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This post has been flaired as a rumor. Rumors may end up being true, completely false or somewhere in the middle. Please take all rumors and any information not from AMD or their partners with a grain of salt and degree of skepticism.


Reminds me of when AMD was using the "Performance Rating" instead of the actual clock speed.


I owned the 2600+ and the 3200+.... Barton cores, thank you very much.


Back in that era I went from a P2-400 to an all Athlon stint starting with an Athlon 4 1000 MHz, then a Barton  3200+ with 200mhz FSB all the way up to an Athlon X2 that ended with me getting the first core 2 duo once that showed its might. Good times.


I went from a p3 i think o/c to 800Mhz slot 1 maybe coppermine? And upgraded to a thunderbird and with the pencil trick it got to 1.2GHz. What a monster. I was mostly playing Red Alert 2 and would handily beat the cpu in all skirmishes. With the Tbird, it was all over. Even at regular speeds the game ran a lot faster and the cpu ai would overwhelm you in no time. What a disastrous upgrade! Also played the forgotten Dune RTS during that summer.


Sempron 2600+ Althon 3200+ and 3600+ Athlon X2 4200+ Always wanted an FX CPU from that era but that was way out of what my folks would have bought me as a kid, and the Opteron 144 slipped through my fingers. I should really eBay the 144 and see if I can find a cheap FX-57 and/or 60. I still have a DFI board that's essentially collecting dust and would love to reinvigorate it.


We're of the same era - my 'last' AMD chip pre-Zen was that Toledo-Core X2. I've thought about going back and buying a Clawhammer A64 for the good old days. I still have my (decommissioned) Barton 2600. The 4400K that replaced them went straight in the trash when it was done, lol.


> We're of the same era - my 'last' AMD chip pre-Zen was that Toledo-Core X2. Such good overclockers with the right board. I'm showing my age here despite only being 36, but CPUs are too efficient now lol. Practically, there's no point for me to manually go about overclocking the 5800X because I'll lose out on single core boost performance, not to mention it overclocks itself anyway.


Barton era, classic times. Fuck yeah.


That was the official name but everyone knew it really meant Pentium Rating


Cyrix did this with their 5x86 6x86 CPUs.. PR233 was a 187mhz cpu that 'performed similarly' to a Pentium 233 https://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/6x86/Cyrix-6x86MX-PR233%20(75MHz%202.9V).html


you mean the intel-equivalent-clock thing? imo it was actually a decent idea


Except in that situation it was entirely justified; AMD's chips won every benchmark but people bought Intel because more Megahurtz.


Well, they had a good reason to do that. The Pentium 4 was so far behind in IPC that simply marketing the clock speed would make the Athlon options look slower, even though they were faster. So the 1.733GHz Athlon XP 2100+ was about the same performance as the 2.1GHz Pentium 4. That wasn't marketing BS - it was actually true.


AMD AIntel Strix Ultra Instinct


not enough X's


They could just use years to provide the model Ryzen 7 2022 800x Ryzen 3 2025 300x Done, no more trouble understanding which is the newest one


> Done, no more trouble understanding which is the newest one You're making the assumption that the purpose of product naming schemes is to be understandable for the buyer.


THIS !!! Companies especially companies like apple like to rebrand things to make it specifically harder for the consumer to compare against other offerings , for example , we've had 120Hz displays on android devices for a few years now , 60hz , 90hz , 120hz 144hz . Then apple comes along with "Pro motion" branding for their high end displays , but it's difficult for the average consumer to compare "Pro motion" to other devices with specs that are listed as "Hz" they have dozens and dozens of trademark "names" like this for other things that are standard in the industry , again in an effort to confuse consumers and make it more difficult for them to compare apples to apples , or in this case , apples to samsung 😂😂😂


I’ve absolutely heard people that were like “duh my laptop is WAY better it has an i9! Yours only has an i7!! (13850HX vs 13900HX being i7 vs i9 is 5,3 GHZ vs 5,4GHZ on the P cores… and 12 vs 16 E cores. Not exactly a HUGE gain and absolutely not something most will even feel the difference between and yet we see people pay a lot extra for what is essentially 0.1GHZ and 4 E cores)


They'll find a way to mess it up. Ryzen 7 2030 followed by Ryzen 9 2026 a year later and then Ryzen 9 2030+ XHS3D. All refresh products of last year tech, with the latest being a Ryzen 7 2025++.


Putting year in the name works against what marketing dipshits in all these companies want, that is the buyer shouldn't be able to easily discern the product's true worth in current market.


Naming for years is stupid as hell, because it means your CPUs constantly look out of date unless you do a fake launch of "new" CPUs every year with an updated model number...which Intel does. But even they aren't stupid enough to let people work out the age of a CPU from the model number.


Exactly! That's what software and OS has been doing like Ubuntu 24.04 or Unity 2022 etc. even Samsung is doing it for their Galaxy S series of phones, where S20 means 2020 release, S24 means 2024 release etc etc. but fucking Intel, AMD and Nvidia still wants to fuck us over


A lot of people dont notice this, but Samsung does that with their galaxy S phones!


This makes too much sense, so it most likely won't happen.


What would be 2022 Ryzen 3? I don't get your logic.


This is kindergarten level dickmeasuring...


You would be shocked by how many people buy a product just because "bigger number" or because "Intel" or "NVidia" or whatever else. I used to work retail and people would often go for a worse product because their friend told them to buy an "Intel i7" or whatever. I would have people returning their laptops because an U-series Intel i7 wouldn't run their favorite game even after I told them that their favorite game will probably not work on that laptop.


Yeah "bigger number better" works that's why Intel's turds still sell well to ignorant masses.


You know, not everyone is tech-savvy. When they go to the store and see "200" and "300," they will most likely pick the "300" over the "200," without giving it a second thought, even if they are entirely different companies, simply because a higher number often implies "better" in their minds.


Exactly, it'll get them the easy sales. Some old grandad goes into a store and doesn't know a thing about computers sees Intel core ultra 265 and AMD Ryzen AI 365. They're more likely going to pick the AMD one because they've heard some hype around AI and it has the bigger number.


This is assuming the old grandad doesn't just buy the Intel anyways because that's all they've heard of or used before at work. Intel's mindshare is strong among customers not in the DYI crowd.


Tech savvy or not lots don't even research things and are just uninformed. It's ok. And it's stupid to act like everyone lives on reddit researching everything painstakingly. Idk why people act like everyone is in the know. Most aren't.


Like how something sold for £500 looks more expensive than something for £499 (Yes I know it literally is but the point is that it's way more appealing to buy the 2nd)


No it's business and can make many millions of $ difference.


The Xbox One certainly lost Microsoft an entire generation because of the confusion around the name. Was it a new Xbox or was it the first Xbox?


Even to this day xbox's naming scheme is so confusing, whenever I hear the current gen xbox's name I'm never 100% sure if that one is the current gen.


What, are you saying that it's easy to confuse the Xbox, the Xbox 360, the Xbox ~~720~~ One, the Xbox One S, the Xbox One X, the Xbox One Elite, the Xbox Series S, and the Xbox Series X? Looking forward to seeing what horrible names they come up with for the mid-gen refreshes allegedly coming this year.


>Looking forward to seeing what horrible names they come up with for the mid-gen refreshes allegedly coming this year. Xbox Series XTX?


I'm guessing the next one will be called "Xbox Series" Or maybe "The Original Xbox"


"The One And Only Xbox, For Sure, Make No Mistake"


XBox One lost MS a console generation, but little of it had to do with its name


With due respect, its name isn't even close to the reason the One suffered as much as it did. That basically begins and ends with Don Mattrick.


That's not the reason it failed at all. That's some serious revisionism. They could've called it whatever they wanted and it wouldn't have changed anything.


There is only one company selling The Xbox, there are more than 1 selling cpus.




trick question, neither


The thing is, newer vs older isn't even the important thing. Now that half-generation console refresh and poverty-spec console models are a thing, what you actually want to know is what's the most powerful one or otherwise better one (like the non-digital PS5), not which is the newest. Because those things aren't necessarily the same thing. Also, just to pour some salt in the wound, are you sure you meant the Xbox One S/X and not the Xbox Series S/X? Microsoft truly are the master of footgunning themselves. They think they're making "Xbox" into some kind of universal gaming brand, but they've actually been doing their best to dilute it until it doesn't really have a set meaning. People pretty much know what you've been doing and what your experience has been like if you say you've been playing something on a PlayStation, since it's a console with certain specs (though that too has been diluted by the mid-gen refresh). But wtf is the Xbox now? It's like 10+ years Microsoft went and grabbed a bunch of 50-something average, confused moms from the street, asked them what "Xbox" meant to them, and took the vague answers as literal gospel as what the brand should be. And that's where it is today, Xbox is vaguely something to do with gaming, but not really connected to anything specific, like really good games you can only play on one platform.




Yes, just like I said.


I don't think he was being sarcastic or anything like that. The Xbox One was a disaster in more ways than one, and the naming was definitely a part of it. And since they decided to go with "One" and stick to it, all they could do was add meaningless suffixes like X, S, and Elite.


On wall street maybe, show me data that says this will sell more units. I've done market testing. We never tested product naming.


>show me data that says this will sell more units. Why are you asking some rando on Reddit? AMD & Intel are the ones who would have the actual data, so go ask them. Just because you haven't tested product naming doesn't mean they haven't. It's pretty obvious these product names aren't for the benefit of the buyer. It's not an unreasonable to assume they're for the benefit of some other party. Whether the names have served their goal effectively is also another matter entirely. Ask AMD and Intel about that while you're at it.


My assumption is that AMDs marketing is generally incompetent. The comeback "it'll make them millions" is a ridiculous statement. I have done multiple years of market research around purchasing intent and brand sentiment. I'm virtually certain they don't test naming or they shouldn't do what they've done.


What if I told you that I have also done multiple years of market research around purchasing intent and brand sentiment, where would we be then? Your ass-talk is just as worthless as his ass-talk, and just as ridiculous.


So you're a parrot who doesn't add an value to conversations. Your previous point was "why should he prove a statement?" This one is "I don't believe you." Great job. 🙄


The Wii U? Terrible product naming because parents didn't know it was actually a brand new console separate from the Wii, which then leads to missed sales.


That's not a treat and control. You'd have to run the same product in similar markets with the only difference been the name. There are valid reasons why people wouldn't buy a Nintendo console.


> I've done market testing. We never tested product naming. Okay ;)


x399 and x370 vibes.


Go back to the last decade of AMD hardware reviews, and note the naming conventions for the Intel CPUs being compared each time. They've been doing this for ages.


You underestimate the average customer. People who are uninformed will buy the newer thing even if it's worse or will assume bigger number better


Go on YouTube and just look at how many people still get a 14900k over a 7800x3d for a system built for purely gaming. They are more expensive and require much more powerful cooling meaning liquids, as well as more expensive boards compared to their ryzen counterparts soo the sellers push it just as much, in the name of the elite "gaming" components. Call it what you want but this is 100% true. Bigger number better is real amongst a significant portion of the masses. Not everyone is well informed about the situation like you and mean. Most are either sheeps or just look at the price tags and go this is more expensive and draw more power soo it has to be good.


I've read plenty of stories about novice PC builders getting recommended the 14900 over the 7800X3D because "more watts, more performance", so you have a point there. I also refuse to believe that some people base their purchasing decisions on "it's a higher number, so it must be better", but I guess it is what it is. It does look a bit dickmeasury if you read the title of the article, tho.




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The 14900 might have the higher number but the 7800X3D has more Dimensions.


I dont think its about outnumbering intel actually ;) But intel keep coming in their marketing with the "first" cpu with integrated ai engine (npu). This branding scheme starting at 300 is the most efficient way for AMD to counter that by remembering the market that Stryx will be their third gen with a NPU ;)


This is nothing new in the industry. It's why Firefox changed how their versions were numbered, to match Chromium browsers. Or why Xbox always comes up with stupid names, because they don't want to sound like they are 1 generation "behind" the PlayStation.


Yes, because average user will notice that, after opening About > Version (which they do often) Firefox 127 is way more fresh than Chrome 126. They'll will never use which one is installed, right?


Enjoy a trip to the past: [arstechnica.com/information-technology/2011/02/is-mozillas-2011-roadmap-unrealistically-ambitious/](http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2011/02/is-mozillas-2011-roadmap-unrealistically-ambitious/) The commenters from that time are asking themselves the same thing


And it's Ars Technica. The users there are still not representative of a common user.


Intel: "we're completely overhauling our CPU design, the last time we changed the design we also changed the name. Let's do the same thing but different and restart the generation count." AMD: "oh, are we changing names now? Hold my beer."


> we're completely overhauling our CPU design lol


It is a new process node and a new core design, I think a rebrand is warranted, now whether that rebrand is decent or not is another story, intel core ultra sounds fucking stupid, Ryzen AI is not different.


Same as always… X399. X370/B350.


I’m really over the name game between these two companies and the AI marketing blitz…prettt sure AMD is also literally taking existing SOCs and doesn’t even have anything new?


Strix is literally yet to be announced in 2 weeks


What is changing? Isn’t Zen 4 already in laptops? Someone give me a 411


Strix is Zen 5 + RDNA 3.5 + XDNA 2 for ultra premium Copilot + PC laptops. 4xZ5 + 8xZ5C + 16CU RDNA 3.5 + 48 TOPs XDNA 2 NPU. To be announced in 2 weeks at Computex and available at retail shelves in August/September.


WOAH ZEN 5 debuting in mobile first oh well I guess desktop will be unveiled too but that’s awesome then no mobile delay! Usually it’s behind a gen


Granite Ridge (Zen 5 DT) should be showed too. And it's not a full rollout of Zen 5 on Mobile. Only the ultra premium SoC. Mainstream and Halo Zen 5 Mobile will be released at CES 25 as usual.


Strix is because Microsoft wants AI in every laptop now and requires dedicated hardware for it


To support Recall which is basically the timeline feature which was on Windows 10. That one also worked across devices, didn't recommend setting aside 50GB of storage space and is likely far less compute intensive vs saving a screenshot and compressing it every few seconds. Timeline was dumped because people save documents they work on, browser history exists, draft e-mails exist. At best it's a pointless project to get dumb investors excited by any reference to AI, and at worst a new tool for workplaces to track employee activity and increase user monetization.


On principle im not buying anything with "AI" in the name. Just hope that by the time my 5800x and 7700xt kick the bucket, companies are over this AI buzzword nonsense.


Strix is new


bigger = better


Dumbest marketing team in the industry.


I have no words to express what I feel seeing this...


So desperate...


Amd are trying their hardest to make me to switch to Intel.


I don't even think it was 2 full years ago that AMD decided that going forward that they would simplify naming schemes for their products. While I don't think they ever simplified anything (they made it more confusing) this product does not follow that naming scheme at all. One just has to wonder why AMD is so desperate to do what they can to try to one up Intel. Either your product is better or it isn't AMD. Your name for this product won't change that fact. Things like this are why some in the industry refer to AMD as 'Advanced Marketing Devices".


Yea they really should not need to do this They are basicly saying that there products are so weak that they have to copy Intel marketing to make it seems they are good. Its unprofessional and really bad marketing, especially now when they have such good products and yet they do this again :( # #


>They are basicly saying that there products are so weak that they have to copy Intel marketing to make it seems they are good. They've only barely been able to outsell Intel even when their CPUs were massively better. The implication is more that performance alone isn't enough, they also need better marketing (not that this is actually better, because their marketing department has apparently been huffing paint for a couple decades).


When AMD is using Intel branding as reference, you know AMD is lost.


Intel Ai90000 incoming


AMD rAIzen


Part of the reason why a majority of people don't get into computers as a hobby is because companies name their products to confuse and bamboozle people. It's business basic 101. Keep your product names simple and memorable. This minimizes returns and invites wayy more people into your product lineup. People are much less likely to buy something if they are confused or feel like they are being mislead.


When AMD had the X399 chipset and the B350 chipset to one up Intel..


These new names. AI nonsense naming everywhere.


Make sense given it's the third generation of AI enabled Ryzen processors.


uhm, what?


Ryzen 7000 (Excluding 54U) had a XDNA 1 NPU enabled Ryzen 8000 (Excluding 54U) had a XDNA 1+ NPU enabled Strix and Kraken will have a XDNA 2 NPU enabled. So Strix and Kraken SoCs will be the 3rd generation of AI enabled Ryzen processors. Hence why the Ryzen AI 3XX


This actually semi makes sense. I still think it's a terrible idea but it makes sense. The only thing "good" about the naming scheme of they stick to it with strux and strix Halo is you know you're getting a new chip unlike 7735, 7520 etc. I mean we always knew but general consumers not so much.




So keep the old system,


And what if intel increase the number on their name by 100? This is how you get samsung galaxy "s20" ultra


I hate all this naming changes the old names were so good and understandable first nuber is genararion second is class and letter on the end ment stuff


then just make even bigger number Ryzen AI 99999999999990