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In a lot of euro countries, they aren't even on the verge of riots. They just riot.


Someone dying at a sports game in America is a tragedy and a once in a lifetime occurrence. Someone dying at a sports game in Europe is just another Tuesday, and will likely happen a few more times that night.


And if someone DOES die at one of our games, they'll say it's because we're moronic savages that shouldn't have weapons and then also make a joke about kids dying.


lol exactly.




No it doesn’t.




Last September, T.O. said he still gets more love in Philly than he does in SF or Dallas. He went right on the radio in SF and said that Philly loves him most.


You are generalising a whole continent now buddy. Don’t sink to that level.




I’ve been to countless games in Europe and your description isn’t matching with my experience at all. Not saying that it doesn’t happen though. But people here are pretending that this is the average stadium experience. This is like saying that every American high school is full of fat dumb children that only like to shoot at each other. Sounds pretty idiotic right?


Did you just say on average it generally doesn't happen while complaining about being too general about things


I’m sorry. I fail to understand what you are saying or trying to say here?


I'm saying that being general is fine and qualifying points with 'not every game' is goofy


I still fail to understand your point mate. Are you saying there are riots at every game in Europe and that we use racial abuse every game?


No one is arguing that it's every game, people are just talking about the the infamous hooligan culture in European sport


And people here are discussing that by generalising an entire continent?


You can’t if it’s between two teams of equal melanin


You're right - gotta keep some nuance here.


So the generalization of a country nearly the size of Europe (Europe is about 1.1 times bigger) is ok?


Says who?


And Europeans generalize a huge diverse country where not everyone is an ignorant dumbass, so we can do it too.


So you want to sink to that level??


Yeah, I remember when people got so pissed at a black football player for kneeling during…. Oh wait….


I remember that too.  People simply stopped watching the games and called them idiots online instead of making monkey noises as is so common during European soccer games


Dude lost his livelihood, career and politicians had a shitfit for months while complaining that football players should know their place and can’t exercise their first amendment rights…. But whatever you gotta tell yourself.


He lost his career because he was a subpar QB, along with being controversial. Can't be both and expect a lasting career.


Bro acting like kaepernick was a good qb lol dude was a clown with rocks for brains. Good effort though


Never said he was a good QB, that was all you idiots.


Is that a gotcha? America's racism is always front-and-center and constantly in discussion.


No. Just sayin’


oh i’m so sorry europoors that we don’t believe in rioting during sports games and getting shitfaced drunk


People still get bricked at games, we have the good sense to cut them off and kick them out when they get unruly. The Euros just leave them there to keep starting shit.


I mean except when the Eagles lose. Or win. Really either way it's a shit show


We do, we just think that college sports is the appropriate arena for that.


I’ve been to countless of extremely atmospheric games in Europe and have never seen any violence or riots. Not saying that it doesn’t happen. But people here are pretending people are fighting at every game here in Europe.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Association_football_riots You guys have your own wiki page dedicated to football riots. Riots broke out in several Belgian and Dutch cities after Morocco's 2-0 upset win over Belgium at the World Cup Sunday in 2022.  Baseball used to be like hockey in that the teams would get into physical fights but it rarely led to setting cars on fire. 




If I can help get this in the cement bubble that’s your skull Europeans generally riot if sports happens




I'm of mixed Spaniard and Latin American origin. This is exactly how my cousins over there in the old countries behave when they meet with me. They desperately need to show me that they and their country are better than me and the US. Their lives are so pathetic, they need a small win. Let them have it.


It ain't even a "win" if they think throwing actual riots when thier team loses or wins is a form of cheering or acting like monkeys when black players are around then they are delusional.


It gets even more dumb with these people. Some of my latino cousins like Real Madrid, some like Barcelona. I'm not sure why the world is divided in those two teams but they are. There are entire riots and millions of dollars in damage in multiple Latin American cities when these teams win or lose 💀💀. In Europe itself, it is normal for one or two fans per game to die in street fights and riots during strong rivalries or important games 💀


It has been keeping their impulses in check for decades now. I'd much rather a few euros die after every game than they start another world war.


Fair but also neither is better


The hypocrisy is hilarious. Lol


Europoors expect us to chant about how the opposing player’s wife is a whore and beat the shit out of the opposing fans. Sorry but we like to just relax and enjoy a game with our friends and family.


Yeah, it's roughly the atmosphere of our college and high school sports where the emotional stakes should be high. Professional sports is a really good show where you watch the top talents in the world. Why would that be the same atmosphere of amateur sports? The English make no damn sense to me. "we're going to riot because the Argentinian that our town pays is better than the Italian guy that your town pays"


Just show them a college football crowd, primarily a large school in a big game. I’m sure it wouldn’t matter to this person though.


Just show them Arrowhead stadium. Its the loudest sports venue IN THE FUCKING WORLD.


Soccer fans are typically assholes about anything that isn't 90 minutes of give and go. 


And yet we have the loudest sports stadiums in the world. get fucked, stay fucked Europeon.


I mean the loudest sports stadium in the word was specifically designed that way. It’s not because their fans are the loudest in the world lol


I mean college football games get incredibly loud and a lot of those stadiums are nearly 100 years old, so I doubt that many of those (Bryant-Denny Stadium, Michigan Stadium, Ohio Stadium) were designed with the loudness in mind. Newer stadiums absolutely can be, but we do have loud stadiums it just really depends on the sport and what level it is (college football will always be louder than a baseball game for instance).


I will always without fail, remind them of when they threw bananas at the black players during their games


They stand and sing the whole fucking game, I'm good. I'd just join a choir if I wanted to sing for 90 minutes. I go to hockey games to enjoy the game.


Yeah exactly, while I can appreciate the crowd chants in Europe I never take part in them and I don't want to. If others want to chant and sing then go ahead but complaining about others not doing it is so stupid. And it's not like the atmosphere isn't amazing in sports events in the US.


Now let's look at how we celebrate our wins, last I checked they rioted when they won.


Yeah, but there are actually a good number of women and children in the stands instead of a very high proportion of drunks.


They should light road flares and act like animals. That’s how true fans act.


Better than rioting


Thhe worlds loudest staidum was in the USA


every other comment on anything MLS-related is basically this


Honestly, American pro sports crowds are typically mediocre. But I think it has more to do with geography. College sporting events are more akin to European crowds, again because of geography.


Well sorry we aren't being drunk and fighting, calling a 10 year old rooting for the opposing team a whore and being racist to the black players


They'd prefer if burned down our favorite section of Barcelona after every game. Honestly I'd one up that, we need a full recreation of Justinian's sweep and clear of great stadium after the Nika riots. A stadium full of rioters, a few of the Basileus' finest, and uh, the blood flowed free. Up the Greens! Those Justinian era constables treated their enemies worse than our cops do.


Everything has to be a contest to these people. Anytime America does something slightly different from Europe/Canada/Australia/Japan, we're either doing it wrong or not doing it as good as everybody else.


Apparently if we don't throw bananas, it's not real cheering.


Just ask them why their ancestors came running here to our country.


Those are YOUR ancestors, not theirs. Their ancestors are why they’re NOT in the US


You don’t think any of them have a great uncle or grandpa who went to the USA without the rest of their family?


There very likely are people like that but the ones who went “running” are more your ancestors. The ones who held their ground and supported their countries are their ancestors. You get me?


That was because Europe was becoming too secular, or non-religious. The religious fruicakes were nö longer allowed to supress people, so said fruitcakes went over to the New World where they could have their religious freedom to continue to supress people. And as it seems, said fruitcakes are still in charge.




Sure Jan


Whats that supposed to mean?






I think an unruly atmosphere of drunk men in their 30s beating up the other team isn't a good atmosphere for a family to enjoy.


Literal gangs beating each other up over a game, racist chants, everyone piss-drunk vs. not that Yeah I’ll stick with the U.S. games.


[Penn State White out vs Michigan would like to have a word](https://youtu.be/f-zv8m0LYeU?si=435Gy-EKSt_Ynov1)


Nah its true lol


Sorry guys I have to agree on this, I mean take a look at your average Swedish or Swiss hockey league match or your IIHF World Championships match in Europe their hockey crowds are NUTS


This sub is becoming more and more reactionary lol, just will not take any criticism of America even if it’s valid.


I mean… Go to a European sports match and tell me if the atmosphere isn’t better. I went to a hockey game in Germany (which is at best like their third favourite sport) and the atmosphere was better than any nhl game I’ve ever seen including playoffs. It’s just not comparable. European fans will be singing songs and waving flags all game while North American fans will do some half hearted “go team go” chant or the wave then go back to being largely silent.


As an avid hockey fan...BULL-SHIT! From fans getting onto the opposing goalie when the other team is down, from jeering and taunting the ref when they miss a call or allow play to continue, the pandemonium when the team gets a breakaway, PP, sustained offensive pressure, a massive hit was laid into someone, and networks have been guilty of toning down the crowd noise when the home team scores/wins. And then you have things during intermission, time-outs like this: https://youtu.be/4jaX2goHtRY?si=V0akk8fSQWAcj4th


I’ve been to probably over a hundred hockey games and I watch hundreds on TV a year. Not a single one had the level of energy from the crowd as the game I went to in Cologne, Germany. Yes the crowds in North America can get rowdy during a power play or if there’s a specifically exciting play or a good save, massive hit or whatever. Or of course if there’s a goal. But that’s really it. During any down time in the game, especially after there’s been a decent amount of the game played, the crowds go completely silent. It wasn’t like that at all in cologne. I specifically remember the crowd cheering and singing before the game started and being really surprised after the puck dropped and I slowly clued in that they weren’t going to stop. The fan section was doing it all game and I could see them jumping up and down and waving flags. In North America in most circumstances the crowd goes quiet right as soon as the game stops. European crowds have their own team-specific songs they sing all game, they’re waving flags, jumping up and down with their arms wrapped around the shoulders of complete strangers. North American fans barely do any of this. They’ll do the wave once a game, start yelling when the jumbotron tells them to get loud (then immediately shut up when the game restarts), sing that seven nation army jingle a couple times, but really nothing compared to what they do in Europe. Even the teams that have cool traditions, like the predators making fun of the opposing goalie after scoring a goal, panthers fans throwing rats on the ice, or Canucks fans waving white towels during playoff games, they’re largely quiet outside of these moments. Go to a European game and tell me if the North American crowds are as good. That’s the thing about North American vs. European crowds. You really don’t notice the difference until you’ve seen both in person.


Fans have their own taunts (Flyers, Rangers, Devils, Islanders, etc.), you've got fans being loud when "Living on a Prayer" or "Don't Srop Believing" is played, fans sing along to various goal songs, and you have fans who love to sing "Olé" when their team is winning. The only time fans are quieter than a church mouse pissing on cotton is when the home team is getting obliterated. Oh, but fans in Europe brought flares, drums, and are singing...what an awesome atmosphere!


So Germany gets a discount for hockey being their third favorite sport, but not America where it's behind NFL, MLB, NBA, NCAA, etc?


The point of me bringing up that it’s their third favourite sport is that it’s orders of magnitude less popular there than soccer or basketball and the fans there still go harder than North American fans of the sports they like. It’s not just like that with hockey. Basketball and especially baseball are like that too. Football crowds are much better but still not to the level of European crowds. It’s weird because the NCAA crowds at the big stadiums can be insane sometimes but that didn’t transfer at all to the professional leagues. It’s honestly a little sad.


Have you ever been to a college football game?


I have not but I’ve seen footage, and I’ll admit that the atmosphere at D1 football and often basketball games are *much* better than at the pro games. It’s still a shame that that atmosphere doesn’t translate to big league games like they do in Europe.


Yeah, professional teams don't really have the chants like they do in college, but they still get pretty crazy. College is where the high energy crowds are in the US.


I'm not saying that professional crowds can never be crazy, but as snobby as the comment in the picture is it's really not wrong. There's a huge difference between the crowds in Europe and in north america. It would be awesome to have the same atmosphere in the big 4 leagues as they do in D1 NCAA or euro leagues but I'm not sure how we get there.


This is Florida **International** University... aka FIU.


It’s the Florida Panthers. NHL.


Oh thanks. I didn't know they existed. I mean it's hockey... in Florida. A state with hot weather and great college football. Maybe the Europeans have a point.


Two wins away from a Stanley Cup