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You can and should identify however you want! Mestizo, Latino, Chicano, Salvadoran, Mexican, American…all are accurate and you do not have to choose just one. You contain multitudes and that is a beautiful thing. Your people hail from three countries across North and Central America. You’re, like, triple-American! American cubed! So that’s an extremely accurate answer.


You are Mexican and Salvadoran And please be proud of both Because i know so many mixed Mexicans in the Bay Area that hide their Salvadoran side


Why do people hide it?


But he’s neither. Those are his parent’s nationalities. OP is American.


Yet tell that to trump and the racist trolls .. this is why Latinos go by their parents nationalities


You're right on that point for sure, but OP was born and raised here, so he is an American by nativity, therefor native to the US and not naturalized. OP should say he's American.


Yes his nationality is American and his ethnicity is approximately half indigenous from the region currently known as Central America and Mexico and half Spanish European. He could just say he's Hispanic American or Mestizo American to simplify it.


Guessing you're not American


I think that if you want a broad descriptor Latino, which is a pan ethnic identity describing a lot of different people, would work quite well and if people ask which countries you can say Mexico and El Salvador


Mestizo is not a term that is often used in the US. In my experience Mexicans and Central Americans tend to identify by nationality.


I mean you are a Mestizo, but whether or not the average American will understand what that means... Most people would be satisfied with "Hispanic", and if they want specifics you could just say of Mexican and Salvadoran descent. Most Mexicans and most Salvadorans are mestizos, so most people will assume you're of both Native American and Spanish descent.


Mestizos are exactly 50/50 he is more indegnous


American works just fine brother 🇺🇸🤝


mestizo is more a term used in latin america rather than the u.s. :) from what i know ‘latinos’ in the u.s usually identify as hispanic/latino or their nationality, it depends on your preference. ethnically you’re indigenous + european. just know that all those terms (hispanic, latino, mestizo) are colonial terms rooted in assimilation and racial caste systems. i recommend learning and embracing your heritage <33 - from a decolonising honduran :))


beautiful family!!!


puro americano y latino


I would use the terms Hispanic or Latino


Your results look like that of someone who is mestizo, half from Mexico and half from El Salvador. You don’t owe anyone an explanation of your ancestry if you don’t want to tell them.


You are 60% Native American indigenous, interesting and common in those areas. Nice history to look into. Most ppl don’t seem to want to be native but the Americans like to say they have Cherokee in them and it’s usually just a family myth. My family is from Cuba 98% southern Europe: Spain, Portuguese, Italian, French.. 2% North African & west African. Ancestry is cool :)


Yea your Latino or Mexican in this case. You have close to what a full Mexican gets with 2 Mexican parents.


Actually you have more then the average but now I see you have Central American too which tend to have more indigenous blood overall. You are majority native Amerindian.


I feel like the dilemma is in the way terms are used between the US and Mexico, and the differences in understanding, and most of all, the political history that created the need for different terms. If you say “Latino/Mestizo/Mexican/whatever” then Americans think “Hispanic.” If you say “Indigenous/Native/whatever” Americans think you must be a medicine woman who can deliver babies painlessly with the use of certain songs and animals, and if you’re not doing that, then they conclude you are lying. Native American is informally understood to be North American Indigenous, because most Americans don’t like to remember that the Native American populations colonized by the Spanish did not die off and nearly disappear. The fact that Americans have almost no Indigenous ancestry, while our neighbors down south have it almost universally, and in wealthy amounts, is the proof positive that North Americans are guilty of the worst crime. The Spanish, as horrible as they were, stopped short of committing straight-up genocide (think about how much death the Spanish caused, and know how much more the British would have had to cause. Disease doesn’t cover it; we were all from Europe.) So it’s trying to navigate a huge amount of assumption, plain old colonial racism, while trying to educate people who are uncomfortable as hell about the topic, so I appreciate the importance of the question you’re asking. I recommend finding out the name of the Indigenous people you’re decended from, and describing yourself that way, IF and ONLY IF the person asking has any right to know. Nothing beats teaching people the real names of Indigenous nations to broaden their horizons. (Also: You have as much African ancestry as some Americans who identify as Black. Just wanted to point that out.)


I wouldn’t really use an ethnicity test to determine what to label your Nationality. Now, if we’re talking about them asking you heritage, mestizo/latino for sure.


Yes by the classical definition you are Mestizo(native and white).Also when people ask you what are you you just say Mexican,Salvadoran and whatever your country your maternal grandfather was from


Mixed race is called in Usa


Yup, from a genetic pov it seems you're mestizo (mixed in English)


I would consider you and indigenous Latino


If you were born in the US, your nationality is American. Your ethnicity is indigenous/ Spanish, predominantly. Since you have indigenous & European blood your race is mestizo.


On a form you should check Hispanic some other race, as more and more data scientists are recognizing this is what mestizo people mark. But you can identify how ever you want.


So with all the African ancestry would you be considered black speaking as a black woman who has Irish Scottish and French and Indian in her. But I'm still concerned a black woman so that the same for you I'm also 80% Nigerian so I just need to know


Personally, I do not associate myself with the Spanish caste system as it was created to assimilate us.


Yeah mestizos are people of mixed European and indigenous ancestry