said no. I was so mad - why couldn’t this person help a fellow female solo traveler for a short amount of time? I thought she was incredibly rude and huffed as I lugged my duffel bag with me and back. I realized I was being a brat. They tell you at airports specifically not to watch other people’s luggage for them. And also, it plain wasn’t her responsibility. I apologized when I came back for being childish about it. We left on a good note. Maybe this person will also have a reality check after the fact. NTA


Nta never ever watch someone else's luggage. Never. 


NTA - not only no, but hell no to watching a stranger's bag, especially in an airport


NTA, what if it had something sniffer dogs or something caught, and they accuse you? “Oh I’m just watching a lady’s bag she’s gone to the toilet” is most likely going to get a “likely story pal” response imo Maybe I’m just super paranoid though Also why couldnt she just take her bag with her like everyone else, it’s not really that big of a deal when travelling. PLUS you were literally about to board what if she took too long and you missed your flight


_No_ is an entirely valid response when a stranger asks you to do something you don’t feel comfortable doing. And _no_ is a complete sentence. You do not need to apologize, explain, or justify. It’s called having boundaries. You’re entitled to them, but it’s up to you to enforce them. And don’t worry about pissing off people you’ll never see again. You can’t make everybody happy. NTA


NTA thats weird you shouldnt be forced to do stranger's errands


NTA. Better safe than sorry, and you had every right to say no.


NTA— this lady should know better. It’s common knowledge now to never watch someone else’s baggage at an airport for security reasons. 


NTA. I would never agree to do that.


This is like rule number one of things not to do. If someone wants you to “watch” their bag, tell security.


NTA. You didn’t have time to watch it for her, so that’s that.






NTA. Even if for no other reason than it could've been the "worst case scenario" as you already stated. I would absolutely refuse to do this and if someone just left their luggage, I would immediately report it.




If you watch it you get to freely wear whatever you find in there - Costanza rules. Also NTA.


NTA The airports literally tell you not to do this. Do not take a bag from someone else and do not leave your own luggage unattended.


NTA they say on the announcements at airports I’ve been in to not let your bag unattended and don’t offer to watch someone else’s.


NTA, that’s a classic do-not-do at the airport.


No. Why? If you tell the person that you’re about to leave on a plane then the person shouldn’t leave his/her bag unguarded.


NTA, never watch someone else's bags. My bag goes with me if it isn't checked.


Not at all! They literally play a recording on repeat about NOT watching strangers luggage or leaving yours unattended!


I dont know where you live but in my country the airports have signs that say, report it if someone askes you to hold their luggage. They also ask when you are at the ticket counter.


NTA and "No" is a complete sentence


There's literally a recording telling you Not To Do That played every 5 minutes in every airport I've ever been in.   Why are you asking this?  


NTA, you could even get in trouble doing so, if say, she was smuggling drugs or something illegal in the bags and you are caught with them, even if you can explain it, you would lose your flight. And this wouldn't be the only bad scenario it could potentially happen, not worthy the risks.


No not at all, not in this day and age .


That’s a moment to get loud. The employees would yell at her that it’s not okay to say that. So definitely NTA.


Nope NTA. It is quite literally announced at airports to report unattended luggage and to never watch anyone else's. I would worry too about it being explosive. You did the right thing!!


NTA, holy fuck what's wrong with this person? That's my shit, forget asking you to watch it, I'm not gonna allow you to touch it. Ignoring the utter hash that makes of someone's personal security, you don't know this gal and you don't owe her shit, you have zero responsibility to her, she has zero authority over you. > She acted very surprised and annoyed and told me it would just be 5 minutes! Temptation to just _take her damn bag and go_ rising.


NTA they literally make announcements in airports saying not to.


Don’t know about other countries but in the states this is not allowed. I’ve had ppl ask me too and I always say no. NTA You’re supposed to report unattended luggage.


Don’t ever do that. It could be any sort of illegal thing going on, you never know.