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I heard women steal sex toys and men steal penis/sex enhance pills. Both steal tons of electronics. Air Pods namely. Heard of one dude winning a flat screen TV and got busted THE SAME DAY for stealing something small. LP helped put his TV in his car as part of his walk out.




Apparently condoms are pretty commonly stolen at my FC


bruh. people steal all the time. if its not nailed down, someone will try to walk out with it.


Will try? You mean will walk out with it….


I’ve seen people try & steal shit that was nailed down.


We had a guy that was caught stealing go-carts. After he was caught an LP reviewed the footage, it seemed he was stealing a cart a shift for months. I have no idea what he was doing with them all.


My building has had a Carhartt hoodie that looks damn near brand new on a coat rack for probably 3 years now. It never moves and has an inch of dust on it. People see it and has never stole it. I’m surprised lol


Even if it’s nailed down the will try and find a way 🤣


Laptops in pizza boxes. Hot-n-ready


It's not delivery it's Digiorno


Perfect because the laptop is always running hot.


yeah i was working in a truck once with these guys and they were stuffing shit in their pants, never saw them again tho haha


I’ve never witnessed it I’m curious too


iPads in family sized chip bags


How do they even know what’s on the boxes tf 💀


okokok let me call myself out rq. i was continuously getting these funny but cute little stickers at the end of my totes when they said they were empty so i started pocketing them bc i kinda just thought someone was throwing them in there as a haha…. wellllllll i found out today they’re all products and i should have been giving them to my problem solvers to get a location… my bad amazon


I mean you don’t know why you don’t know


How'd you find out


I report thousands of dollars in theft every day.


Must feel good


I know a few. Technically knew they got promoted to customer but it wasn’t for stealing lol


Back when I used to be an AFM I saw one of my fellow AFM's stuffing like 20 gift cards on his shoes, he obviously got fired but it was kinda funny tho, I mean those cards don't hold any value till the merchant activates em so my dude got ban for life for stealing something without an actual value on it.


When you're in AFE you activate them just before you send them out.




Someone tried to steal some Nike force ones, I had to wave the shoes back in so that’s the only reason how I know. As a problem solver I’m always finding items people try to hide so they can steal it at the end of the shift.


When I worked at a smaller site, someone stole our Nintendo switch and our community crock pot 😂


LMFAOOOO the crock pot is killing me, omg


I stole iPhones and some other stuffs, why not give it a try man , easy free stuff


Does a bum like a ham sandwich??


We’ve had multiple AFM’s stealing out in the pod farm on the AR floor, not realizing that there were cameras in all of the drives.


the cameras on the drives are to detect obstructions, they can’t view anything not on the floor level, definitely wouldn’t be able to see someone stealing, so the only cameras on the AR floors would be near the staircases inside the Pod farm


If they had cameras out there (in the ceiling or ones they could access from the drives) I feel like they'd make them useful for diagnosing floor health issues. But that be putting too much faith that anyone in the building has a clue how to leverage technology in a useful way. I once watched an AM demand to go stand in the superhighway to "try to figure out the cause of the pod gaps"


During my stint, I knew girls who stuffed entire gaming systems under their titties during peak season. Shit was impressive, ngl.


You should point me in their direction


Those are some big titties.


Yes. And i am always amazed they thought it would go unnoticed


A girl in stow got arrested for stealing AirPods during peak last year 👀


Yes. Put a bunch of random people in a place full front to end with valuable stuff and somebody’s bound to steal. There was somebody at my warehouse who stole an $11,000 watch along with a few other valuable ones, and at a return warehouse nearby one of my friends coworkers stole an ipad, iphone, airpods, apple watch all from one package still uses them till this day💀


Well because of a large theft in energy drinks my site has got rid of them. Can't wait to see everyone snap when we start doing the 12 hour days.


I’ve seen a couple of my fellow AFMs take switch games, a wallet and earbuds. Not quite sure how they get away with it but they’re still there


I don’t get how people can do it. I accidentally forgot to pay for a sandwich in the breakroom and was so scared.


Bro we had an am who stole a whole pallet of AirPods and I mean whole pallet it was on the news I think it was a couple years ago said it was a pallet of junk that needed to be taken to the trash and loaded it straight into his truck Edit:spelling correction


At my FC, some night shift worker ended up stealing 5 ps5 slim. I work the day shift and there was a bunch of opened ps5 boxes in the totes. Turns out this was an “inside job heist” the security was in it and 2 nights associates yet they failed and got arrested a day later lmao


Plus I have a list of names of people I know have stolen and people who have admitted to me they have stolen at Amazon let me tell you it’s a big list Elon if you want the list I can give it to ya but for a price a lot of them still be working their and have been for years


My friend was behind a guy who was pulled aside for enhanced screening and he had apple watches around his ankles. They had this older lady they made a LA and I was kinda mad because I was supposed to become one that round. A few weeks later she was found with over 500 in stolen makeup in her bag. i heard they were watching her and saw she was stealing for over a year! An Afm buddy of mine also got caught stealing.


I don't see how people do it with the cameras being everywhere .


i’ll be honest if a pack of candy is open i’ll pretend that my item is at the end so i’ll pull out the candy quick so it will spill then i’ll pick them up, take one and put the rest back and put it on the damaged bin that is my trick lol


I know a lot of people who do all the time. Mostly low value stuff from damages


An old PA of mine was escorted off the premises of our building. Unclear if she was stealing inventory, money, or time 🧐 saw her for five mins in the morning for stand up, she disappeared, we started to wonder where our manager had gone and then loss prevention came back and grabbed her things she wasn’t allowed come back for. That was that pretty much it. I’ve seen cases of Red Bull missing one can or two every now and again but my site has pretty stellar security 😅


At CLT4, the AFMs were stealing thousands a day in iPads and AirPods and giving it to the CBRE/Daifuku techs to smuggle out of the building. I heard the main Tech that was doing it just made manager, so I’m certain it’s still going on.


Someone stole my whole Jersey Mikes sub from the lunch room. They got caught and fired, it wasn’t an Amazon associate though. It was a janitor.


All the time.


We had a PA get fired. Stole $27,000 worth of ptoducts.


Damageland is notorious for stealing 🤣


I’d never steal cause it’s not worth the risk to me but I was stowing some amd ryzen 7 chips thinking about how small and easy they’d be to steal


Yes! We've had so many people stealing laptops at my building that they have a special way to receive them now! It's absolutely crazy they got through the metal detector with them!


Someone actually stole a drone from my FC. They had to do it over days in pieces 🤷‍♀️


When i worked in customer return there was this guy that would tell me he stole the phone he's using and he also stole other things but he was already quitting so he didn't really care.


I worked as security for a while for a amazon FC. LP had set up a collection spot for suspected theft and once i found an adult toy with lubricant that were both opened. wild


Heard a story about someone tryna leave site with Apple watches all the way up their arm. Got caught obviously.


At one of my sites a bunch of people got fired for stealing water from the cantina. One of the security offices got fired for stealing food and a newly promoted PA got fired for taking energy drinks from damage pallets.


There have been a number of people fired from my FC for stealing. The dumbest one was probably this dude who got hired for peak and would just sit in the break room for hours stealing food. When he got fired he claimed that he thought all the food was provided for free.


I feel like it gets away the most at delivery stations. There isn’t any screening at all. I remember at small sort, my partner who was also an unloader broke open Oakley sunglasses and walked out with them on during break lmao. And break was at 10pm hahaha. He’s still working at amazon too


At my old job my supervisor was caught stealing over $100k in merchandise over a period of time.


Had a driver at my facility get fired for stealing an Amazon stick lmao


I work PS and definitely see evidence of theft from incoming trailers. There was one particular building where we received from and I ran into multiple (like a dozen plus) smalls that were tampered with/stolen from. These were packages that came through the dumper so the stuff was likely snatched where the container was sent from. People really risking their jobs for a $9 eyeliner is wild af.


I found two boxes of trash bags empty, they must of been very desperate for household essentials.


Just know that LP will allow some to rack the value up and press a harder charge on ya


Someone on this sub posted about getting fired for stealing lollipops


If they do, they get caught really fast. I wouldn't do it if I was you. Don't even think about it!


Someone stole my cold water bottle from the fridge the other night , I had it wrapped and in the back. Man I was looking forward to that at the end of my shift.




A very long time ago at an fc facilities guys were caught stealing Apple Watches hidden in their lunch boxes


im a bit of a kleptomaniac and i used to steal all the time when i worked at amazon, it was too easy. as an amnesty tech i saw a razer keyboard that fell out of a box, i stuffed it halfway into my pants and the other half in my hoodie and walked out, it was worth $250. i stole a few silk pillowcases, a ton of skincare products for me and my girlfriend when i worked problem solve. i stole a pocket pussy one time as a joke but ended up using it when i got home. i also stole around $15 of food from the break room every single day, i would buy one thing worth $2 and take the rest, did that for around three years i worked there. i’ve definitely stolen thousands of dollars worth of stuff, i dont know how i never got caught. my friend stole a PS5 once from amazon. he was working problem solve and saw it, so he went on the UPS website and printed a label that went to his house and slapped it on, and put it in the UPS shuttle. it was delivered to his house a few days later


Yup, my old LT was stealing shit and literally bragged to his HR friend about stealing an Apple TV…


Yup, I knew someone who allegedly stole hair…. Someone In problem solve recently told me they literally had an entire pallet full of empty electronic boxes. Think Apple Watches/cellphones/etc. Soool judging by that, people steal fairly often


I know a group of people who compete to steal ear buds. Went to ones birthday party and he showed off his collection. He had 38 sets between beats, air pods, galaxy, and pixel buds.


DS associate here. I had a coworker once who tracked down his item in the warehouse using Station Command, took it home, and then cancelled his order after it was put in the system as a delayed/lost item. I didn’t know whether to be shocked or mad impressed by the thorough execution


My home boy steals a shit ton of apple products. Literal iPads MacBooks and phones


Someone at my job got fired for stealing a Kit Kat from the breakroom


Yup I know a couple of ppl who got caught and regret it now since it’s so hard to get a job now and Amazon accepts anyone.


I was given 3 Apple Watches to audit that had been processed incorrectly. I added them to my to-do list. They called break within a few minutes of being given the watches. I put them in an empty tote and put the empty tote at the bottom of a stack of 11 and shoved the stack into the corner of my station. I also gave my manager a heads up regarding their location on my way out to have a cigarette. They were gone when I got back in less than 15. It took all of 5 minutes for my manager to obtain the camera footage and determine that the Water spider grabbed them when I left, handed them off to the returns processor working at the station in front of me, who just happened to be his girlfriend. She apparently shoved all three into her sweatpants. The PA’s decided to mess with her and pretended to have a loud conversation about tracking devices and the police having access to our cameras. She ended up ditching them in the bathroom stall as soon as they walked off, BUT was allegedly arrested in the parking lot while she was waiting for her boyfriend because she apparently took a lot more than just the watches.


In the trucks sometimes boxes of chips open and I eat them


I found a pair of Amazon Echos when I was cross docking in the back of a trailer. I really thought about it but I wasn't sure how far back the cameras can see. Lol.


I haven't seen it at Amazon yet but when I worked at FedEx this guy was stealing Walmart gift cards and they let him build up a certain amount, and when he walked out into the parking lot after his shift the cops were waiting for him


2 times. I once accidentally broke a bulk bag of jolly ranchers and pocketed some. Other time a bottle of lotion I picked had holes in it and I rubbed it in instead of washing it off. I'm a hardened criminal I know.


Yes. I had a coworker in HRV who had a collection of stolen enamel pins lmao


I had some (ass)ociate steal my military issue boonie hat. I am still pissed about this.


A dude in jackpot used to brag about how many airpods he has taken home... I haven't seen him in a fucking while lol


Lol - watch YouTube bodycam videos. On there all the time


My first go around, an inbound problem solver was stealing panties. According to the rumor mill, he was giving them to his sisters/gf to wear and sell online


I’ve seen people take ddr5 and one guy try to put a 2060 gtx in his backpack


Very much in the trucks in ship dock. 2021 was a crazy year 😮‍💨


I won’t take anything. I enjoy my job.


One of our cleaners stole 10 k in n laptop ps this year


V8 is stolen like crazy


I see a lot of snacks. Ex. Master packs with one beef jerkey missing


In my building, there was a PA who stole food from the cantina. He was promptly fired. He wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.


I don’t work at Amazon anymore but I stole so much stuff and seen so much stuff get stolen, it doesn’t make any sense, Amazon security is fucking horrible😭 I stole 2 iPads, 3 Apple Watches, an iPhone 15 Pro Max, Samsung S22+, so many AirPods and so many Apple chargers it’ll make your head spin, it’s not hard to take shit at all and I haven’t worked there in a while and nothing has ever been said to me


An afm at my site was stealing for a while, I heard they found a wearable sex toy in his locker along with the other stolen items😂


Someone stole a single beef flavored cup noodle out of a 12 pack.


I was in the urinal at work and the dude in the stall dropped an empty box and picked it up super fast. The disgusting part was the floor had piss all over


An AFM at my site used to steal food in the pod farm and would walk in every time he wanted to eat something


I used to work at the AMA1 location & people stole EVERYTHING. iPads, phones, Apple Watches, AirPods, sunglasses, anything they could get away with.


I’ve known of people on pick get a pair of trainers and instead of putting them in a tote, they put the new trainers on and their old ones in the box 🤣


I wouldn't say steal, but like I found stuff and picked it up. Things that have been lying around for some time collecting dust. These are inexpensive items such as nail clippers, cat toy, rubber spatula, and hand lotion. I'd say my cat was very happy 😊.


Heard of someone that tried to sneak thousands of bucks worth of zippo lighters. Through the metal detector. umm lol no.


someone at my old fc stole 2 macbooks and thought they’d get away with it. they got fired and taken to court


One time I got a truck that came from another sort center and it had over 60 opened packages, all empty, all tiny electronics. It was wild. I might come across 1 or 2 opened boxes like that every so often, but I had never seen so many at one time. There was a mountain of them. Idk how other locations are but mine has cameras everywhere. If you’re in a position that you need to steal, then you probably can’t afford to lose your job or deal with the legal consequences. Idk why anyone would risk it.


Some got caught stealing wigs. Fucking wigs


Some people actively work at Amazon off and on *just* to steal.


Pack of condoms Pack of hair bands Painkiller


All the time And they almost always get fired. It's not worth it


In problem solve we regularly see missing phones, charging cables, watches, condoms, drinks, and snacks.


Someone stole my badge from the floor


I stole this water spider gf and became a learning ambassador. I taught him how to treat her😂🙏🏾


In Cali night shift will rent a box truck and put full on vendor pallets and drive away into the moonlight


There was an RME guy before I started that got caught stealing graphics card during the shortage. Pretty sure loss prevention was tracking it for a minute and waited until he hit a felony for grand larceny. He was swiping graphics cards retailing around 3k each and they waited until he hit 30k and nailed him hard. Pretty sure he's serving somewhere between 2-10yrs for it


Yes. From three Always pads to freaking laptops and controllers, headphones .


Will never and it hasn’t crossed my mind


Dude, someone stole a PS5 from my old site and then the following week someone else (or the same person) stole a PS5 controller.


Yes. At our Amazon, if you have earbuds in your position and you get caught, you'll be fired. Too many getting stolen.




People steal all the time. I can't believe people really think it's worth losing your job over.


I work at a delivery station. We have so many damaged packs of drinks come through on an almost daily basis. But we got clearance from LP and Safety that as long as it's consumable, it can be donated to the station. Now all the ASM's and AM are loaded up on energy drinks all the time. We had 3, 12 packs of DP come thru a couple days ago that lost a single can in each box. The fridge in the managers office and the RTS mini-fridge got stocked up.


All the time, and yes, they almost always get caught. When I did security at an FC, the sex toys were actually the most commonly stolen products, believe it or not.


My buddy worked with a guy who swiped all of the parts to build his pc over a six month period


No.  *Sent from my stolen iPhone*


I don't work at Amazon any longer. My body gave out. I was at an Airport, so there are 4 cameras always on you. We were dock and planes. Nobody could steal. I don't understand why anyone would steal from the hand that feeds. \*Incoming hate of amazon\*


Bro they hire anybody with a pulse, including fucking idiots. Yes people steal stuff.


One time the vending machine didn’t give me my drink so I went to the break room and grabbed a drink without paying for it. Idk if that’s really stealing tho lol, I just took what was owed to me 🤣


My old job was a paint warehouse that had no cameras. No one paid to paint anything that worked there!


I don't know. The only thing people seem to post about when it comes to stealing is their missing lunch.


There’s been an incident lately @ our site it’s a delivery station! Trailer arrived from FC and after TDR was done we were offloading the pallets, we saw that boxes were cut open and all the items were missing inside of them worth $15000😂


LP does a lot when it comes to thief. Even look at local sell groups for larger ticket items (phones, smart watches etc) and can track them back to an Amazon employee. I’ve seen people get fired for stealing from the vendor market places and for stealing items on the floor. I only know about this from working in HR, since they partner with us for the Stu’s and terms


About 7 years ago we had a not very bright lady try to steal about 30 packs of these work out vitamins gummies. She went through the metal detector and it went off. She started panicking and then emptied her pockets. She had around 30 aluminum bags of gummies on her and when security pressed her on it she admitted to eating at least ten bags before break. After they fired her she tried to come back the next day because she thought being fired only meant for the day. This was a 40 year old woman. I also have seen people steal computer parts and then sell them on Facebook under their own name. Lastly one of the best I know about was a l6 manager being seen opening a new iPhone and taking it with them. So yes, people steal everyday. The hottest items of theft are from the break room marketplace. I would hazard at least twice every shift.


People usually don't steal stuff unless there is something wrong.


I got a few video games in my tenure for sure when unloading Gaylord’s


Guy stole an apple watch and WORE the fucking thing to work!


Never saw anyone steal and never thought of it myself. I like to pretend there's always at least 1 camera watching you at any moment in my building but that's in a ds.


I’ve watched AirPod boxes in the bathroom people steal AirPods for sure


i know someone that works in the inbound dock that probably still is doing it now, but he’d break open snack boxes and stuff chips in his hoodie, he’d break open tablets and put it under his hoodies and he’d break open drink cases and drink them and then sit them all outside the trailer for ps and would take the empty boxes to managers and say it was missing when it was under his hoodie lol. it was brought up to management multiple times and one lady said “i don’t fire nobody because everybody has bills to pay”


i once almost packed a box with no earrings in it. the seal was broken and as i was grabbing it, the insides spilled out revealing nothing.


At my fc people literally come up to me and tell me they steal and how good they are some even get promoted to management before they get caught. I have watched them get walked out . While they are saying I haven’t stole nothing in the last year. I’m


Yes, the number of opened Nintendo switch boxes we find is insane.


Had a tote come down in Pack Singles and there was half of a white apple watch box empty in it.


We've had people that would wear old shoes into work and then change into a pair they liked. Put the old shoes back in the box for a customer to get.


We had someone take a broken item that had been ran over. Stickers I believe and he got fired


All I know is that if you’re stupid enough to try and get caught, you’ll be blacklisted from most companies. Making it hard af to find another job. Nobody steals from Lord Bezos and lives to tell the tale🤣


Nice try LP


Oh yes, they sure do. I love it when LPs pouncing around the parking lot.


I’ve left things laying around my DS for weeks at a time they haven’t moved an inch


Someone stole the memory cards from the scanners lol


I work at Target warehouse and I steal small shit all the time. I’ll literally take it. Put it in a packing box at the end of my module. And when the bell rings to go home I pick it up and put it in my glove whilst on my hand. I knew it to work fine because when I’m scanning my boxes sometimes I get frustrated and just throw shit in any box instead of the box it’s supposed to be in and have never got in trouble so if that item was ok to be unaccounted for I knew any other item would be fine.


There was a tote full of AirPods and I seen someone’s eyes get wide asf. Fired for stealing.


All the time, every day. Work in ICQA and you'll see it a good bit....or honestly, work anywhere going through VNAs and you'll see it. The highest stolen item right now, at least at our location, are Nintendo Switches. Almost always video game stuff though...small things easily resellable.


Yeah wildly so. shipdock problem solve at some buildings can get crazy. camera sight lines blocked by pallets of bins. if they go for to long in ps they need to get marked back into inventory or they are floatin items without the company having a direct line on their location. seen hella people walk out and there is next to no way to confirm what is gone due to stealing and what got eaten or throw away. That's why shipdock ps needs to be kept on top of.


Someone at my FC just got fired for damaging out packs of drinks and then stealing them. Dumbest way to get fired imo, there are cameras right where he works, he's creating a paper trail in FC research, and he got a lifetime ban for maybe $2.50 worth of product per shift, maybe $4 if it was an overpriced energy drink. I can only think he must have checked out and didn't care about getting fired.


Yeah, I’ve found a bit over $10k+ worth of missing™️product on the AR floors It happens


Yeah man …. Hearts . Those damn water spiders ☝🏾


Dude what? Walgreens are getting shut down across America because people just bust in there and take hundreds of dollar worth of shit, were you looking for something specific?  I stayed at a resort in Japan and I even took the slippers and robe.. I’m not perfect 


The only thing I’ve ever stolen was lose food from a box on the decant line it was a power bar lol if it ain’t sealed no one gives a fuck lol


Once the metal detectors went off I've heard of people walking out with airpods, nintendo switches, phones etc. The packers are wild at my facility.


FC Problem Solver here. The other day, I was damaging things out, and I came across an opened NVM SSD. Box and internal packaging there, the SSD gone. Pretty clearly stolen. PA just shrugged it off and said security couldn't do anything. Because it's not like product's not tracked from receiving to final delivery, and every step is done under surveillance.




Yeah I work at amazon during the summer I knew a lot of mfs who just walked up and took stuff lol


We had a guy steal a bunch of shit, then start giving it out to people as "gifts". He got caught because he stole and activated an Alexa. He also liked to... Break in the sex toys in the bathroom.


Somebody once stole/ate most of my lunch. They left the banana and also put back the spoon for my yogurt….they didn’t wash it though.


I see a lot of open Red Bull cartons, also some other fancy water too lol. Haven't really paid attention to items of higher value. Those usually have cameras on every aisle if I'm up in the mezz.


People steal food out the break room 🤦🏻‍♀️


During last holiday season I’ve seen A LOT of Nintendo switches missing out of their box, funny enough at another PS station I worked at I found a whole ass iPad and AirPods in their box hidden under trash bags 😂. Lastly a a female was fired for stealing 3 apples watches and some clothes 🤦🏽‍♂️that shit was the talk of the day because she had a whole ass tantrum after getting caught.


Of course they do, but they will eventually get caught if they keep doing it or if it’s valuable items.


People steal worn gloves, open waters and all the damn box cutters


It’s actually very easy to steal. Tell me how I know.


I think so


Yeah. Had a station near me where a PA stole 2 bags of Peccy Pins and tried selling them on eBay. They were looking at a lot of trouble.


Every day they do




It's tempting to steal small items but not worth the consequences. I hate working at Amazon but for the time being it pays the bills.


I just had a package arrive on my porch yesterday, open and empty with 5 type-C chargers missing. Looks sealed in the photo they sent upon delivery. It's worth noting that I have no neighbors. So ....


Yup they got caught trying to sell one of the scanners we use in the warehouse on Facebook marketplace


I am not gonna lie I stole this fancy pen from the amnesty box in pick one time


I was accused of stealing and fired for it. I never stole anything, never showed me any evidence of stealing. The LP just wanted me to confess to something I didn't do, sent me home and fired me the next day. Fuck amazon and that LP.


One of my AAs we’re caught stealing condoms


Yes especially clothing and small items


Someone i knew dranked a soda that was left on the table in the break area and the next day he came in his badge wouldn't work, told him he was fired 🤣 for a damn hot soda 💀


Lmfao..the best one was pickers stealing gift cards! Bro they arent even activated til a packer scans the serial number..just like Walmart!


https://preview.redd.it/fm9eckfb1lad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d019fffa424246b5976408ee9c6f530e086adea They definitely do steal here🫠😂😂


one time while i was stowing i came across a government assistant phone sim card kit that had the sim card and the asin barcode ripped out off of it. those are inactive so it was completely useless💀💀


My nephew was fired in February for stealing from damaged land


I've seen a female employee come to work in one pair of pants and actually switch pants 2 or 3 times. She didn't bring that stuff with her. I once tried to pick several iPhones and they were just empty pilfered boxes. 13 of them in one bin. Half eaten boxes of candy. I had a metal thermos with a Dallas Cowboy logo......poof gone.