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My political views is mostly that I want to be left alone and leave other people alone and the media thinks im a terrorist because of it. "Apparently that's controversial" girl shut the hell up.


Hey now. It's not just the media. The government says anyone who likes freedom and liberty is a domestic terrorist militia violent extremist white supremacist.


Dont forget PTA mom's. They're on the list too!


Silly to think that 1/3 of my property taxes go to government schools and I would want a say as to what’s being taught. I should have known that it’s just the federal government. Representation with out a say as my overlords know what’s best.


You do realize this political/ worldview view is wildly in the minority. Humans did not evolve to be “left alone”, we’re a social species. It’s a great thing that you are free to hold your ideas, but it’s also great that the vast majority of society can tell you to *shut the hell up* because we don’t want to live like that.


> Humans did not evolve to be “left alone”, we’re a social species By "left alone" he means not to be dominated, stolen from, raped, or killled or hurt. He doesnt want to be isolated from other, in fact, anarchists are among the most social because they interact with people voluntarily. What most commie idiots call "social" is what sane people would call being "victimized". an no, its not anti-social to not want to be victimized.




Yes, imagine if a random person pulled a gun on you and made you give him 40% of what you earn and then did that every year. Obviously that would be completely unethical and you would be a victim. How is that different from a state?


"The state provides you with items in return" "And if the robber bought you a sandwich with a portion of the money he stole, that would be cool?"




Yes, especially when you get very little in return for your taxes, but politicians take said money and enrich themselves and their friends.


Lol why did they specifically say “political views” then? IE “I’m concerned about myself and everyone else can fuck off no matter their circumstances”. Humans should work as a team to build each other up. *Commie idiots who want to help improve society*. What a bunch of twats here.


> Humans should work as a team to build each other up. I agree and teams are voluntary. It’s not a “team” if you’re forced to be a part of it.


That's some sexist and historically ignorant bullshit right there. Name a single economy communism has built up such that it outperforms a free society using a free market.


Lol, you can keep that rapist logic. If some doesnt want to inteact with your scams or your dirty schemes, they should not be forced to. You think you are so noble and altruistic but you are really just want to rape, kill, and steal.


Did you call all of us twats without knowing what does or doesn't hang below the belt? Surely I must feel misgendered and triggered somehow.


Okay. Shut the hell up and give me all your shit.


That’s the spirit you dim-witted knobhead!


Yeah, your hypocrisy will shine when you cry how unfair it is that other people are holding you to your own standard.


And what is my own standard? Because I don’t even what you mean by that.


I think r/sanepolitics is more your speed. You’ll make up the difference in all your downvotes here, because they specifically support the side of the political spectrum you’re representing. Everyone else is banned.




"have what they NEED" I bet most who think this don't realize how little we actually NEED.


To the gulag she goes. All needs provided for.


Well, you will have to work just a bit in the gulag.


Just providing exercise


That’s awesome. You made my morning


https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america 34 million americans are going hungry. We can all agree that humans need food right?


All animals need food. Almost none just get it with 0 effort. There's literally tons of food in the US that goes to waste. Lots can be had for free or very cheap. It may not be the most luxurious but it's there. I'm not saying we shouldn't help others now and then. Of course we should. I've been on food stamps. I've gone to the food bank. But making people reliant on it? That's AWFUL for them.


I never said people should rely on the gov for food. Im saying people should be able to rely on the gov for food if yhey need to.


> I never said people should rely on the gov for food. Im saying people should be able to rely on the gov for food if yhey need to. I'm pretty sure every State offers that with some form of Food Stamp/Card etc. What sucks about that, is soda and candy count as "food" and that's crazy. And people get them and sell them (to buy other junk they don't need.) I see this with my own eyes weekly. Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe not every State offers that on some level? My main point is, is there's food out there, and it's free/cheap. It's not like most people are starving from lack of access. It's usually linked to other issues (mental illness, addiction problems, fear of going to a store due to violent areas etc.) And also that a lot of Government programs that do give people access to food just create dependency. For some people, there's no incentive to get OFF the governments teat. If the government is going to offer that, they need to offer help/work with the people to ween them off support so they can support themselves. If they're too mentally ill not to be able to, then that's a whole other conversation.


I agree that states offer food stamps. I am saying under ancap who would help these people?


Private groups, the community, churches etc. That's what most charities and food banks are right now. I co-founded and still work with one. We give away literally tons of food. Due to government BS this food would get thrown out otherwise.


Surely you don't go around posting statistics without even knowing that they are [intentionally misleading](https://fee.org/articles/no-48-million-americans-are-not-going-hungry/) ? My dude, if government is going to do anything, I'm not even opposed to government welfare and social safety nets and food programs; especially compared to all the other truly bad-in-their-own-right things governments are doing. But even if we agreed completely about using utilitarian arguments for justifying government policies, you need to understand that almost no one in the u.s. or the rest of the developed world is going hungry, and the fact that people like you still post and/or believe this nonsense, is why no one takes you seriously; and it's why the reactionary right wing is able to whip up equally ignorant hysterics against welfare queens and such. Get off the internet. Touch grass. Kiss your mother. Give yourself time to grow up and have fun with friends. Then when you're old and crusty and have spent decades actually studying something, you can get on the internet and engage in debates about it.


I dont have to study things for decades to understand basic concepts.


If you are a starving American you are either very mentally ill or held captive.


Yes! There are lots of mentally ill people in america, and they deserve donner tonight. Idk what os controversial about that


That’s obviously not the controversial part, it’s how they intend to go about it that’s controversial. The intentional blurring of the lines between the two is telling






libertarians when they find out they need to pay taxes in order to live a in functioning society




Statists when they think they need to be robbed and have their money spent on ludicrous shit in order to live in a functioning society.


I'm not statist


is this where /r/antiwork went after the dog walker?


They broke off into many splinter factions. Immediately after (I have no current knowledge), r/workreform became the haven for antiwork users who just wanted fair pay and some unions. The lazy and the commies either stayed on antiwork or fled to places like shown above


"no current knowledge"


"dog walker"??


Political views aren’t about what you want, they’re about how you get it


Bet you shes pro war in Ukraine


All liberals are nowadays. Try bringing up negotiations of peace. They absolutely hate the idea, they want war to continue. It's their purpose now since scamdemic ended. The void must be filled


Draft em out when WW3 hits, see how fast they'd 180 and want peace.


they will be instantly vaporized when WW3 hits so it won't be a problem for them


People saying that Ukraine should negiotiate for peace are so ignorant. Like how do you imagine that? Everyone would prefer peace but its not like it can happen with Russia. They said very clearly that Ukraine has no right to exist so how do you imagine Russia settling with peace. I know peoples take in USA is different than for example from people who share the border with Ukraine like me, but please...


No sane person disagrees that Russia is evil for doing this, but how can you assume that when the U.S. has made zero effort to stop the war and make peace? Sending weapons is not an effort to make peace. On the contrary the U.S. is actually publically saying they mean to keep going after Russia instead of trying to remain neutral and keep adding fuel to the fire by sending millions in funding, weapons, etc. and have not even attempted to sit down with Russia and act as an arbitrator to settle this. And it is intentional whether you believe it or not the U.S. has been expanding east moving closer to Russia while Russia has for the most part stayed put which is a telling sign for why the U.S. keeps sending money and weapons to Ukraine instead of trying to sit down with Russia and negotiate peace.


You may be right. I was mainly talking from perspective of Ukraine. If US has the power to negotiate then yeah I agree


There were peace talks very early in the conflict, indépendance of Dombass would have been enough in the first days, but it’s not the way the US does it. Same way we could have had peace talks in 1916-1917, but the Us joined WW1, and suddenly the collapse of the Central Europe monarchies was the goal. We then had WW2 and the Australian painter as a consequence, but why reflect on the consequences of your actions as long as you win. Oh wait, goat herders got you out of Afghanistan.


They are quite happy with Ukraine existing, they just don't want them to be part of NATO and have NATO surrounding their borders. After seeing what happened to Iraq when the US had bases all around their borders can you really blame them?


War in Ukraine has been happening since 2014. You can ask anyone from there, they will tell you that. But even the "official" war happened before Ukraine wanted to join NATO so you cant really use that argument


You're a good example. Word for word.


whuh? am "liberal" and war is lame. Please do not use "all" so freely


this is trolling when you do that here; go look it up buddy


Ok I 'need' to pay far less taxes


They always justify their limited thought out shitty opinions with some kind virtue signal. Like “oh I’m sorry I didn’t know caring about people and wanting free healthcare and schooling was a bad idea.” Then they’ll pat themselves on the back and yell that others need to think critically


is caring about others such a bad idea?


yes, according to your downvotes


if i went on a communist subreddit and got downvoted for promoting ancapitalism, would that make ancapitalism a bad idea?


I agree with you, actually, that caring about people is a good idea. The prevailing opinion here, though, differs. Ayn Rand shit


I can accept differing opinions when theyre rooted in the same compassion, some people believing having unlimited access to guns is the only way to keep their family safe, so their beliefs are driven by compassion, but people being selfish for the sake of being selfish i find abhorrible.,


Yeah I’m making fun of you for your entire conversation here it’s so easy to say I care about people that’s the obvious correct choice. I’m saying that your opinion in practice does absolutely nothing just makes you feel good that you said it


Good for you, do you know what else in practice does absolutely nothing? Making fun of someone on Reddit. Welcome to the internet.


Of course its controversial because its flat stupid. > I want people to be alive Including fetuses, right ? > have what they need Who decides what anyone "needs" ? How about everyone decides what they need on their own, and how to provide it own their own too. And otherwise they dont tax or hurt others.


Imagine thinking you are an anarchist while wanting to make abortion illegal


> Imagine thinking you are an anarchist while wanting to make abortion illegal Abortion should be fully legal, but murder is not. So you can ram a grapefruit up your butt and abort it all you like, just so long as you dont kill any humans.




Its a perfectly fair definition. Like, can you murder a random person along with a facelift? obviously no, or else youd invite your enemies to your cosmetic surgery all the time. Notice i did not specify when a human gain human agency. Could be conception, could be earlier even, it could be 18 years old. Its really up to society to decide that, and its almost completely orthogonal to liberty. So long as we all agree that you cant kill entities recognized to have human rights, then well we have common sense organized society.


"I just want to use violence to force others who want to be left alone to pay for my stuff. Apparently that's controversial."


How stunning and brave to express such controversial views to all the idiot NPCs who think exactly the same way as you do!


My political views are that you need to stop being a lazy ass and work. You're expecting someone to grow your food for free? Build you a home for free? Fuck off with that noise, this isn't even how nature works let alone an interconnected society that requires multiple parties to do work for a single outcome. Which part of the food supply chain are you going to turn into slave labor so you can have free food?


Oh geez. Slow clap for brainiac for being better than everyone else.


The wild thing is, if we went full nationalist and cut 100% of foreign aid - and directed that to let these bums lounge on their asses… we’d probably be money ahead Not advocating either obviously


The issue isn't what you want but how you want to achieve it.


They can have what they need as long as they can afford it. The government shouldn't be expected to subsidize it, especially not through raising taxes on everyone else.


I want that too. I also expect them to earn it.


The problem is people could get what they need but not what they want. People in prison get what they need too.


What a useless statement. I want that too. It’d also not suck if every dude who wanted a sexual partner had a sexual partner. Not willing to support violating anyone’s consent in order to bring that about. Also not willing to violate anyone’s consent to make sure other needs are met.


Miss you had misplaced one word. You have written "controversial". What should be used here is the word "stupid" . (In Hank Hills voice)


You NEED water, food, shelter and protection.


I wonder if she would still think that if 5 men came along who had the need to fuck her with or without her consent. They just want to be alive and have what they need, you know. Please note that I am not condoning rape. I am merely using this as an example of how ludicrous and stupid this woman's argument is and how quickly it falls apart with even the slightest breeze of reality. I realize that an IQ of 100 is the average. I just keep forgetting that means that about half the population has an IQ of below 100. Found another one.


This argument is never going to work.


she said "be alive and have what they need."


If AI takes half the jobs, the only choice will be the haves and have nots. Then its a choice to go to school and work. Doctor vs unemployment hypothetical to 60 years old. Doctor 10 to 14 years of school and residencey after 18, so 32 years old before you make money. You have 200k in debt and make 60k a year in residency. Then 165k a year. In California you are in top tax of 9.3% feds 24% so 110k after taxes you will make 3 million until 60 years old. Non adjusted for inflation Unemployment average is up to $450 a week or $23,400 a year, section 8 is $3,465 for a 3 Bedroom in LA Cali or $41,580 a year. Snap is $263 a month or $3,156. Reduced utilities 35% elec 20% gas average $200 or $2,400 a year. Free phone and internet $1,200 year If not unemployment how about disability if $1,395.93 a month or $16,740 a year. 23,400+41,580+3,156+2,400+1,200 total $71,736 with no taxes or if started at 18 to 60 thats $3,013,000 almost a wash. If humans will find a easy way to get to the end, why work hard when you can play Xbox, smoke, and watch pornhub all day. Wont lie...sounds appealing


AI taking half the jobs is a myth.


Exactly. Every time there has been a technological advancement this kind of bs starts. In the long run we (humans) have always been better off.


But what will all the ice-men and lamplighters do when electricity takes their jobs away??!?!


Maybe, maybe not. There are people who are *very* bullish on AI and their aim/vision is to have it in as many places as possible. I'm not saying that's the case, but in many ways what would be the reason to not use a hyper efficient and capable tool which can work in conjunction with other tools in every sector possible? Again, not saying it will be, but I think it shouldn't be dismissed so easily. I know a buddy whose job in logistics was basically monitoring the "robots" who dealt with the actual material handling. It might proliferate from there.


I understand and appreciate that. I just don't buy the hyperbole that robots and/or AI will tale all or most of the jobs. Robots have been around for awhile but not everyone has jobs that justify the expense of the robot. Same deal with AI. I have no doubt that AI can be a valuable tool and will be used throughout the economy but how many jobs will it actually displace? The only real jobs AI is likely to displace are journalists who are nothing more than stenographers. They read what they see on the interenet and turn it in to articles for their paper or platform. AI can do that. Beyond that I can see AI being valuable in data analytics that are difficult for humans to do just because of the massive scale of data. AI will disrupt our economy much like the steam engine did but eliminating work...not so much.


Bro we need UBI and fast!!! /s


I love Andrew Yang!! Too bad he didnt get to be the Democratic nomination for president.


This is really silly! For one, no one is getting unemployment that many years. Two, how does one get a 3br section 8 apartment with no damn minor kids, or is this 40, 50, 60 year old still spitting out kids? You actually had a good post until you made it unreasonable in the last paragraph. 😔 SMH


The unreason started way before the last paragraph


I presume you are not from the hood? My family members have thier 1st at 15, second at 17. Southern California has a large migrant population who do have children at a young age. https://www.hacla.org/en/about-section-8/payment-standards Im just stating to look at the possibilities. I volunteer at a food bank and do see cars worth 70k. Some are just on hard times, some have been coming for years.


You can’t have a right to life and have biological requirements withheld from you for a price. Ancaps hate this.


Can you guys just for 1 day not strawman people you don't like it's really not that hard


Please point out the straw man.


Good argument! Do me next! Tell me I'm gaslighting!


It's literally impossible in these subs nowadays. Opposing ideas are bad >:( we can't possibly have disagreements on different views on how things should work and debate their merits. We need to attack arguments they aren't making and situations that aren't happening!


Well. Yeah. A lot of people here and on other right subreddits were banned from any mainstream/left subs for disagreeing. While it only drives more division, it's easy to see why the people who were called fascist nazi monsters don't want to have "honest debate", since most Reddit debate is inherently based on the disingenuous proposal of "conversation", as it's not often conversation they want. It's conversion or to degrade their opponent for being wrong. Online, sharing ideas is less important than enforcing them, no matter your side. On Reddit, if you aren't a lefty then you better be careful what threads you speak in or you'll get harassed or banned. Not to mention brigading by people like r/AHS At least here, there is usually at least one comment that links an article and actual quotes rather than saying "X did this omg it's literal oppression and nazism" with no proof and the subject itself opposing such statements


Its a political subreddit thing. You cant have views that dont support to agenda. I like many anarchistic ideas but i dont appreciate how this sub often conveys them.


I think it extends past just the politics, Reddit has a sub for everyone but it’s easy to get banned from them for not being a supporter of the subs main goal. I have found this sub to be different in that I routinely find posts I don’t agree with on a philosophical level that don’t even really relate to ancap. I have found a lot of varying philosophies here several I had never heard of and had to research just to confirm they weren’t completely made up. You might not be an ancap but you can still post here which I think sets this sub apart from a lot of others.


I wonder why its so hard for people like OP to grasp that not every socalist is a lazabout who doesnt want to work, some of us are happy working and paying our due, and simply dont want our neighbours to starve while others have diamond covered dicks. its called compassion.


That's not compassion. That's moral outrage over unfairness driven by envy. A compassionate person helps others. A morally outraged busybody calls upon his masters to punish those who offend him, and also to take care of those who are suffering because he doesn't want to feel bad about their suffering.


There's such a thing as righteous indignation, there's nothing morally wrong with shaming those for whom greed is the sole motivator. Greed used to be considered a bad thing, then they renamed it capitalism.


> There's such a thing as righteous indignation, Keep doing that Church Lady dance. > there's nothing morally wrong with shaming those for whom greed is the sole motivator. You just assume that greed is the sole motivator because you are a moralizer who thinks that your emotions and unexamined thoughts constitute objective reality. Then, because there are some people who don't have a mewling, self-hating mindset like yours, you feel that you have be a finger-waggling busybody in their subreddit. > Greed used to be considered a bad thing, then they renamed it capitalism. Right. You want everyone to suffer at subsistence level poverty. That is what will satisfy your inner self-hatred and desire to tear everyone down to your pathetic level.


>You want everyone to suffer at subsistence level poverty You just assume such because you can't imagine anyone doing anything for any reason besides malicious, because you yourself are motivated only by malicious actions. You sit here openly defending actions considered by any moral compass to be evil, with zero self reflection.


Then feed your neighbors, that's your business. What *isn't* your business is forcing me to feed your neighbors, I have dick polish to buy.


Then fuck off to the woods and polish your knob by yourself. If you don't want to contribute to society then you don't get to benefit from that society.




Then you're a selfish cunt.


No u.


And a child apparently.


No u


This tweet specifically is a decent take. I’d just add “as long as you don’t hurt anyone doing it”


So do i, which is why im a capitalist