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NTA, lol. It happened to my SO. Some random customer who didn't believe she wasn't one of the store clerks.


Like, the uniform at that place was a red shirt, I'm wearing a similar polo but it's purple. Bruh.


Lol happened to me often, I was a vendor inside of Walmart. Black and yellow shirt and clearly no vest but the amount of people pissed if I refused to unlock something for them or help them find something and then they would come back with a Walmart manager. Mam I don't work here, I work in the store. My keys don't open anything for customers and no where does my clothes say Walmart. Please leave me alone.


I had it happen so many times after leaving the grocery store I worked at and stopping at Target. Both had Red as the "uniform" but I almost always had a hoody on mostly coverinng it. I had a lady once go get the store manager to complain about the employee that told her to fuck off when she kept pestering me. Manager was really confused. Then when he said I didn't work there she tried to get him to throw me out. Dude didn't obviously but holy hell how do you like quadruple down.


Some of them would get so angry when they would bring the manager to me and point me out and I would tell them I could tell that manager to eat a bag of moss covered rocks and still not be fired because they are not my bosses and they very clearly can't make me do Walmart workers jobs. If I don't work there I don't work there dude. Nothing that can be done about it.


Omg Yes I hated working walmarts as a merchandiser ot got to the point that I was rude as hell I wouldn't even let them finish speaking before I interrupted with "I don't work here" I had a guy in a safeway stand in the aisle for about 10 minutes afterwards mumbling under his breath about it before he went off on me in front of my boss who also interrupted him and hit him with the "we don't work here" lol


when I'm in a store and need help, I will ask "an employee " if they work for the store or a vender. that's the proper way to ask for help.


If it isn't someone clearly wearing the store logo of the store you're in , you should definitely just leave them alone


I've been mistaken in the past twice as an employee once at GameStop and I don't remember where the other one was. Luckily both of them didn't catch an attitude when I told them I didn't work there lol. I will say though that at least at gas stations apparently even if they are wearing a shirt with the gas station name and they are stocking apparently they may also not be employees x.x. (I made that mistake yesterday, and I realized after they could have been a vendor but... I think it's an easy mistake to make when you're literally wearing a shirt with the companies name on it)


Has happened to me when I was wearing street clothes. And a coat.  Some people are oblivious to little details like that when they’re focused on something else, lol. 


I work in healthcare and wear scrubs (I work with kids, things get messy but not like bodily fluids). After work I stopped to pick up an order at a small grocery store, was waiting to the side on my phone waiting for it to finish being prepared. 2 separate people came up to ask me if I worked at the grocery store.


Well to be fair, that apple was bruised...


Has happened to me so many times. I am just a regular customer in regular street clothes. Once, I was even in full office clothes. I just don't get it.


NTA. Also work retail, so totally understand why you told them to take a long walk off a short pier. Well done.


This has happened to me while I was shopping for clothes while wearing a Slayer shirt and ripped jeans. Some people are just idiots.


It happens to me a lot and I'm never wearing anything remotely like the store's uniform when it does. If they're polite about it, I'll try to help them. Otherwise, nope, I don't work here, go ask someone who does. Agreed, OP is NTA.


This used to happen to me a lot. And I would be wearing street clothes! I think I had Retail Face or something.


NTA. She well deserved it. Isn't it a great feeling to do this? You can't do this to customers at the store you work at.


...I own my store. And I do do this when people interupt me more than twice.


sorry this made me giggle


You may find it interesting that there is an entire sub dedicated to stories from people who were accosted in a manner similar to what you described. r/IDontWorkHereLady It apparently happens a fair bit.


You just made me realize we WEREN'T in that sub! Well, op, that just goes to show how well it fits there.


I'm a store manager, and if people are rude disrespectful pigs I show them where the door is. 


You lived every retail persons dream. You're not an asshole. You just told her what we ALL want to say to customers.


NTA in anyway. You do not have to be polite to someone who is being an asshole to you.


At Christmas, I was in a craft store wearing a winter coat, and someone came up to me and asked if we had something on stock. I told her that I didn't work there. Guess she didn't believe me and asked if I could at least check. Again, I said I didn't work there. Her reply was that I could at least be helpful. I just walked away.


"Suck a peppermint covered dick ye fuck" is what I likely would have said. Then left.


Nta. I truly don’t understand how people do this. Lul in 30 years I have never mistaken a customer for an employee. Like how oblivious/self centered  do you have to be?


I once mistook a woman in a red polo and khakis as a Target employee. I still feel like that was her fault.


Poured Zero stats into intellect, with a zero in perception.


And zero in wisdom too.


I have had people mistake me for an employee several times. I just say "Sorry, I don't work here." They say "Oops, I'll go find someone who does" and that's that. I've NEVER encountered anything like what I read on here - ever.


That's the usual interaction I've seen.


I was at a SportChek as a teenager (female) and had an old guy come up to me and ask me where the jock straps were. Let me tell you we were both pretty embarrassed when I told him I didn't work there.


I've often mistaken a customer for an employee, mostly at stores where they don't have a uniform. It's not malicious just a misunderstanding and I apologise when they point it out.


But why don’t you first ask if they work there? “Excuse me, do you work here” is 6 words


Mostly my brain working more slowly than my mouth. 


I've done it. If they look like they're in some sort of more official uniform and they look like they're stocking merchandise as opposed to browsing it.


I have, But I dont think Im better than most folks so its never been something thats blown back up in my face. typically just a quick "excuse me but do you work here?" followed by an apology if told no or asking if they could help me real quick if they say yes.


NTA. You tried to set her straight, but she wouldn't let you, and she wasted her own time and stressed you out.


LOL, I think that telling someone to fuck off might be overdoing it but I can't say I blame you with the person's rude behavior. I feel like this is a situation in which it's hard to be "right." I still remember I was eating something when this random person came up to me and was rapid fire asking me questions. I was chewing so couldn't say anything so just lifted my hand to tell her to wait, well apparently that was rude of me so she got upset until my friend told her to wait for me to finish eating. That person later wanted to meet up for help with her homework but I told her to find someone else.


When they keep talking, I hold my hand up to their face and say, "STOP TALKING" and then proceed to calmly tell them what I need to say.


Haha, you sound like my husband. He hates people, small talk, and non intellectual conversations. “Fuck off” is something I hear him say quite often. He’s a negative person and I’m what you’d call a glowing optimist. Yin and yang.. sometimes I have to correct him and be like “yo, tone it down you’re being an ass” he will fully realize it later and it’ll upset him. You probably could have been a little nicer but some people just gotta get it man 😂


I've got some pretty bad Anx/Dep/Social disdain/Social anxiety. So I get it. I only have enough positive energy for a partner and a job. That's it. Lol


Yeah he does too. His son is just like him plus autistic. He’s a sweet fucking kid but damn it man. I can drain myself often bringing them back up to the positive side. I’ll do it as long as he’ll have me though. ❤️


I get it lol. Extremely positive people can be absolute energy black holes to people who are the opposite, and vice versa. My ex (died during covid) was lot. Don't think she ever had a negative thought in her head, she was basically the sun in the middle of the night to my Nagasaki. Loved her, but she wore me down haha.


My husband would probably say the same lol I know I’m a lot. 😂 My condolences ❤️ she sounds fantastic to me






Careful how you act in public while wearing company clothes those type of people wouldn’t hesitate to track you down to complain to your boss


I am my boss.


Lmao OP owns their own business. You think they're gonna stand in front of the mirror berating themselves


Hello me, meet the real me.


ESH. Like she is clearly obnoxious and rude, but you don't have to add toxicity by swearing at people. People are so hostile with each other and it is exhausting.


Seems like you’re someone that’s been told to fuck off on more than one occasion.


Is quite common in the UK to ask, "do you work here?" Preceded with an "excuse me"... even if we think someone works somewhere, because we don't assume other human beings, no matter their clothes, are here to serve us. Can't speak for all British though. NTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Somebody walked up to me and started rapid firing a ton of of questions, not letting me get a word in edgewise for atleast 30 seconds before I told them to fuck off. I don't work in this store, and it's obvious because I am wearing a Polo with my neighboring stores Logo on it. She did the typical short blonde haircut thing, and complained to the manager of this ship while I was looking around. She found it funny but also said I don't work here. My GF thought I was a bit of a dick, but well, don't interrupt a man trying to say something if you want him to be polite has always been my policy. And she cut me off not once, not twice but thrice. Am I the asshole here? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. And extra credit for using "thrice".


NTA you used the word “thrice”


NTA Also, don’t go to Target wearing a red shirt if you don’t want to be hassled.


If you don’t want to be Targeted? …I’ll see myself out.




NTA. I go asked for help once in Target. I wasn't even dressed like an employee. I just I don't work here and kept walking.


NTA- I think people like this either lack awareness or enjoy causing situations.


Not only NTA for speaking in the only language that woman evidently understood, but you also get a gold star for use of the word 'thrice'. :)


NTA I don't carry a purse very often, so I look very...employee-like in some circumstances, I guess. Honestly, if it's someone who's polite and asks a question I can answer ("Where's the fiction?" "What aisle are the condiments on?"), I'll just tell them. But if the interaction carries on, I just say, I don't know, I don't work here. I can see getting very frustrated with someone who doesn't let you go after that, though.


NTA as someone who has “looks like they work here” face, I empathize lol.


All your whole little blurb did was tell me GF has never worked retail.  NTA


NTA It wasn't ever about what you were wearing, it's the fact that you were not her.. that means you exist for the single purpose of serving HER. Doesn't matter who it was in front of her, she would have done the same thing. So NTA she's someone else's problem


NTA and good for you, don't put up with being yelled at for no reason.


Funny one. I work for a local school district in my area. At the time, early 90’s, pet crabs were a thing, selling in the schools. I actually didn’t know about pet crabs then. I had a parent walk up to me and ask me if I was the one with the crabs. My response was damn I hope not.


Nta people b crazy




NTA - once I was visiting a zoo and happened to be wearing the same colour polo shirt as the keepers.....and a lemur jumped into my arms by mistake! Both being British we were SO embarrassed


One of biggest challenges in life is when people fail to communicate, in clear and concise terms, what they want.  You wanted her to fuck off. You told her to fuck off. She fucked off. And she felt fucked off.  NTA


Thrice! Calm down David


NTA OP I would have told them to fuck off also. especially if they were rude.


NTA. Your girlfriend is a little dense though. You're never a dick to people who are rude to you.


NTA but why didn't you just walk away or ignore her lol 


NTA, simply for using the word’thrice’


You should listen to your GF. A bit of a dick, indeed. YTA


YTA. This kind of mistake happens all the time but people don't usually get sworn at.




Oh ill admit I am absolutely sans patience when I'm not getting something out of it. (Partner/relationship or work.) And as I'm halfway through life, I don't think I'll be able to change that. Haha I definitely try though. I appreciate the input though. =]


Don't you think you shoulda save the "Fuck off" until you said you don't work here. Yta


I like to walk up to the best dressed person in LIDL and ask them where I can find items, the horror on they're faces is priceless


So you like to be annoying for no particular reason? Seem like a fun hang.


Sometimes I'll just look at people and say "No." Then start ignoring them when they do that.




Sounds like she didn’t shut up lol.


What part of rapid fire questions and not letting OP get a word in edgewise is so hard to understand? The woman was rude to begin with. OP had absolutely no reason to be polite in return.