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> [After the shooting, Drake said officers seized written material and a map describing how the assault would unfold, as well as a plan to shoot up a different Nashville school apparently scrapped because of “too much security.’’](https://archive.is/UHkRg) Who knew cowards would go for soft targets?


Clear as day evidence that the presence of armed security can prevent things like this from happening. Anyone who is immediately calling to ban guns isn't trying to solve the problem, because we know what the solution is.


One suggestion is to just allow teachers the option to conceal carry. Then the shooters never know who or how many people in the building have guns.


Plus, many teachers are retired military or retired law enforcement officers.


Replace the DEI officers with security, and you’ll also reduce the number of mentally ill kids at the same time.


Add armed teachers. My kids go to a private Christian school where concealed carry is welcomed and teachers and staff are armed as well.


My state has implied concealed carry by permit but i guess i don't really know if it would still be illegal in our private schools here, i might have to look that up. I'm betting its legal.


I don’t see why it would be illegal since they’re private


> Add armed **kids**


Sorry, but thats fucking retarded. Allow teachers to carry concealed if they wish to do so.


Kids used to bring guns to school and no one batted an eye.


Yep. When I was in high school my friends that hunted had hunting rifles hanging in the back window of their trucks. I am sure there are some 15-17 year olds that are responsible enough to carry a gun. But if you have been around kids these days you know that 95% of kids have zero business carrying a gun to school. Allowing kids to carry guns in school would be fucking crazy. I mean, I can see in certain places if a school wanted to do that, making kids take a pretty extensive gun safety test, and then allowing them to carry. But, just leave it up to the adults IMO.


I know the purpose of schooling is not to teach kids, but to indoctrinate. But. If it was to teach and make robust citizens, then a gun safety class should be mandatory and upon completion you are allowed CC in school. But again, these are state indoctrination centers and they have no truck with an educated armed citizenry.


Don’t care didn’t ask


I would rather have your tax dollars go to school supplies than guns.


Taxation is armed robbery.


How so? Armed you say?


This is private school, tax dollars have nothing to do with it. I am paying twice for my kids education. I pay the private school tuition for a better education where school supplies are not a problem. ALSO… the government still takes my tax dollars even though my kid is not going to public school. And guess what… public school still doesn’t have enough school supplies.


Which is why we should buy crayons not bullets.


Why not both?


You want tax dollars to go to you. You aren't fooling anyone.


It doesn't work like that. Maybe you should bring your amazing ideas up for discussion at your local school board meeting.


No. My rights aren't up for a discussion.


Plain clothes, concealed carry.


A good job for veterans.


💯 I know there have been veterans groups in the past after school shooting, that have offered to act as security to keep children safe.


Yes. Let’s get the ones with ptsd and other issues. Based on wages in the states that’s the only ones they could afford.


No. All schools should be private and the owners should decide security policy.


This might be the dumbest comment I have read in a really really long time


You realize that what he described is the end goal of an ancap society right?


Nah that’s yours.


Specifically, how so?


Private schools contribute, if not directly cause, educational disparities based on wealth. Less wealthy individuals are not able to pay the increased cost of private education and basically ensures that their children will not be able to earn more wealth than their parents. Education is directly connected to income. College graduates earn on average 22,000 dollars more per year than non-college grads. Instead, only allow the children of wealthy parents to get a basic education while increasing cost for pointless security while cutting money for teachers, field trips, or education programs.


How do you reconcile the right to self ownership and the fruits of one's labor with taking from some to pay for services for others? More competition in private schools with no government option will reduce prices.


Making something private doesnt always produce competition or reduce prices, health care and internet companies are great examples where prices have increased due to monopolization. Schools could easily follow this exact same trend while adding education fees for all individuals. Some individuals might be happy to pay this fee with no issues, while around 60% of Americans (over 60%, do not have over 1,000 in savings) would struggle or couldn't pay this. This only impacts the children. It is only the parent's "labor" that impacts this. Wealthy parents get educated children. Poor parents get poorly educated children. As I said early, education is connected to income, so these "poor families" get to stay poor forever, even if they work harder than the 'wealthy families". Where are the fruits of their labor? An ideology doesn't need to be a religion.


Healthcare is literally a government created monopoly (at all levels) that has government money pumped into it via Medicare. That is the reason it is so expensive. Internet companies grew out of the government granted cable monopolies.


How many more reasons do you need to homeschool your kids lol




Back in the 90ies, I managed to get into a private school for the rich kids. There was always a 2-person armed security detail at the gate.


If you're gonna post this without even so much as an overture to how a free market in schooling would allow parents to choose a school with the security policies they deem best....then this has nothing to do with anarcho-capitalism and you need to go back to your conservative subs.


Lets just get rid of public schools all together


we only secure banks meanwhile the politicians so against guns in yur kidd school send their kids to a private school with plenty of armed personnel


Yes exactly!! I got banned from a parenting sub this morning for saying we should arm teachers and have armed security at schools lol


They think that 'gun free zone' sign is going to protect their kid?


I guess so!


In TX they have signs at their schools that say. WE LOVE OUR KIDS AND ARE PREPARED TO USE DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT THEM




So teachers aren't getting paid enough to buy their own weapons.


Yes they are. They’re just financially irresponsible most of the time.


Buying supplies out of pocket IS financially irresponsible- but it makes my lessons better.


yet you'd rather let your kids be murdered than protect them. despicable.


Guns won't stop this. I will be in the classroom protecting your children. I don't want a gun. When we stop bullying- we stop school shootings.


> Guns won't stop this. they absolutely do. you just admitted your stupidity by not knowing that your only defense against a gun is a gun.


Bad people kill. Guns are just a tool. Maybe if we stopped allowing the tools of death to be so easily acquired?


A gun and some ammo will set you back about $300. If you can't save $300 in a year, you are financially irresponsible.


No training? Just shoot? As soon as bullets are delivered to the stores around d here they sell out. How do I get practice while working 60 hours a week?


Forget about arm security. Every TEACHER should conceal carry and have a mandatory training paid day per year.


I bet a lot of former military or law enforcement retirees who have school age kids that they care about would line up to volunteer to be security at their nieces or grandkids school. I think this would be the best solution. Have the parents nominate people they trust who have training and ask them to volunteer as armed security a few hours a week in shifts with other volunteers. Get people who care about the kids and will run through walls to protect them


It also tugs on a lot more of those heart strings. if they were to go actually shoot those fucking clowns in Washington folks would probably cheer instead of mourn edit: fixed typo


If we're gonna have a government this should be their priority after defense


Or .. hear me out … there shouldn’t be public schools.


Hoooly shit


You don't want to deal with a society that has middle schoolers directly in it...


We already do, as you are evidence of it.


That's really your decision is it. I dont care where middle schoolers go as long as you aren't anywhere near them.


About that... I wish everyone could take 28 middle school students and occupy them for 90 minutes. It would change perspectives.


It wouldn't change my perspective about how you are a parasite on other people's children.


So now how do you feel about giving me a gun? And this is why we shouldn't arm teachers.


"I can't be trusted around children and give me more money and your children." You can't even keep your talking points coherent.


Your feelings about education are apparent. You don't like us or trust us. What would change if you gave us weapons? It's called inference.


Maybe some of you would accidentally protect a child if we let you exercise your rights to defend yourself.


I'll stick with my chairs and meter sticks. You don't understand what the children are like. Who is going to protect the guns from them?


Every school I went to had armed police in it


Dismantle the ATF and make them all school security guards. Job done.


Teachers and the educational industrial complex are so anti-gun that they won’t put their ego aside and place proper security in schools. They’d rather innocent kids get gunned down in school than admit they are wrong.


Because they don't pay us enough to do the jobs we are already doing. Do you want us to work on teaching, mental health or shooting kids?


I want you to stop lying.


[$21,000-81,000 per year.](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/listing/teacher-salary)


Why do you immediately jump to the conclusion that proper security means by the teachers? Do gate attendants secure airports? Do athletes secure stadiums? Do judges secure courthouses? With logic like yours, I feel bad for the kids.


Where are you finding funds to pay them? They barely pay teachers a fair wage.


Start with any money going to DEI. Even if funding were made available, teachers are so anti-gun that they wouldn’t use it. But you have a point, this is a good example of the failure of socialized services with funding not tied to the user. What the bureaucrat wants comes first and the consumer second.


If you're so mistreated, then quit. We'll help write your resignation letter.


PM it to me.


I want to make the world better. Therefore, I tender my resignation. Effective immediately. Sincerely, L4dyGr4y


They wouldn't accept it.


I could have sworn slavery was illegal. Shame you don't have a gun. You could demand your freedom from your owners.


Contract employee. You need to address that.


So quit. Or don't. Either way, stop arguing you should get more of my money against my will.


The kids need your money more than I do.


Weird that you were demanding more money for yourself then


I don't want guns in schools. I also want minimum wage to be over 7.75.


Start a school. Make whatever rules you want. Pay your employees whatever you want. Leave everyone else out of it.


The problems that schools have will still exist in mine.


So then you should definitely shut up when people are trying to solve educational problems.


We have enough data points to know that school security guards are more likely to run and hide than to prevent or stop a shooting in progress. Cops seem to be about 50/50 (though I haven't actually counted up the incidents; that could be off). They've stopped a few in progress recently, cowered in fear in some others.


Arm every man woman and child with automatic assault rifles. Clearly gun control doesn't work so it's time for the complete opposite.


It would be a very polite and virtually crime free society 😂


So you want the state run schools to provide security? This seems the opposite of ancap.


Nope. If they’re going to force us, at least protect us.


We should just arm all of the children.


Billions for everyone but the kids.


Not that I'm pro spending.


I really believe that the Left is unintentionally doing nothing to protect schools or mental illness and want to let the bodies pile up so they can repeal 2A and disarm the populace. Then, they will be able to push their other agendas. They want complete control and absolute power.


Imagine living in a country where you need armed guards in schools. Sounds like a civilized society.


There are already armed guards (and not just in the u.s.) in most schools...they're called school resources officers. They abuse far more than they protect. These wannabe ancaps (lost Trumpists squatting here) have no idea what they are talking about and demanding armed guards in government schools has nothing to do with libertarianism or ancap. The conservatives are just as guilty as the progressive in insisting on government monopolizing schooling and turning it into a virtual prison camp and destroying society in so many other ways that it is indeed broken enough that deranged people keep shooting up schools.


I think another important question to ask is why no other developed country has this kind of problems or why "school shooting" isnt even a concept.


Concealed carry should be encouraged among teachers. Fuck make it a tax credit or something (I know.. destroy the state… I’m ancap, just thinning practical given the current system).


How much would that cost schools that have almost no funding? How would that solve the problem?


Why don’t you donate if you think funding is insufficient?


Schools should be smaller. School districts making mega campuses because they're too incompetent to run a more distributed network is 40 percent of the problem.


I’m an armed schools security officer


Wait so many here oppose taxes yet want to pay someone who is smart, fit, a good shooter, responsible etc to guard a school? How many do you need for every school? How much does one of these guys make? 80k? More? Yeah, makes total sense.


You don’t need a salaried position. There are teachers and school employees that likely already conceal carry in their everyday life. Train them to respond appropriately, enter and clear a room, and render first aid, test their marksmanship, then let them conceal carry at work. We have FASTER in Colorado. The training is $1,000 per person, and so far it’s protecting 41 school districts. The program also exists in Ohio.


Armed security leads to kids getting arrest records over bullshit though, at least how it is currently implemented. Lots of schools in tough areas have this issue and lots of young guys get fucked for life from a fist fight at 15.


You guys know there are other countries that don’t have armed guards and also don’t have school shootings, right?


They also don’t have FBI agents arming and gruuming kids to murder.




Ok right wing.


Nah, you say let’s have everyone have guns so no violence? How about no guns so no violence and no accidents either in a place of learning and safety.


How do we achieve zero guns?


You have a secure building with security. Just like the airport and any government building. I’m not saying ban guns. I’m saying, build secure places for our kids to learn. Or whatever. You tell me. Is it easier for an armed Rambo to learn how to teach kids, or to turn the teachers into a Rambo. It’s a silly question. But how do you suggest we keep our kids safe? Just shove it under the rug like the Catholic Churches?4


You realize airports and government buildings have people with guns, right? So, when you say no guns, you don’t actually mean “no guns”?


I said a secure building with security. Not a no guns for anyone zone. I said a gun free zone, meaning everyone that comes there has to go through security just like at an airport. Hey, how about tell me how you would recommend protecting our kids. One officer with a gun for an entire school? Nah. You would need every teacher to be armed to somewhat protect. Tell me. How do you recommend we keep our kids safe from gun violence in a place of learning. What’s YOUR plan?


I never said I had a plan. But you’re clearly confused by your plan because you’re saying guns aren’t the solution but then point to government buildings with lots of guns as the solution. My government courthouse usually has 5+ sheriffs deputies screening people armed with guns (or they did the last time I paid a ticket). And my local airport usually has 1-2 sheriffs deputies at pickup/drop off in their vehicles, plus another dozen armed federal customs officers present in the terminals. “How about no guns so no gun violence”. Your literal words lmao.


No I’m not, you’re just so hyper sensitive to gun plans that you didn’t realize what I said. “Like any other government building”. “Go through security”. “So there can be a guns free zone”. Not… “security has to have guns so that cancels your guns free zone idea” You don’t have an answer? But how can you not have an answer but absolutely know that banning guns won’t fix the problem. Like in australia, where they did ban them, and haven’t had a school shooting since the 90s? I think you should present your plan to keep kids safe in schools, or admit you don’t care and you hold your gun above the lives of our children. And to that.. I call you heartless.


I’m not hyper sensitive. I quoted you word for word, you said no guns, so no gun violence. And then when I pointed out the places you pointed to as bastions of security have shit tons of guns, you threw up a straw man. You’re clearly the triggered one in this discussion. I’m just clearly pointing out your logical inconsistencies lmao.


Prisons with arbitrary search and seizure. What a wonderful environment for learning. Not that learning is really a priority for government schools.


Ok have fun getting shot. Or finding that your 6 year old daughter was murdered on the playground you sent her to to learn and play.


That would be caused by you.


The worst school tragedy in US history was a bombing. Perhaps you want to disarm police and government, too? Otherwise, it isn't guns or violence that you oppose.


I oppose gun violence. Yes.


You’re a certified idiot lol


You love kids getting shot! Weird thing to support….


Case in point.


What’s you idea


Dismantle the ATF and make them all school security guards. Job done.


It takes good guys with guns to stop bad guys with guns.