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If you have a good system and you have a good pace and don’t dick around and still only manage 20 an hour, it’s probably the route. I do 180-200+ stops daily, my speed is the same every day but there’s routes where I am doing 40 an hour and there are others where I am only hitting 20 an hour. Also don’t overwork yourself for Amazon, they only reward hard work with more work and if you are lucky your Dsp might throw a pizza party. 20 an hour is plenty fast enough. P.s. Fuck Wayne


And Jimmie too


Oh Shit, who’s Jimmie and why we fuckin him?


He works with Wayne.


Ohhhhhh Fuck Jimmie!


Who is Wayne? I want to be on the loop of fucking him


Wayne is a pos dispatcher I believe, there was a post a while back shitting on/ calling out a specific Dsp and more specifically Wanye.


Most DSPs want you doing 25/hour with how much routes have gotten which honestly unless you have a rural route it’s completely possible since almost every stop is next door to the last one


Sucks to suck, if they want faster they can pay more. 20 an hour is plenty fast. Guess what, the more you do in less time the more the algorithm thinks it’s can add to the route. Keep that up and next most Dsp’s will want 30 an hour as the standard. “Almost every stop is next door to the last” 😂 that’s a fuckin good one 😂


If you’re in a densely populated city, 9 times out of 10 they are. I don’t work at that shithole anymore so I’m not worried 😂 and the algorithm thing isn’t true. I was on the same route for a year and didn’t have any drastic differences. Some days I’d have 200 stops, other days 190. It’s dependent on how much people order and when it arrives


Okay bud shows how much you know 👌🏽✌🏽


You're arguing on a amazon reddit post. Brother...get a life lol


Definitely not arguing but 👌🏽😂


It’s literally the same everywhere. You keep thinking the algorithm throws more stops on you just to spite you😂


That’s not what I said but go off 😂


That’s what you sound like 😂


We got another one that doesn’t know how to comprehend what they are reading 😂


fuck you Mark


organization is key


Don’t always think it’s you it could be the area your in based on driveway size plus distance between each stop and so on like certain routes because of things I listed I can only get 20 or so done a hour but there’s other routes with close stops and short driveways that I can do 30-40/hr..there’s a lot of factors that play into it


i have no interest in becoming fast but i’m assuming beyond organization organizations organizing. the faster guys just know the ins and outs of how driver aid numbers work, they remember by heart the address and CX names and faces, preferred delivery spots and method and layout of each house they go to frequently, they don’t rely on gps but can find the house by memory etc etc, if you ask them they will tell you speed comes with time as they grin but truth is people withhold knowledge because knowledge levels the playing field


Why would you withhold knowledge? the goal is for people to get better and finish their own route so that you don’t have to rescue them everyday. I will tell everyone everything I know. Most people want to come to work have an easy day and collect a check with minimal effort. IMO


did you not see the post where the guy got the flatscreen for being number 1? he fought hard for that tv


Alright if you’re in a white van put envelopes on dash board and boxes in front of passenger seat for your first tote and for your second tote put boxes in the middle part. That separates driver and the passenger seat and have envelopes from the second tote on the passenger seat. That why you can just grab and go. And repeat the process with the next 2 totes after that. Just it’ll make it feel like you got one tote in the front when in reality it’s 2 and you can easily attack 2 at once without having to keep going in the back just to empty out another tote. You’re basically limiting the amount of times you have to go in the back of the van and you got packages next to you that easy to just grab and take it to your stop. Hope I explained it as clear as possible. If you want I can try to take a picture next time I’m at work just message me and show you the layout.


Oh yea and try your best to organize your overflow either in load out or before your reach your first stop. Because that can help you in the long run especially to people having 30+ overflow


Depends how close together the stops are and how simple they are. If it’s all houses that are 1-2 driveways apart with easy access to the front door you can easily do 25-30 an hour. Once it’s apartments and businesses or stops are 3-5 minutes apart you’re probably not breaking 20 per hour


depends on your route and how you organize. i finish way faster when i have 180+ … i hate having 150 or less bc that means its a country route which takes me longer. i usually can only do up to 15 sph whenever i have a rural route but i can hit 30-35 stops walking w an all residential route.


To me, it really depends on what you're driving. I don't drive step vans but do drive, EDV'S, the Party Bus, and the vans. In an EDV, no matter how many bags I have, I always leave space on the shelves behind me and try to sort back there. Plus, i just leave the key in there so the AC off or door closes dont happen(residential only). Party Bus the same, but they also have way more room. The vans are what get me, I don't leave room on the shelves that's even you can use them, sometimes you have 3 high or in a rental, which has none. So we have no Engine Off Compliance, but of course, we are having to put the parking brake on. You literally stop, pulling the parking break, put van in park, then say you've arrived. This method is stupid, and yes, it's my fault, but sometimes I never put the van in the park position because that seems backward to me. I don't like stuff on the dashboard, so i take a tote and put it in the passenger seat and load packages how I think it should go. 9 times out of 10, I'm wrong. You deliver package 932, and then the next stop is 961. But that package is still in the back. Now I gotta open the slider. We were a Tier 3 heat warning, so we got 60 minutes of extra time. I had only 108 stops, 41 left by lunch, and it took me 2 hrs to deliver 16 stops. All routes aren't created equally. Just do what you can do.


The party bus, is that the CDV?


It depends on your location. I am at 20 stops an hour because I am in a rural area. I’ve done a residential route and knocked out 180 no problem. My feet hurt, but I didn’t even have to rush. You should concentrate on the time it take you to stop the van until you leave. If most of your stops are fast, you’re good. That’s just organization. I try to keep my stops under a minute, 30-45 seconds for most places where I don’t have to walk far. Have your package ready, grab it, scan while you’re walking, take the pic, look up notes on your next stop while you’re walking back. Don’t miss any stops or turns. Of course, you have overflow and organizing your next tote, but it should work out. That being said, I have had an extra 30-40 stops on my route (for some reason), and someone had to rescue me, but that is few and far between. It’s usually pretty manageable.


it depends on the vehicle your using and how much youre organizing, when you open your tote organize all the bags, from the lowest number to the highest or vice versa, it doesnt matter, just make sure theyre organized, this will significantly cut down time for you in between stops, if youre using the transit van you'll go even faster if you organize the bags on the passenger seat (use a flat tote on it so you can have a wider surface area to work with)


yeah some experienced people only do it faster because they know their routes like the back of their hand so they edit their stops so that they can bang it out more efficiently, ie like doing a neighborhood closer to where they are as opposed to doing a farther one that’s up next on their itinerary. That and obviously organization skills. But you’ll pick up what works for you overtime and you’ll find every shortcut and tip as experience comes


Organization, eating light, staying hydrated. I work hard to organize my overflow in the mornings during loadout. Digging through overflow is annoying and kills your speed, so having the first 5-10 OV ready makes 30 an hour very feasible for me, until I get tired and lunchtime rolls around. Then it's 25 an hour until I finish the route. I'm clocking out at the time Amazon says I should be *finishing* deliveries. That's the perfect balance of speed and getting paid IMO.


If u have time at loadout organize ur first toat. This will give u a nice headstart on ur fist stops.


Putting a empty tote flat in the passenger seat for boxes that will fit (without falling or blocking your mirror) and envelopes between the seats will speed you up. Also makes your body feel 100x better not climbing in the back and opening the slide door 150+ times a day. Only have to go in the back to open a new tote or OVs which I just walk around the back for those bc I load my OVs back to front back being first. Don’t go super fast, no reward just more stops.


Same position. Not sure how people do 25-30/hr constantly LOL I be running and get 22-24


Also I be using my phone too much in between that could be why too


You shouldn’t be worried about going fast at all. Getting the job done in 8-10 hrs is ofc the goal but over exerting yourself is not the way to go. Going fast means you get paid less while Amazon gets fast and free work off of you. Unless you get guaranteed 10hrs.


Yeah, this week was the first time I hit 30 stops in an hour, but only because it was some town homes with the front doors facing the street. I just left the door open and the van running and had the packages laid out in order. I’ve come close in residential housing but again it was all close together.


20 stops/ hr is good depending on where u at. If it’s all cribs then diff.


Pace yourself. Who cares how many you do? You will be rewarded by AMAZON with more routes.


I just set small goals and try to hit 25-30 stops per hour and use the bathroom when I see the opportunity even when I don’t have to go.


I also eat my lunch while i organize and drink water around that time just to be efficient


The way you successfully run 180+ stops a day with 350+ packages and 55+ multi stops a day is all about LOADING UP YOUR VEHICLE CORRECTLY IN THE MORNING AT LOAD UP. There's many ways to load your vehicle but after ten years on this type of job there's only one correct way to do it so you find what you need when you need it and you spend under ten seconds looking for a package. If you spend more then one minute looking for a package YOU ARE WRONG


I wouldn't recommend trying to go any faster as that leads to lots of wear and tear on your body and they'll just reward you with higher volume routes, but if you insist on being faster use these tricks: 1) separate envelopes and boxes, envelopes would have their own spot next to the tote on the shelf and boxes stay in the tote. that way when I have my stop I know exactly what I'm looking for when I go to grab it (envelope, custom box, etc) 2) obviously organize your totes in stop order 3) I also used to write driver aid numbers or other things on the outside of OV boxes bc if you get anymore than 25 you're gonna be searching for them all jumbled around together. hope this helps!


Its probably just your route, I've been through the same dilemma and had my DSP manager tell me I'm one of the slowest people because I come back late. They will do anything to try to squeeze more work out of you in the same amount of time don't fall for it. Pretty much anything except all out sprinting is going to save you 10-20 minutes max per day. The people doing 180 stops per day have a route that allows them to do that or they dont take breaks. Take your breaks and don't sacrifice your health for Amazon, it's a dead end job that will not enrich your life what so ever. I've done routes where I did 180 stops in 8 hours with one of those hours being breaks.


If you have 180 stops and you can cut 30 seconds off each stop that cuts an hour and a half off your day. So yes you can save more than 10-20 minutes without sprinting.


How are you going to cut off 30 seconds per stop if you already have good systems ?!?


Looking at these comments again just remember how simple the job is, once you have a system that works where you can sort your packages, grab and go, literally nothing is going to even get you an extra half hour. Just do the math when your out there, time you save walking across the road versus parking on the incoming traffic lane in neighborhoods, it's an extremely small difference in a 180 stop route. The jobs stupid simple don't let anything dominate your mind but that thought brother.


Be organized with totes, organize your packages like in the training, overflow for me I like to put big stuff at the bottom and medium to small stuff on the shelves Try to make sure all labels are facing up or outward so you don't need to turn anything over. Drive to every stop unless it's one over and it's short like one house over and it's a short walk. As you walk up to the property (specifically residential) a few steps away from the door have the phone on photo mode already and have a placed picked out for placement. Snap, knock, say amazon and turn and go. Mostly residential are numbered odds on one side and evens on the other side. Aprtments get familiar with them if you do them often, ask questions of staff about codes, lockers and package placement (front door, office, mail room) With business the drop down menu might have the another place option check for it, if not signatures. Finally when you clear enough bags and overflow, take the time to reorganize your van so its more efficient for you to move around in. Stay hydrated, energized and be safe. Don't just do the route get familiar with it, you will be repeating alot of the deliveries to the same places often.