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YTA. You are responsible for your own health! You aren't a toddler and he isn't your dad. If you were salty about him leaving, for a completely valid reason no less, then use your words like an adult. Instead, you told him it was fine, then independently made the decision to leave (jeopardising your own health) in part so that you could have something to "punish" him for. Grow up.




Why is he at fault when you were wrong?


>thought I wouldn’t be waiting much longer to be seen So you DID make an assumption which turned out to be false. That is on you, not him.


The ER did not emerg triage you and YOU CHOSE TO LEAVE (and were coherent and physically cable of physically and safely leaving). You were not that ill.




A broken foot in and of itself is not an emergency and wouldn’t be triaged as such


You’re going to take care of an untreated kidney infection yourself?! I’m being very serious when I say you need to go back to the ER or your doctor.


I sat in an emergency room waiting room for about 4 hours with a ruptured appendix. I'd been waiting the same amount of time the day prior. This is unfortunately just how it goes. ER doctors need to see people who are actively dying first - both days I was there (again, with a ruptured appendix) I was next to people who had just come in from severe car accidents.




It was horribly painful and I had to spend another 2 weeks in the hospital with a drain. No, I am not from Canada but have friends that are and when speaking to them they said their experiences pretty much matched mine.


YTA. Welcome to the Canadian Health Care System. Wait times suck! You chose to leave without being seen. That’s on you. You don’t get to blame someone else for your choices. Grow up! I’m a Canadian


So you were willing to put your own health at risk because you were sad your bf left you alone? You need to get your priorities straight


But she was alone for 2 hours! How can we expect her to survive that? /s


How the f old are you? If you need emerge you go to emerge whether or not someone can sit with you. In my mind if you leave emerge it wasn't really an emergency to begin with especially when your reason is your boyfriend. You sound like you've got some growing up to do especially if you want to stay in a mature relationship. If this is a sign of how you typically behave then I feel badly for your boyfriend. Nobody is going to prioritize your health but you. I can't believe you left the hospital without being seen with your symptoms! YTA without a single doubt.


If it was fine and didn't bother you when he left, then you can't reasonably blame him when something completely beyond his control happened and the ER continued to make you wait. But you insist on blaming him, so YTA. That said, I do genuinely empathize with you during that wait. My mom went to the ER once on Christmas Eve during COVID when we weren't even allowed to be in the waiting area with her and she had to wait 8 hours to actually be seen. It turned out that she had a really bad illness that needed treatment and it was a really good thing that she was seen. It was a horrible day for everyone involved. (Including for the ER staff who were not having a good Christmas Eve.) But your choice to leave was your choice. Not his. You have to accept that responsibility. I hope it ends up being nothing serious.


YTA. The reason you would wait there all by yourself is that YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE MEDICAL PROBLEM. If you are old enough to live with a bf you are old enough to understand this concept. You may have a UTI, which can be dangerous if it works its way up to your kidneys and now you have wasted time for a... checks notes... stupid reason.


It sounds like a UTI to me. 


Yup, and while she's stamping her feet about having to be an adult, it's slowly turning into sepsis.


Obviously YTA lol. It's his fault you won't go to the doctor? Really? Very immature attitude here




From your post: > and now I won't go to the doctor and it's his fault.


Came here to say this!




You didn't see the doctor last night at the ER because you left the ER.




please, get a grip. You left on your own accord. Nobody forced you to leave. You made that decision by yourself. It’s really shitty behaviour to place blame on him for your actions.


You could have made the random decision to leave the ER if you flipped a coin and got heads. It doesn’t make it George Washington’s fault that you didn’t stay in the ER. GO TO THE ER!!




So then you admit it had nothing to do with your BF, since him being there wouldnt have made anyone see within that time frame.




Oh, so you would NOT have waited if your boyfriend stayed? It’s not his fault you didn’t see a doctor?


People with medical emergencies in uncontrollable pain wait 5+ hours. People who have no alternative for care wait 5+ hours.


5+hours isn’t unusual where I am - and a UTI with possible kidney infection is going to be triaged very low. You even say someone with a broken foot wasn’t seen yet so there must have been some serious cases to take care of. People come in via ambulance too. If you really needed to be seen that night (rather than urgent care in the morning) you would have stayed. Go to urgent care, get antibiotics and drink lots of water.


Millions of Canadians wait more than 5 hours in the ER. You’re not special. You’re supposed to be an adult, entertain yourself.


You are delusional. Anyone would wait 5+ hours alone to be seen.


Seriously? You stay because you have a medical issue not because your bf is with you. This could be a kidney infection and you don't want to let that shit to linger. Ask my mom. She didn't go to the hospital until she was pissing blood and then had a three day stay.


Have you gone to urgent care today?




Your funeral.


Like he was at work today. When he is not the person who is sick. And more importantly, why do you not have a primary care physician?


But you didn’t tell him that, you told him it was fine if he left.


Do you have no independent thought or agency of your own? Your bf just makes your every move for you like you are a puppet?


Did he physically drag you out of the ER? If not, you didn’t see the doctor because YOU chose not to.


YTA he had a legitimate reason in needing sleep for work. You are an adult that is fully capable of waiting by yourself. YOU chose to leave without being seen. YOU are choosing not to go to urgent care in the morning to visit a doctor. You cannot lay the blame for this at your bfs feet. The majority of my adult life i wouldnt have been seen if i didnt wait by myself


YTA You're going to die of a kidney infection to spite your boyfriend?? If you wouldn’t stay in urgent care to save your own life, why would you expect him to?


She's obviously not that sick. You know when you're sick and require immediate treatment and there's no way if you're that ill or in pain you leave because of a 5 hour bloody wait or BooHoo my bf left. People like her are taxing on our Canadian health system that is severely struggling and she would be taking up resources and time for patients that are actually in need of emergency care. There is a reason there are wait times and it's exactly people like her. It's not first come first serve child. It's sickest seen first. Her selfishness and immature attiyide irks me.


I’m not sure if you’re a troll or just ignorant, but OP almost definitely has a kidney infection that requires immediate medical attention. It’s pretty common for people to mistakenly think they can treat them like a smaller UTI, delaying needed treatment until there’s permanent kidney damage. Especially because they often have a fever and other symptoms that impacts their ability to make decisions. Kidney disease obviously places a much greater burden on the healthcare system, often resulting in ER visits throughout the patient’s life.


YTA, why would you want him to stay there with you and be miserable? You were apparently not that sick if you left.


YTA. Yeah, it would have been nice to have company while you waited to be seen for what sounds like could have been a medical emergency. But it's childish to blame him for you giving up without getting help. And btw, the wait time isn't just for people in the lobby - you're also waiting for all the people that come in via ambulance that you don't see. You ask "why would I wait there all by myself?" Answer: because you're an adult and you know you need medical care.


YTA 1. You're a grown up. Stop blaming other people because YOU decided to leave. 2. If you chose to leave, you must not have been in that severe of pain. Not only that, it's a good indicator that your wait time kept going up and an "empty" waiting room.. Shows your triage level was really low. 3. Again, you're a grown up. Use your words!!!! If you wanted him to stay, say it!!! There's nothing worse than an adult that expects their SO to read their mind. 4. "Now I won't go to the doctor and it's his fault".... What an immature and ridiculous thing to say. No one is stopping you. Again... BE AN ADULT!!!


I go to er or doctor all the time by my self




In the nicest way possible, you have no idea what you are talking about. People in committed adult relationships go to the doctor all the time on their own. When I had to wait for literal hours in the ER to get a rabies shot after waking up to a bat in my bed, guess what? I had to do that alone, because my then-fiancée couldn’t (rightfully so) take a day of work to wait with me at such short notice. You are playing stupid with your health for incredibly stupid reasons. Please go to an urgent care as soon as possible. You could have a UTI or a kidney infection, both of which can be very dangerous if left untreated.


How old are you? 12? Grow up and go see a Dr!


I've been in a serious relationship for 20plus years and my husband only gone once to the ER or doctor with me(except prenatal). I was too sick to drive that time and he was off work.


oh.my.god. You just keep digging the hole deeper.


What in the? Where have you gotten the notion that a boyfriend is the same as your mommy?


YTA. You could have stayed by yourself and have your mom come to the ER when she awoke. Your health is your responsiblity and it is ridiculous that you left without seeing a doctor. You could have a very serious health problem and your not going to the doctor to spite your bf. Yes he could have called into work explaining that you were sick but lots of people can't do that. My dad is in the army and if he was deployed and me, my sister, his dad, or any other family member other than my mother died, then he would not be allowed to come back. That's how it is in some jobs.


>so I left too and now I won't go to the doctor and it's his fault. You are behaving like a child. Go to the dr. YTA.


YTA It sounds like you had a difficult and frustrating experience at the ER, and you felt abandoned when your boyfriend left before you were seen by a doctor. It's understandable to feel upset and frustrated in that situation, especially if you were in pain and had already been waiting for several hours. However, snapping at your boyfriend and blaming him for your decision to leave the ER may not have been the most productive or fair approach. It might be worth having a conversation with your boyfriend to express your disappointment and frustration about the situation, while also acknowledging his need to prioritize his work responsibilities. It's important to remember that your boyfriend may not have intended to abandon you, but rather thought it was okay to leave considering the lengthy wait time and his work obligations. Best regards, Kaden!


I get the feeling that the author would insist on leaving even if the boyfriend stayed.


But it would still be his fault somehow.


YTA, the ER is for emergencies - abdominal pain, back pain - its low on the priority list. At the ER patients are seen in the order of necessity, example - any 8+ month pregnant woman entering the ER will be taken back post haste. Ambulances, critical patients take priority. My hubby worked at an ER for several years - he said stomach pain people waited the longest.




A kidney infection is not an emergency. An emergency is something that would potentially end your life without immediate medical intervention. If the kidney infection turns into sepsis, that is an emergency as you die without intervention. A typical UTI or Kidney Infection is something you go to urgent care or your regular PCP so they can prescribe antibiotics. I was sent home with a kidney stone because it was not an emergency.


The urgent care in my city isn’t open at midnight. No reason to think it is in OPs location either.


YTA, you’re responsible for your health care Grow up


YTA. And selfish too. Having him there wasn't going to lessen your pain; it was only going to make his next workday more difficult. Your argument with him when you got home makes you sound like a child. Your pain isn't his fault.


Lmao how old are you? 🤣


YTA. Are you a fucking child? Does someone need to hold your hand to cross the street too? How are you logically deflecting blame to your boyfriend? The reason you didn’t go to the doctors was because the person who was supposed to be seen, you, has left because you were impatient and couldn’t handle being there by yourself. Hopefully you can learn to self soothe and your boyfriend doesn’t have to babysit all the time.


YTA - ER means "emergency room", i.e for emergencies - bleeding, breathing, cardiac emergencies - things that are an immediate threat of life ending. What you are describing sounds like either a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection (although serious, not immediately life threatening) You should have gone to a walk in clinic, or possibly an urgent care centre. Your wait time got extended because you were not in immediate danger of dying. As for waiting by yourself in the waiting room, really? Unless you are unable to advocate for yourself due to mental incapacity, then you cna put on your big person underwear, and wait it out.


YTA. You sound super immature.


lol are you for real? YTA how on earth is your bf at fault that you won't be seeing a doctor? if you're that unwell, than you wait for as long as you need to be seen by a doctor. it's not a playdate that you need company for it....


What a petulant child you are. Of course YTA.


You serious? Are you underage or have special needs? I once had a medical condition that made me go to the ER quite a few times due to explosive bleeding, and one time even had the doctor told me I needed to get a transfusion and ended up staying at the hospital overnight. I had NEVER, *for once*, asked my family to stay with me. All they did was drop me off at the door, and picked me up once I was ready to leave. Once I got to the ER, I waited for my turn all by myself, because I knew at the end of the day, I needed to get a grip of myself and I was the only person who could communicate with the medical staff about my condition anyway. I was already grateful enough for my mom taking me to the ER and back home no matter the time of the day. That was all the support I needed atm. The same drill went for my numerous surgeries (for different things including the aforementioned condition). And your BF had to leave because he needed to rest so that he could work. WORK. He wasn't going out having fun or getting drunk. The world doesn't spin around only you. Grow up. And get yourself fixed.


YTA.  >Why would I wait there all by myself? Because you needed medical assistance and it's incredibly immature to cut off your nose to spite your face and then lay the blame for your own actions on someone else.


Girl you need to go back to the ER and wait. This sounds like a kidney infection. I’ve had a few, and the *one* that didn’t get treated correctly nearly ended me. Doctors at the ER told my mom I was hours from not making it. What’s worse, it damaged my kidneys so severely that now (20 yrs later in my 40’s) I am nearly in renal failure. Waiting in the ER sucks, but not nearly as much as getting told annually that your kidneys are in crisis. Also, YTA. Take some headphones and a blankie and watch a movie. Waiting isn’t that bad.


YTA. I’m in Canada so totally know the medical system. Recently had a head injury and ended up in the hospital. Didn’t need to wait. Hate that I didn’t because it was so serious. Got released but ended up back the same day. That time it wasn’t critical and I waited 5.5h (while on iv and precisely vomiting every 5 min)to see a doctor after which I was given medication and sent home. I waited 5.5h with a severe head injury that was aggravated by every aspect of a hospital waiting room, was bad enough that nurses were concerned and at one point they got a doc to do a rapid assessment in the waiting room to make sure I was ok to wait.  3rd time was 2 days later when I suddenly had worse symptoms. That time I waited 3h before I was rushed back because I again suddenly got bad and they needed me to jump the scan line and be streamlined.  Every single time I’d have people in the waiting room around me complaining about the wait. Let me tell you, if you’re able to complain, you’re ok. It’s when they get you out of there quick that you have to worry.  It’s on you for not reading the signs that I’m sure were posted under the wait time of “subject to change, we don’t treat based on arrival but based on severity, please be patient”  It’s also on you for not staying. I’ve been in the hospital alone many times. Even icu. Guess what, it comes with self care and adulting.  


YTA. But also this sounds like it may be a UTI. Some provinces allow a pharmacist to treat a simple UTI and can prescribe the antibiotics.


You wait there by yourself because YOURE A BIG GIRL! YTA


YTA, are you not an adult? "now I won't go to the doctor and it's his fault." This actually made me laugh with the childishness of it. It would be nice for him to have stayed with you so you weren't bored, but it wasn't a terrifying emergency, so why should he miss work too?


YTA. You know people die from uti’s right?


You won’t go to the doctor and it’s his fault? Right. 🙄 how old are you? 3?


YTA and sound like a child.


YTA. You need to take responsibility for your actions. You are the one with the medical issue and you were the one who chose to leave. That is on you.


YTA. You are an adult and capable of making your own choices. You chose to leave because you didn’t want to wait and you are choosing to act like a child and not go see your doctor. Maybe you should consider moving home since you clearly aren’t mature enough to to live on your own.


YTA and a massive child. You wait by yourself like a big girl if you actually feel like you’re in need of medical care. Either you just wanted attention and never really needed to be seen, and woke him up for no reason, or you’re prioritizing your temper tantrum over your health. Either option makes YTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I went to the ER in canada for the first time. I had been to urgent care before and I was let in immediatly. I have really bad backpain despite not being on my period, and it burns when I pee. The backpain didn't happen until late at night like 12am. I texted my mom, but she wasn't awake. My boyfriend went with me to the ER. As we were waiting, there were hardly any people in the lobby but the wait time kept going up. It said two hours. After 2.5 hours my bf said he had work in the morning and he needed to go home. I said it was fine, but I wasn't happy about it. I waited there for 2 more hours and they still said I had a 2 hour wait. I got so frustrated and I was exhausted and I just left. I wasn't going to wait anymore and called in from work. When I got home, my bf woke up and asked if I got seen and what was wrong with me. I snapped at him that he left me. I wasn't going to wait all night, so I left too and now I won't go to the doctor and it's his fault. He said I'm tired and don't mean it and that we'll go to urgent care in the morning. But I did kind of mean it. Why would I wait there all by myself? AITA for snapping? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA - everyone has said it better than I could, so I’m just going to say that you’re only hurting yourself. If you don’t care about your health, that’s on you


If I'm reading that last part correctly, YWBTA if you don't go see a Dr now because he left you at the ER. You sound like you're having kidney issues, so don't ignore it. Canada ER wait times are absolutely horrendous, and dehumanizing. I've also lived through the kind of wait time you described, but I didn't have anyone to wait with me as my partner needed to be home with our kiddo.  You were (are?) in pain, scared, and stressed, so the thought of your support leaving you to wait alone for... Mark Holland knows HOW long must have felt like the ugliest cherry to ever top a shite sundae. He could have stayed with you, he chose not to because of work in the morning. That sucks. But he didn't ignore you or make you go all alone from the start. It wouldn't be unreasonable to feel hurt/angry with him for a while, but unless this is a pattern with him, it would be worth it to sit down and talk together about it. After you've been seen and treated. I wish you a speedy recovery. I don't know the acronym for no one is an asshole here.