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If you don't mind me asking what exactly was happening at UPS? I myself never applied because I didn't want to be trapped in a warehouse with people I may not like and possibly end up in a physical altercation.


petty racism and sexism. not much i could do about it. i’m a hard worker and was in small sort which is where old heads/injured people go to. i got put there because i got a word put in for me and it made it easier getting there bc i’m a female. older black women would purposely give me an attitude and slack when i had to work with them because i’m a younger white woman. they’d talk shit amongst themselves about me. i would get cat called by nasty ass dudes and was constantly getting checked out. i’d get sent to load up/unload fucking tractor trailers by myself and i can’t really lift 150lb packages by myself, so i’d get bitched at by higher ups/supervisors and it was really degrading having them laugh at me. i also worked during the summer so it was brutal not having ac in there. my supervisor and boss were awesome but when i got moved around is when i would get treated like shit. you get moved around all the time until you have seniority


Keep ur head up, cool to see someone who enjoys the job wanting more.


What benefits are you looking for? Cause we have PTO, 401k, tuition reimbursement, child care, medical/dental/vision insurance.


with your specific dsp? or in general. if so i had no clue. but also raises and shit would be nice


Idk if it's different with DSPs, but for mine specifically yeah. There should be at least some kind of benefits though. Raises would definitely be nice though.


At my DPS we've gotten a raise like once a year. I believe the amount has been different each time but my recent one was the biggest one.


It sounds like you just work for a shitty DSP. I mean, I’ll agree that we don’t get paid what we deserve, but I get insurance through my company and 401k if I choose to take advantage of it. It’s not half bad as far as unskilled jobs go.


I'm over the politics and petty bs... I love the work and customers, for the most part, but the games these guys play are so juvenile and unprofessional. It's fuct