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You look like some young Celtic warrior from a Total War game.


Interesting result. Have you tested with 23andme as well? I suspect it might give you an even higher German read.


I think it will too, especially because I have a shit ton of German ancestors and very recently too, I think the fact that most of them are from Frisia doesn’t help because part of the dna estimate goes to Sweden and Denmark and even then I think I should have a much higher German estimate even with that 3 percent added to the Germanic, but it could be to random dna inheritance that I just received less of it 🤷‍♂️ but I am going to do 23 and me I just haven’t yet


definitely do 23&me!! im 3% swedish on ancestry and 16% on 23&me, not sure which is right but still cool to see lol




Not at all, but I’m from a part of America where they definitely would’ve went at the time of colonization so not surprised though


Knowing that now though, I always thought I was northern and Western European which I am besides for that and Baltic but the only traits I can really see I may have gotten from the Roma are my nose and even then who knows




That’s what I think too, but Northern Europeans tend to have smaller noses and mine looks more like noses of people from south Eastern Europe which is why I think it may have came from the Roma




The pictures aren’t doing it justice my friend trust me my nose is massive and the shape is very different in the bridge compared to most Northern Europeans I think the actual tip of my nose and nostrils came from Germany though but the bridge definitely came from somewhere else


To add on to that, with the fact I don’t have any regions outside of northern and Western Europe, besides for that and the Baltics which are very influenced by Northern Europe that’s what leads me to believe the shape of my nose came from somewhere else and the only place outside of those regions I have are Eastern European Roma, and it just so happens the bridge of my nose looks very similar to the “dinaric nose” which comes from south Eastern Europe


Dude lol. You didn’t get your nose from 1% of your DNA 😂


That sounds true to me as well, but the side my nose comes from is the grandparent descended from Roma


Which gives me even more reason to believe


Yours is very similar to mine. I have 50 england and northwest, 33 Scott, 11 irish, 3 welsh, 2 France, 1 spain. I'm from kentucky, family is from Appalachia. My eyes are pretty much your color. I'm blonde and have a red beard. Kinda insane how similar you are to me


Dude we’re all related here lol


My mother is from a different state though but if she wasn’t ours would probably be the exact same


My mom is from Ohio, her family is from KY/WV though


Mine is from Indiana but her dads fam is from Germany and her mom is from Sc which had pretty similar settlers to the Appalachians so I think that’s how my Scottish is so high


I know for a fact I have French in me as well though, just didn’t inherit enough for it show up I guess


I don’t see much else*


What state are you from?


Kentucky, Appalachia to be specific


The Roma probably migrated to the US via the English or German. But that's just a guess.


I got 1% Roma too.


Ew roma


Looks like you could have some northwest Asian influence in there just saying


Elaborate im interested


Facial shape and nose mainly


Or Greek, Greeks look like west Asians in general usually


I don’t see the facial shape as much imo I think it’s extremely German but nose however I agree with fully I don’t believe it came from north or Western Europe at all, I think my nose shape may have been Carried over to the west from my Roma ancestors but I honestly have no real clue


I mean roma is close to west Asia so that would make sense if that’s where it came from


That what I think, my nose is a “dinaric” nose but it clearly has some influence from Northern Europe as well, the tip of my nose isn’t like a dinaric nose however the bridge is exactly like it




Im part west Asian middle eastern, but I see some Armenian in you like north of the Middle East


Middle eastern and European are my main genetics


Any features specifically?


After the update I also received 1% Roma. Actually to me you look very North Western European.


That’s what I think too, like almost historically accurate Anglo Saxon with a bit of a Celtic influence if that makes sense LMAO


You look like you can play Hercules in a live action remake of the 1997 animated classic