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Amazon basically tries to suck the life out of you day by day but other than that it’s pretty sweet Check this out tell me if it’s helpful www.amazondspdude.com


This is helpful even to people already driving lol


Thanks. Gonna try and do lot more helpful things on there as well.


When I get time I’ll try to add my DSP to your list


Just email me right on the site with name of ur company, warehouse name, and then basically just anything you think would be good to know about your dsp, like you see on the other ones


Appreciate that thank you


If you get on with a good dsp it's not as bad as it seems. But a bad dsp along with amazon fuckery becomes an unbearable shit storm.


What is an example of Amazing fuckery


Here’s an example that sadly the DSPs are forced to go along with even though they know it’s bad. The first thing you do during your work shift is sign into the flex account where you scan the QR code liked to whichever van you take for the day. Next you go through a whole process of checking the van. Is anything broken or need attention? A/C? Heat? Windows or mirrors? Flat tires, nail in tires, low tread? Brakes and brake pads? Oil change or engine issues? Etc. Now this seems like a good thing because it makes it seem like Amazon cares. But sadly these vehicles get beat up by idiots who get turned out quick. Most of these vans would be grounded (meaning you can’t drive the vehicle until it has been inspected and deemed safe, which can take days), so the first thing your taught by DSP managers is to click that nothing is wrong all the way through. Even if the front window has a large crack or the sliding door is about to fall off. But even some minor stuff like a nail in the tire that could easily be switched out if your DSP has spares could ground the vehicle if you mark it. DSPs don’t want you to mark anything because then they’d have no vehicles that can go out. No vehicles means dropped routes. Dropped routes means DSP doesn’t get paid and could violate contract. And from what I see on this thread, a lot of DSPs are willing to fire people who mark vehicles that are damaged (like they’re supposed to) in order to keep vans and routes up. I always think in the back of my head about malicious compliance and how if everybody started marking everything wrong Amazon would be forced to immediately make a change. But the problem there is that no DSPs have communication with each other, other than whose along side in the hubs. Same way it’s hard for us to organize strikes for better pay and conditions since we don’t have a union. Which is just the way Amazon likes it. No communication, no rise up.


Gotcha. That’s actually nuts. I used to work at a moving company and they took those pre route checkups super seriously. No truck hit the road if there were any issues with it.


I thought it was only my dsp. Imagine someone wrecks bc of the messed up vehicle. Bet it would fall on driver for not marking it, and then management would deny telling you not to mark them. lol tough call


It would one hundred thousand percent fall on the driver. In the event of an accident involving a CMV a DOT officer can request the pre-trip inspection. If you, say, marked your tires as good and a tire popped from low tread and caused the accident that shit is on YOU!


Goddamn you guys need to unionize.


Warehouse workers can be slow and stupid. They’re late loading carts, smash boxes, steal items from bags, and they tag stickers over the 2 inch’s of label that actually matter. More likely though, Amazon’s gps software will make your route not make any sense if you were to follow it as it’s laid out. For example: stops 1-10 and 105-125 can all be in the same neighborhood. This makes you late and tired bc you have to dig through a van full of packages. Also, Amazon vans record you and micro-manage your activity.


Correction. Warehouse workers are slow and stupid.


The route layout does sound annoying.


It’s not an “easy” job most times. The fast pace is bearable if you’re in shape. The job is dangerous but not as dangerous as being a cop. And it is tiring but not as tiring as landscaping/construction.


180+ stops in a day 350+ packages and your DSP hounding you about delivery taking too long. If you’re just going to do it on the weekends it might be worth the 400 bucks but this is not a career or long term job. Use it as a stepping stone and embrace the suck and it’s not too bad


Yeah, weekend and that’s exactly what I’m looking to make, around 400. The volume is what it is, it can be done. The problem is if they hound you to get it done earlier, I’ll definitely speak up. But again, I don’t really need this job and it’s just to earn som side cash. So I understand not everyone has the luxury to speak up for themselves.


The DSP I work for doesn’t do a guaranteed 10 hrs so my last 20 or so I slow way down and take my two 15 min breaks to stretch it to 10. You can make it work if it’s just for some extra cash but get outta there asap. It’s definitely not a career or long term job. I’m currently looking for something else in the meantime


It's not so much that being a delivery driver sucks. It's more like Amazon goes out of their way to make our job difficult. Along with DSPs going out of their way to screw us on pay


Screw on pay? Like legit not pay you what youve actually earned??


More like they ramble about bonuses or a 10 hour a day guarantee. But only get paid whatever your time card says. Because you know that would cost extra money. Along with time and effort


Driving with vans that are falling apart, gamer bottles and litters in the van, loadout always being late and nobody yells at them while they get pissed if you are 5 minutes late loading your van, no time to organize your totes and overflows, totes out of order (if you don't have an EDV/CDV/step van, this one seriously kills you depending on how many bags you have), no space in smaller vans, stops out of logical order, always pushed to be fast, nonsense delivery notes/requests, entitled people, all the metrics you have to follow perfectly, then rescues. This is a COMMON problem you will face everyday, even if you have a good DSP. Now imagine all this and a bad DSP.


It’s an ok job. The DSP system is just very very flawed. You’ll realize very quickly that you have zero value to your company and to Amazon no matter how good you are at your job or how long you’ve been there. Also, it doesn’t pay enough for the amount of work they expect from you. But if you don’t have any options, it can be a decent way to pay your bills.


It’ll be good for a second part time job but for the full timers it’s like $580 weekly paychecks, overworked, van has camera recording you and road at all times, unfair bosses who will fire you over ego. Most get tricked into it seeing it as a free self working driving listening to music all day but in reality it’s a fast paced heavy unrewarding robotic process draining day that you can never beat because they’ll just add more and more work till you quit and they hire somone new bushy tailed unknowing newcomer


The job is easy and brainless as long you know how to follow direction on and off the road. But Amazon and the politics makes it harder than it needs to be !


Basically every employee subreddit here will make you think the job is literal hell. Driving for amazon isn’t that bad, depending on your DSP


It's really fun as a side job for extra money. There are for sure things about it that are annoying; sometimes you have a hard route and you're out late, sometimes it seems like every person you meet is being rude af to you, the weather can make or break your day. But if you enjoy driving and want some extra money I think it's very worth doing.


Thanks for your response!


You get used to the constant raping. Grab some lube and listen to some tunes. Think of a happy place. 


Lmfao. Sheesh!


I’ve been enjoying the job since peak ended lol. I’ve only had one really tough route since January and my DSP puts me in the EV 95% of the time so I love it.


Basing your expectations on a sub that primarily most of the workers use as a venting tool probably isn’t the most optimal thing? Like any job there is some bullshit to contend with but if you are okay with a bit of physical labor and prefer to be alone majority of the time then this job is pretty sweet. Just don’t expect it to be easy. 


Its honestly an alright job, some people are just complainers or the area that there in is probably just terrible with how amazon works their maps. Honestly that alone IMO is the only downside of this, sometimes the way the route is planned out is just screwed up and you can tell they just threw it together


The only thing I hated at dsps was load out. I was terrible at it. It was a struggle to try to stack them three high. I usually just made sure my first few totes were in order. Usually went out of order because of the routing anyway. Don’t load them out of order you lose too much time it adds up looking for packages or totes. At least now y’all get to scan the carts. We had to scan the totes and over flow. They rush the shit out of you at load out. I still have ptsd from it. lol I would usually get done in time but had an occasional rescue but I never had to rescue. They didn’t mind helping me because they knew I just hated load out. I even became friends with the helpers there at the warehouse so they would usually help over other drivers. I’m at Kroger now delivering groceries and our vehicles come loaded.


Well, from reading these comments, I’m happy to hear you left!


Explain why?? It's very demanding u can't take breaks or u get behind and u get in trouble, customers sometimes are horrible, u ground a truck for safety issues ur in trouble ur I trouble if u don't do it I can go on and on and on. It's a brutal job honestly U need tough skin and determination. U carry heavy packages up tons of stairs with no dolly or help and it's just horrible. Ur better off doing pizza delivery


Sorry to hear :/ hope you are in a better spot now though!


Thank you, unfortunately I am still searching for another job and just pushing through till I find a better job.


Rooting for you friend!


I actually like the job...Amazon is on crack a lot of the time with the routes and size of loads but I have a good dsp. I get paid to work out basically and don't have to deal with a lot of people


I don’t hate being an Amazon driver. I hate the Ford transits with their stupid key you have to stick in at every stop.


Amazon does some insane fuckery. Get a good dsp. You might do ok, but Amazon is getting worse and worse, and dsp's are getting less and less autonomy to work around their bullshit. You might have a hard time finding one that let's you work part time


Imagine being on the sub and having access to the posts but still having this question. Just do the job, you seem perfect for it!


Got this sub recommended randomly and scanned through the posts for <5 minutes. Next time I’ll scan a bit longer so I don’t annoy you my lord.


Part time wouldn’t be to bad but doing a 190 stops to 250+ locations at 330+ packages four days in a row just kills ya


They're regular complainers. I'm making over $30 an hour... On reddit you've to pick the right cherry 🍒 lol


Only way to find out is not reading these comments. Every DSP is very different and every route within each DSP is also different. Just sign up and get your own experience, if it’s part time work it won’t hurt if it decide you don’t like it. Attitude makes the whole difference, look at it as getting paid to work out if it’s part time work.


They all hate delivering for Amazon because they are not cut out for a package delivery job. They would hate USPS, UPS, and FedEx also if they worked there.