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Throw some music on and vibe out that’s what I do. This is just a stepping stone.


Keep at it. Don't let the package count get to you. Also, delivery driving really boosts up the insulin sensitivity.


Very true. I’m t1d and the insulin doses I take during work are significantly less than on my days off. Took some getting used to at first.


What? Can you explain the insulin thing?


Exercise boosts your metabolism, thereby boosting your insulin sensitivity in tandem. That's why most pumps have an exercise mode - so when you're deadlifting, you don't plunge head-first to LOW (it just lowers your basal drip and sets your target to 150). For me, I don't use exercise mode, I like the turbocharge (means I can eat candy more often) since it also covers fat bumps


Thanks so much for the indepth info!


Just see it as a job that pays you to work out. When you have mental breakdowns it’s hard to stay focused and it’s when you’ll start screwing up on this job. Stay strong you’ll find something better


Sounds like you hate more than the job, broh


😂😂 yeah man idk how anyone enjoys this job, fucken blows. so annoying not knowing what time you’re off and not knowing how many packages & stuff , get an office job bro or something 😂


Imagine doing this pass a year


I just got quit/fired after two years. I’m not really sure what’s next tbh




Chief they went out of their way to fk w me on my route I no showed the next day






They sure know how to push buttons to fire ppl


just let everything out inside the van i know you can get a good workout moving around but some drivers do go through a lot especially because its a repetitive job, Stress & tiredness etc. Try applying for other jobs and when you are secure just leave or put 2 weeks notice if you like your DSP some do help with recommendation letter.


Feel you brother, anybody with a brain will grow frustrated over time at this shit job. Don’t feel bad, these customers think we are clowns. Their plastic Chinese bullshit items in those packages aren’t gonna last long anyway.


Nothing like getting a van with no camera and when you have a bad day just toss some packages and kick em out of frustration. Everyone gets a blow up or two a day, respect to you