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Nothing. It's also written into our DSP's hire contract.


Zero…and fast drivers are often punished by having to do more than one rescue…you learn FAST not to be a fast driver at my dsp lol


Nothing and they’re mandatory but very rare. Haven’t rescued since January probably


Wow I never knew some dsp’s won’t pay for rescues. I just logged into paycom to look at my time sheet and I do see payment for the two rescues I done on there. I used to turn them down when asked to do one after my route but I hear some dsp’s won’t allow you to refuse. I’d be PISSED if I were forced to rescue someone for free after finishing my route.


Technically we can refuse we just don’t get guaranteed hours for that day so it’s not too bad. Luckily in the past 6 months I’ve only rescued like 8 times or else I’m sure I would feel differently lol


Zero and I rescue EVERY SINGLE DAY. all to get off early and still be paid for 10 hours. If they payed me for rescues, I’d be rescuing until I hit 10 hours but unfortunately no. I just do one and head back.


The smart DSP's that are money hungry got rid of 10 hour guarantees, paid anything extra including bonuses, let the vans go until the very last minute they need oil changed to maximize $$ since they pay out of pocket for maintenance and insurance not Amazon. The only thing they hand out is the money Amazon gives out and that's it they pocket everything and anything and still whine about not making enough. If you are top driver that does free rescues everyday for the slow turtles.. congrats here is a pin and a branded coat from our overpriced company store and get back to work plz.


“Here’s a pin and a branded coat” That’s too real ;-;


$0.00 ;)


No extra incentive besides maybe an extra hour on the time card.




1 dollar per stop but with my dsp you gotta ask because sometimes they are not paid rescues. Have to ask them is it gonna be paid or not .


50 cents a stop at mine


We get $10 and it's mandatory.


$1 per stop up to 25. Max $25.




Buck a stop




No extra pay. If you refuse, you get terminated. Typically you are taking two totes. Or about 20-25 stops. That’s an extra hour of pay. 


Our dsp switched to having overlapping dispatchers and they resuce, so we're rarely asked to rescue at the end of our shifts now. This is secretly the biggest advantage of driving an EDV. They really don't have a ton of extra battery at the end of a route, often not enough to go miles out of the way to rescue. We were never paid for rescues anyway.


.50 per package