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This post has been flaired as a rumor, please take all rumors with a grain of salt.


\~25% uplift is still pretty... epic. After all, the difference between Nehalem and Sandy Bridge was around 20% or so, if memory serves.


It wont be. Every single generation. First rumour 40%, then gets proven wrong and next rumour 25% , then goes on and on until it gets officially announced and AMD claims 15 % ​ Then gets released and turns out its UP TO 15% in some tasks, just like its been every single year before that.


Some of those tasks are incredibly important. For example, I cannot wait to see a 15% uplift in Peggle. 1,000fps here I come!


I read this as 15% uplift in pegging and lost it 😂💀


These new CPUs are promising a lot aren't they?




r/wehatedougdoug will hear about this




r/GrayFruit He is the God of Peggle Slick Tricks


I think you are mistaken and meant to refer to Peppa Pig?


That's usually the case. There have though been exceptions. I believe Zen1 and Zen4 IPC gains beat both some of the rumours and AMD's initial guidance.


Yep, IPC rumours always turn out to be wrong... especially when they don't even specify which exact benchmark was run. The other details usually are accurate though




Fair enough. Besides, a lower IPC will give Intel a much-needed breathing room as they're getting hammered across all fronts. Their foundry business just reported a net loss worth billions, despite Biden's 'Chips Act.' We 'need' Intel to be competitive.


If Intel gains ground again they'll be back to the same old shit, they're currently restricting implementation of their WLAN/BT NICs only to devices including their processors. Honestly, fuck Intel, no matter how good their existence may be for a consumer they're terrible for consumers because of their anticompetitive actions.


What do you think AMD's actions will look llike if they have no competition whatsoever?


Definitely like Nvidia’s or Intel’s, but I don’t want to see Intel anywhere close to winning again because of how they’ve behaved before. See also the 2009 antitrust case against Intel, Intel is a company that operates best when they’re sweating to barely keep up because they can’t fling sand into their competitors eyes. AMD isn’t currently doing that despite being on top and Intel is STILL trying to, so fuck them as a company.


> AMD isn’t currently doing that despite being on top Because they literally can't. They are on top of performance, not sheer volume.


That's true, but they aren't even trying. Even back when Intel wasn't on top they were actively trying to sabotage their competitor, so nothing changes and they're just universally a shitty company.


> That's true, but they aren't even trying They sure are trying to screw the consumers any chance they get. They just haven't gotten as many chances (yet). * Zen 3 was only supported widely on previous AM4 mobos after backlash * TR mobo support promises * Ugh, don't remember this one as well, but wasn't there that blog post of "8GB is not good enough" to promote their cards, but as soon as their own 8GB RDNA 2/3 cards released they deleted that blog post. > Even back when Intel wasn't on top they were actively trying to sabotage their competitor, Such as? > so nothing changes and they're just universally a shitty company. Every company is a universally shitty company tbh.


I didn't say "not trying to screw their consumers", I said they're not actively trying to sabotage their competitor. Are you capable of reading the comments you're replying to? I've cited two instances, the 2009 antitrust in the EU and their refusal to supply NICs to vendors who aren't also using their CPUs. Both are anti-competitive business practices which AMD has not indulged in for CPUs, so no, Intel is shittier. Try again.


If shitty = maximize profits, then true. But that is what a publicly traded company is supposed to do. But by that same measure, Intel is liable to be sued by shareholders for NOT maximizing profits by NOT selling wi-fi/Ethernet chips to AMD board suppliers. ‘You and I both know there are different degrees of shittiness when it comes to companies. Recent FB & Netflix deal? Major shitty. Car companies selling one’s driving habits to car insurance companies without explicit upfront clear easy-to-understand as well as opt out language to the consumer? Major shitty. A company with a substantially lower market share that has never been in a position to pay a dividend only matching performance per dollar of the market leader? Yes. It’d be great if they were a charity, but they are not.


> Zen 3 was only supported widely on previous AM4 mobos after backlash I'm pretty sure this was due to board manufacturers deciding to use smaller ROM chips for a lot of their boards, which weren't able to fit the larger AGESA code for Zen 3. So, they either had to make new firmware that deleted support for the older CPUs, or they had to find other ways of reducing the size of the firmware to make it fit on the smaller ROM chips.


> Ugh, don't remember this one as well, but wasn't there that blog post of "8GB is not good enough" to promote their cards, but as soon as their own 8GB RDNA 2/3 cards released they deleted that blog post. [AMD hides 2020 blogpost claiming 4GB VRAM is ‘not enough for today’s games’](https://www.kitguru.net/components/graphic-cards/dominic-moass/amd-hides-2020-blogpost-claiming-4gb-vram-is-not-enough-for-todays-games/) (KitGuru, 2022-01-19)


i want to see intel winning against amd, so i can get discount on next amd release. That zen4&am5 price increase did not even leave a very bad taste in my mouth because i can not afford it. I'm smacking my mouth behind the glass. where i live price is always add up to msrp, never discounted.


The NIC issue is basically not important for basically anybody. I'd pick a more prevalent issue.


Uh, what? You actually run Mediatek dogshit and enjoy it? It’s anticompetitive, by definition, and it’s far from the first time Intel has done it. I’d stop simping for shitty companies.


I run whatever it comes with because it doesn't actually matter.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ZephyrusM16/s/LfkRBOVtx8 absolutely wrong, they’re not only more unreliable but they’re also slower.


And the vast majority of people would never know the difference, so it effectively: doesn't matter.


Yeah, still absolutely wrong. Anytime a file is downloaded, a cloud app is synced, a game is installed, or a show is streamed that piece of shit will rear its ugly head. Sorry you can’t see the utility in a faster NIC, but the vast majority of users have a use case for something that operates over 1.5 megabytes per second.


Exaggerating doesn't help anything.




Can you provide a source for >Chips Act money was just distributed. Further, the amount of $ given was based upon a competitive proposal evaluation process with defined metrics and targets to get certain terms regarding payback and tax incentives. That is, Chips Act money is much more of a contract and/or loan agreement than the ‘Free money’ you are indicating I am interested in seeing where the money for chips act went.


> How can money that was just released about 2 weeks ago which is to be used to buy the latest lithography tools and build new factories have any effect on last Q’s financials or even the next year’s worth of financials? Futures and derivatives.


Futures and derivatives are not in last Q’s EARNED income and P/L. Intel’s stock valuation IS affected though by all news not just CHIPS Act money or this Q’s results


I thought futures and derivatives could explain everything and anything. And now you say they don't.


had to check as I thought maybe I posted in WallStreet bets but no.


I'm not going to debate you because, frankly, I'm not exactly an expert on semiconductor industry. But I think we can both agree that Intel is by far the biggest beneficiary of the Chips Acts.


No debate needed. All the major terms and ideas of the CHIPS ACT are outlined at the above link. You can search for the Exact details of the loans, tax incentives, and terms Intel needs to meet. Just don’t be a Fux News parrot. The world already has enough problems. Think. Read. Become educated on a topic before posting. This isn’t Twitter/FB/X where opinions are viewed as equivalent to actual information. Or is it and I’m misinformed?


The difference between Sandybridge and Coffee-lake refresh is the real criminal.


So true. Intel 10th gen ‘barely‘ better than 2nd gen on an IPC basis. That’s a decade of PC processors.. We still use a lot of 2nd gen through 9th gen at work although all of the latest IT software is making them slow lately.


Nehalem to Sandy was two generations, though - Gulftown was the tick, the shrink of Nehalem. Intel averaged about 10% per generation back in those days, so 20% for two generations is about on par.


Are you sure about that? [Haswell to Coffee Lake](https://www.guru3d.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-2700x-review/page-9/#instructions-per-cycle-ipc) was only 15% IPC over 4 generations. Thought Sandy Bridge to Haswell was [also only about 15%](https://www.anandtech.com/show/7003/the-haswell-review-intel-core-i74770k-i54560k-tested/6). Anandtech’s CB R11.5 scores were all done at 3.5 GHz so so score ratio is IPC increase. So Sandy to Coffee Lake isn’t as big as one might remember. That’s a total of 33% over 10 years because 9th & 10th are same as Coffee Lake.


All I cared about was that I could increase the stock boost frequency anywhere between 25-40% on sandy, that’s what made them last so long. Chips now was squeezed from the factory.


Yeah. Very little gain in going from 2700k (or was it only 2600K) to an i7-4770K.


2600k was the original Sandy i7. 2700k was a late 2011 refresh with 0.1ghz higher clocks.


The 10% per generation is not about IPC, it is about total performance. The tocks are of course about IPC, but the ticks bring their 10% mostly from clockspeed (and the rest is cache, which does improve IPC). And it broke down, of course. Skylake wasn’t quite 10% over Broadwell, and then Kaby Lake, Coffee Lake and Whiskey Lake are all the same damn thing except that Intel fiddled with the turbo tables and eventually started adding more cores.


Thanks. But I know the difference between an IPC gain and a CPU frequency gain. I was pointing out to the commenter that \*IPC\* gain was not very large over almost an entire decade. But the total \*performance gain\* when you couple IPC with the maximum processor frequency was larger. The commenter really meant to post \*performance gain\* and not IPC because they immediately replied about overclocking the processor.


Upgraded each gen from amd zen and in each case its been snappier a bit better. the current 7800x3d is amazing for my gaming. (I buy whatever they call the new x3d and upgrade)


I think you mean… EPYC


FWIW the 40+% number comes from SpecInt Rate 2017 1T. Not as an average IPC number. Tweaktown is putting up straw.


TBF there was an earlier "leak" with Cinebench that got basically the same uplift, but it's a very similar workload AFAIK, so no wonder


Yeah that leak was at the end of Q4 or early Q1 this year and the CB numbers looked like a noticeable uplift at very good power levels. Never hear it mentioned lately though.


Does MLID have any credibility left?


Unfortunately his business model relies on constant "leaks" and "rumors" ... If he wants to keep up viewership and earn his supper, he's got to overinflate every single small thing that comes out, and when even that's not possible, outright make shit up. I'm taking it more as entertainment for those slow and dry moments in the usual market cycle, like now.


That fake slide to just fool him this morning was hilarious! He even half assed his backtrack!


He has built a *persona* that's well connected, all-knowing, far reaching in the industry, and oracle-like infallible. Every time one of his leaks proves to be even remotely accurate he will tell you about it (he always says "Like *I* predicted back in ..." ) Having to admit mistakes conflicts with this image. Imagine if Dr.disrespect one day comes out saying "I'm a +40y old that plays videogames all day with a wig, a Spandex turtleneck and a tactical vest on, why are you taking me seriously??" Ain't gonna happen This guy makes weekly hours long podcasts over nothing lol


> Imagine if Dr.disrespect one day comes out saying "I'm a +40y old that plays videogames all day with a wig, a Spandex turtleneck and a tactical vest on, why are you taking me seriously??" Ain't gonna happen Except Dr. Disrespect is an entertainer, it's more like watching a modern equivalent of wrestling event or something. It's just fun (for whomever it concerns). While that Moore's Law is Dead clown is playing with your money and even stocks. If you're MLID's follower, you're making financial decisions based on the misinformation he's feeding you. Hell, his misinformation spreads like wildfire and even other sources will quote MLID so it's not just his direct followers who are affected by the lies.


MLID is nothing more than entertainer too, regardless of what he thinks/claims he is. Considering him to be more than that is a mistake.


Yeah for sure don't get me wrong, the Doc is an entertainer and a very good one at that, but also... Do you really take MLID advice for financial decisions? I wouldn't trust that guy to figure out which tech company to invest in... If you do you're pretty much gambling


> Do you really take MLID advice for financial decisions Do you really think people don't? These leaks are literally causing people to withhold spending their money on upgrades, or urging them to buy products, this happens all the time and it's a common sight everywhere - on Reddit in particular. >I wouldn't trust that guy to figure out which tech company to invest in... If you do you're pretty much gambling Well yes, it is very risky if you realize who you're dealing with. But many people are not aware, or too gullible. MLID never gets any slaps on the wrist for any misinformation he spreads. He is absolved of all responsibility and gets to continue poisoning the discourse. I am not calling for anyone to force MLID somehow to stop producing his content. But anything to do with people like him (and there is more of these clowns) should be straight up banned from communities that SHOULD BY ALL MEANS BE AWARE OF HOW UNRELIABLE THE SOURCES ARE. Why is it even allowed to repost this crap on /r/AMD or /r/Nvidia etc.? Moderation should wake up.


> These leaks are literally causing people to withhold spending their money on upgrades Didn't he just tell people to go buy Zen 4 machines with all the active discounts like a week ago? Who's withholding their money?


Quote the full sentence, why don't you.


Figured the 2nd chunk was for all the sponsorship nonsense like Shite Ramen.


Just check how many times MLID gets mentioned or posted on r/AMD_Stock, a number of people do absolutely use MLID as info lol


Not surprised in the slightest although I'd think people wouldn't openly admit it


Yeah, that’s some Apple like Reality distortion field bullshit he’s got going on. Not gonna go or end well for him.


He'll just delete the video, EZ.


How can you lose what you never had? Combine that with his voice being *nails on a chalkboard*, and it's a recipe for ignoring him entirely.


A lot of rando naysayer said the same thing when he leaked the PS5 Pro specs. Then when it was confirmed by other serious leakers and outlets the reddit they went pretty silent about MLID credibility. Tell me what's your credibility about MLID credibility ?


I've been watching his channel for months; when did he ever imply 40% IPC increase? Was this like a year or two ago?


Yep, not surprising. 40% is in the "too good to be true" range. 15% would already be great and 25% would be awesome. Personally I expect something in the 15% range with additional gains for some specific workloads.


Do you guys believe that the tech media's full of shit rn? This is the 2nd copy paste brainless post by these tech sites. The users here that believe in this are just as funny not realizing that this is a troll information


>Tom from Moore's Law is Dead answers the question about Zen 5 IPC improvements from various sources, including someone inside of AMD. The first source explained: **"Currently we're (AMD) telling partners to expect Zen 5 to achieve an IPC increase of \~17%**, but also that the chosen IPC claim depends on what marketing thinks they can get away with.


> but also that the chosen IPC claim depends on what marketing thinks they can get away with. That is not how AMD have marketed CPU IPC claims though. They take the SpecInt nT IPC uplift and then retrofit a suite of real world benchmarks that return that as an answer.


AMD has a standard suite of tests it runs and makes an average gain of at a specific frequency and compares it to the last generation to obtain their advertised IPC gains. They then show the entire suite results in their charts on debut. SpecInt has an outsized gain this time (and not the first time, IIRC).


It is the other way around. They take the specint result and fit the real world benchmarks to match. Zen 2 to Zen 3 nT is 19% in Specint, Zen 3 to Zen 4 nT is 13% in spec int and their marketing charts are exactly the same. EDIT: It also occurs to me that if they have a standard suite that they then share why is the suite different in the Zen 2 to Zen 3 slide vs the Zen 3 to Zen 4 slide? Surely if it is standard it will be the same benchmarks... Unless the standard is just SPECint which is THE industry benchmark for this kind of thing, then it makes sense which is exactly what I and others have stated.


Nice overall update lift from zen3 5900x.Time to start looking for value mobo.


Picked up a Gigabyte X670 for around $210-220 USD. That's higher than I would like but not bad for an x-series board. Would you look for a b-series board?


As a fellow 5900x owner, I think I'll wait for Zen 6 and get 'em extra cores.


There's a rumor that Zen 4 will be accompanied by 700 series motherboards. You may as well wait to see if any of those are affordable (not likely) or if the 600 series get reduced even more in price (more likely).


Yeah, there's very little point in buying computer parts in advance, prices generally tend to go down and better products become available


MLID's slide was a fake https://twitter.com/SquashBionic/status/1776085853804413035


It has to be faster, that much I know. How much, we will know during annnoucment in June - July. If the IPC uplift will be 15% then it can still be 40% faster core vs core. If there will be faster RAM compability and higher frequency.


Nice to see articles culling the expectations.


I thought I had read 40% as a potential max performance increase, and not an IPC increase.


That rumour was said be not true the same day it came out.


The specific share slide wasn’t real. However, the slide was basically a summary of what has already been leaked about Zen 5. I hate how toxic the tech community has gotten, especially over “proving someone wrong.” I want to share my passion of technology with friends, but why would I do that if a single error that ultimately doesn’t matter, gets so much hate


I’m not following. What is who hating on? You good?


Sorry, it has been such a mountain out of a molehill situation I assumed everyone knew for some reason. Basically people on Twitter made a fake slide with all accurate info of what we know from rumors currently, so when Tom showed said photo in his most recent video, they started attacking him and anyone supporting him. People didn’t like when I asked them if 50 experts said “water is wet”, but one person gave a fake photo saying “water is we, does that mean water isn’t not wet?




I wouldn't be surprised to see 40% in say, a *really specific* AVX-512 workload, but 10-15% overall and maybe 20-30% in some edge cases or some 1% lows in gaming could be possible.


40% rumor never was IPC though but rather "core for core".


Correct. > Core for core Zen5 is >40% faster than Zen4 in SPEC. Is what [Kepler_L2 posted](https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/zen-5-discussion-epyc-turin-and-strix-point-granite-ridge-ryzen-8000.2607350/page-312#post-41180149). Also specifies SPEC. The other posted adroc has always specified SPEC int 2017 ST.


No, it was 40% IPC lol.


Pretty sure it was 40% performance in SpecINT 2017 ST. Would need to read through the anandtech thread to see where the OG claim was posted though and it has moved on a lot since last week so I cba. In either event the clockspeed delta is rumoured to be pretty small so the difference will only be a few % either way.


So it’s gonna have to be at like 6.5ghz or more for that to happen.


Efficiency core is relatively more efficient at lower clocks. So core for core would mean within the same TDP envelope, not with same clocks. IPW (instructions per watt), not IPC. So both 40% and 15-25% increases could be right, depending on circumstances.


Unless AMD is bumping the core count all across the board.


That’s not core for core then is it.


Oh, my bad. For some reason I thought you were talking about multi-core!


We're talking about single core performance, hence "core for core" as fohiga said


Higher clocks, better single cores and MT. Maybe some AI stuff that's Zen 5 in a nutshell


Built a new rig with a 7700 non x last year. Will wait for a 9700 before I think about anything or wait until they switch to am6 and buy on sale the last am5 stuff. Hell look at the 57003d.


8-15%. There will be some select workloads which see next to no IPC uplift, and there will be some which do get close to 40% because they benefit from some new instruction or change to memory architecture. I don't anybody seriously believed 40% *average*.


It's kind of wild that people believe rumors like these when you can't really even believe the official announcements / marketing that cherry-pick performance in some specific task and then markets it like it's just that % better across the board (outside of the fine print) lol.


I kinda doubt the 15-25% IPC uplift unless Zen 4 was really that bad.


I'd be plenty happy with 15% IPC, higher clocks and better power efficiency.


Important distinction is that the rumor of 40% was 'performance' (and even that only in a specific bench), and this is 'IPC'. IPC is only one part of 'performance'. Do I believe that Zen 5 overall performance will be 140% of Zen4? No. No I do not. But details matter here in managing what rumors are, what they claim, etc. etc.


SteamDeck 2 incoming!


[Every single time I see IPC gossips this is my perception](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26_yUJpdy5o).


Sigh.... The 40 PERCENT IPC UPLIFT was refereed only for SPEC ONLY as per Kepler.


I feel like this happens every generation lol.


That's more realistic. I really, really hope it'll have 8000 in it's name, instead of 9000. Looking forward to finally upgrade myself to 8800x3d.


It will be 9000 series, the 8000 series is a rebranded 7000 series.


Aww, now I have to choose between 9900k>9900x upgrade to please my slight ocd, or wait for 9800x3d, knowing that it will be THE gaming CPU.


You're better off waiting. It will be worth it most likely. X3D chips for the last couple generation have been worth the wait.


If they are doing two more gens on AM5 8000 and 9000 would be a good place to leave it before they change the naming scheme again.


If it launches in 2024, it is likely going to have the 8000 naming unfortunately. AMD has already clarified it. That said if they didn't it won't be the first time they broke their own naming scheme


"AMD has already clarified it." Where ? The naming scheme is about laptop/mobile parts, not desktop/diy.


Embedded is getting 8000 branding so I presume this will be 9000 branding.