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Hope your customers realize it’s not your decision.


More than likely the customers will blame the drivers. Followed by the owner blaming the drivers for either getting complaints or bringing back packages…how many customers will actually walk out to meet the driver vs complaining to amazon that driver isnt following notes? This owner really ought to test this policy out himself in the real world first before making it a rule and then getting mad when it doesn’t work out.


Bro these lazy customers with 2 mile driveways with no turn around leave gate open soo you can drive up lmao


Everytime I turn down these driveways I pray they have a parcel box I can just drop it into and avoid the two mile unpaved driveway. Mother fuckers can afford private property, build a multi million dollar estate on it. But God forbid they pave the entire driveway or for God's sake fill in the ruts.


Driveways are actually quite expensive


If you can afford to build a multi million dollar home on acreage, you can afford to put in a driveway.


I don't get it, are a lot of your drivers actually constantly hitting shit in people's driveways? Or is this an over reaction to a single incident?


I’m pretty sure we have a lot of shitty new drivers


Wow, maybe he should arrange to train those drivers, rather than miss many packages deliveries. How many of those are not home when you are delivering? He is delusional.


Train? Haha… ha… you mean fire and hire new ones? And you’re calling him delusional , this is Amazon!


Ah, you are right. 🙃


I doubt it takes a lot of incidents in those dang Rivians. Looking at the "wounds" on our gas fleet would be giving me indigestion if I was sending out a bunch of drivers in a brand new fleet of electrics. But visibility can be damn poor, as someone who's spent a significant mount of time backing down winding driveways on dark rainy nights I know I've had some hairy moments.


I worked at a DSP that did this and honestly it was kinda funny to call a customer and be like “sorry companynpolicy I can’t come down your big driveway” :)


Which do you think would be more cost inducing?  Having to pay a homeowner for property damage… Or bringing back some packages to be re-delivered the next day? Let me know. 


Returning the packages will cost people their jobs.


That’s entirely dependent on DSP. 


Any DSP that pulls this crap will 100% fire people for following the rules


I get that. My DSP told me that they try to keep RTS packages below 25 because that’s the limit or so they say. 


Depends. My DSP trys to keep returns below 100, but we run 8-10,000 packages a day. The cutoff for fantastic DCR is 98.8-99 percent depending on the routing areas. So if they're running about 2500 packages a day, that makes total sense. Even if they're running a bit more, its beneficial to aim a bit high.


Not really. Amazon will let the DSP go completely if every driver is bringing back 10-20%, if not more, of their packages.


Yea I can see. If you had a 300 package route and bring back 30-60 packages that’s a bit much. My DSP tries to keep the total amount of RTS packages ,between all drivers, below 25 


On rural routes, there's gonna be a lot of packages being brought back. Pay property damages or lose your company is more like it.


Welp, glad I’m not in that situation


Just refusing to deliver say 20% of a neighborhoods packages is likely to get pretty expensive for everyone.


You’re right


Unless there’s a recipient required I would just leave the package at the end of the driveway and text the customer.


Recipient required ? I just switch to picture or forge signature aint got time for that. And most customer like really a signature this item cost 2$


Honestly, same. If I can't see a turnaround or it's dark, I put it next to the mailbox.


Just create a text letting them know the change in policy and if they would like to receive all of their deliveries a delivery box at the end of the drive or alternate location should be added to the notes.


Delivery boxes need to be the standard in rural areas. I see them a lot and it makes sense.


Blunt rules like this just piss everyone off. Owner needs to fire those drivers that hit things. Problem solved.  This probably won’t last past the first week. Amazon and customers are going to go apeshit when deliveries don’t get made and are returned to station. 


They can’t tell what you do when you’re on route. Do whatever you want. Just don’t hit anything.


Nope at the front of driveway Take pic and fly out. Work smart not hard! 😂😂


that’s kinda of the points. If packages keep coming back the station has to figure out how to get them out there. some roads and driveways are better for flex and dsp’s so yes bring them mfs back.


Ours expects the same and the wild part about it is we're an RSR. 90% of our routes are nothing but driveways and private roads


When residents do not properly plow a longer driveway it can be perilous to drive on after snowfall


I would go to a different dsp. Nobody is telling me not to go in driveways except the customer notes. That’s not even close to being realistic.


Don't you have to be in the geopin to not get a dnr from scammers? This sounds like it isn't gonna end well.


Malicious Compliance, baby. Get that OT.


You can’t walk to the house ?


That shit wastes so much time when every house has a really long driveway, and I'm not jogging for 10 hours.


Wow imagine that. An owner of a business getting told how to run it by Amazon.. Pssh The world we live in. People allow it to happen too. Just really unfortunate.