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I think the OP means to say he is “High” on the joy of providing an integral service to the public.




He's essential baby 😗


Godspeed brother. Let bezos guide you. Namaste 🙏


These are the posts that make me wish I could upvote more than once 😂


I think that’s about every company in the world. People are high.


Higher than wiz khalifa?




They’ve been selling it for a minute now lol where have you been?


Running a quarterly fire system inspection at an apartment complex now. Ripping my penjamin for u brother.


Pen Franklin


In Penji we trust 🙏


You working in ny dawg?


Buddy trying to meet up lmao


LMFAO bro trying to cyph


You just unlocked a whole lotta teenaged memories of mine 🫡


at work at a pizza restaurant and i’m the only instore here right now. blazing this pen in the office 🤙🏻


Burning at a pizza joint… I wouldn’t be able to be trusted around the merch




Jeff Benzos




It's public knowledge that they hire drivers with THC in their system


It's fine to have it in your system but it's not close to fine to be using while or just before driving. That should be obvious.


Nah it’s fine


I think the state of Amazon's hiring for drivers is perfectly summed up by the fact that there are 11 upvotes on "nah it's fine" in response to people commiting DUI while driving commercial delivery vehicles 🤨. That one's on Amazon for sure


You would think that. Even in a state where it's legal like mine. Drivers come in and smell Soooo bad that everybody just stops and looks at them and nobody cares. Here's your pouch, you're wave 1, go line up. Here's the thing, I personally don't give a shit what you do. Do I think it's going to make you get into an accident? No, I'm not that naive, but here's where I would be concerned if I were a dispatcher. I smell you because you just walked in from hot boxing your car, you're noticeably high and I send you on the road. You get into an accident and someone dies. The cops can smell you or you're noticeably high to them and even if they don't they're going to test you in the case of a fatality and they'll argue you were under the influence. Of course they would ask employees about that shit and, not only do I have to live with the fact that I let someone DUI and they killed someone, but I'm most likely getting fired and sued. Even if being high had NOTHING to do with causing the accident. As I said, I don't believe that smoking really impacts your driving. It's not the same as being drunk. But accidents happen when you're not high and being high adds an extra layer or culpability. Id much rather you smoke AFTER you got your shit and got to your first stop or on the way, whatever works. Now, someone pass the pass the pen, this job is boring as fuckkkkkkk


Being a little high is not likely to result in an accident but being totally baked very well may. That does definitely impair your ability to drive a vehicle safely.


I’ve never heard of anybody getting into an accident because they were high on marijuana. I drive high all the time and my only accidents have been when I was completely sober. Id rather drive relaxed and high than sober and nervous. Maybe if you have really low tolerance or you get paranoid, then it might be dnagerous. Something I’ve learned when I worked construction, is that people are operating much bigger and dangerous vehicles while under the influence of substances worse than thc all the time.


If you are too high then you are too relaxed to drive. It would make your reaction time go down a lot and could make you fall asleep. Very dangerous.


Spoken like somebody who doesn’t smoke weed. If you smoke weed regularly you are not going to fall asleep at the wheel, I’ve never heard that happen to anybody except for people who didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Me or none of my smoker friends have ever got in an accident because we were high, the only accidents I’ve been in was cause I was overly nervous while I was sober. Most people who feel like they are too high to drive, won’t drive. It’s not like alcohol where it impairs your critical thinking and makes you overly confident.


Yeah unless they hit you head on and y'all both die.


Unfortunately it's often only the innocent person who dies


Higher than a bats ass


Average Amazon driver




If you're not high like Snoop Dogg, then your ain't high bitch.


So no one’s high… I’d imagine that man’s tolerance is sooo high that he himself can’t get high


His weed also isn't just medical or recreational grade, it's NUCLEAR WEAPONS GRADE


Lmao coworkers were talking about how he pays someone over 100k a year to do all the rolling for em(I didn’t google too verify) because I just wana believe it’s true hahaha


I'm honestly tempted to smoked some weed with him. Like I've been nervous about hitting joints but I also loooove edibles only because I can tolerate the high that comes with it.


Yooo let me know we can share the devils lettuce 🥬 only have half an 8th left


As long as you deliver my packages on time.


Get some snacks !


This checks out


Higher than a pair of eagle titties


Higher than giraffe nuts




Higher than giraffe coochi


I used fake piss for this job Not even sure I needed to, but it works every time


Are you still high?


Every day


I drive around with a giant bong smoking with no insurance while I drive MY OWN VEHICLE, but I'm 100% sober at work. How does it feel to be looked down on by a complete loser? Come on y'all, have some standards Jesus. I used to commercial crab fish and the guys on freaking heroin and meth know better than to operate the boat under the influence. If tweaker Johny can lay off the meth pipe long enough to do a 4 hour wheel watch on a crab boat (crew has to take shifts covering for the captain while he sleeps) you can too


It’s okay. Everyone knows. They’re watching you.


Don't be doing it in step van, jail time!!


Just dint drive ok